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1、合同法司法解释一中英文对照In terpretatio ns The Supreme Peoples Court of Certa in Issues concerning The Applicatio n of The Con tract Law of The Peoples Republic of Chin a(Part One)最咼人民法院公告最高人民法院关于适用中华人民共和国 合同法若干问题的解释(一)已于19 9 9 年12月1日由最高人民法院审判委员会第 1 0 9 0次会议通过,现予公布,自19 9 9 年12月2 9日起施行。December 29, 1999 九九九年十二月十

2、九日Interpretations The Supreme Peoples Court of最高人民法院关于适用 中华人民共和国合同 Certain Issues concerning The Application of 法若干问题的解释(一)The Con tract Law of The Peoples Republic ofChi na(Part One)FaShi 1999 No.19 法释(1999) 19 号The Supreme Peoples Courts Interpretations (1999 年 12 月 1 日最高人民法院审判委员会 of Certain Issue

3、s Concerning the Application of 第 1090 次会议通过)为了正确审理合同纠纷 the Con tract Law of the Peoples Republic of案件,根据中华人民共和国合同法 (以下China(part One) is adopted at the 1090th简称合同法)的规定,对人民法院适用合同法 Session of the Adjudication Committee of the 的有关问题作出如下解释:Supreme Peoples Court on December 1, and is promulgated now, th

4、is law will be effective as of December 29,1999. Pursua nt to The Con tract Law of the Peoples Republic of China (here in after the Con tract Law), and with a view to facilitating the proper adjudication of con tractual disputes, we hereby promulgate the following interpretations of certain issues c

5、oncerning the applicati on of the Con tract Law by Peoples Courts:I. Scope of Application of the Law 一、法律运用范围Article 1 Where a suit is brought to a Peoples第一条 合同法实施以后成立的合同发生纠纷 Court in respect of a dispute arising out of a 起诉到人民法院的,适用合同法的规定; 合同 con tract formed after the operative date of the法实施以前成立

6、的合同发生纠纷起诉到人民 Co ntract Law, the provisio ns of the Con tract法院的,除本解释另有规定的以外, 适用当时 Law shall apply; where a suit is brought to a的法律规定,当时没有法律规定的,可以适用People”s Court in respect of a dispute con cerni ng合同法的有关规疋。a con tract formed before the operative date of the Con tract Law, except otherwise provided

7、herein, the provisions of the law in effect at the time shall apply, provided that if the law in effect at the time did not provide for such matter, the releva nt provisi on of the Con tract Law may apply.Article 2 Where a con tract was formed before the operative date of the Con tract Law, but the

8、prescribed time limit for performanee extends bey ond, or comme nces after, the operative date of the Con tract Law, if a dispute arises out of its performa nee, the releva nt provisi ons of Chapter Four of the Con tract Law shall apply.Article 3 In determ ining the validity of a con tract formed be

9、fore the operative date of the Con tract Law, if application of the law in effect at the time leads to its invalidation, but application of the Con tract Law leads to affirmati on of its validity, the Peoples Court shall apply the Con tract Law.Article 4 After the Con tract Law became operative, a P

10、eoples Court may only inv alidate a con tract in accorda nee with laws adopted by the National Peoples Congress or its Standing Committee, or admi nistrative regulati ons adopted by the State Council, and may not inv alidate a con tract in accorda nee with any local statutes or admi nistrative rules

11、.Article 5 Where a Peoples Court re-adjudicates a case on which a final judgment has been ren dered, the Con tract Law does not apply.II. Time Limit for Actio nArticle 6 In a dispute aris ing out of a tech no logy con tract, where infrin geme nt of the right of a party occurred before the operative

