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1、北京初二初中英语期中考试带答案解析北京初二初中英语期中考试班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_一、单项选择1. This is my sister. _ name is Lucy. AYourBHerCMyDHis2.My father was born in Beijing _1965. AatBinCofDon3. What is your favourite _, Tom? I like English best. AcolourBsubjectCsportDseason4.I think this room is _ than yours. AbiggerBbigCbiggestDthe bi

2、ggest5. My mother often tells me _ to MP3 while I am doing my homework. Ato listenBnot listenCnot to listenDlistening6. Where is your mother, Jack?She is busy _ a cake. I will have a birthday party tonight. AmakeBmadeCmakingDto make7.- Can you sing this song in English? - Yes, I _. AcanBmustCmayDnee

3、d8. The bus was empty, there was _ on it AsomebodyBanybodyCnobodyDeverybody9. He always has a _ with him because he enjoys taking photos. AcameraBdictionaryCclockDcomputer10. Hurry up,youll be late for class. AorBsoCandDbut11. -What do you often do after class?- I often play basketball _ my friends.

4、 AwithBforCfromDto12.Mum, Love Me Once Again is a very moving film. I_ it twice already. AseeBam seeingCwill seeDhave seen13.- _do you play computer games? - Once a week. AHow oftenBHow farC How longDHow many14. She didnt tell us _the day before. Ahow did she come hereBhow she came hereChow will she

5、 come hereDhow she will come here二、完形填空 Today, many people send cards, presents and flowers on Mothers Day to show their love, but few people know how Mothers Day started. The earliest festival for _ was from Greece. Christians (基督教徒) celebrated this festival on the fourth Sunday. In England, people

6、 celebrated the holiday to _ all the mothers and called it “Mothering Sunday”.In America, Mothers Day started nearly 150 _ ago. Anna Jarvis, a housewife, organized a day to raise peoples awareness(意识) of the poor. She believed that mothers would _ her. She called it “Mothers Work Day”. In 1905 whe_n

7、na_, her daughter, also named Anna, began an activity in memory of the work of her mother. She _ what her mother said, “There are many days for _, but none for mothers”. She wrote letters to lots of famous people asking for a day for mothers. After three years, Anna handed out her mothers favorite f

8、lowers, white carnations (康乃馨) at a church. In 1913, the government (政府)decided that officials(官员) would wear_ carnations on Mothers Day. The next year, Mothers Day_an American national holiday and it was on the second Sunday in May.Soon , more and more countries began to _ Mothers Day. It became a

9、popular holiday all over the world.【1】AsistersBmothersCfathersDTeachers【2】AthankBallowCdiscoverDtreat【3】AdaysBweeksCmonthsDyears【4】AchangeBsupposeCsupportDadvise【5】AdiedBwokeCranDstarted【6】AcheeredBremindedCforgotDremembered【7】AflowersBmenCstarsDanimals【8】AwhiteBredCyellowDpink【9】AbecameBnamedCplann

10、edDimagined【10】A inviteBexpressCcelebrateDdevelop三、阅读理解1.Teens Life at SchoolMary, 12, AmericaI like many kinds of fruits. And my favorite is banana. Its yellow and looks like a bright new moon. It not only looks good,but also tastes good. Its sweet and delicious. So I eat it every day.Mike, 14, Eng

11、landI like reading detective(侦探) stories. My favorite cartoon is Detective Conan. The main character ,Conan, is my favorite star.He is a smart and brave boy. I want to be a great detective like him.Zhang Fang ,13, BeijingI am now a grade 8 student. I began reading Teens in Grade 4. Now I am happy to

12、 be a Teens reporter. It is fun! And it can help you with your studies. Of course, it feels good to have your story in the newspaper. 【1】 Who is a big detective fan? AMikeBMaryCMayDZhang Fang 【2】Where is Mary from? AAmericaBEnglandCBeijingDChina 【3】What is Zhang Fang happy to be ? Aa good readerBA T

