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The Power of the Dog《犬之力》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、The Power of the Dog犬之力完整中英文对照剧本我父亲去世后When my father passed我只希望我的母亲能幸福地生活I wanted nothing more than my mothers happiness.如果我不帮她渡过难关 不去拯救她For what kind of man would I be if I did not help my mother.那我还算什么人呢If I did not save her.蒙大拿 1925年你没吃东西吗 -没有Youve not eaten? -No.你想清楚了吗 小胖子Have you figured it out

2、 yet, Fatso?什么What?我们从老头老太手里接管农场已经有多少年了How many years since we took over the ranch from the Old Gent and Old Lady?为什么问这个Why?见鬼 想一想吧Oh, hell. Think about it.你有试过这房♥间的浴缸吗Have you ever tried the house bathroom?没有 没试过No, I have not.明天要早点走 兄弟 我们要上路了Early off tomorrow, brother, think Ill drive.有只奶牛

3、死了 让咱们的牛离远点Theres a dead cow. Keep our cattle away.发生什么了 -炭疽热 别碰What happened? -Anthrax. Dont touch.好吧Well我想就是这样了Guess this is it.什么这样 菲尔Whats it, Phil?什么这样?Whats it?好吧 小胖子 我告诉你怎么了All right, Fatso, Ill tell you what it is.距离我们第一次一起经营农场已经25年了Twenty five years since our first run together.1900年到现在 没啥大

4、成就Nineteen hundred and nothing.确实很久Thats a long time.但也不算太久But not too damn long.你知道我们该做什么吗Do you know what we should do?做什么Whats that?再去山上露营Go camping again in the mountains然后打猎搞点新鲜肝脏来and shoot ourselves some fresh elk liver.然后就在炭火上烤了Cook it right there on the coals.像布朗科亨利以前教我们的那样Like Bronco Henry

5、taught us.你不舒服吗You got a sore gut?不是No.你貌似不想听到这个名字You act like it pains you to hear those two words together.我们该走哪条路Which way do we lead them?我们是往右边走吗Were going right.没错Got it.继续走Hang on to it.今晚会有12名客来Therell be 12 for tonight.知道他们喜欢吃什么吗Do you know what they prefer to eat?他们想吃炸鸡They like the fried

6、chicken dinner.什么事Yes?我可以进你的房♥间吗?Im going to need your room.当然All right.你在干什么What are you doing?没什么Nothing.这是本相册吗Is that an album?也不完全是Not really.我能看一下吗 -当然May I? -Sure.喜欢这房♥子吗Do you like the mansion?打扫起来一定很累Too much to clean.你不用打扫You wouldnt have to clean it.会有清洁工来打扫的Therell be cleane

7、rs.哦 她可真漂亮Oh, shes beautiful.我喜欢她手里的花I like her flowers.噢 这做的真精巧 彼得Oh, thats clever, Peter.真可爱They are so lovely.谢谢Thanks.放桌上装饰的吗For the tables?没错Sure.需要杀三只鸡 能帮我一下吗I need three chickens. Can you do them?可以All right.你得把你的东西搬到棚子里You gonna have to move your stuff to the shed.我会在棚子的地上给你搭张床Ill make a bed

8、 for you on the floor.亲爱的丈夫 罗斯和彼得的父亲约翰戈登博士 1880-1921年嘿 走哪条路Hey, which way?女士们好Ladies.谢谢Thank you.他来了吗 -没有Is he there? -Nope.不等了 还有牲畜要照看呢 大家放开喝吧Well, we cant wait forever. Cattle are in the yards so drink up.不要说点什么吗 -不了You gonna say something? -Nope.等我弟弟来了再说吧Not without my brother.你刚去哪了Where were you

9、?我不能让大家都等你一个人Look, I cant make the boys hold back forever.没事Thats fine.我刚检查了一下 发现停电了 明天早上才恢复I checked the power, and its held up, not coming till the morning.我不喝 谢谢Oh no, thanks.菲尔 隔壁的红磨坊餐厅已经准备好了 可以过去了Phil, theyre ready for us next door at the Red Mill.吃晚饭了 兄弟们Dinner time, boys.走吧 走吧Lets get a move

10、on.二十五年前 你在哪呢 乔治老弟 嗯?Twenty five years ago, where were you, Georgie boy, hm?什么 -我来告诉你吧What to you? -Ill tell you.你还是一个大腹便便 脑袋空空 连大学都没读完的人Chubby know-nothing, too dumb to get through college.很多人帮过你 小胖子 特别得提及一个人People helped you, Fatso. One person in particular.那个人教会我俩怎么经营牧场 所以我们最好干出一番事业Taught you and

