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1、Practical introduction:实用简介,L-force 9400 Servo Drives L-force|Engineer,2,Introduction to L-force 9400 and engineerL-force 9400 和 engineer 的介绍,9400 servo drive set-up with interfaces 9400伺服的接口设置Parameter setting with Engineer and keypad 通过Engineer 和 操作面板进行参数设定Technology Applications(TA)技术应用Diagnostic

2、s and configuration of the application with the function block editor 使用功能块编辑器的应用配置和诊断Multi axis application with horizontal CAN communication 使用CAN总线通讯的多轴应用,Next Back,3,Modular set-up(11 kW),Mounting base 安装底板Power module 功率模块Extension module 扩展模块Accessories 附件,Next Back,4,Interfaces at the power m

3、odule,Diagnostic interface诊断接口,Resolver input旋转变压器接口,Multi encoder input编码器接口,Analog/digital IOs模拟/数字 I/O,24 V supply and state bus24V和状态总线,CAN on board 内置CAN,2 module receptacles for extensions 2个扩展模块插槽,Module receptacle for memory module存储模块插槽,Module receptacle for safety technology安全模块插槽,LEDs 指示灯

4、,Next Back,HighLine StateLine:1 个扩展插槽,5,LEDs指示灯,CAN ERRORCAN 错误,DRIVE ERROR驱动器错误,USER用户定义,CAN RUNCAN 运行,DRIVE READY驱动器投入,24 V,OFF=CAN inactive CAN没激活=Pre-operational 预操作=Operational 操作,=Bus warning 总线报警=Bus off 总线关闭,OFF=Pulse inhibit due to an error 由于错误而禁止=Controller inhibited 控制器禁止=Controller enab

5、led 控制器使能,OFF=OK=Error status 错误状态=System error 系统错误,Applicable in the application在应用中使用,ready Next Back,6,Keypad面板,4 direction keys for navigation 4个方向键用于导航2 context-sensitive function keys 2个功能键Run and stop keys(configurable)运行和停止键(可配置)Status field 状态区Notes:注:Diagnostic¶meter setting only 仅用于诊

6、断和参数设定Application is stored in the memory module 应用存储在存储模块中,ready Next Back,7,Your training set-up你的培训设置,2x 9400 HighLine Single Drive type 1(2个9400 HighLine 单驱动型1)Extension module Ethernet(扩展模块-以太网)Memory module MM330(存储模块-MM330)Safety module SM0(安全模块-SM0)Firmware version 01.51.01(固件版本01.51.01)2x M

7、otor MCS06C41 with resolver and tooth wheel(2个伺服电机带旋变和齿型轮)left Z=72 and 32(左 Z=72,32)right Z=60 and 20(右Z=60,20)Belt 皮带left L=600 mm;Z=120(左L=600mm;Z=120)right L=535 mm;Z=107(右L=535mm;Z=107)Active application:“Actuator speed“(激活应用 Actuator speed),Next Back,8,Exercise 1:Detect the drive status by mea

8、ns of LEDs and keypad 通过指示灯和面板检测驱动器状态,Next Back,Switch on the supply voltages(24 V and 400 V)电源上电Make the left drive rotate:运转左侧驱动器RFRController enable(Reglerfreigabe)控制器使能 DI1Deactivation of quick stop 快停取消DI2Start 启动AI1%Speed setpoint 速度设定 Switch off the 400 V supply voltage 切断400V电源Find out the d

9、rive status by means of the LEDs and the keypad 通过指示灯和面板观察状态 Make the logbook being displayed at the keypad对面板显示进行记录,9,Start assistant 启动助手,Next Back,10,User interface 用户界面,Menu bar菜单栏,Tool bar工具栏,View bar浏览栏,Project tree工程树,Work space工作区,Messages and monitor panel信息和监视盘,ready Next Back,11,Going onl

10、ine 在线连接,Diagnostic adapter 诊断适配器CANEthernet TCP/IP 以太网,Point-to-point-connection 点对点连接,10-pole special cable RJ69 10芯RJ69电缆,ready Next Back,12,How to go online 如何连接,Select the channel of communication 选择通讯通道Start the search for devices 搜索驱动器 Confirm the detected device 确认检测到的设备Connect 连接,ready Next

