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新版BOOK 7 Unit 4 教案.docx

1、新版BOOK 7 Unit 4 教案Unit 4 I have a pen pal?The first class Type: New教材分析:本单元学习的主题是交笔友。主情景图通过展示帐篷和Oliver谈论自己的笔友呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型,通过Zoom和Zip喝下午茶的情景渗透中式茶和英式茶的差异Teaching Requests:1.Aims on the knowledge:(1)Enable Ss to grasp the key structures: what are Peters hobbies? H e likes reading stories. He likes

2、doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singsng.(2)Ss are able to understand and read the dialogue well. 2.Aims on the abilities:(1)Ss are able to use the drills: what ares hobbies? He/She likes (2)To develop the Ss communicative abilities.3.Aims on the emotion:培养通过了解对方的兴趣爱好结交朋友的意识。能够看图捕捉信息,并根据提示做

3、出听前预测Important and Difficult points:Key-point of this lesson:1.To help Ss to study and use the sentence: What are Peters hobbies? H e likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing.2.To enable Ss to study independently as well as by co-operation.3.To develop Ss int

4、erest in English. Difficult points: The Ss are able to use the sentences in the proper scene. Teaching aids: Word-cards, picture cards, recorder,ppt.Teaching stepsSteps 1:Warm up exercises:1. sing a songMy new pen pal 2. Make a revisionT shows some photos:I like playing ping-pong. I can play ping-po

5、ng well. I like dancing. This is my pen pal. She likes going hiking. Zhang Peng has a pen pal too.What are Zhang Pengs pen pals hobbies, do you want to know?(Purpose:通过歌曲感受新知并活跃了课堂气氛,自由对话及复习旧知又为新知学习做铺垫)。Step 2:Presentation:1. Lets try.Listen and then write t or f(1) Listen to the tape and write t or

6、 f.(2) Check the answer.(3) Listen and repeat(Purpose:视听入手,感受新知)Lets talk (1)Ask and answerT: By Lets try, we know Peter likes basketball.What are Peters other hobbies?(Purpose:通过听音回答上面问题,吸引学生注意力,又再次呈现了本课重点知识。)(2) Read the dialogue follow the tape. Lead Ss to pay attentions to the key structures: Wh

7、at are Peters hobbies? H e likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing.And pay attentions to some new words: also Jasmine Flower(3)Read it in groups.(4)Act the dialogue in groups.(5) make new dialogues in groups.例如:A: My best friend isB: what ares hobbies? A:He/

8、She likes (Purpose:通过听及模仿规范语音语调,组内活动最大力度调动所有学生积极性,增加其成就感;小组合作编新对话有利于学生活学活用知识,也利于老师及时了解学生对新知的掌握情况)Step 3 Consolidation:(1) Look for friendsShe likesShe can(Purpose:通过找朋友这个游戏,即让学生掌握新知,又有利于活学活用知识) (2)Main sceneT: What are your/his/her hobbies?Lead Ss to answer: I /She/ He like/likes (Purpose:教师引导学生看主情景

9、图,继续巩固练习本节课的重点句型)(3)Do a surveyWhat are your/his/her hobbies?(4)Do exercises in AB about this part.(Purpose:拓展练习帮助了解学生新知掌握情况,巩固所学知识,并有利于学生活学活用知识)Step 4:Sum upWhat are Peters hobbies?He likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing.Step 5:Homework:1. Ss read and li

10、sten to the tape for 3 times.2. Say the new dialogue to their parents.(Purpose:课后延伸练习,模范语音语调,规范学生发音。通过向父母展示增加其成就感)Bb writing design:Unit 4 I have a pen pal?What are Peters hobbies? also He likes reading stories. Jasmine FlowerHe likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing.Unit 4 I have a

