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1、四川省宜宾市一中高一英语下学期第18周教学设计必修4模块3必修四模块3教学设计课题必4模块3(第1课时) 词汇学习与课文文意理解课时15授课班级,考点、知识点1.本模块的单词和短语;2.课文文意的理解;学习目标1.学习和识记本模块的生词和短语;2.结合词汇的学习,理解课文文意;3.加强阅读理解技能训练;重、难点1.重点:本模块生词和短语的识记和运用;2.难点:在文章文意理解的过程中,训练阅读理解技能;学习内容学生活动一、知识清单 1. _ (vi.)传递信息、交流 communication (n.)_ 2. vary(vi.)_ vary从.到.不同 variety (n.

2、)变化、多样性 a variety of / varieties of 各种各样的 various (adj.) 各种各样的 3._ (vt.)包括 be/ become/ get involved in sth.与.有关联的 involve sb./sth. in sth. 使某人/某物陷入(困境)的 be involved with sb. 与某人有密切关系的 4._(n./v.)请求 make a request for.要求 request sb. to do sth.请求某人做. request that sb. (should) do.要求某人做. 5._ (adj.) 意识到的、

3、自觉的 unconscious (adj.) _formal (adj.) 正式的 _ (adj.) 非正式的 switch on _ switch off _ 6._ (vi.)凝视、盯着看 stare at. 盯着某人/某物 7._ (n.) 恩惠、善意的行为 do sb. a favor 帮某人的忙 8._ (adj.) 现场的、活的 lively (adj.) 活泼的、生动的 9.on guard _ lift /hold up _ up and down _ give away _ by accident _ 2、课前探究Task 1. 详见课本P21 第一题。 Task 2. 详见

4、课本P23 第二题。 Task 1.Fast-reading . What does the word “communication” mean in the passage? A. Words and sentences. B. Unconscious body language. C. “Learned” body language. D. All of the above. “Shaking hands” means all the following EXCEPT “_”. A. we agree and we trust each other B. we are not aggres

5、sive C. we respect each other D. our right hands are strongest. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Giving a “salaam” is a kind of “learned” body language. B. A “high five” is a formal style of greeting. C. When we make a deal we shake hands. D. In Asia, touching each other when they m

6、eet isnt a common greeting. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase “give away” in the last paragraph? A. Give sb. sth. for free. B. Throw away. C. Give up. D. Make sth. known to sb. Whats the authors purpose in writing the passage? A. To teach us how to greet others. B. To ad

7、vise us to use “learned” body language. C. To offer us some information about “learned” body language. D. To let us know why we shake hands when we meet.Task 2.Careful-reading . Read the passage and match. Para 1 A. greetings in Asian countriesPara 2 B. ways of communicationPara 3 C. fascinating bod

8、y languagePara 4 D. Body language is fascinating for us to study.Para 5 F. American youths greeting todayFill in the formPeopleHow they greet traditionally Chinese MuslimsTouch their heart, mouth and forehead. (salaam)HindusTask 3.Post-reading We use both _ and _ to express our thoughts and opinions

9、 and to _ with other people. Just like spoken language, body language _ from culture to culture.Every culture has developed a formal way to _ strangers. Traditionally, Europeans and Americans _. They do this with the _ hand. That means I trust you. Im not carrying a _ weapon. Greetings in _ countrie

10、s do not _ touching the other person, but they always involve the hands. Today American youths often greet each other with the expression, “_!” Body language is fascinating for anyone to study. People _ much more by their _ than by their words.正确理解各英语单词,查阅相关资料并填空。通过对新单词的理解和运用,结合自己的情况回答问题运用略读策略,完成这一段

11、。教学反思课题必修4模块3(第2课时) 课文语言知识点课时1授课班级考点、知识点文章中出现的重点短语和语言知识点学习目标1. 掌握阅读文章中出现的重点短语和语言点的用法。2. 学会分析句型和归纳总结知识点。3. 培养学生自主学习能力和合作精神。重、难点1. 重点:重点短语和语言点的理解和运用;2. 难点:句子的分析和知识点的归纳;学习内容学生活动课前探究According to the following reference, understand the uses of the words , phrases and sentences.1. How much do you communic

12、ate with your body?【分析】communicate vi. 通讯,传达;相通;感染vt. 传达;感染;显露communicate with与交流;交际;与相通【例句】(1)I communicate with him regularly by letter. 我与他定期通信。(2)Her bedroom communicates with the bathroom. 她的卧室和浴室相通。【翻译】:(1)Love is the best way to communicate with children. _(2)How will I communicate with the s

13、chool?_课中探究探究点一:句子分析1.We see examples of unconscious body language very often, yet there is also “learned” body language, which varies from culture to culture.【分析】此句yet表示_(转折/并列)关系;which引导的是_从句,在从句中充当_语。vary fromto “从到不等,在到的范围内变化” vary with 随变化vary in在方面不同,有差异 【例句】(1)vary from person to person “因人而异

14、”(2)These cameras prices varied from 200yuan to 2000yuan.“这些相机的价格从200元到2000元不等”。【翻译】(1)为了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的课多样化。_ (2)那种事因人而异。 _【选择】The prices of these books are various, _from 10yuan to 900yuan.A. varying B. varied C. to vary D. having varied2.Like other animals, we are on guard until we know it is safe

