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1、倒霉爱神Just My Luck倒霉爱神精讲之一影片对白:Ashley: Morning, Maggie.Maggie: Oh, what are you so chipper about?Ashley: Brad Pitt and Jude Law had a baby.and I just met him in the elevator.Colleague A: Braden & Company. Can I help you?Ashley: Somebody ordered Balduccis.Dana: Oh, yum. Excuse me. Whats happening on th

2、is body? Is this a new coat?Ashley: Yeah. Can you believe it? Sample sale. Fifty percent off.Maggie: And her coat met someone.Dana: David Pennington. Owner of the Boston Celtics David Pennington?Ashley: No, silly. Its his son.Dana: Impressive. But I, too, had a really great morning. Apparently, Satu

3、rn is in line with Neptune.Ashley: Dana, you know those things arent exactly factual, right?Dana: Ooh! Ooh! And my new song got a really polite rejection letter.from Two Tone Records.Maggie: But you know what they say: One door closes, and two doors open.Dana: Speaking of doors, uh, the Phillips mee

4、ting. When is it? Ashley: Now. All right, Ive gotta go take notes.Dana: Okay.Ashley: I will see you guys after.Maggie: Bye. Can I have one of those?Dana: Do you want the bran?Ashley: Where is everybody?- Alarm Blaring - All ShoutingDamon Phillips: Look, our SoundScans last week were 470,000. Thats w

5、hy we de. Yes, we deserve to be at the front of the store. Look, you tell him because I said so. You tell him Damon Phillips said so. Im hanging up now. I thought we had a meeting.Ashley: Oh, they should be here soon. If youd care to.Damon Phillips: Wait? This is a big insult. D. Doesnt wait for any

6、body.Damon Phillipss assistant: Yeah, thats right. No one. Okay? And he is furious. Aint that right?Damon Phillips: Its true. Im furious.Ashley: They should be here at any second. I promise.- Alarm Continues BlaringMiss Braden: Are you kidding me, people! Sara! Sara, do something!Ashley: Oh, look! I

7、 just got an I.M. From Miss Braden. And it says shes doing some final touches.on an extra special presentation for you, and shell be right here.Damon Phillips: Right. Do you know how much Downtown Masquerade Records made last year?Ashley: Yes. 507 million, gross.Damon Phillips: Therefore, you know h

8、ow much each and every minute of my time is worth.Damon Phillipss assistant: $964.Damon Phillips: Damn, thats a lot of money. I didnt expect that.Damon Phillips: Yeah, and that includes the time that youre sleeping.Damon Phillips: So even when I go poo-poo, Im makin money? Damon Phillipss assistant:

9、 Thats some expensive shit.Damon Phillips: Damn skippy. So you see why I cant afford to waste any time. And this is wasted time!Ashley: I completely understand that. If you could just give me a moment, then I will start. Please. If its not worth the minute, then I will give you $965.Damon Phillips:

10、Hmm. Ashley: Because personally I think youre underpaid.Damon Phillips: Hope you have your checkbook.妙语佳句,活学活用1. chipper: 高兴的,得意的。Maggie看见Ashley满面春风地走进门,所以问她:“你美什么呢?”2. sample sale: 样本特卖。后面的Fifty percent off则是指“打五折”。3. One door closes, and two doors open. 一扇门关上,就有两扇门打开,类似于我们常说的“天无绝人之路”。Dana的新歌收到了唱片公

11、司的rejection letter(拒绝信),所以她这样乐观地打趣自己。类似的说法是When one door closes, another door opens.4. hang up: 挂断电话。Do not hang up, please.就是“请不要挂断”的意思。5. I.M.: 即时讯息,instant message的缩写。6. touch: 修改,润色。Ashley谎称从Miss. Braden那里收到I.M.,说Miss. Braden正在进行final touches(最后的润色)。Touch在这里意为“修改,润色”,平时我们也常用finishing touches来表示这

12、种意思。7. underpaid: 所得报酬过低。例如: He complained of being underpaid.(他抱怨报酬过低。)Just My Luck倒霉爱神精讲之二影片对白:Dana: So, where is he taking you?Ashley: A basketball game. His dads team is playing Philly.Dana: Not sexy enough. Home or away?Ashley: Away.Dana: Let me guess.On his private jet which he flies himself?A

