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本文(上海教育版英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 11《Childrens Day》教案.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

上海教育版英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 11《Childrens Day》教案.docx

1、上海教育版英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 11Childrens Day教案Module 4 Unit 11 Childrens Day教案Topic : Unit 11 Childrens Day课时:Period 1教材简析及学情分析本单元围绕着六一儿童节的活动展开话题,通过情景对话,让学生能够听懂会说句型On Childrens Day, I canwith和In the morning, we have a party.并能在实际和生活中自然运用,描述节日的活动.同时让学生在游戏活动中熟练运用所学的核心词汇,提供给学生一个实际运用语言的机会. 教学目标1、知识与技能:1) 掌

2、握并运用词汇cinema, museum, zoo,song.2) 通过句型I can do something. I can go to with sb. 让学生描述自己的儿童节活动.3) 通过已有语言知识的输入,结合新词汇的学习,学生能够对儿童节活动进行描述, 进行语段的输出.2、 过程和方法:通过操练巩固已学词汇和句型,帮助学生运用核心词汇描述儿童节活动,拓展语言内容.3、 情感态度价值观:培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气,让学生更加喜欢并享受儿童节.教学重点及难点教学重点:词汇:掌握运用cinema, museum ,zoo,song .教学难点:单词museum的发音, 学生

3、运用核心词汇和句型描述儿童节活动.教法学法教法:情景教学法,鼓励教学法学法:小组活动学习法教学资源Cards, tape, PPT教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warming-up1、Play a guessing game.(Show a picture of Mothers Day.)T: Its a day for our mothers. We can give them flowers and thank them, What day is it? (Show a picture of Teachers Day.)T: Its a day for teac

4、hers. Its on 9th October. What day is it?T: On Teachers Day, what can you do?(Show a picture of Childrens Day.)T: Its a day for children. What day is it?T: What time is the Childrens Day?T: What can you do on Childrens Day?2、Sing a songT: On Childrens Day, I can sing a song for you. Look, this is th

5、e song.Happy Childrens Day. (板书,学习生词song)S: Its Mothers Day.S: Its Teachers Day.S1: I can give teacher a card.S2: I can give teacher a flower.S3: S: Its Childrens Day.S: Its in June.S: I can dance, skate, fly a kite, ride a bike, run, swim, play football, play the guitar.Students sing this song toge

6、ther!由猜测已掌握的节日:母亲节和教师节,引出儿童节如何表达,复习已学单词和词组,同时操练句型On Childrens Day, I can.通过歌曲Happy Childrens Day引入单词song.Step 2 Lead in1、 Show a picture of Alice.Who is she?Today is Childrens Day. Our friend Alice is very happy. Lets watch the video, and see what happened on Childrens Day.2、 Look and match.After wa

7、tching the video, can you tell me which the correct order is?3、 Watch the video again. Try to find out the correct answers.Q1.How is the classroom?Q2. What does Alice do in the morning?Q3.What do Alice、Jill and Kitty do in the classroom?Q4.What do Alice and her parents do in the afternoon? S:She is

8、Alice.S1: C is number 1.S2: D is number 2.S3: B is number 3.S4: A is number 4.S1、The classroom looks beautiful.S2、In the morning, she has a party. S3、They sing a song in the classroom.S4、They go to the zoo. 由Alice度过一个美好的儿童节导入视频,激发学生学习兴趣.通过看课文视频,使学生对课文内容有所了解,学生能够很好的理清课文脉络.听音过程是帮助学生正音的过程,培养学生地道的语音.使学生

9、带着目的去听课文,训练学生的听力,培养语感.Step 3PresentationOk, its a zoo.(板书zoo)On childrens Day, I can _.(go to the zoo) In the zoo, I can see _.( animals)Play a video.This is a wonderful film, yes? Well, in your daily life, where can you see the film?Show the word cinema.Look. This is a cinema. C-I-N-E-M-A,cinema.(板

10、书cinema)On childrens Day, I can _.(go to the cinema)In the cinema, I can see _.( films)Theres an interesting place. We can learn some knowledge from it. It is called“museum”. M-U-S-E-U-M, museum.(板书museum)On childrens Day, I can _.(go to the museum)In the museum, I can see _.(models )S: Cinema.C-I-N

11、-E-M-Acinema.S: Museum.M-U-S-E-U-M, museum.由回答问题,引出单词zoo.由单词zoo引申儿童节还可以去的地方:电影院和博物馆.拼读单词,锻炼学生书写能力.Step 4Consolidati-on1、Act the text in groups.Ss can use the new words and sentences to make a dialogue.2、Fill in the blanks.On Childrens Day, I _in the morning. I can_. In the afternoon, I can go to the

12、 _ with _. I can _.I like _. Its a happy day. I love Childrens Day.On Childrens Day, I have a party in the morning. I can sing a song. In the afternoon, I can go to the cinema with my sister. I can see a film. I like watching Superman. Its a happy day. I love Childrens Day.学生运用所学句型创编新的对话,输出所学语言知识,并与

13、以前的知识形成联接,形成新的知识体系,培养学生创新思维能力.巩固本文已学重点知识.Step 5SummaryLet Ss try to say what we learnt today and give them encourage.Try to read the words and sentences,talk about the text.鼓励学生自己总结新课,复述课文,有利于帮助学生形成知识体系,培养学生的概括能力.Step6 Homework1、 Tell your Childrens Day with your parents and friends.2、Write down your Childrens Day on the paper.Students write down the homework.布置作业既有口头的又有笔头的,既有利于中年段学生开口说英语,又有利于培养一定的英语思维能力和初步的写作能力.板书设计11Unitsong.modelsfilmsanimalsI can see.museumzoocinemaI can go to the Childrens Day

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