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人教版英语七年级上册教案Unit9 SectionB1a1d.docx

1、人教版英语七年级上册教案Unit9 SectionB1a1dUnit9 SectionB(1a-1d) 教案【教材版本与册数】新目标人教版七年级上册 【单元名称】 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 【课时】Section B 1a-1d (第4课时)【课型】Listening and Speaking(听说课)教材分析【本单元话题】本单元围绕“谈论自己所喜欢的学科”这一话题,展开形式多样的听、说、读、写学习活动。【本单元重点掌握目标】主要学习一周中星期一到星期天的表达方式;掌握学科的表达;学习用because和表示品质的形容词表示理由;学习what,

2、why,who,when引导的特殊疑问句。【教材内容拆分分析】Section B提供新的语境,拓展本单元的语言知识和话题内容,由学科拓展到其他校园活动【通过本单元的学习学生需掌握哪些综合技能】通过本单元的学习使学生学会谈论自己喜好的学科或自己喜好的其它事情并给出理由;学会说出一周的七天;学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。教学目标1. 语言知识目标:1) 掌握下列词汇:free, cool, Tuesday, Wednesday, A.M., P.M., useful, fromto, Mrs. finish, lesson, hour, have art lesson 2) 学习表示星期的名词,并

3、理解星期与日期的区别。3) 继续复习“谈论偏爱”和“询问喜欢的学科并给出理由”的语言结构;4) 谈论一周的课程安排,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。5) 阅读有关课程安排的短文,并能获得相关信息。2. 情感态度价值观目标:本课时的学习内容贴近学生的学习生活,谈论的话题是喜欢的学科和一周的课程安排。通过互相询问和谈论彼此所喜欢的学科以及彼此理想的课程安排,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情,培养学生热爱学习和良好的学习、生活习惯。教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学习表示星期的名词,并理解星期与日期的区别。2) 能谈论他人所喜欢的科目,及原因,询问课程的时间安排。3) 谈论一周的课程安排,学会合理地安排自

4、己的作息时间。4) 阅读有关课程安排的短文,并能获得相关信息。2. 教学难点:1) 谈论一周的课程安排,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。2) 阅读有关课程安排的短文,并能获得相关信息。 建议教法情景交际法,任务型教学法,听说课的“3P”教学模式 : P-呈现(语言输入)P-操练(1.机械操练2. 听力训练)P-运用(语言输出)设置情景意义操练 设计听后活动任务,先模仿再迁移总结,听后设置任务提升学生语言运用能力教学流程(详见教学设计)教学评价1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。 2.听中的活动设计遵循语言规律,由易到难逐层递进,充分体现语言输入到语言输出的完整

5、过程。 3.听后的活动设计体现对文本内容的深度挖掘和文本再构,体现了对学生思维品格的训练与培养。【本课时教学设计】步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动) 目的 持续性评价1预备与激活先期知识Step 1Warming-up & revision 1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework. 2. Review the words of subject, days, months.3. Review the sentence structures learned yesterday. T asks a student as a model. Then l

6、et Ss work in pairs to make their own conversations. A: Whats your f_ day, Eric?B: I like Friday b_ I have music and math. Theyre my favorite s_. A: W_ is your music teacher?B: Ms. Xu. She always makes her class fun.S1: Because its interesting. T: Who is your music teacher? S1: Ms. Hu.A: Thats great

7、! But w_ do you like math. Its very d_. B: Oh, I think math is useful and interesting. W_ your favorite subject?A: Its P.E. I think its f_.B: Thats for sure. I like it, too.4. Ss work in pairs to make their own conversations. Let some pairs act out their conversation1. 通过复习学科,星期几,月份的目标词汇检查学生掌握情况2. 通

8、过学生两人对话,检查学生词汇和句型的掌握情况 学生是否能用已经学过的词汇回答问题2获取新知 Step 2Before listening1. Present other days in a week. Show some pictures of calendar. Teach Ss Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Ss read after the teacher and remember the days in a week. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Sunday) 2

9、. Present the using of on + 星期几, T: When is your art class? Ss: Its on Monday. T: When is your music class? Ss: Its on Thursday. 3. Present some new adjectives, free, cool Show a picture of someone who is busy doing sth. Write the word busy on blackboard. Then show a picture of someone who is lying

10、on the beach to rest. Write the word free on the blackboard. Then show a very cool boy with nice clothes. Write the word cool on the blackboard. Let Ss read the words free, busy, cool loudly. Then review the words: boring, difficult, easy, interesting, fun 4. Work on 1a. Match the words on the left

11、with their opposites on the right. Then check the answers. Ss read the words after teacher, then, try to remember the words. 1. 教授核心句型 When is your art class? Its on Monday. When is your music class? Its on Thursday. 2.教授核心词汇:free, cool, Tuesday, Wednesday, A.M., P.M., useful, fromto, Mrs. finish, l