11、 me ranching so we damn well succeeded.布朗科亨利Bronco Henry.所以So这一杯敬我们两兄弟 我们就像罗莫路和勒莫兄弟So to us, brothers, Romulus and Remus,敬养育我们的母狼and the wolf who raised us.敬布朗科亨利 -敬布朗科To Bronco Henry. -To Bronco.敬布朗科Al lupo. -To Bronco.敬布朗科亨利To Bronco Henry. -Al lupo?敬布朗科亨利To Bronco Henry.老大走了 我们跟上Boss is leaving.吃

12、晚饭了 伙计们Dinner, boys.谢谢招待Much obliged.萝丝 可以为我们弹一曲钢琴吗Rose, Rose, would you play piano for us, please?不行I cant.拜托啦 萝丝 弹琴 弹琴Come on, Rose. Play! Play!一切都好吗Is everything all right?是的 女士 都很好Yes, maam, fine.好吧 好啊Well. Well很漂亮吧Aint them pretty?噢 是的.好吧Oh, yeah Well我想知道是哪个小姑娘做的这花I wonder what little lady made

13、 these?其实是我做的 先生Actually, I did, sir.我妈妈是花匠My mother was a florist,所以我照着我们院子里的花做了这些so I made them to look like the ones in our garden.噢 好吧 请原谅我Oh, well, do pardon me.这些花非常逼真Theyre just as real as possible.好了先生们 都好好瞧瞧 那才是布的正确用法Ah, now, gentlemen, look, see, thats what you do with the cloth.好吧Right.这只

14、是用来擦酒滴的 -听到了吗 兄弟们Thats really just for wine drips. -Oh, you got that, boys?只用来擦酒滴Only for the drip.现在给我们上些吃的Now get us some food.布朗科在这里吃过饭吗Did Bronco ever eat here?不 他没来过No, he did not.那你们在哪吃的饭So where did you eat?那会我们在酒吧吃鲱鱼Oh, back then we had herring at the saloon,然后喝很多酒and whole lot of alcohol.我记

15、得有一次布朗科打赌I remember this one time Bronco made this wager他可以骑着任何一匹马that he could jump any horse,跃过酒吧的桌椅在街上堆出来的障碍物over the tables and chairs at the saloon piled up in the street好吧.我们给他选了匹老马Well we chose him a nag, all right.没难倒他Didnt bother him.他把他的马鞍卸了He took off his saddle.往那堆桌椅骑过去 一直对着马说个不停Walked t

16、he horse up to the tables and chairs talking to him all the while,马猛咬的时候 轻抚着他的丑陋大脑袋stroking his big ugly head while the horse sniffing然后他挥起马鞭And then he swung on骑着他往后退了些 接着.and rode him back and然后呢What?一跃而过Flew over.他跳过去了?He jumped it?但是让一匹老马跳起来But to get a nag to jump,从没听过这种事aint heard of.还有更多好戏呢Pu

17、t it down to amore.乔治 你觉得呢What do you say, George?你来请讲讲还有什么故事Amore?我不知道你在说什么I dont know what youre talking about.你能安静点吗 我们吃饭呢Do you mind quietening? Were reading.给我停下来 否则我来帮你停Shut that down or I will!你还好吗 彼得Are you all right, Peter?你要去哪Where are you going?走吧Lets go.走啦Lets go.你先走吧 我要结账Go on over, Ill

18、 settle up.早上再结吧Settle in the morning.就一会儿I wont be long.戈登女士 我现在可以结账吗Shall I settle up now, Mrs. Gordon or你可以.Please, you can把账单给我 我会开支票的send the bill, Ill post a cheque.我说我爱你I said I love you.我知道你爱我I love you.我也爱你I love you too.1925年8月菲尔伯班克乔治George?乔治George?你去哪儿了Where have you been?菲尔 你今天评价她儿子的话.W

19、hat she said about her boy tonight, Phil让她哭了made her cry.这也能听到?She had an ear to the door?菲尔 她哭了She was crying, Phil.什么情况啊What the hell?我就说了她儿子要振作起来 有点人样I said her boy needed to snap out of it and get humane.我只是明说出来了Pointed it out, thats all.她又不是不知道She should damn well know.抓好了Hold it.来吧Come on.他成功了