11、 pen pal?The second class Type: New教材分析:本单元学习的主题是交笔友。主情景图通过展示帐篷和Oliver谈论自己的笔友呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型,通过Zoom和Zip喝下午茶的情景渗透中式茶和英式茶的差异。Teaching Requests:1. Aims on the knowledge(1) To enable the Ss to master: dancing, singing reading stories playing football doing kung fu(2) To help Ss to ask and answer : What

12、 are your hobbies? I like reading stories. I also like singing and doing kung fu.2. Aims on the abilities(1) To enable the Ss to use the key words to ask and answer: What are your hobbies? I like(2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups.(3)Ss can listen ,understand and sing the song.3. Aims o

13、n the emotion培养通过了解对方的兴趣爱好结交朋友的意识。Important and Difficult points:Key-points of this lesson(1) To help Ss to grasp the four skill words & phrases: dancing, singing reading stories playing football doing kung fu (2) To develop Ss interest in English.Difficult points To help the Ss to grasp the four sk

14、ill words: dancing, singing reading stories playing football doing kung fuTeaching aids:Word-cards, picture cards, recorder.Teaching stepsSteps 1:Warm up exercises:1. Sing an English song My new pen pal2. Make a free talk TS.A: What are your hobbies? B: I like3. Review the dialogue last class with t

15、he video.(Purpose:通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,通过自由对话及复习上节课所学对话即再次巩固知识又引出新知)Step 2:Presentation:Lets learn 1.T shows picturesT: Suppose you areWhat are your hobbies? S1: I likeS2: I likeLead to the four skill words & phrases: dancing, singing reading stories playing football doing kung fu (球类单词要单独强调前面不加“the”). (Purpo

16、se:利用PPT展示图片的同时,与学生进行自由对话,引出要学的四会单词,易于学生理解掌握)2.Listen to the tape and repeat them3. By pronunciations helping, T teaches Ss to read them. Then Ss practice them in pairs or groups.4. Ss write the new words.(Purpose:通过听,说,读,写训练规范读音和书写,巩固所学知识。)Step 3 Consolidation:(1)sharp eyes(Purpose:利用快闪游戏,然后给学生抢读单词

17、,并由答对的同学指定其他同学利用所说单词进行问答,这样可以再次吸引学生注意力,把枯燥的单词课变得生动有趣) (2) Do a survey(p39)(3) Bingo games(4) Do exercises in AB about this part.(Purpose:课堂拓展练习增加课堂趣味性,帮助我们及时了解学生对所学知识的掌握情况)Step 4:Sum upWhat have we learned today?dancing, singing reading stories playing football doing kung fu What are your hobbies? I

18、 like(purpose: 引导学生归纳总结本课所学重点,既巩固了知识,又能培养学生思维能力)Step 5:Homework:1. Ss listen to the tape and read the words.2. Say the words to their parents.(Purpose:课后延伸练习模范语音语调,规范读音)Bb writing design:Unit 4 I have a pen pal?What are your hobbies? I like dancing.singing. reading stories. playing football. doing k

19、ung fu. Unit 4 I have a pen pal?The third class lets try & talk Type: New教材分析:本单元学习的主题是交笔友。主情景图通过展示帐篷和Oliver谈论自己的笔友呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型,通过Zoom和Zip喝下午茶的情景渗透中式茶和英式茶的差异Teaching Requests:1.Aims on the knowledge:(1)Enable Ss to grasp the key structures: Does he live in Sydney? No ,he doesnt. He lives in Canb

20、erra. Does he like doing puzzles and going hiking? Yes ,he does. (2) Ss can read and understand the sentence: Can I also be his pen pal? (3)Ss can read and understand the text freely.2.Aims on the abilities:(1)Ss are able to use the drills: Does he/she? Yes ,he/she does. No ,he/she doesnt. (2)To dev

21、elop the Ss communicative abilities. 3.Aims on the emotion:By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest and set up self confidence in language study.培养通过了解对方的兴趣爱好结交朋友的意识。能够看图捕捉信息,并根据提示做出听前预测.Important and Difficult points:Key-point of this lesson: Ss can use the key structures:Does he/she?

