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1、,Re-Inventing Marketing and Communication for an Interactive Marketplace,Don E.Schultz,Northwestern University 唐舒尔茨教授 美国西北大学,Most of Our Marketing and Communication Planning and ImplementationApproaches Were Developed in the Last Century,Most of Our Marketing and Communication Planning and Implement

2、ation,Approaches Were Developed in the Last Century例如,以往我们多数的传播模型都是线性的输出。,Our Marketing Systems Were Based onInternally-Driven Management Approaches我们的营销系统一度是基于内部驱动的管理方法。,Suppliers,Raw material Raw material,Assemby Batch/line/Continuous Process,4Ps Supply Chain Model:Distributors,Agents&Brokers,Reta

3、ilers,Customers/End users,Fina Pacaking,We Controlled All Our Brands and Branding Programs,我们以往是这样管理品牌和品牌推广计划的。,Early 20th Century,Packaging包装,1940-1970,1970-1990,1990-2000,2000,Mass Media大众媒体,In-Store&Promotion 实体店面&促销,Direct Contact 直接联系,Interactive交互,Co-Created Value共创价值,Preference偏爱/兴趣Knowledge了

4、解/知识Attitudes/Awareness态度/意识,Conviction确认,一切都是建立在一个以说服为本的层次效果模式上。,All Were Built on a Persuasion-Based,“Hierarchy of Effects”Model,Marketing Communication 市场营销,4321,Source:Adapted from Lavidge and Steiner,We Talked,Consumers Were Supposed to Listen,And Then,Buy.and,Re-Buy,我们传递信息,消费者接受,然后实现购买和再购买,It

5、Was a System That Looked Like This,这个系统看起来是这样的。,Marketer营销,Consumer/Prospect消费/预期,Messages and Incentives信息和消费驱动And,It Worked for Most of the 20th Century整个20世纪的市场营销基本都是按照这样的系统进行的,Branded Products/Services品牌产品/服务,Agency代理,Media Organization媒体,Sales Force销售力,Retail零售商,Internet Wi-Fi 互联网 Wi-Fi Interne

6、t Wi-Fi 移动电话,iPods/MP3 播放器Social Networks 社交网络,iPhone Applications iPhone 应用Cable/satellite 有线/卫星电视,Blocking Systems-TIVO/DVRs/Filters/Pop-up Blockers/etc.拦截系统-TIVO/硬盘录像机/过滤器/弹出窗口阻止程序等。,Then,Information Technology Changed the Entire Marketplace,Globally!,然而,信息技术在全球范围内改变了整个市场!,Marketer,Consumers/Pros

7、pects,Messages and IncentivesCompetitorsCompetitors,Word-of-Mouth口碑传播,New Forms of Media新媒体形式,Employees/Recommenders/Distributors/Influencers,Today,We Live In a“Push-and-Pull”Marketplace,今天,我们生活在一个“推拉”的市场环境中。Web Search 网络搜索Competitors CompetitorsAgency Media Sales ForceProducts and Services,消费者决定何时、

8、何地、从什,么地方购买何种商品。,营销人员必须及时响应 以帮助消费者达成标。,Where Consumers Decide What,When,Where and From Whom to BuyAnd,Marketers Must Respond to Succeed。,More Listening and Less Talking多倾听少自顾自地说,That Means Many Traditional Marketing Concepts Have to Change,这就意味着许多传统的市场营销的方法要面临着改变。,From segmentation to aggregation从分割

9、到汇聚From attitudes to behaviors从态度到行为From targeting to responding从目标营销到积极响应From talking to listening从说服到倾听From the 4Ps to.从4P发生改变.,。A New View of a Consumer Controlled,Interactive Marketing and Communication System建立一种新的、消费者主导的、交互性的市场营销体系。,Most Important,Consumer-Decision System Changes from,最重要的是,现在

10、是消费者决策的年代。,Passive 被动的,Active 主动的,Consumer Decision Route Changes from Linear to Network,消费者决策体系从线性的变成网状的。Linear 线性的Network 网状的,From a Single Point-in-Time to a Range of Consumer Choices,消费者的选择从单一的点变成了立体的面。,Point-in-time单一的时间点,One product一个产品,Ongoing Alternatives可持续选择的替代品,Multiple alternative choice

11、s in a product line在产品线上的可供选择的多个替代品,Starting With a New,Consumer-Focused Approach开始一个新的以消费者为中心的方法,S.I.V.A,Solutions寻求解决问题的方案,Information寻找信息,Values衡量价值,Access找到入口,S Is for Solution to Consumer Problems and ConcernsS 是消费者寻求解决问题的方案,How can I solve the problem I have or expect to have?,我如何解决我已有或将有的 问题?

