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新东方经典美文 《hope with wings》.docx

1、新东方经典美文 hope with wingsHope with wings希望长着翅膀01 Be the best of whatever you areDouglas MallochIf you cant be a pine on the top of the hill,Be a scrub in the valley-but beThe best little scrub by the side of the rill;Be a bush if you cant be a tree.If you cant be a bush be a bit of grassAnd some highw

2、ay happier make.If you cant be a muskie then just be a bassBut the liveliest bass in the lake!We cant all be captains, weve got to be crew,Theres something for all of us here,Theres big work to do, and theres lesser to do,And the task you must do is the near.If you cant be a highway then just be a t

3、rail,If you cant be the sun be a star;It isnt by size that you win or you failBe the best of whatever you are!中文参考:01 做最好的自己如果你当不成山巅的一棵劲松,就做山谷里的小树吧-但务必做溪流边最棒的一棵小树;当不了树就做一丛灌木,当不成灌木还可以做小草但务必做路边最快乐的一株小草。如果你不是大梭鱼就做一尾鲈鱼吧,但要做湖里最活泼的小鲈鱼!我们不能都做船长,必须有人当船员,可每个人都有自己的事儿,有的事情大,有的事情小,而你要完成的任务就近在咫尺。如果你不能做大道就做一条小径,若

4、是不能做太阳就做星星;决定成败的不是你的大小只要你做最好的自己!02 Follow Your DreamsFollow your dreamsLinseyEmily-Jane wants to be a pop starThough her dreams are so farWhen people laugh, her feelings get downHer dazzling smile replaced with a frownEmily-Jane has this dream every nightShes standing on stage, singing all her might

5、Selling Platinum Records, being Number OneThen she wakes up and the dream is doneEmily-Janes mum holds her tightNever give up babe, all right?She listens to her mothers kind voiceNows the time for her to make her choiceEmily-Jane joins her school choirHer hopes get higher and higherThe choir teacher

6、s say she is greatShe had no reason to be afraidEmily-Jane followed her dreamNow all she does is beamThe little girl is now a huge starBut her mothers words are never too farThe moral of this story is never stop dreamingDont tear out your hair, dont start screamingAlthough its as hard as it seemsJus

7、t follow your dreams03 My one true friendGermaineA true friend is always there for you.A person who will help,with all your problems.The one whom you can trust,With all your secrets.And the one who cheer you upwhen you are lonely.That is a friend. I want to meet.I do not know,if hes a boy or a girl.

8、but I always believe that I will findmy one true friend.中文参考:03 真正的朋友真正的朋友总在你身边他是愿意帮助你的人帮你解决所有的难题他是你能够信任的人为你保守所有的秘密当你孤独寂寞时他是让你振奋的人我希望遇见一个这样的朋友我不知道是个男孩还是女孩但我始终相信我会找到一位真正的朋友 04 My Dads a Secret AgentKenn NesbittMy dads a secret agent.Hes an undercover spy.Hes the worlds best detective.Hes the perfect

9、private eye.Hes a Pinkerton, a gum shoe,Hes a snoop and hes a sleuth.Hes unrivaled at detectingand uncovering the truth.Hes got eyesight like an eagle.Hes got hearing like a bat.He can out-smell any bloodhound.Hes as stealthy as a cat.He can locate nearly anythingwith elementary ease.But no matter h

10、ow he looks and looksMy dad cant find his keys! 中文参考:我的爸爸是特工我的爸爸是特工我的爸爸是暗探他是世界上最优秀的间谍他是十全十美的私家侦探他是位名探,他是位密探他追踪寻迹明察秋虚,发现真相无人能敌他有雄鹰一般的眼睛他有蝙蝠一样的听力他的嗅觉胜过警犬他的行动如猫一般诡秘他几乎能查出一切而又毫不费力但不管他怎样找啊找却找不到自己的钥匙05 Do you fear the force of the wind?Hamilton GarlandDo you fear the force of the wind?Do you fear the slas

11、h of the rain?Go face them and fight them.Be savage again.Go hungry and cold like the wolf.Go wade like the crane:The palms of your hands will thicken.The skin of your cheek will tan.Youll grow ragged and weary and swarthy.But youll walk like a man!中文参考:05 你害怕风吗?你是否害怕风的力量?你是否畏惧雨的鞭笞?去坦然面对它们,同它们搏斗,再次勇

12、猛起来。似饿狼冷酷无情,如仙鹤般涉水前进。你的手掌会变得厚实,你的脸会被晒黑。你会变得衣衫褴褛、疲惫不堪、皮肤黝黑,但是你会如男子汉一样前行!06 WindflowersSeals and CroftsWindflowers,Windflowers,My father told me not to go near them.He said feared them alwaysAnd he told me that they carried him away.Windflowers,Beautiful windflowers,I couldnt wait to touch them, to sm

13、ell themI held them closely,Now I can not break away.The sweet bouquet disappears,Like the vapor in the desert,So take a warning sonWindflowers,Ancient windflowers,Their beauty captures every young dreamer,who lingers near them,But ancient windflowers, I love you.中文参考:06风之花风之花风之花我的父亲曾告诉我不要靠近她们他一直都心怀

14、畏惧说她们使他失去理智风之花美丽的风之花我等不及要触碰她们,俯嗅她们紧紧的拥抱着她们如今我已无法自拔甜美的花束消失了彷佛沙漠中的一阵烟雾小心一点啊孩子风之花古老的风之花她们的美丽掳获了每个徘徊不去的年轻梦想者古老的风之花我爱你07 Above the bright blue skyAlbert MidlaneTheres a friend for little childrenAbove the bright blue sky,A friend who never changesWhose love will never die;Thought earthly friends may fail

