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1、Eagsjha托福SAT雅思GREGMATLSAT通用提高阅读速度七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲尘缘,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 TIPS FOR INCREASING READING SPEEDAs our eyes move across the page they make a series of jerky movements. Whenever they come to rest on a word that is

2、called a fixation. Most people fixate once on each word across a line of print. In order to make our speed increase we must take in more words with each fixation, rather than make our eyes move faster. 1. Try to avoid focusing on every word, but rather look at groups of 2 to 3 words. For instance, t

3、his sentence could be grouped in this manner: for instance / this sentence / could be grouped / in this manner 2. Work on vocabulary improvement. Familiarize yourself with new words so you dont get stuck on them when you read them again. 3. Read more! 15 minutes a day of reading an average size nove

4、l equals 18 books a year at an average reading speed!4.Determine your purpose before reading. If you only need main ideas, then allow yourself to skim the material. Dont feel you must read very word. 5.Spend a few minutes a day reading at a faster than comfortable rate (about 2 to 3 times faster tha

5、n your normal speed). Use your hand or an index card to guide your eyes down the page. Then time yourself reading a few pages at your normal speed. Youll find that often your normal reading speed will increase after your skimming practice.6.If you have poor concentration when reading, practice readi

6、ng for only 5 - 10 minutes at a time and gradually increase this time.7.There are several books on increasing reading speed available in most bookstores. If you are serious about increasing your rate you may want to work systematically through one of these booksSUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING READING SPEE

7、DImprovement of Reading RateIt is safe to say that almost anyone can double his speed of reading while maintaining equal or even higher comprehension. In other words, anyone can improve the speed with which he gets what he wants from his reading. The average college student reads between 250 and 350

8、 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A good reading speed is around 500 to 700 words per minute, but some people can read a thousand words per minute or even faster on these materials. What makes the difference? There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: (

9、1) the desire to improve, (2) the willingness to try new techniques and (3) the motivation to practice. :Learning to read rapidly and well presupposes that you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills. When you have advanced on the reading comprehension materials to a level at which yo

10、u can understand college-level materials, you will be ready to speed reading practice in earnest. The Role of Speed in the Reading Process Understanding the role of speed in the reading process is essential. Research has shown a close relation between speed and understanding. For example, in checkin

11、g progress charts of thousands of individuals taking reading training, it has been found in most cases that an increase in rate has been paralleled by an increase in comprehension, and that where rate has gone down, comprehension has also decreased.Although there is at present little statistical evi

12、dence, it seems that plodding word-by-word analysis (or word reading) inhibits understanding. There is some reason to believe that the factors producing slow reading are also involved in lowered comprehension. Most adults are able to increase their rate of reading considerably and rather quickly wit

13、hout lowering comprehension. These same individuals seldom show an increase in comprehension when they reduce their rate. In other cases, comprehension is actually better at higher rates of speed. Such results, of course, are heavily dependent upon the method used to gain the increased rate. Simply

14、reading more rapidly without actual improvement in basic reading habits usually results in lowered comprehension. Factors that Reduce Reading Rate Some of the facts which reduce reading rate: (a) limited perceptual span i.e., word-by-word reading; (b) slow perceptual reaction time, i.e., slowness of

15、 recognition and response to the material; (c) vocalization, including the need to vocalize in order to achieve comprehension; (d) faulty eye movements, including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.; (e) regression, both habitual and as as

16、sociated with habits of concentration; (f) faulty habits of attention and concentration, beginning with simple inattention during the reading act and faulty processes of retention; (g) lack of practice in reading, due simply to the fact that the person has read very little and has limited reading in

17、terests so that very little reading is practiced in the daily or weekly schedule; (h) fear of losing comprehension, causing the person to suppress his rate deliberately in the firm belief that comprehension is improved if he spends more time on the individual words; (i) habitual slow reading, in whi

18、ch the person cannot read faster because he has always read slowly, (j) poor evaluation of which aspects are important and which are unimportant; and (k) the effort to remember everything rather than to remember selectively.Since these conditions act also to reduce comprehension increasing the readi

19、ng rate through eliminating them is likely to result in increased comprehension as well. This is an entirely different matter from simply speeding up the rate of reading without reference to the conditions responsible for the slow rate. In fact, simply speeding the rate especially through forced acc

20、eleration, may actually result, and often does, in making the real reading problem more severe. In addition, forced acceleration may even destroy confidence in ability to read. The obvious solution then is to increase rate as a part of a total improvement of the whole reading process. This is a func

21、tion of special training programs in reading.Basic Conditions for Increased Reading RateA well planned program prepares for maximum increase in rate by establishing the necessary conditions. Four basic conditions include:1. Have your eyes checked. Before embarking on a speed reading program, make su

22、re that any correctable eye defects you may have are taken care of by checking with your eye doctor. Often, very slow reading is related to uncorrected eye defects. 2. Eliminate the habit of pronouncing words as you read. If you sound out words in your throat or whisper them, you can read slightly o

23、nly as fast as you can read aloud. You should be able to read most materials at least two or three times faster silently than orally. If you are aware of sounding or hearing words as you read, try to concentrate on key words and meaningful ideas as you force yourself to read faster. 3. Avoid regress

24、ing (rereading). The average student reading at 250 words per minute regresses or rereads about 20 times per page. Rereading words and phrases is a habit which will slow your reading speed down to a snails pace. Usually, it is unnecessary to reread words, for the ideas you want are explained and ela

25、borated more fully in later contexts. Furthermore, the slowest reader usually regresses most frequently. Because he reads slowly, his mind has time to wander and his rereading reflects both his inability to concentrate and his lack of confidence in his comprehension skills.4. Develop a wider eye-spa

26、n. This will help you read more than one word at a glance. Since written material is less meaningful if read word by word, this will help you learn to read by phrases or thought units.Rate AdjustmentPoor results are inevitable if the reader attempts to use the same rate indiscriminately for a-1 type

27、s of material and for all reading purposes. He must learn to adjust his rate to his purpose in reading and to the difficulty of the material he is reading. This ranges from a maximum rate on easy, familiar, interesting material or in reading to gather information on a particular point, to minimal ra

28、te on material which is unfamiliar in content and language structure or which must be thoroughly digested. The effective reader adjusts his rate; the ineffective reader uses the same rate for all types of material.Rate adjustment may be overall adjustment to the article as a whole, or internal adjus

29、tment within the article. Overall adjustment establishes the basic rate at which the total article is read; internal adjustment involves the necessary variations in rate for each varied part of the material. As an analogy, you plan to take a 100-mile mountain trip. Since this will be a relatively ha

30、rd drive with hills, curves, and a mountain pass, you decide to take three hours for the total trip, averaging about 35 miles an hour. This is your overall rate adjustment. However, in actual driving you may slow down to no more than 15 miles per hour on some curves and hills, while speeding up to 5

31、0 miles per hour or more on relatively straight and level sections. This is your internal rate adjustment. There is no set rate, therefore, which the good reader follows inflexibly in reading a particular selection, even though he has set himself an overall rate for the total job.Overall rate adjust

32、ment should be based on your reading plan, your reading purpose, and the nature and difficulty of the material. The reading plan itself should specify the general rate to be used. This is based on the total size up. It may be helpful to consider examples of how purpose can act to help determine the rate to be used. To understand information, skim or scan at a rapid rate. To determine value of material or to read for enjoyment, read rapidly or slowly according to you feeling. To read analytically, read at a moderate pace to permit interrelating ideas. The natu

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