12、,S,Heres our solution to your problem,这是我为你的问题提 供的解决方案。,Consumer Question:消费者的问题:,Brand Answer:品牌的答案:,I Is for Consumer Need for InformationI 是消费者寻求的信息,Where can I learn more about your solution to my problem?,我在哪里可以了解更 多的关于我的问题的 解决方案?,Here are the answers to your questions ways to get the informati

13、on,plus the products and services you want or need这里是你的问题的答案-获得信息 的方式,加上你想要或需要的产品 和服务。Brand Answer:品牌的答案:,Consumer Question:消费者的问题:,I,V Is for Consumer Questions About ValueV 是消费者对于问题解决方案的价值的衡量,What is the total sacrifice or cost to get and use your solution to my problem?,我需要付出什么成本或其他(价格、价值、便利、时间、精

14、力)去获得我解决问 题的方案?,V,Heres the total cost for“our solution”and,heres the value you get for the price you pay这里是我们提供的解决问题 方案的总成本,也是你付出 的价值所在。,Consumer Question:消费者的问题:,Brand Answer:品牌的答案:,A Is for the Consumer Needs for AccessA 是消费者解决问题的入口,Where can I get or find“your solution”and,how easy will it be to

15、 obtain?,我在哪里可以得到或找到“解 决方案”,是否容易获得?,A,Consumer Question:消费者的问题:,Heres where you can find“our solution”,heres the total cost and the experience you will have in obtaining and using在这里,你可以找到“我们的 解决方案”,你将付出的成本 和体验都将在这里获得。Brand Answer:品牌的答案:,对搜索引擎的认知、接受和广 泛使用是这一切改变得以实现 的驱动力。,All Driven by the Recognized

16、,Accepted and Widely Used Search Engine,The SIVA model driven by Seach PlatformSIVA模型来自搜索平台的驱动力Consumer-centric以消费者为中心,Information on demand,实时提供消费者需要的信息,Efficient and current高效及时,Based on use of“Big Data”,以大数据为依托,Allows active decision making,支撑主动决策,Dialogs.not just directions,交互而非线性的,Connecting th

17、e SIVA Approach to Seach Capabilities,把SIVA理论和搜索平台相连接,When consumers need information 消费者寻求信息的时候他们需要搜素平台,In the form they want,以消费者希望的方式出现,In the depth and amount they require,信息的深度和数量符合需要,Ability to revisit,revise,re-search,消费者能够评估、修改问题,重新搜索,Almost all alternatives presented,几乎所有可能的选择都能被呈现,Continuo

18、usly updated,信息是不断更新的,SIVA and the Seach Platform Provide Solutions to,On-Going Consumer Questions SIVA和搜索平台为不断涌现的消费者问题提供 实时的解决方案,SIVA Model-Based on SeachPlatform,SIVA模型基于搜索平台,S,I,A,V,Todays consumer behavior is so complicated that marketers must build a new marketing model to seize the consumers“k

19、ey branding moments”今天的客户行为是如此复杂,因此市场营 销必须建立一个新的营销模式 抓住 消费者的“关键品牌接触时刻“,Baidu provides a platform for that model,based on the SIVA system of solvingconsumer problems 百度基于解决消费者问题的SIVA模型,为 这个新的营销模式提供了一个平台。The Baidu platform and SIVA system enable consumers to create their own,on-going personal“Baidu Mo

20、ments”,to solve their individual problems,based on their own personal searches.搜索平台和SIVA模型使消费者能够创建属 于自己的、不断更新的个人的“百度时 刻”,用以根据自己的主动搜寻解决自己的问题。,The New Marketing Logic,Thats what creates BAIDU MOMENTS,于是我们创建了BAIDU MOMENTS,-Learning about consumers problems-倾听消费者的问题所在,-Helping consumers find solutions t