13、shley: So wrong. He has a pilot.Dana: Speaking of dates. Hello? We should try to find the dragon lady one for the bash. That way, she wont be all over us, watching our every move.Ashley: Mm. Good luck. Men of Peggys caliber dont exactly take ads in the Yellow Pages.Maggie: Could you possibly idolize

14、 her any more?Ashley: What? Shes sophisticated, glamorous, gets invited everywhere.and never has to stay home because she has nothing to wear.Maggie: Right. Nothing to wear.Dana: Wee, wee, wee.Ashley: Coming! Dana: Ill get it.Dana: Im coming.Ashley: Im coming! Find an outfit.Dana: I found one. Ooh,

15、ooh, ooh. Whoa. Who is that?Ashley: Down, girl. Youre drooling on my doormat. Oh, its my next-door neighbor.Dana: Who?Ashley: Shh. Antonio.Antonio: Oh, hey, Ashley.Ashley: Hey.Antonio: Your dry cleaning was delivered while you were out, so I took it.Ashley: Oh, you are such an angel.Thank you.Antoni

16、o: I do what I can. Big date tonight?Ashley: Kind of big. You?Antonio: Ah, every night is date night. Okay, Ill see you then.Ashley: Thanks.Dana: Bye. Oh, hey, Antonio. Are you free next Thursday?Antonio: Im never free. What do you have in mind?Ashley: Well, you wont want to miss this.Masquerade Rec

17、ords is throwing an outrageous promo party. Food, fun, dancing.and a blind date with my boss.Antonio: Your boss? Whats she like?Ashley: Shes very smart, strong, an independent woman.Antonio: Is she good-looking?Ashley: Of course. Antonio: Okay, look, if you think well hit it off, then thats good eno

18、ugh for me.Ashley: Oh, youre the best. Thank you so much. Bye. Oh, yes! A date for the dragon lady. You know, this isnt mine.Maggie:Whose is it?Ashley: Oh! Sarah Jessica Parkers.Dana: What?Ashley: Not kidding.Dana: I did not know Sarah Jessica Parker lived in your building. Oh, my God. And look, its

19、 Dolce.Ashley: Oh, my gosh. I can return it tomorrow.Dana: Let me look. Oh, yes.Your size. What are the odds?Maggie: Dont be jealous.Ashley: You know, this might actually look cute on me.Maggie: You should totally wear it tonight.Dana: Yeah, Im gonna need some chocolate now.Maggie: Im gonna need som

20、e milk.Ashley: Im gonna go try on the dress.妙语佳句,活学活用1.home or away?: 主场还是客场? 在比赛中,我们常用home和away来表示主客场。2.dragon lady: “龙夫人”。Ashley将Miss.Braden称为“dragon lady 是形容她非常严厉。3.bash: 美国俚语中,bash用来指“舞会,大型派对”,而bash的本意是指“猛击,重敲”,例如:He bashed the door in and entered the room. 他破门进入房间。4.caliber: 才干,水准。在这里,Ashley所说的

21、men of Peggys caliber意思是“能对上Peggy胃口的人。”5.drool: 流口水,胡说八道。Ashley说“你们把口水都流到地毯上了”,是来形容姑娘们见到帅哥Antonio时激动的心情。6.dry cleaning: 干洗。如果你家附近有dry cleaning shop(干洗店)的话,你就可以很方便地把标有Dry Clean Only(只能干洗)的衣服拿去dry cleaning。7.big date: 重要的约会。Michael Jackson is a big name in the music business. 迈克尔杰克逊在音乐界是个响当当的名字,但在演唱会之

22、前这个big moment(重要的时刻),他却去世了。8.blind date: 相亲,经由第三方安排的约会。9.hit it off:和得来。在这里,Antonio的意思是“如果你觉得我们会来电的话”。10.What are the odds?:Dana说这句话的意思是,莎拉杰西卡帕克(欲望都市女主角扮演者)的衣服错送到你这里,还恰好是你的尺寸,“你还指望什么呢?”我们平时还用What are the odds so long as you are happy?来表示“知足者常乐”。Just My Luck 倒霉爱神精讲之三精彩对白:Dana:How you feeling?Ashley:

