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Six sigma(Chinese)培训教材.pptx

1、Six Sigma Awareness Program6 了解纲要SPACER.Safety 安全 安全 Purpose 目的目的Agenda 日程日程Code of Conduct 操作代码操作代码Expectations 例外例外Roles/Responsibilities 作用作用/责任责任23年9月7日23年9月7日3Flextronics Corporate PresentationWHY ARE YOU HERE?此行目的为何?此行目的为何?To understand the why and how of Six Sigma so you can help to keep our

2、momentum growing通过了解为什么及如何使用通过了解为什么及如何使用 6 ,帮助我们保持持续增长的势头,帮助我们保持持续增长的势头 23年9月7日23年9月7日4Flextronics Corporate PresentationWHAT YOU WILL LEARN 学什么学什么Topic Outline 主题要点主题要点 Duration 为期为期1.What is 6s?(Background history)何为 6s?(背景知识)-15 mins2.Benefits and advantages of embracing 6s 奉行 6s 的裨益 -15 mins3.Wh

3、y 6s in Flextronics?Flextronics 为什么使用 6s?-15 mins4.Who is in 6s Council?6s 委员会成员?-10 mins5.6s peoples Roles and Responsibilities 6s 成员的作用与责任 -20 mins6.Understanding 6s methodology/concept 理解 6s 的方法论/概念-60 mins7.Catapult exercise 弹射练习 -30 minsQuestions&Answers.问题与回答问题与回答23年9月7日23年9月7日5Flextronics Cor

4、porate PresentationsWHAT IS SIGMA?何为西格玛?何为西格玛?23年9月7日23年9月7日6Flextronics Corporate PresentationIVision 远景远景IGoal 目标目标IPhilosophy 基本原理基本原理IMetric 米制米制IMethod 方法方法ITool 工具工具ISymbol 符号符号IBenchmark 基基准准IValue 评价评价s sA level of performance that reflects significantlyreduced defects in our products一个反映产品缺

5、陷显著减少的性能水平一个反映产品缺陷显著减少的性能水平A statistical measurement of our processcapability,as well as a benchmark forcomparison一种过程能力的统计测量法,如同一个对比基准一种过程能力的统计测量法,如同一个对比基准A set of statistical“tools”to help us measure,analyze,improve,and control our processes一套有助于测量、分析、改进及控制过程的一套有助于测量、分析、改进及控制过程的统计“工具”统计“工具”A commi

6、tment to our customers to achieve an acceptable level of performance一个达到客户满意性能水平的承诺,一个达到客户满意性能水平的承诺,.A means to stretch ourthinking with respect to quality.一个扩展注重质量理念的方法一个扩展注重质量理念的方法Sigma is a letter in the Greek Alphabet 为一希腊字母为一希腊字母What is 6s s?何为何为 6s s?23年9月7日23年9月7日7Flextronics Corporate Presen

7、tation6sWHAT IS SIX SIGMA?何为何为六六西格玛?西格玛?23年9月7日23年9月7日8Flextronics Corporate Presentation6s is Three Things 6s 的三层含义A statistical measurement.统计测量法统计测量法A business strategy.经营战略经营战略A philosophy.基本原理基本原理23年9月7日23年9月7日9Flextronics Corporate PresentationA statistical measurement of the performance of A

8、statistical measurement of the performance of a process or a product;a process or a product;过程能力或产品性能的统计测量法;过程能力或产品性能的统计测量法;A goal that reaches for near perfection in A goal that reaches for near perfection in performance;performance;使性能达到几近完美的目标;使性能达到几近完美的目标;A system of management to achieve lastin

9、g A system of management to achieve lasting business leadership and world-class business leadership and world-class performanceperformance实现持久经营领导能力和世界级业绩的管理系实现持久经营领导能力和世界级业绩的管理系统统What is 6s s?何为何为 6s s?23年9月7日23年9月7日10Flextronics Corporate PresentationSix Sigma-Breakthrough Improvement 6 -突破改进突破改进1

10、2345Six Sigma 6 Continuous Improvement持续改进持续改进Breakthrough突破突破 Strategy70%5%Time(Years)时间(年时间(年)23年9月7日23年9月7日11Flextronics Corporate PresentationThe 6s Philosophy 6s 基本原理Every process can be characterized Every process can be characterized 每个过程都可描述其特征每个过程都可描述其特征Every process can be measured Every p

11、rocess can be measured 每个过程都可测量每个过程都可测量Every process can be controlled Every process can be controlled 每个过程都可控制每个过程都可控制Every process can be predicted Every process can be predicted 每个过程都可预测每个过程都可预测Every process can be optimized Every process can be optimized 每个过程都可优化每个过程都可优化Every defect can be preve