12、date of the Con tract Law, if there was a lapse of more tha n one year betwee n the date on which the party第二条 合同成立于合同法实施之前,但合同 约定的履行期限跨越合同法实施之日或者履 行期限在合同法实施之后,因履行合同发生的 纠纷,适用合同法第四章的有关规定。第三条 人民法院确认合同效力时,对合同法 实施以前成立的合同,适用当时的法律合同无 效而适用合同法合同有效的,则适用合同法。第四条 合同法实施以后,人民法院确认合同 无效,应当以全国人大及其常委会制定的法律 和国务院制定的行政法

13、规为依据,不得以地方 性法规、行政规章为依据。第五条 人民法院对合同法实施以前已经作出 终审裁决的案件进行再审,不适用合同法。二、诉讼时效第六条 技术合同争议当事人的权利受到侵害 的事实发生在合同法实施之前,自当事人知道 或者应当知道其权利受到侵害之日起至合同 法实施之日超过一年的,人民法院不予保护; 尚未超过一年的,其提起诉讼的时效期间为二knew or should have known that its right was 年。infrin ged and the operative date of the Con tractLaw, the People”s Court will no

14、 Ion ger en forcesuch right; where the lapse was less tha n oneyear, the time limit during which the party maybring a suit shall be two years.Article 7 In a dispute arising out of a technology第七条 技术进出口合同争议当事人的权利受 import/export con tract, where infrin geme nt of 到侵害的事实发生在合同法实施之前, 自当事the right of a pa

15、rty occurred before the operative 人知道或者应当知道其权禾U受到侵害之日起 date of the Con tract Law, if there was a lapse of至合同法施行之日超过二年的, 人民法院不予more than two years between the date on which 保护;尚未超过二年的,其提起诉讼的时效期 the party knew or should have known that its 间为四年。right was infrin ged and the operative date of theCon tra

16、ct Law, the Peoples Court will no Ion geren force such right; where the lapse was less tha ntwo years, the time limit during which the partymay bring a suit shall be four years.registrati on shall n ot impair the effective ness of the con tract, provided that such failure con stitutes an impedime nt

17、 to the con veya nee of title to, or such other real right in, the subject matter of the con tract .In the case of ame ndme nt, assig nment or term in ati on of a con tract as set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 77, Article 87, and Paragraph 2 of Article 96 of the Con tract Law, the provisions of th

18、e previous Paragraph apply.Article 10 Where the parties entered into a第十条 当事人超越经营范围订立合同,人民 con tract the subject matter of which was outside法院不因此认定合同无效。 但违反国家限制经 their scope of bus in ess, the Peoples Court shall营、特许经营以及法律。行政法规禁止经营规 pension, death ben efits, relocati on allowa nee or 利0 life in sura

19、 nee, or, a pers onal injury claim.Article 13 The article Where the obligor第十三条 合同法第七十三条规定的 渍务人delayed in exercising its creditors right against a怠于行使其到期债权,对债权人造成损害的”, third person that was due, thereby harmi ng the是指债务人不履行其对债权人的到期债务, 又obligee in Article 73 of the Contract Law refers不以诉讼方式或者仲裁方式向其债务

20、人主张 to the followi ng circumsta nee: The obligor fails 其享有的具有金钱给付内容的到期债权, 致使to render performanee which is due to the债权人的到期债权未能实现。 次债务人(即债obligee, and further, it has failed to enforce a务人的债务人)不认为债务人有怠于行使其到 creditors right which is due to it and which期债权情况的,应当承担举证责任。invoIves the payment of money aga

21、inst an obligor either through a suit in court or through arbitration, thereby frustrating the obligees realization of the creditors right due to it.Where the sec on dary obligor (i.e. the obligor of the original obligor) denies that the obligor has delayed in exercising its creditors right due to i

22、t, the sec on dary obligor bears the burde n of proof.Article 14 Where an obligee brings a suit of第十四条 债权人依照合同法第七十三条的规 subrogation pursuant to Article 73 of the定提起代位权诉讼的,由被告住所地人民法院 Con tract Law, jurisdict ion shall vest in the 管辖。Peoples Court in the place where the defe ndantis domiciled.Article 1