12、esson, hour, have art lesson 1. 学生是否能够认读核心词汇2. 学生是否能够通过练习进一步熟悉目标词汇3深度加工知识Step 3Whilelistening1. T: David is talking about his classes and schedule. Listen to the recording and check () the words you hear in 1a. (Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again, Ss list

13、en and check ()the words in 1a. ) boring easydifficult interestingbusy funfreecool2. Check the answers with the class.1. 通过听力练习,达到语言输入的目的。2. 听第一遍要求学生完成教材1b基本要求,听第二遍要求学生完成教材1c要求,听第三遍,提高难度,要求学生回答问题3. 通过听音模仿,加大语言输入量以及强化语音语调学习。1. 通过听力检查学生是否能听懂目标词汇与基本句型2. 学生是否能用目标词汇回答问题3. 学生是否能通过听音模仿朗读课文Step 4Whilelisten

14、ing 1. Read through the schedule. T: Look at the schedule below. This is Davids schedule. December 25th is Monday, December 26th is Tuesday T: What classes does David have on Monday? S1: He has science, English, Chinese, P.E., geography and art. T: Then what activity does David have on Saturday? S1:

15、 He has a soccer game. T: What activity does David have on Sunday? S1: Its Bills birthday party. T: OK. Read through the schedule and find out what classes David have from Monday to Friday. 2. Now listen to the tape and circle the classes David talks about on this schedule. boring easydifficult inte

16、restingbusy funfreecool (Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle the classes David talks about. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.) 3. Listen again. Circle the classes David talks on this schedule. 学生是否能够通过反复朗诵课文,用目标词汇和语言创编新的对话Step 5Postlistening &Pairwork1. Lo

17、ok at the schedule above and complete the conversation in 1d. Ss work in pairs to complete the conversation. Then let some read out the conversation to check the answers.2. Ss practice the conversation with his or her partner. 3. Talk about your classmates favorite subject using the conversation in

18、1d. S1: Whats Li Taos favorite subject? S2: His favorite subject is P.E. S1: Why does he like P.E.? S2: Because its easy and relaxing. S1: When is the class? S2: Its on Wednesday. 4. Ss work in pairs to make their conversations. 1. 通过两人对话练习,学生能达到掌握对2. 通过模仿朗读,以及表演对话,达到语言真实运用的目的。3. 有能力的学生可以在对话原文的基础上创编

19、新的对话,并进行表演,进一步培养巩固学生英语学习兴趣,也检查学生是否掌握当堂课要求达到的教学目标。让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。4评价学生的学习Step 6ExercisesSummaryExercises:Fill in the blanks.There are _ days in a week. _ is the first day of the week. _ is the _day, _ is the third day, _is the _ day, _ is the _ day,

20、_ is the sixth day, _ is the last day of the week.根据横线后的标点提示,将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。1. Miss., students, Yu, to, play, with, likes, games, her 2. fun, John, English, is, thinks3. you, what, do, like, subject4. Beckys, is, class, when, computer 答案:1. Miss. Yu likes to play games with her students.2. Jack thi

21、nks English. is fun.3. What subject do you like?4. When is Beckys computer class?对下列句子中的划线部分进行提问 。1. Alex has a school trip in November. _ Alex _ a school trip?2. Miss. Wang is my math teacher. _ your math teacher?3. We have an English party at school. _ you have an English party?4. My sister likes

22、the dog because its interesting. _ your sister _ the dog? 5. Some books are in the bag. _ in the bag?答案:1. When does have2. Who is3. Where do4. Why does like5. What are总结巩固课时所学内容学生是否能够完成练习并掌握目标词汇和句型。Step 7HomeworkTalk about your favorite subject with your partner and write it down.要求学生用所学的句型创编新对话并写下

23、来。学生能否完成对话练习及对话编写作业Exercises:Fill in the blanks.There are _ days in a week. _ is the first day of the week. _ is the _day, _ is the third day, _is the _ day, _ is the _ day, _ is the sixth day, _ is the last day of the week.根据横线后的标点提示,将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。1. Miss., students, Yu, to, play, with, likes, ga

24、mes, her 2. fun, John, English, is, thinks3. you, what, do, like, subject4. Beckys, is, class, when, computer 答案:1. Miss. Yu likes to play games with her students.2. Jack thinks English. is fun.3. What subject do you like?4. When is Beckys computer class?对下列句子中的划线部分进行提问 。1. Alex has a school trip in

25、 November. _ Alex _ a school trip?2. Miss. Wang is my math teacher. _ your math teacher?3. We have an English party at school. _ you have an English party?4. My sister likes the dog because its interesting. _ your sister _ the dog? 5. Some books are in the bag. _ in the bag?答案:1. When does have2. Who is3. Where do4. Why does like5. What are

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