21、o their problems-帮助消费者获得解决他们问题的方法-Providing the information consumers need-为消费者提供他们所需要的信息,-Showing consumers how and where to access/acquire solutions-告诉消费在哪凭借什么手段可以获得解决其问题的方法,-Providing comparisons that allow consumers to determine value-提供竞品信息使消费者可以比较其价值所在,“Interactive Marketplace of the 21st Cent

22、ury”“21世纪的交互性市场”,There are literally billions of consumer-driven,simultaneous BAIDU moments at any point in time.在任何时间点上,都 有数以亿计的消费者 驱动的百度moments 呈现在百度平台上。,Yet,each of those moments is unique to each consumer within the Baidu platform at that moment.当然,在那一刻,每 一个消费者在百度平 台上的百度moments 都是独一无二的。,Solution

23、,Information,Value,Access,单位:十亿次/天Billion/Day,V0.22,1.8S,1.1,I,A,0.55,随机抽样1947.4万次Query数据源:百度搜索日志,2012年10月6日 19.474millions query from Baidu search.Oct.6.2012,Baidu Platform Enables the Complete SIVA System百度平台呈现出完整的SIVA系统,A Day of SIVA in the Baidu Platform百度平台一天的搜索,The Process Creates Baidu MOMENT

24、S,数以亿计的消费者时刻同时涌现在百度平台高跟鞋比较好的防晒霜 邮编 平野绫平邑莲花山商城平邑网破解以后的收费外挂破路申请 书葡萄市价 葡萄的营养价值葡萄副作用葡途观售后葡萄酒品牌葡萄是热性还是凉性朴恩 惠微博s5武器s600 现车 s600什么时候改款 s925银多少钱一克samsung gt-i8150 samsung三星 i9100g samsung 三星 i9100g定制 sana豆乳 极白 sanbansidian sandara faceshop sandboxsaphcm pfal t-code sap系统发票校验怎么做 sarah connor make u high sas

25、硬盘多少钱 scm书籍 scm系统研究 scm资料 scoop scoop up scooper平乐园 卡丁 车 价钱 平流层 平面模特 平面软件 平面图 平面图 椅子 平铺 平 铺背景平清盛台湾小吃子 平清盛妻子 平日妆容 平时穿36码的鞋 朴海美 朴嘉熙 朴炯植 朴敏英 朴明哲小学毕业可期货投资学校 小学毕业能上技校么 小学毕业能上什么学校 小 学初中心理学 小学初中心理学案例分 航空公司级教师升 一级要什么材料小泽玛莉亚 小泽 玛 莉 亚 素 颜 魅 影 魅 族 魅 族 mx 重启 魅族 mx 自魔兽攻 略族 mx 老是重启 samsunggalaxynote sana豆乳win8桌面主

26、题 window mysql无法启动window2003 mysql无法启动 window7 cntv无法直播 windows windows 7旗版windows mobileEach consumer has or creates his/her own Baidu MOMENTS一千个消费者就有一千个Baidu MOMENTS,Nowhere Is Listening More Important Than In Consumer Search,在消费者的主动搜寻中,我们要做的最重要的就是倾听他们的需求。,Using SIVA,Are All About Enhancing and Ex

27、panding Consumer Marketplace Experiences借助SIVA理论,帮助企业加强和扩展了 消费者的市场体验,“Baidu Moments”,Consumer solutions消费者的解决方案Consumer-controlled消费者控制的系统Consumer-focused以消费者为焦点Consumer pathways消费者的到达路径Consumer choices消费者的选择Consumer decision process消费者决策过程Consumer alternatives消费者的替代选择Consumer timing消费者的时间安排,Consume

28、r消费者,Summary总结Baidu Moments and SIVA Search Are.,In Todays Consumer-Controlled,Interactive Marketplace,BAIDU MOMENTS,Based on the SIVA Process,Provide the Marketers“Key Marketing Moments”to co-create,build and monitor their brand with consumers.在今天这个消费者主导的协同市场中以SIVA为依托的BAIDU MOMENTS为营销者提供了一系列“营销关键时刻”使得营销者有机会和消费者协同创建自己的品牌,Thank You for Listening andThank Baidu.For These“Baidu Moments,

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