11、 Back,13,Colour represents online 在线的颜色表示,Value in the work space:工作区的颜色yellow=modifiable黄=可修改grey yellow=read only土黄=只读red=communication error 红=通讯错误,Next Back,14,Exercise 2:Detect the drive status by means of the engineer 通过engineer检测驱动器状态,Start the L-force|Engineer.启动Create a new project by going

12、 online via diagnostic adapters and uploading the data from the right drive controller.Name the project“Practical intro“.创建一个新工程,并通过诊断电缆从右侧的驱动器上载数据,命名为”Practical intro”Open the project tree.Click on the drive controller.Evaluate the drive status by means of the tab“Diagnostics”.打开工程树,点击控制器,通过“Diagno

13、stics”栏监控驱动器状态Adapt the monitor window:Show the“Device utilisation(Ixt)”as a log with a suitable resolution.观察设备利用率“Device utilisation(Ixt)”是否合适Save your project.保存工程,Next Back,15,Solution:Detect the drive status检测驱动器状态,Next Back,16,Applications 应用,Application=configured function of one device应用=单个驱

14、动器配置的功能How can applications be created?如何建立应用?Two possible solutions:两个可能的方法:Modify or extend a prefabricated technology application supplied by Lenze 修改和扩展伦茨预先提供的技术应用Create the application completely by yourself(insert“No Application”or just dont insert any application.The empty application can be

15、edited then within the function block editor)完全由用户自己创建(插入“No Application”或不插入任何应用,可以用功能块编辑器在空应用上编辑),ready Next Back,17,Applications supplied by Lenze伦茨提供的应用,are called technology applications,e.g.我们称作“TA”,如:Actuator speed 速度Actuator torque 转矩Synchronism with mark synchronisation DF or MotionBus 数频或运

16、动总线的同步Electronic gearbox DF or MotionBus 数频或运动总线的电子齿轮Table positioning 表格定位Positioning sequence control 定位顺序控制are part of the runtime software 应用是实时软件的一部分use basic drive functions 使用基本的驱动功能,ready Next Back,18,Runtime software 实时软件,L-force runtime software consists of 实时软件包括:Function block libraries

17、功能块库Technology applications 技术应用(TA)Operating and application dialogs 操作和应用会话Documentation and online help 文件和在线帮助The usage of runtime software requiresMotion Control licenses,tied to memory modules 实时软件的使用需要相关存储卡中运动控制许可,MC TopLevel,MM330,Hardware equipment,granted license,ready Next Back,19,Three w

18、ays of processing an application 处理应用的3个方法,Parameter setting参数设定,Configuration配置,Programming编程,:is prepared,ready Next Back,20,Overview of the parameter setting surface 参数界面,ready Next Back,21,Navigation in the parameter setting surface参数设定界面的导航,ready Next Back,22,Parameter list 参数列表,Tab标签 Category目

19、录Sub-categories子目录Info area信息区,ready Next Back,23,Exercise 3:Parameter setting of application:“Actuator Speed“速度应用的参数设定,Make the speed setpoint come from Analog input 2.速度设定点来自模拟量输入2Start the“Manual jog”at the handling box:在操作盒上启动(手动)DI2=OFF DI6=ONModify the settings for the“Manual jog”and observe t

20、he drive.改变手动设定并观察驱动器Save the parameter set in the drive controller.存储参数Go offline.离线Save the engineer project.存储engineer工程,Next Back,24,Engineer project describes a real plant 用Engineer工程来描述一个真实的工厂,Clear structure 清晰的结构Device-independent information单独的设备信息Online with several devices simultaneously

21、同时多个设备在线,Next Back,25,Project elements 工程元件,Automation module=general container for any structure自动化模块=任何结构的总容器Axis=special container for one drive轴=单个驱动器的特殊容器Component=drive controller,motor,I/O system 元件=驱动控制器,电机,I/O系统Device module 设备模块Gearbox 减速箱Application=designed function of one device应用=一个设备设

