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人教版七年级英语下册 Unit9What does he look like.docx

1、人教版七年级英语下册 Unit9 What does he look like Unit9 What does he look like?第四课时Section B (3aSelf Check)课前导学篇. 单词回顾1. 直的_ 2. 瘦的_3. 重的_ 4. 英俊的_5. 嘴_ 6. 圆形的_7. high_身高、高度 8. glass_眼镜9. actor_女演员 10. sing _歌手11. art_艺术家 12. different _不同地. 词组互译1. 看起来像 _ 2. 中等身材 _ 3. 长直发_ 4. 做卷曲的金发_5. 一点、少量_ 6.wear glasses_7.

2、the same way_ 8. in the end_9. wear jeans_ 10. be good at_. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. 你的妹妹长得什么样?她又高又瘦。What _ your sister _ _?She _ tall and thin.2. 迈克个子高还是矮?_ Mike tall _ short?3. 我妈妈不胖也不瘦,她中等身材。My mother _ heavy _ thin. She _ _ medium build.4. 他是一个既高又瘦的年轻人。He _ _ tall and thin young man.5. 我喜欢我的表弟因为他真的很酷很有趣。I l

3、ike my cousin _ _ is really cool and fun.1. 我哥哥擅长游泳。My brother _ _ _swimming. 句型转换。1. My friend is really tall and thin. (对画线部分提问)_ does your friend _ _?2. Mary has short curly brown hair. (改为一般疑问句)_ Mary _ short curly brown hair?3. Sam likes to wear jeans and a T-shirt. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Sam _ to wear?4

4、. My brother does well in English. (改为同义句)My brother _ _ _ English.5. The person is Wang Baoqiang. He wears a pair of sunglasses.(合并为一句)The person _ _ is Wang Baoqiang.课堂练习篇探究点1. real, really, true辨析1. Do you _ want to go?2. Let me tell you a _ story about a _ man.3. He is the _ English teacher.4. M

5、y English teacher will go to Shanghai. Its _.探究点2. in the end(at last), at the end of 辨析1. 电影院在这条街的尽头。The cinema is _ this street.2. 最终,你找到了你的书。You find your book _. 探究点3. different, difference, differently辨析1. English is _ from Chinese.2. There are some _ between the twins.3. They behave(举止) so _.

6、I dont believe they are brothers.探究点4. 有关put的短语1. 汤姆正在穿衣服。Tom is _ his clothes.1. 请把你的铅笔收好。Please _ your pencils.3. 请先把你的名字写在试卷上。_your name on you paper first.4. 举起你的手,回答问题。_ your hands and answer the questions.5. Its too cold today.Yes. Why dont you _ your coat.A. put on B. put up C. take off探究点5.

7、有关way的用法1. 请走这边。_ please.2. 你能以同种方是做这事吗?Can you do it _?3. 顺便问一下,你来自哪里?_, where are you from?4. 七点四十了,吉姆在上学的路上。Its 7:40. Jim is _ school.5. 这是去书店的路。This is _ the bookshop.6. Today, we have many other _ to pay besides coins or paper money.A. excuse B. ways C. chances课后提升篇. 单项选择。1. _does your favorite

8、 singer look like?AHow BWhat CWho2. What is the _ of the mountain?Its 4,000 metersAhigh Btall Cheight3. We remember _ the classroom after school every dayAto clean Bclean Ccleaning4. He sees a boy _ basketball with his friends nowAplay Bplays Cplaying. 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Nowmanyboysandgirlswearthesamec


10、seethatpersonwiththeredtrousersandlonghair?Isitaboyoragirl?”“Aboy,”saystheperson,“Heismyson,Jack”“Oh,”theoldmansays,“Areyouhisfather?”“Imnot,”theotherpersonsays,“Imhismother.” ()1.Thepassagetellsusitisnoteasytotellwhethermanychildrenareboysorgirls.()2.Onedayanoldmangoesforawalkinthestreet.()3.Theyou

11、ngpersonstandingontheothersideofthelakeisagirl.()4.ThepersonnexttotheoldmanisJacksmother.()5.Theoldmanthinksthepersonnexttohimisawoman. 书面表达 假如你结识了一位名叫Peter的新笔友,根据他发给你的有关信息,想你的同学做简要介绍。NamePeterAge14FromAustraliaLooks Medium height, a little heavy, short curly hairLikes Playing sports; readingWants t

12、o be reporter_中考全练 ( )1. 【龙东】Shallwemeetat8oclocknextSundaymorning?Iwontbefreethen.Letsmakeit_day.A.otherB.anotherC.theother( )2. 【齐齐哈尔】_ that pair of _ a little cheaper?A. Is; glasses B. Is; glass C. Are; glasses( )3. 【哈尔滨】Isshealotlikeyou?Somepeoplesaywelooklikeeachother.Werebothtall, andhavelongc

13、urlyhair.A.lookalike B.lookforward C.lookafterourselves( )4. 【龙东】Did you use to have long hair or short hair, Sally?_A. Yes, I did B. No, I didnt C. Long hair ( )5. 【绥化】A/An_canusehisdrawingstotellaboutbeautifulmountains,theblueseaandmanyotherthings. A. actorB.scientistC.artist话题归纳重点句型1. 重点词组1. 看起来像