22、 Yes ,he/she does. No ,he/she doesnt. Ss can read and understand the phrases: doing word puzzles. going hiking.To enable Ss to study independently as well as by co-operation.To develop Ss interest in English. Difficult points: The Ss are able to use the sentences in the proper scene. Teaching aids:

23、Word-cards, picture cards, recorder.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warm up exercises:1.sing a songMy new pen pal 2、Make a free talk TS.T:What are his/her hobbies?Ss :He /She likesLead Ss to answer: (Purpose:通过自由对话,及复习了上节课所学短语,又巩固了本单元的重点句型.)Step 2:Presentation:Lets try. Listen and answer.T:School is over. Miss

24、 White is talking to Wu Yifan. What are they talking about ? how old is the student from Australia. Listen and circle.Ss listen to the tape and think about the questions.Check the answer.Listen and repeat(1) (Purpose:教师介绍听力活动背景,学生听前猜测,引导学生从视听入手,感受新知。)Lets talk (1) T:Wu Yifan has a new pen pal in Aus

25、tralia. He is talking about the new pen pal with John. What are the talking about?What do the two John like? (2)Ss listen to the tape again, look at the pictures and think about the questions:A: Does Wu Yifans pen pal live in Sydney?Ss:B: Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?Ss: (3)Fill

26、in the blanks:Johns hobbiesYifans pen pals hobbies(Purpose:让学生带着问题观看动画或阅读文本获取信息,并在这个过程中帮助学生理解doing word puzzles和doing hinking的意义,即吸引学生注意力,又降低难度,照顾不同层次的学生)(4) Read the dialogue follow the tape. Lead Ss to pay attentions to the key structures: Does he live in Sydney? No ,he doesnt. He lives in Canberr

27、a.Does he like doing puzzles and going hiking? Yes ,he does. T introduces the sentences: Can I also be his pen pal?(5)Read it in groups.(6) Act the dialogue in groups. (6)Read and write the four-skill sentences. (Purpose:通过听及模仿规范语音语调,示范书写规范学生书写,组内活动最大力度调动所有学生积极性,增加其成就感;小组合作编新对话有利于学生活学活用知识,也利于老师及时了解学

28、生对新知的掌握情况)Step 3 Consolidation:(1) Make new dialogues in groups.例如:A:Does he/she? B:Yes ,he/she does. No ,he/she doesnt. A:B:(2)Do exercises in AB about this part.(Purpose:拓展练习帮助了解学生新知掌握情况,巩固所学知识,并有利于学生活学活用知识)Step 4:Homework:1. Ss read and listen to the tape and repeat fluently2. Say the new dialogu

29、e to their parents.(Purpose:课后延伸练习,模范语音语调,规范学生发音。通过向父母展示增加其成就感)Bb writing design:Unit 4 I have a pen pal?Does he live in Sydney?No ,he doesnt. He lives in Canberra.Does he like doing puzzles and going hiking?Yes ,he does.Unit 4 I have a pen pal?The Fourth class lets learn Type: New教材分析:本单元学习的主题是交笔友。

30、主情景图通过展示帐篷和Oliver谈论自己的笔友呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型,通过Zoom和Zip喝下午茶的情景渗透中式茶和英式茶的差异Teaching Requests:1.Aims on the knowledge:(1)Enable Ss to grasp the main new words: cooks Chinese food, studies Chinese, does word puzzles, goes hiking.(2) Ss can ask and answer: Does he/she? Yes ,he/she does. No ,he/she doesnt. 2

31、.Aims on the abilities:(1)Ss are able to use the drills freely: Does he/she? Yes ,he/she does. No ,he/she doesnt. (2)To develop the Ss communicative abilities. 3.Aims on the emotion:培养通过了解对方的兴趣爱好结交朋友的意识。能够看图捕捉信息,并根据提示做出听前预测.Important and Difficult points:Key-point of this lesson: Ss can listen、say、read and write the new words and phrases. Ss

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