22、计好的功能Machine application=Coaction of several applications机器应用=多应用联合Network 网络,Next Back,26,Typical structure of a project一个工程的典型结构,Selection in the tree在树中选择controls menus,icons,tabs 控制菜单,图标,标签defines the element affected by user input 定义用户输入激活的元件Structure 结构Modular design 模块设计Networks can contain e

23、lements of the same or a lower level only 网络可以包含相同的或者更低级元件,Next Back,27,Usage of prefabricated applications预制应用的使用,Catalogue目录,Project 工程,9400MotionControl license,ready Next Back,28,Exercise 4:Extend your project 延伸你的工程,Go offline.离线Extend your existing project by suitable elements,so that it repre

24、sents the complete training structure with 2 axes.延伸工程完成2轴的结构For the newly inserted drive controller select the technology application“Positioning sequence control”对新加入的驱动选择“定位顺序控制”应用Give a suitable name to the axes and the drive controllers in the project.对工程中的轴和控制器命名Save the project.保存工程,Next Back

25、,29,Update the devices(Build project)更新设备,Prior to download,the device-specific representation of the project data must be up-to-date.The Engineer builds this from the project.This processing includes steps such as consistency checking,setting parameters,and compiling the application.下载前,Engineer创建设

26、备细节更新,这个处理包括连贯性检查,设定参数和编译应用The user can start the processing at any time by clicking on.通过点击,用户可以在任何时间开始处理。When going online,he will be prompted to do so,provided that this has not happened yet.当在线连接时,如果还没有处理,会提示你这样做,Next Back,30,Transferring the application to the device将应用传递到设备,ready Next Back,31,

27、Operating mode of the positioning sequence control定位顺序控制模式,ready Next Back,32,Structure of the positioning program定位控制结构,Positioning program 定位程序,Action 动作,Homing回零,Positioning定位,Waiting等待,Counting计算,Positioning profile,Position,Speed,Acceleration,100,10 action types10动作类型,1,50,25,20,Counter计数器,10,1

28、00,100,50,50,different possible settings不同设定,Next step下一步,Step 步,100,Next Back,33,Preset positioning program 先设置定位程序,Next Back,34,Exercise 5:Start up the positioning sequence control启动定位顺序控制,Plug the diagnostic adapter to the other drive controller 调试线接到另一驱动器Transmit the positioning sequence control

29、 to the device(without application information)and adapt the brake control to your training system 传送定位顺序控制至驱动器(无应用信息)并调整制动器控制Start the positioning program 启动定位控制RFRController enable(Reglerfreigabe)使能DI1Deactivation of quick stop 快停取消DI3Positive limit switch of travel range(LOW active)正限位DI4Negative

30、 limit switch of travel range(LOW active)负限位DI5Reset error and positioning program 复位错误和定位程序 DI6Start positioning program(sequence control)启动定位程序(顺序控制)Modify program step 3 in a way that the drive covers 5 motor rotations.修改程序第3步使驱动器包含5个人电机旋转,Next Back,35,The function block editor as a“viewer“功能块编辑器

31、可作为浏览器,Online diagnostics 在线诊断Better comprehension of the applications function 易于应用功能的理解Alternative parameter access 可选择参数通道,Next Back,36,Usage of the function block editor功能块编辑器的使用,Free text search文字搜索,Enlarge the operating range 放大操作范围,Help/Parameter dialog帮助/参数会话,ready Next Back,Go to连接至,37,Bloc

32、k and signal types块和信号类型,Next Back,Code/variable 代码/变量,Port 端口,L_function block 功能块,LS_system block 系统块,38,Exercise 6:Getting to know the function block editor 了解功能块编辑器,Switch to the tab function block editor 切换到功能块编辑标签(positioning sequence control,online)(位置顺序控制,在线)Detect the source of the signal,w

33、hich makes the yellow UserLED light up.At this block activate the“Online help”and explain the meaning of the signal.检测使黄色UserLED灯亮的信号源,在此功能块激活“在线帮助”来解释信号含义Switch to the tab“Terminal assignment”.For the digital output 2 select the signal source“645:Seq.control is active”.Switch back to the function block editor and check the result.切换到“端子配置”标签,对数字输出2选择信号源“645:顺序控制激活”,回到功能块编辑器并检查结果Find the block L_P

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