14、 _ 2. 中等身材 _ 3. 长直发_ 4. 卷曲的金发_5. 一点、少量_ 6.wear glasses_7. the same way_ 8. in the end_9. wear jeans_ 10. be good at_11. 中等个子 _ 12. go to the movies _13. first of all _ 14. short/long hair _15. curly/straight hair _ 16. (be) of medium height _ 17. _ 大鼻子 18. _ 小嘴巴19. _ 圆脸 20. _金黄色的头发2. 重点句型 1. 你的哥哥长得什

15、么样?他又高又瘦。What _ your brother _ _?He _ tall and thin.2. 你妹妹个子高还是矮?他不高不矮,他中等个子。_ your sister tall _ short?She isnt tall or short. Shes of medium height.3. 我爸爸不胖也不瘦,他中等身材。My father _ heavy _ thin. He _ _ medium build.4. 他们留直发还是卷发?他们留卷发。_5. 那个戴眼镜的男人是我的英语老师._ 语法学习. 询问及描述长相1. 学会询问长相句型:What +do/does +sb.+l

16、ook like?eg: What do you look like? 你长什么样?What does he look like? 他长什么样?2. 学会描述长相三种回答1. 主语+be+形容词(表外貌特征的)2. 主语+have/has+名词(名词前可有多个形容词修饰)3. 主语+be of +build/height(指体形、身材、个头)eg:She is tall. 她个高。She has short hair. 她留着长头发。She is of medium. 她中等身材。 . 描述性形容词1. 定义:用来说明、修饰名词或不定代词,表示人或物的性质、特征或状态。2. 用法Its a b

17、ig and red apple. (定语)The book is very interesting. (表语) We must keep our classroom clean. (宾补)3. 多个形容词排列顺序基本顺序:限定词(冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数词等)+表示观点的描述性形容词+形状、大小、长短、高低+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区+物质材料+中心词that big round apple 那个又大又圆的苹果an cheap old Chinese computer一个便宜的中国的旧计算机第四课时Section B (3aSelf Check)课前导学篇. 1. straight 2

18、. thin 3. heavy 4. handsome 5. mouth 6. round 7. height 8. glasses 9. actress 10. singer 11. artist 12. differently. 1. look like 2. be of medium build 3. long straight hair 4. curly blonde hair 5. a little 6. 戴眼镜 7. 同样的方式 8. 最后9. 穿牛仔裤 10. 擅长. 1. does look like is 2. Is or 3. isnt or is of 4. is bot

19、h 5. because he 6. is good at . 1. What look like 2. Does have 3. What does like 4. is good at 5. with sunglasses 课堂练习篇探究点1. 1. really 2. true real 3. real 4. true探究点2. 1. at the end of 2. in the end 探究点3. 1. different 2. differences 3. differently 探究点4. 1. putting on 2. put away 3. Put down 4. Put

20、up 5. A 探究点5. 1. This way 2. in the same way 3. By the way 4. on his way to 5. the way to 6. B 课后提升篇. 1. B【解析】英语中常用“What dodoes+主语+look like?”这个句型来询问某人的外貌特征。2. C【解析】表示高度用height。3. A【解析】句意:每天放学后我们都记得去打扫教室。表示“记得去做某事”要用“remember to do sth”。4. C 【解析】see sbdo sth意为“看见某人做某事”,强调的是过程;see sbdoing sth意为“看见某人正

21、在做某事”,强调的是动作,根据题意可知答案是C . 15 T F F T F . One possible version:I have a new pen friend. His name is Peter. Hes from Australia. Hes 14 years old. Hes of medium height and hes a little heavy. He has short curly hair. He likes reading and playing sports. He wants to be a reporter. He thinks its a very i

22、nteresting job because he can meet lots of interesting people. 中考全练1. B 考查不定代词 other其它的,another多个中的另一个,the other两个中的另一个。句意为:我们下周日上午八点碰面,好吗?让我们定在另一天吧!B符合题意2. A 考查glass/glasses的同义辨析及主谓一致 glass玻璃,玻璃杯;glasses眼镜,that pair of glasses那副眼镜。句子的主语是that pair of.根据主谓一致原则可知选A 3. A 考查同意短语 look like each other:看起来

23、像对方与 look alike(看起来像)意思相同,故选A 4. C 考查选择疑问句的用法根据问句为选择疑问句,排除AB项,答语可以是其一,直接选择;也可以是第三种,但需要先回答Neither,故选C5. C 考查名词词义辨析 actor演员,scientist科学家,artist画家,doctor医生。句意为:一个画家能用图画描述崇山峻岭、蓝色海洋和其他很多事物。故选C 话题归纳重点句型1. 1. look like 2. be of medium build 3. long straight hair 4. curly blonde hair 5. a little 6. 戴眼镜 7. 同

24、样的方式 8. 最后9. 穿牛仔裤 10. 擅长. 11. medium height 12. 去看电影 13. 首先 14. 短/长发 15. 卷/直发 16. 中等个子 17. a big nose 18. a small mouth 19. a round face 20. blonde hair2. 重点句型1. does look like is 2. Is or 3. isnt or is of 4. Do they have straight or curly hair? They have curly hair. 5. The man with a pair of glasses is my English teacher.

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