15、 us,And change with changing years,This friend is always worthyOf that dear name he bears.Theres a home for little childrenAbove the bright blue sky,Where Jesus reigns in glory,a home of peace and joy;No home on earth is like it,Nor can with it compare;for everyone is happy,Nor could be happier ther

16、e.中文参考:07 在蔚蓝的晴空上在蔚蓝的晴空上有位小孩子们的朋友他始终如一爱心永久俗世的朋友也许会辜负我们年月变迁,心随时移而这位朋友永远配得他拥有的高贵称呼在蔚蓝的晴空上有孩子们的家园耶稣在那里繁荣统治这里是和平快乐之地地球上没有这样的所在也没有哪里能够和它相比人人幸福快乐至极08 The Stars (Excerpt)Mark TwainWe had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whethe

17、r they were made or only just happened. Jim allowed they were made, but I allowed they happened. I judged it would have taken too long to make so many. Jim said the moon couldnt laid them; well, that looked kind of reasonable, so I didnt say nothing against it, because Ive seen a frog lay most as ma

18、ny, so of course it could be done. We used to watch the stars that fell, too, and see them streak down. Jim allowed theyd got spoiled and was hove out of the nest.(From The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)中文参考:08 星光(节选)我们头顶就是天空,布满了闪闪的星星。我们常常躺(在木筏上),看着夜空中的星星,并且讨论它们是造出来的还是偶然冒出来的。吉姆说他认为星星是造出来的,但我认为星星是偶然

19、冒出来的。我想如果要造那么多星星,得花费相当长的时间。吉姆说月亮可以把它们生出来,而这个说法似乎很有道理,所以我就不再反驳他了,因为我曾见过青蛙一次下的仔儿,也差不多有这么多,所以月亮当然也能下出那么多的星星来。我们还常常看那些掉下来的星星,看着它们划出一道亮光落下去。吉姆认为它们是变坏了,所以才被赶出了自己的窝。选自哈克贝里芬历险记09 Bed in SummerRobert Louis StevensonIn winter I get up at nightAnd dress by yellow candle-lightIn summer, quite the other way,I ha

20、ve to go to bed by day.I have to go to bed and seeThe birds still hopping on the tree,Or hear the grown-up peoples feetStill going past me in the street.And does it seem hard to you,When all the sky is clear and blue,And I should like so much to play,To have to go to bed by day? 中文参考:09 夏之眠冬日里我夜里起床借

21、着昏黄的烛光穿衣裳夏日里可不一样我不得不白日里就睡觉上床小鸟儿仍在树上蹦蹦跳跳大人们的脚步声还在大街上回响我却得早早睡觉上床天空还是那么蔚蓝,明亮我多么想嬉戏,玩耍你是否觉得这时候就睡觉难入梦乡?10 Chase Your DreamsTitan ForceSomewhere in your mindSomewhere deep down inside of yourselfThere is a rage for something betterAll of your dreamsAll of your anticipationsThey cause a drive to make us st

22、rongerChase your thoughtsChase your dreamsInto the nightChase your thoughtsChase your dreamsKeep it aliveOur time is nowTake hold of the lighting, ride to the starsBreak free of the shell that has you imprisonedCome taste with meAll of the fruits that life has in storeSomeday we all will learn to gi

23、ve our love once moreFight for your heartBefore its overNever give inChase your dreamsYou got toFight for your heartBefore its overNever give inChase your dreamsCome on and chase your dreamsWell, cant you see?Its just outside of your graspYouve got to reach out with both handsAnd grab that tiger by

24、the tail11 Over the rainbowE. Y. HarburgSomewhere over the rainbowWay up highTheres a land that I heard ofOnce in a lullabySomewhere over the rainbowSkies are blueAnd the dreams that you dare to dreamReally do come trueSomeday Ill wish upon a starAnd wake up where the clouds are far behind meWhere t

25、roubles melt like lemon drops A way above the chimney topsThats where youll find meSomewhere over the rainbowBluebirds flyBirds fly over the rainbowWhy then, on why cant I?If happy little bluebirds flyBeyond the rainbowWhy, on why cant I?中文参考:11 在彩虹之上彩虹之上,有一个很高的地方,我曾在摇篮曲中听到过。彩虹之上有一个地方,天空是湛蓝的,只要你敢做的梦

26、,真的都能实现。有一天我将对着星星许愿,然后在天高云远的地方醒来。在那里,烦恼如柠檬一样融化散去。就在远离烟囱顶端的地方,你会找到我。在彩虹之上的某个地方,蓝色知更鸟展翅飞翔,飞越彩虹之上。那为什么,噢,为什么我不能?如果快乐的小知更鸟,能飞翔于彩虹之上,那么,我为何不能?12 Inside your dreamsUnit96Its all insideInside your dreamsYoull be the kingYoull be the queenYour mind is freeAn open screenIts all insideInside your dreamsLook i

27、nsideInside your dreamsA world of loveA world of thingsMemories of destinyIts all insideInside your dreams中文参考:12 在你的梦里一切都在心中都在你的梦里你会成为国王你会成为女皇你的思想无拘无束宛如开放的屏幕一切都在心中都在你的梦里望向自己的内心深处深入自己的梦境这是充满爱的世界是容纳万物的所在有关命运的记忆都在心中在你的梦里13 Stars in the Sky All men have the stars , he answered , but they are not the same things for different people. For some,who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars,They are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all these stars are silent. Youyou

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