12、nted Every defect can be prevented 每个缺陷都可预防每个缺陷都可预防Outputs输出 process 过程Inputs输入Everything,whether an invoice or a PCBA,is produced through a process 每每样东西,无论是成品还是样东西,无论是成品还是 PCBAPCBA,都是经过程生产出来的,都是经过程生产出来的23年9月7日23年9月7日12Flextronics Corporate Presentation6s Methodology 6s 方法论“It is a data-driven anal

13、ysis problem solving technique which undergo a structural and Systematic Approach to Reducing Defects which Affect What is Important to the Customer!”“它是由数据推动的分析问题解决的技巧,它采用结构的和系统的方它是由数据推动的分析问题解决的技巧,它采用结构的和系统的方法来减少缺陷,这将影响什么法来减少缺陷,这将影响什么对客户来说是重要的!对客户来说是重要的!”23年9月7日23年9月7日13Flextronics Corporate Presen

14、tationPremise of 6s 6s 的前提All processes contain variation.Variation leads to waste,scrap,and defects.所有过程均有波动。波动会导致浪费、废品和缺陷。所有过程均有波动。波动会导致浪费、废品和缺陷。These sources of variation can be:这些波动来源有可能:这些波动来源有可能:Identified被识别Quantified被量化Reduced by control;and通过控制来减少;及 Eliminated by prevention通过预防来消除23年9月7日23年

15、9月7日14Flextronics Corporate PresentationDefine定义定义 whats important 什么重要?Measure方法 方法 how were doing我们如何做?Analyze分析分析 whats wrong怎么了Improve改进 改进 by fixing whats wrong 排除故障Control控制控制 to guarantee performance 保证性能3.A n a l y z e t h e C u r r e n t P r o c e s s12344 03 02 01 0210-1-2I n d e x4C11 01

16、0 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 0 05 00Nor ma lU S LL S LMS E;G a u g e R&RI d e n t i f yK e yV a r ia b l e sE s t a b l is hP r o c e s s B a s e l in eInputTypeOutputWax gradeSOPPrep timeAmt waxContrPrepare ReactorAcid numberCharge rateContrViscosityAgit speedContrCharge melted waxReactor tempRxn t

17、empContrBring to reaction tempTemp profilePressureContrHT coeffAir flowContr%O2 in airNoiseViscosityNoiseWax tempNoiseAN targetSOPOxid timeAgit speed*ContrOxidizeAcid numberTemperature*ContrColorPressure*ContrPut in setpointsViscosityAir flow*ContrSample hourlyReactor temp%O2 in airNoiseMonitor acid

18、 numberTemp profileAir tempContrOffgas flowAir humidityNoiseOffgas compHT coeffResp timeInputTypeOutputAgit speedContrStab timeTemperatureContrStabilizeAcid numberPressureContrColorAir flowContrPut in setpointsViscosity%O2 in airNoiseSlowly reduce pressReactor tempAir tempContrMonitor tempTemp profi

19、leOffgas flowOffgas compHT coeffMap Product FlowProduct/Process Flow Summary and AnalysisStepType:Operation Decision uDela y C ust.R ec.ValueIntrin-sicRightFirstTimeDista nceTimeTotal DistanceRaw Cycle TimeX Factor3QTC6.P r i o r i t i z e,P l a n a n d T e s t P r o p o s e d S o l u t i o n sS o l

20、 u t i o nI mp a c tT i m eC o s t 8 2 1 0 4 1 2 1 0 6 11.3/10 Install Heater1.3/10 Install Heater2.Regrind Blade 2.Regrind Blade B a s i c D O EOutput12 S h if txxM a c h i n e 1M a c h i n e 2D e c i s i o n Ma t r i xP u l l S y s t e mP R IO RO P E R A T IO NN E X TO P E R A T IO NG O A L1.2.R u

21、 n C h a r tK e y O utp ut V a ria b le s (C us to m er R e q uire m e nt s):H o w M e a su re d W h e n M e a s ur e d123U nc o n tro lle d In pu t V a ria ble s (N o is e):H o w M e a su re dW h e n M e a s ur e dV a lue12345C o n tro lle d In pu t Va ria b le s:H o w M e a su re d W h e n M e a s

22、 ur e dL e ve l 1Le v el 212345O ve ra ll S a m p lin g P la n:D a t a C o l l e c t i o n P l a n8.M e a s u r e P r o g r e s s a n d H o l d G a i n s01 0 02 0 03 0 04 0 05 0 06 0 07 0 08 0 0NDJFMAMJJNDJFMAMJJA c t u a lO u t l o o k5 6 05 4 05 2 04 9 04 9 04 4 0A c t u a lT a r g e tB e n c h m