23、Nervous.Dana: Shes gonna love it.Ashley: Okay. How about right here?Dana: Yeah.Miss Braden: This place is amazing!Dana: Quick. Shes ready.Ashley: Hi, Miss Braden. Sorry. Peggy. So, are you ready to be impressed?Miss Braden: Im ready to have questions.Ashley: Of course. I would hope so.Okay, so were

24、going for a carnival-like atmosphere. Well have an upscale mixture of V.I.P.s, celebs.and record industry insiders. Only, everyone will wear masks.Miss Braden: Interesting.Ashley: Well have a deejay, circus performers.fortune-tellers, atmosphere smoke and neon. Over here will be the V.I.P. Area. Wel

25、l have champagne. only the best. Dom Perignon served by waiters on stilts. And then a stage with Masquerades latest videos and professional dancers. And over there, little alcoves.with couches and with drapes to give people privacy. Overhead, sky dancers. You know, I want people to feel like anythin

26、g can happen here. Its gonna be a magical night.Miss Braden: The hired dancers?Ashley:Are doing their thing.Miss Braden:And Phillips?Ashley: Is happy and is going up in five. Peggy, Ive got it covered.Miss Braden: See that you do, my dear.Ashley: Oh, thank God.Thank you so much. I owe you big time.A

27、ntonio: So, which one is she?Ashley: Oh, shes the tall blonde one, near the fortune-teller.Antonio: Ah, very nice. - Yeah, shes a little high-strung.Antonio: No problem. It is gonna cost you extra.Ashley: Youre terrible. But a doll.Now go. I have work to do.Antonio: So do I.Man On Earpiece: Got anot

28、her freeloader.Ashley: What? No, no, no. If theyre not on the list, they cannot get in. No exceptions.The freeloader: Im on the list. Plus one. Im on the list. Its the jacket!妙语佳句,活学活用1. carnival-like: 像嘉年华一样的。Ashley计划把这个masquerade(化妆舞会)办成类似于嘉年华的饮宴狂欢。2. upscale: 高端的,高消费阶层的。这类upscale(迎合高层次消费者的)商品针对的顾

29、客通常住在upscale neighborhood(高档社区),在upscale market(高档商品市场)购买upscale fashions(高级时装)。3. deejay: 播放音乐的人,通常简称为DJ。4. fortune-teller: 算命者。Teller作为后缀,用来表示“的人”,例如:story-teller(讲故事的人)。而teller单独使用,则还可以用来指“出纳”。5. on stilts: 踩着高跷。在Ashley设计的这场masquerade(化妆舞会)中,waiters都是踩着高跷(on stilts)来为人们服务的。而如果说一个人talk on stilts,可

30、不是说他在踩着高跷讲话,而是说他“夸夸其谈,夸张做作”。6. alcove: 单间,在这里指舞会上为人们约会提供的私密隔间。家里装修的时候,还常隔出一件coat alcove(衣帽间)。7. I owe you big time: 我欠你一个大人情。owe someone a big time的意思就是“欠某人情,十分感激某人”,而big time单独使用,则是指“愉快的时光”。比如,在这次the big time(成功的商业演出)过后,Jim和他的同伴外出度假,They had a big time there.8. high-strung: 高度紧张的, 容易兴奋的.He is a hig

31、h-strung artist.(他是个容易激动的艺术家。)有时候我们也用这个词来形容某人“十分敏感”。9. doll: 美男子。美国俚语。如果我们称某个美女为doll,则是说她漂亮但没有头脑。10. freeloader: 不速之客,揩油的人。也就是我们口语中常说的“吃白食”。Just My Luck 倒霉爱神精讲之四精彩对白:Assistant: Hey, you. Are you okay?Jake: This is my new apartment?Assistant:I know. Its pretty amazing. Home theater, satellite TV. And at night, with the lights down low.lets just say this place is pretty mind-blowing.Jake: Uh, yeah, its pre. its pretty mind. you know, in broad daylight.Assistant: Well, the band is down the hall. The bar and the fridge are fully stocked. Oh,

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