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1、届高考英语调研卷联考卷二全国1卷通用版解析Word版2020年高考调研卷&联考卷(二)英语试卷本试卷6页,满分120分。考试用时120分钟注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等 相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。2.选择题每小题选出答案后,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。 .3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域 内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅 笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4. 考

2、生必须保证答题卡的整洁。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂。ABuckingham PalaceIt is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II in London. The architectural core of Buckingham Palace is the former Buckingham House,built in 1703. You can visit the state rooms

3、from August to October when the Queen is on holiday. It is one of the worlds most familiar buildings. It has 775 rooms. During the summer the famous Changing of the Guards takes place at the front of the palace at 11:30 and is a popular event for visitors to the capital.Big Ben and Westminster Palac

4、eIt is one of Londons best-known landmarks. Big lien is the name of the clock inside the Clock Tower. It lies at the north-eastern end of the Houses of Parliament. Westminster Palace is one of the largest parliaments in the world. It was built between 1840 and 1880.The Tower of LondonThe Tower of Lo

5、ndon is a historical monument in Central London on the north bank of the river Thames. It was founded by William the Conqueror. It was a palace and a prison (for Queen Elizabeth I for example).There you can see strange guards called “the Beefeaters”. Since the beginning of the 14th century, the Towe

6、r of London has been the home of the world famous British Crown Jewels-they are a must of your visit!Trafalgar SquareIt was named in 1835 to give honour to the memory of the British victory over the French at Trafalgar in 1805. There is a huge statue of Admiral Nelson (the British hero killed during

7、 the battle) in the middle of the square. It is a popular tourist attraction with the four lion statues.1Which has the second longest history?ATrafalgar Square. BThe Tower of London.CWestminster Palace. DBuckingham House.2What is The Tower of London noted for in the world?AIts strange guards. BIts B

8、ritish Crown Jewels.CIts founder. DIts geographical site.3Why was Trafalgar Square built?AA battle happened here. BIt could be good for tourism.CAdmiral Nelson was horn here. DFour lion statues had been built.B It was with noble purpose that Eric Lichtblau came to write “ Return to the Reich” . He w

9、anted to celebrate the anonymous, unsung heroes of World War . Eli Rosenbaum, a long-time Nazi hunter, suggested the author look up Freddy Mayer, who led one of the wars most successful spy efforts. Mr. Lichtblau seized on the advice and immediately set out to meet Mayer, who was by then 94. During

10、their conversation, the author learned how a Jewish kid from Freiburg fled Nazi Germany, arrived in America and eventually joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), to be dropped as a spy into occupied Austria. Later in life, he was asked by an interviewer what made him such a good spy. “Chutzp

11、ah!” he responded. “I was afraid of absolutely nothing.”Mayer was only 11 years old in 1933 when Hitler became chancellor (JI) of Germany. The boys father, a decorated war veteran, thought his prior service to his country would protect his family from the rising tide of anti-Jewish. This didnt stop

12、a boy at school from calling Freddy a “stinking Jude” . Eventually he was forced out of school and in March of 1938 the Mayer family emigrated to the United States. In Brooklyn, New York, 16-year-old Freddy worked as an automobile mechanic, bouncing from job to job as he sought better wages to help

13、support his family. In October 1942, Mayer finally succeeded in enlisting and left for basic training. He made himself a natural leader and an ingenious soldier with a remarkable ability to improvise in unexpected situations. Given that he was also trilingual he spoke German, English and French its

14、a wonder the OSS took so long to recruit him. Mr. Lichtblau delivers the account with pure admiration for his hero. Despite his intention to reveal an untold story of bravery, Mr. Lichtblau does not furrow much new ground here. But one can understand why the author pursued it: Freddy Mayer, who died

15、 two months after his meeting with Mr. Lichtblau, is an irresistible subject, and he deserves a dozen more accounts of his adventures.4Why did Eric Lichtblau want to write “Return to the Reich” ?ABecause he was a noble man.BBecause he wanted to sing high praise for those unknown heroes in World War

16、.CBecause he enjoyed the experience of Freddy Mayer in World War very much.DBecause he wanted his readers to know more about the secrets of World War .5What does the word “Chutzpah” in the second paragraph mean?ACraziness. BCleverness.CFearlessness. DDevotion.6What was the reason for Freddy Mayer an