13、een reporterCA detectiveDA Conan fan2.Smoking is a very bad habit. It is one of the worst things that kids or adults do to their bodies. It can cause different kinds of diseases(疾病), such as cancer(癌症) and heart disease. In middle schools, there are about 10% of the students smoking. Some students m

14、ay start smoking because it looks cool. Others might think it is a way to look like an adult.If some of your friends smoke, you should ask them to stop. Here are some reasons you can give.* It is bad for their health.* They will pay a lot of money for it.*Their fingers and teeth will turn yellow.*Th

15、ey may not live long.* It will also damage the health of their families.You can tell your friends about these problems. Your friends may be interested in learning more about the dangers of smoking. But people dont like to hear others say theyre doing something wrong, so they could also be a little a

16、ngry. If that happens, do not mind. Your friends will know that you are right in the future.【1】If there are 1,000 middle school students, there will be about _ students smoking.A. 10 B 100 C 200 D 500【2】The underlined word “damage” means“ _ ”in Chinese. A伤害B记录C改善D治疗 【3】If your friends get angry with

17、 you,_. Ait means you are wrongByou should leave them right away.Cyou dont need to care about itDthey will stop smoking quickly 【4】The passage is probably from_.A. a sports reportsB. a health magazineC. a travelling book D an interesting storybook.【5】Which is the best title of this passage? AThe Rea

18、sons for SmokingBThe Dangers of SmokingCHow to Start SmokingDHelp Your Friends Stop Smoking3. Anger is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when a friend borrows your favorite video game and then bre

19、aks it, you can get really angry.Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break something or hit someone, but sometimes you hide your anger. For example, you may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do

20、 this , you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.In fact, its not good to hide your anger, and its important for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting others or yourself.When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. Its helpful

21、to talk about your anger with an adult, such as a parent ,a teacher, etc. When you talk about anger, those bad feeling can start to go away. Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: talk to a good friend ;count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug ; go for a bike ride; think

22、about good things, etc.Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse. Dont let your anger control you.【1】 According to the passage, which of the followings WONT make you angry? Aa lot of homeworkBLosing a game.CGetting something from your friendsDYour broken video

23、game. 【2】Its better to _ when feeling angry. Ahide itBhit someoneCtalk about itDbreathe faster 【3】From the passage, we know that it is _to get angry. AhelpfulBnormal(正常的)CwrongDstrange四、补充句子 This morning I went to the shoe shop at 8:00 am to buy a pair of shoes. When I got there, I watched a foreign

24、 lady talking to a salesgirl.【1】They both looked worried.I went up to help them . I had a short conversation with the lady first. Later , I knew that the lady is an Australian and she wanted to buy a pair of traveling shoes.【2】_The lady was very glad when she got her favorite shoes in her hands. Bot

25、h of the lady and the salesgirl said thanks to me. The Australian lady told me that she enjoyed traveling here in Beijing._【3】_I know a lot about the famous places in Beijing. I introduced many nice places to her. We soon became friends.In the afternoon ,we went out traveling together. We had a good

26、 trip for two hours._【4】_ I had a wonderful experience today and I felt happy that I could talk with people in English freely.A. Traveling is my favorite hobby.B. So I enjoyed traveling ,too .C. So I told it to the salesgirl.D. But the salesgirl didnt understand what the foreigner was saying.E. At 6

27、:00 pm, I invited the lady to my home for dinner. 五、书面表达1.Alexander Graham Bell was a British man who was a teacher to people who could not hear. He was born in Edinburgh , Scotland in 1847 and went to school in Edinburgh and London. People who cannot hear any sounds at all are called deaf people, a

28、nd Alexander became interested in helping them to learn to speak. He taught people how to use their mouths to make the sounds needed for talking.Bells family moved to Canada in 1870 and to the USA in 1871. For several years he taught the people who could not speak in Boston( 波士顿). But at the same ti

29、me he was developing a way to use electricity to send the sounds of talking along a wire(电线), and he made the first telephone in June, 1875. He worked hard in his workshop for six months with his helper Tom Watson. Finally , he spoke these famous words slowly into the telephone, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” And Watson came to him.The telephone developed quickly in the USA over the next few years.

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