15、to relax.“我们感觉到很安全才会很放松,否则将一直处于戒备状态。” 【分析】be on guard “有警惕on (ones) guard 站岗,执勤;保持(警惕),警戒,提防 be on guard 处于警戒状态 keep guard 放哨,守望 , 实行警戒 off guard 不当班,不戒备on duty 值日,值班 on watch 在值班【例句】(1)You must be on your guard against swindlers.( 骗子) “你必须要警惕骗子”。(2)There is a policeman on guard at the entrance. “在门

16、口,有位警察在值班”。【选择】The police warned people to be _ for pickpockets during the Christmas rush. A. off guard B. on guard C. on the guard D. off the guard,3We shake hands when we make a deal. 当我们达成协议我们也握手.【分析】deal n. 交易, 买卖,份量 make a deal with与.做成一笔交易 make a deal达成协议【例句】The factory has made a new deal wit

17、h a buyer in Canada. “这个工厂已经和加拿大的买家做了次新的交易”。【分析】a great/good deal of trouble/support大量麻烦/援助vi. 做生意, 经营(in) ; deal in tea经营茶叶deal with “处理, 应付, 打交道”,与特殊疑问词how搭配,近义短语是do with,但它与特殊疑问词what搭配。【例句】Ill get someone else to deal with them. “我会让别的人来和他们打交道”。【选择】(1) _will you deal with this matter? (A. What B.

18、 How)(2) I dont know _ to deal with difficulties. (A. what B. how)(3) _will you do with this matter? (A. What B. How)4. One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread.一个人会举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。.【分析】hold up 举起, 支撑, 继续下去, 阻挡, 拦截【例句】(1)The building work has been held up by bad weather

19、.(阻挡) “大楼修建工程因为糟糕的天气而停下来了”。(2)His brother tried to hold up the bank and was sent to jail.(抢劫) “他的哥哥抢劫银行,被送进了监狱”。【拓展】hold back ( = keep back); 阻止; 抑制(情感、情绪)hold on(打电话用语)请等一下,不要挂上 hold out = hold on坚持, 支持; 伸出【填空】(1) The villagers built banks of earth to _ the flood waters.(2) No one can_ the wheel of

20、 history.(3) The boss was unable to _his anger any longer.(4) Could you _? Ill just see if the managers in.(5) Will the car_ till we reach London?(6) “How long will our fresh water supplies_?” the captain asked.(7) He_ his hand. 5. People give away much more by their gestures than their words. “人们更多

21、的是通过体态暴露自己的,而不是语言.”【分析】give away “送掉, 分发, 放弃, 泄露, 出卖”【例句】(1) I wish she wouldnt talk and give the news away. “我希望她没说也没有把消息泄露”。(2) He gave away most of his money to the charity. “他把他大部分的钱都给了慈善结构”。(3) The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports meet. “市长在校体育会上分发了奖品”。【拓展】give back 归还,送回,恢复 give

22、 forth 发出(声音,气味)give in 屈服,提出 give off 发出(光电热)give up 放弃 give over交给;移交;让给 give out 公布,发表;用完,耗尽【选择】(1)Dont mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may_ the shocking end.A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off(2)It was the fact that you had gave the secret _.A. away B. out C. up D.

23、back【翻译】 Look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to give away. _探究点二:语言点应用1. request n. & vt.请求;要求;恳求 【搭配】 at ones request 应某人的要求 request sb to do sth/ request that 请求某人做某事注意:request that 从句中使用虚拟语气(should do, should 可省)【例句】(1)The professor came to our school to give lectures at ou

24、r request. “这个教授应我们的要求来我们学校演讲”。(2)Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. “游客被要求不能碰展览品”。【翻译】The club members requested that the foreign visitors (should) have lunch with them. _.2.favor n.& v. 喜爱;恩惠 【搭配】 do sb a favor / do a favor for sb 帮助某人in favor of 赞同,支持 out of favor (with) 失宠,不受欢迎【例句

25、】May I ask a favor of you? / Can I ask you a favor? “你能帮我个忙么?”【翻译】今天你能帮我个忙去学校接汤姆吗?_?3. involve vt. 包括,涉及,使参与【搭配】involve in(with) “把某人牵扯进入某事” be(get) involved in(with) “专心,与某事、物有关” involve sb in (doing) sth “参与某人做某事”【例句】(1)I got involved in arguing the price. “我卷入了价格争吵中”。 (2)Dont involve other people

26、 in your business. “不要把别人牵涉入你的事情中”。【翻译】(1). 不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中! (involvein/with) _(2) 他整个早上都在专心读那本小说。(be/ get involved in/with) (3)父母应当参与孩子的教育。(involve sb in (doing) sth) 深入理解,掌握知识语言点教学反思课题必修4模块3(第3课时) 泛读与写作课时1授课班级考点、知识点复习学习目标1.在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。2.

27、 鼓励学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现和主动实践等学习方式,形成具有高中生特点的英语学习的过程与方法。3. 运用本模块所学词汇、短语完成写作。重、难点能运用本模块学过的句型及短语课前探究1. Read the passage on P 29 and answer the following questions: 1). What will happen if there is no audience in a performance? 2). What did applause mean in classical Athens? 3). What is important for peop

28、le to clap? “T” or “F”. 1). We clap in order to show we dislike something. ( ) 2). Clapping for a long time means the play is very successful. ( ) 3). It is very important for people to clap together. ( ) 4). People often clap or laugh out loud alone. ( ) 5). Occasions on which people clap vary from country to country. ( )2. Find the Phrases on P29.

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