17、d his familys emigration to the US?AThat his father was a decorated war veteran.BThat a boy at school called Freddy a “stinking Jude” .CThat he had to support his family with a high salary.DThat he and his family were Jews.7Among the following statements, which is WRONG?AFreddy Mayer once slipped in

18、to occupied Austria as a spy.BYoung Freddy Mayer lived a hard life when he was in New York.CThe OSS valued Freddy Mayer because he was a natural leader and an ingenious soldier.DMr. Lichtblau revealed a lot of unknown stories of the heros bravery in “Return to Reich” .CThe kakapo, a bird that lives

19、in New Zealand, is not designed for survival. Weighing up to 4 kilograms, it is the worlds fattest parrot. It mates (交配) only when the rimu tree is in fruit, which happens every few years. It developed gradually in the absence of land-based natural enemies, so instead of flying above the trees it wa

20、lks like a duck across the dry forest floor. When it moves unsteadily across something that might kill it, it will stand still.Such unusual characteristics turned it into fast food for human settlers, and for the cats and rats they brought with them. It seemed to have disappeared by the 1970s, until

21、 scientists came across two undiscovered populations in the countrys south. These survivors were eventually moved to small enemy-free islands, where researchers have spent decades trying to get them to breed (繁殖).The scientists patience is finally rewarded. The rimu was in fruit this year, and more

22、than 80 chicks hatched, making this the best breeding season on record. Many have survived into adolescence, increasing the number of adult kakapos by a third, to 200 birds.Another danger to the kakapo is a lack of genetic diversity. This is one reason why fewer than half of kakapo eggs hatch. By ar

23、ranging the genome (基因组) of every living bird, scientists can identify closely-related individuals and put them on different islands. Every bird is fitted with something to track its slightest movement. If a female mates with an unsuitable” male, the process can be stopped.All these efforts cost alm

24、ost New Zealand $1.3 million this breeding season. Yet the kakapos future still looks unsafe. Earlier this year a severe disease tore through the population. And tiny as the number of kakapos is, space is running out on the two islands where most of them live. New enemy-free settlement must soon be

25、found.8Which of the following is a danger for the survival of the kakapo?AIt is the smallest bird in the world. BIt lacks exercise and usually stands still.CIt adapts slowly in genetic development. DIt cant respond actively when facing danger.9In what way may the scientists patience be rewarded?AThe

26、y hatched 80 kakapos eggs this year.BThey tried to make the rimu tree in fruit this year.CTwo survivors were moved to enemy-free islands.D50 chicks hatched have survived into adults this year.10Why did the scientists put kakapo in different islands?ATo stop closely-related kakapos mating. BTo increa

27、se the population of kakapo.CTo stop females mating with males. DTo hatch more kakapos eggs.11According to the author, the efforts to protect the kakapo in New Zealand are _.Asuccessful BunsafeCdoubtful DinadequateD A good way to look at failure straight in the face is by writing a failure resume(简历

28、)or CV. Like social media,there,we usually only see our friends“highlight part”. When we look at othersresumes,we get scared and think how ours doesnt measure up. But even the most accomplished people have plenty of failure behind themwe just dont see it.Stefan felt this deeply as a scientist,so she

29、 wrote a different CV which of course boasted (夸耀)about her good grades,PhD,and published papers. But the way she deals with her failure CV is a model of what we could a11 do.“My CV does not reflect my great academic effortsit does not mention the exams I failed,my unsuccessful PhD or scholarship ap

30、plications,or the papers never accepted for publication. During the interviews,I talk about the one project that worked,not about the many that failed,”writes Stefan in a column for N.Stefan suggests keeping a draft on which you log,casually but regularly,every unsuccessful application,refused grant

31、 proposal and rejected paper.And thats the point:not to consider what we got wrong,but to use that information to both look at failure and realize its really okay,and also to use our failures for another purpose:as learning tools.The point is to be realwith ourselves and about how the world works. B

32、eing real means taking an honest,critical,but also kind look at what we didnt get right,and then doing our best to change what we can. Instead of focusing on how that failure makes you feel,take the time to step back and analyze the practical,operational reasons that you failed.So,prctice being okay with failure,and turning your failures into lessons learned. And yes,sometimes we have to learn those lessons more than once,let

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