23、5 Where after bringing a suit against an第十五条 债权人向人民法院起诉债务人以 obligor to a Peoples Court, an obligee brings a后,又向同一人民法院对次债务人提起代位权 suit of subrogation against a secondary obligor 诉讼,符合本解释第十三条的规定和 中华人to the same court, if such suit complies with the 民共和国民事诉讼法第一 百零八条规定的provisions of Article 13 hereof as

24、well as the起诉条件的,应当立案受理;不符合本解释第 conditions for bringing a suit set forth in Article 十三条规定的,告知债权人向次债务人住所地 108 of the Civil Procedural Law of the Peoples 人民法院另行起诉。受理代位权诉讼的人民法 Republic of China, the court shall accept such院在债权人起诉债务人的诉讼裁决发生法律 suit; where such suit does not comply with效力以前,应当依照中华人民共和国民事诉

25、 Article 13 hereof, the court shall direct the讼法第一百三十六条第(五)项的规定中止 obligee to bring a separatesuit to the Peoples 代位权诉讼。Court in the place where the sec on dary obligor is domiciled.Before judgment on the suit brought by the obligee against the obligor takes legal effect, the Peoples Court adjudicati

26、ng the suit of subrogati on aga inst the sec on dary obligor shall stay such suit in accordance with Item (5) of Article 136 of the Civil Procedural Law of thePeople”s Republic of Chi na.Article 16 Where in a suit of subrogation第十六条债权人以次债务人为被告向人民法 brought to a Peoples Court, an obligee names院提起代位权诉讼

27、,未将债务人列为第三人 only the seco ndary obligor as the defen da nt的,人民法院可以追加债务人为第三人。 两个without also naming the original obligor as an 或者两个以上债权人以同一次债务人为被告 in terested third person, the Peoples Court may提起代位权诉讼的,人民法院可以合并审理。 add the original obligor as an interested third person.Where in suits of subrogation b

28、rought separately by two or more obligees, the same sec on dary obligor is n amed as the defe ndant, thePeoples Court may combine the suits for adjudicati on.Article 17 In a suit of subrogation, if the obligee 第十七条 在代位权诉讼中,债权人请求人民 petitions the Peoples Court for preservative法院对次债务人的财产采取保全措施的, 应当meas

29、ure against the assets of the secondary 提供相应的财产担保。obligor, it shall provide appropriate financialassura nee.Article 18 In a suit of subrogation, the secondary第十八条 在代位权诉讼中,次债务人对债务 obligor may, in respect of the obligee, avail itself人的抗辩,可以向债权人主张。债务人在代位 of any defense it has aga inst the orig inal obl

30、igor.权诉讼中对债权人的债权提出异议, 经审查异In a suit of subrogation, where the obligor raises 议成立的,人民法院应当裁定驳回债权人的起 a defense against the obligees claim, if the 诉。Peoples Court affirms the defense, it shalldismiss the suit brought by the obligee.Article 19 In a suit of subrogation, if the obligee 第十九条 在代位权诉讼中,债权人胜诉的,

31、 prevails, the court fee shall be borne by the诉讼费由次债务人负担,从实现的债权中优先 sec on dary obligor, and shall be paid in priority 支付。out of the proceeds from the en forced creditorsright.Article 20 Where an obligee brings a suit of第二十条 债权人向次债务人提起的代位权诉 subrogati on aga inst a sec ondary obligor, and the讼经人民法院审理后

32、认定代位权成立的, 由次Peoples Court affirms the subrogation, the债务人向债权人履行清偿义务, 债权人与债务secondary obligor shall perform the payment人、债务人与次债务人之间相应的债权债务关 obligati on, whereup on the respective 系即予消灭。obligee-obligor relati on ships betwee n the obligee and the obligor, and betwee n the obligor and the sec on dary obligor, are discharged accord in gly.Article 21 In a suit of subrogation, where the第二一条 在代位权诉讼中,债权人行使代amount in subrogation claimed by the obligee位权的请求数额

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