20、Hes got it.他比以前差远了He was better before.他快会了Hes getting there.布朗科亨利也是这样学的吗Is that how Bronco Henry learnt it?然而他只是整天躺在那 无所事事Never saw him out on the lounge, thats the fact.菲尔 你在看什么What is it you see out there, Phil?那边有动物吗Are animals out there?还有其他人看到了吗 菲尔Has anyone else seen what youve seen, Phil?乔治吗

21、George?他没有Nah, not him.到底是啥啊 菲尔 Come on Phil, what is it?那里有东西 对吧There is something there, right?你看不到的话 那啥也没有Not if you cant see it, there aint.肯定是什么动物Gotta be an animal.蒙大拿州旅馆你好 伯班克先生Hello, Mr. Burbank.你好 戈登女士Hello, Mrs. Gordon.有什么事吗How can I help you?我就是来看看你I really just came to see you.我有点忙Im qui

22、te busy.这瓶健康的酱汁搭配上This most wholesome sauce is excellent肉 鱼 和奶酪口感俱佳with meats, fish and cheese.他们正在喝红酒They have wine with them.真希望他们少喝点I wish the wouldnt do that.我讨厌酒I dont like drinking.我感觉他们怕是喝了别的酒 不止是红酒Id say they have more in them than wine, sounds like booze.还早着呢Theyre early.我就不该把钢琴放那的Should ha

23、ve never put the pianolo in there.水在这里Heres the water.我看见赫恩登镇上的医生和殡仪馆的威尔斯先生在里面I see the Herndon Doctor and the undertaker, Mr. Wells.天啊 我真希望彼得在这Goodness, I wish Peter was here.他原本该帮我上沙拉.He should be serving the salad and而我该去炸炸鸡I need to fry the chicken.要是有人能帮我上菜就好了Sometime if you get food on the tab

24、le伯班克先生Um, Mr. Burbank,我去叫彼得Im gonna run and get Peter.下午好Good afternoon.就当我是新来的服务员吧Looks like Im the new waiter.医生 你好The Doctor.伯班克先生Mr. Burbank.威尔斯先生Mr. Wells.鬼鬼祟祟地回来 干嘛去了I didnt know any snow down below.没什么事None to speak of.醒都醒了 我要卷根烟抽抽Well, I guess Ill roll me a smoke since Im woke up.你走了多远How f

25、ar did you get?沙滩 我本来就想去那Beach, thats where I aimed for.沙滩?Beach?小乔治 你去那干什么What were you doing down there, Georgie boy?找女人鬼混去了?Little tomcatting?我和戈登女士聊了聊I was speaking to Mrs Gordon.哦 对Oh, yes.她趴在你肩膀上哭She cried on your shoulder.她确实哭了So she did.给她点机会 她就会求着我们给南希小姐大学学费了Give her half a chance and shell

26、 be after some dollar for Ms. Nancys college fee.你还记得在我们勃起之后Remember how the Old Lady brought those girls out to the ranch老太马上就把那些女孩子带出农场了吗as soon as we could get hard-ons?天呐Oh, my God.记得那个会做番茄汤的女王吗Remember the tomato soup queen?她不是写给你Wasnt it her that wrote to you,我永远会记得西部的月亮吗I always will remember

27、 the western moon.我猜你不需要先在她头上套个麻袋Well, I guess you couldve taken her out才能带她出去约会without first putting a sack over her head.不像其他人Unlike some others.好了 晚安 菲尔Well, night, Phil.如果你只想要睡她 小胖子If its a piece of ass youre after, Fatso我知道你♥他♥妈♥的不需要别人的许可Im damn sure you can get it without

28、a license.等下Hold it.这些你要怎么办What do you do with these?我♥操♥Goddamn.你要把它们裁了还是怎样Do you cut them up or something?乔治George has他又走了Hes gone again.他跟一个got himself丈夫自杀了的tangled寡妇with a纠缠suicide在一起widow.还有And her她half乳臭未干的cooked儿子son.给你的大桌子上放个小桌子Little desk to your big desk.菲尔 -怎么了Phil? -Yeah.我的

29、老兄弟Got your old timer.给老太写信了吗Did you write to the Old Lady?写了 我在信里什么都说了Yeah, I dropped them both a line.你提到萝丝了吗Did you say something about Rose?没错 萝丝Yeah, Rose. Well,老太也会跟我感觉一样You know as well as I do what the Old Lady would feel如果她知道if she heard you were你跟那个女人在一起getting mixed up with her.她可能会气得吐♥血♥Shed like the other hemorrhage.老太的感受The Old Lady would feel as会像一 个伯班克夫人one Mrs. Burbank would feel对另一个伯班克夫人的感觉一样for

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