23、a r kO u t lo o kF R&TD P H M*1 0T A R G E T =3 8 5B E N C H M A R K =2 0 0L o w F l o wH ig h T e m p.H ig h P r e s s.S lu d g eM T W H F S1 401 201 00806040200353025ObservationIndividuals76543210Moving RangeMU=29.85UCL=34.21LCL=25.49R=1.639UCL=5.356LCL=0.000I and MR Chart for:%PDPT e a m C h a r

24、t e r2.F o r m T e a m a n d S c o p e t h e P r o j e c tI n p u tS u p p l ie rR e q m t.M e a s u r e sO u t p u t sC u s t o m e r sV a l u eM e a s u r e sQ u a l i t yC o s tT i m eI d e n t i f y C u s t o m e r sa n d R e q u i r e m e n t sE s t a b l s h P r o c e s sP r i o r i t ie s9.A

25、c k n o w l e d g e T e a m a n d C o m m u n i c a t e R e s u l t sP r o j e c t R e p o r tT E A M R E S U L T SG O A L1. e f i n e a n d I m p l e m e n t S o l u t i o n sProcess StepOutputInputProcess Specification(LSL,USL,Target)Cpk/Date Measurement Technique%R&R P/TSample SizeSample

26、 FrequencyControl MethodReaction PlanR e v i s e d C o n t r o l P l a nT a s kWh oE a r l i e s t S t a r t4/16/28/3P r o j e c t P l a n (G a n t t C h a r t)T r a i n i n g&P r o c e d u r e s1.I d e n t i f y O p p o r t u n i t i e sS T R A PA l ig n G o a l s a n d R e s o u r c e sP a r e t o

27、 C h a r tC a t e g o r yS e l e c t C r it i c a l P r o j e c t sA c t i v i t y B a s e dMa n a g e m e n tT i meT a k tN V A T i meABCDEC o s t sABCDEN V A$=P r o c e s s B a s e d C O P QABCDEQ u a l i t yC o s tT i m eL e a n E n t e r p r i s eS a l e sC S RMf gQ CS h i p4.D e f i n e D e s i

28、 r e d O u t c o m e sC r i t i c a l M e a s u r e s a n d G o a ls1 6 81 4.7 1 8 51 1.4 4 8 1C a p a b il it y P l o tP r o c e s s T o le r a n c eS p e c if ic a t i o n sS t D e v:0.5 4 5 0 7IIIIII1 41 31 2C a p a b i li ty H is t o g r a mP r o c e s s C a p a b i l i t yE s t a b l i s h E n

29、t i t l e m e n tG O A LS a l e sC S RMf gQ CS h i p A s IsS h o u l d B eC o m p e t i t i v eA d v a n t a g e($)5.I d e n t i f y R o o t C a u s e s&P r o p o s e d S o l u t i o n sProcess or Product Nam e:Prepared by:Page _ of _Responsibl e:F MEA Date(Ori g)_ _ (Rev)_ _P ro cess Step/I np u tP

30、o ten tial F ail ure M o dePo tential F ail ure E ffectsSEVPo ten tial Cau sesOCCCu rr ent Con tro lsDETRPNActio ns Reco mm en dedResp.Actio ns TakenSEVOCCDETRPNWhat is the process step/Input under investi gation?In what ways does the Key Input go wr ong?What i s the impact on the Key Output Vari ab

31、les(Customer Requirem ents)or i nterna l requi rem ents?H ow S evere is the effect to the cusotm er?What causes the Key Input to go wrong?How o ften d oes cau se or FM occur?What a re the existing controls and procedures(i nspecti on and test)that prevent ei t h the cause or the F ailure M o de?S h

32、ould includ e an SO P nu m b er.How we ll can you de tec t cause or F M?What are the acti ons for reducing the occurrance of the Cause,or im provi ng detection?S ho u ld h ave actio n s o nl y o n hig h R PNs o r easy fixes.Whose Responsible for the re commended action?What are the completed actions

33、 taken with the recalculated RPN?Be su re to incl ud e co mp letio n m o nth/year0 000000 00 000000000000000Process/Product Failure Modes and Effects Analysis(FMEA)E f f e c t$p e r C o s t D r i v e rM E MP R O CC H ME L E VO T H E R01 63 24 86 4P r i o r i t i z e C a u s e sA B ME x p l o r e P r o c e s s D a t aF ME AB r a i n s t o r m P o t e n t i a lR o o t C a u s e sT A K T T i m e213.5

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