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1、本科毕业论文Literature Review of on Purity in a Corrupt World-an Analysis of Oliver Twister系别外语系专 业金融英语届 别2015届班 级2011英语二班学生姓名李游学 号2011060214指导教师罗敏职 称讲师二O一四年十二月文献综述评分表学生姓名 李游 班级 2011英语二班 学号 2011060214 文献综述完成时间 2014 年 12 月 3 日 文献综述题目 Literature Review of on Purity in a Corrupt World-an Analysis of Oliver T

2、wister 文献综述中引用文献情况:文献总数 16 篇,其中:中文 6 篇,英文 10 篇,其它语种 0 篇,期刊论文 13 篇,教材著作 3 部,其它文献 0 篇。文献时间跨度 1989 年 2013 年(以下栏目由老师填写):序号评分内容满分评分1是否全面收集了有关的文献资料152是否充分介绍了与本论文内容相关的研究开发历史与现状,有无重大遗漏203是否科学地评价已有的学术观点、理论和方法204是否在已有成果的基础上阐明本人的观点155是否能预示今后可能的发展趋势与研究方向106行文是否流畅,综述能力如何20总 分100评语(请根据评分内容进行评定)(评语需打印,指导老师签名为手写签名)

3、 指导教师(签名) 年 月 日Literature Review ofon Purity in a Corrupt World-an Analysis of Oliver Twister1.IntroductionOliver Twister is a famous critical realism novel created by the prominent critical realist Charles Dickens.It does not only expose the darkness of society, the decay of the capitalism, and the

4、 selfishness and ugliness of the human nature but also describe something peculiar to mankind purity and conscience.The theme of this novel is to advocate goodness and beauty that will defeat the evil finally.Even nowadays,the novel still has a great effect on the development of the society.Some pro

5、blems which is described in the novel can always be found in modern society such as the poverty,the corruption,the discrimination and the inequality.Especially the goodness in humanity is always the focus of peoples attention.Peace and development are the main theme of contemporary times.What the ha

6、rmonious society need is pure thoughts and good quality.Almost of us would like to believe that world is beautiful and tomorrow is better.However,we have to admit that there is weakness in human nature and no one could be perfect.As an old saying goes,where there is sunshine,there is also shade.Past

7、 and present, the character of evil and ugliness is always alive.From ancient times until today,the evil men is never disappear.For example,thief,robber,killer,swindler,communicable disease carrier,pillager,treacherous man,schemer etc.It is hard to imagine a world short of purity and humanity.World

8、needs to find the purity buried in the human soul.By trimming the studies on Oliver Twister and analyzing the purposes of writing and writing skill,this paper aims to make people have a better understanding about this novel,to make people find the real social value of this novel, to help people know

9、 the strength of purity and conscience.2.Previous Studies on Oliver Twister In1838, As soon as Oliver Twister was published, the novel had aroused attention and strong shock in the London literature.Many scholars and writers are very interested in Oliver Twister and there are lots of research about

10、this novel in the world.Different scholars have different studies on Oliver Twister according to their respective standard of classification and they have different research directions. 2.1.Foreign ResearchOliver Twister has been researched abroad for a long history. In the research field of Victori

11、a culture,Dickens is the main research object.The foreign scholar Gilbert Keith Chesterton published a collected works named Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens in 1991.Generally,most people think that Dickens has many classical works which has great effect on the whole soci

12、ety and he should be a person who is praised.However,Chesterton has his own different and distinct idea,about Dickens,that the great people Dickens also should be criticized. Dickens plots have often been dismissed as conventional or cheaply sensational.But in Parentage and Inheritance in the Novels

13、 of Charles Dickens, released by Anny Sadrin,he argues that they should rather be seen as the embodiment of one of Dickenss central preoccupation: dramatised rituals of succession.Through readings of individual texts, Professor Sadrin shows how the simple pattern of quest for father which characteri

14、ses Oliver Twister develops in Dickenss later novels into an extended exploration of the triple inheritance of appearance, name and property. Increasing intricacies of plot represent growing tension between conflicting forces in the parent-child relationship: the wish to belongings and the wish to f

15、ree, the quest for identity and the fear of shameful identification,Throughout, Dickens is using plot to account for the complex process of reinstatement and revaluation which enables rightful heirs to take their rightful place in the family and society.It is obvious that a unique perspective was ad

16、opted by Anny Sadrin to find the new things. In the first half of his career, Dickens wrote some of the most important novels of the nineteenth century, including The Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twister, and Martin Chuzzlewit.They were valuable and vital books, with an inventive comic force unprecedente

17、d in the English novel. Other Dickens:Pickwick to Chuzzlewit worked by John Bowen in 2003,it is the first full-length study in his research for thirty years. John Bowen blends contemporary theories and historical awareness to argue that Dickenss works are radical in both political and fictional term

18、s.With a tactful use of contemporary critical theory, he shows how their often uncanny power disturbs and transforms our ways of understanding Dickenss work and his place during the studies. In 2001,Manliness and the Male Novelist in Victorian Literature was published by Andrew Dowling.Dowling tried

19、 to investigate that Dickens managed to create the spirits of Manliness.It is obvious that people in that period was very familiar with the manliness,but Dowling figured that this kind of notion is not constant but rocking and nothing is absolute. As it is mentioned above,the range of studies on Oli

20、ver Twister is not very integrated and the studies main focused on the writer Dickens rather than the book Oliver Twister.However,we have to say that those researcher contribute to the continue studies on the writer and this book.2.2.Domestic ResearchIn China, the studies on Oliver Twister started t

21、o be prosperous from 1980s to now. And hundreds of the books and works were published. During 1980s,the research on the writer has been a concern.For instance,A Critical Biography of Charles Dickens was published by Luo Jinguo. He collects some relevant critical papers,to Charles Dickens,written by

22、the famous writers and critics from Europe and America.All of his critics have his own different and unique ideas and this book is a masterpiece without doubt.In 1990s,the strong vitality of Oliver Twister was written by Pan Ming yuan.By analyzing the political content and artistic characteristics,h

23、e explained the reason why Oliver Twister was so popular in the world and he testified that the vitality of a literature and artistic work is depend on the intrinsic value.With the deep description of the social background and brutal reality,he would like to express that little Oliver was a very str

24、ong boy who has never been knocked down and the strong vitality was always there.An Analysis of Nancy in Oliver Twister was written by Liu Jingxiang in South-Central University for Nationalities.The writer began with the definition of critical realism and Dickenss life,then focused on a series of ac

25、tions from Nancy to analyze her character and factors.No matter how cruel the surrounding is,goodness will never be eliminated .He wanted to call for the nature of goodness and criticize the education system in England.The analysis of Nancy can not only cause readers to sympathize with this woman wh

26、o realized her errors and correct mistakes in her own way,but also help people to know the true features of that society. Nancy was a girl who was not just a signal of simple figure but a unique and vivid character which was deep impress to readers.It is clear that the character of Nancy is play a s

27、ignificant role in the studies on Oliver Twister. In the early twenty-first century,The studies on Oliver Twister has a further development.A considerable amount of research has been done to analyze the novel. Oliver Twister:Look up at the Heavens in misery was published by Tang Xicheng.By introduci

28、ng briefly Dickens and his works,providing a brief background of the story,doing some deep researches into the setting of the 19th century of England,the author made readers have a good understanding of Oliver whose fate was extreme terrible.This is the battle of a little boy without any weapons, ju

29、st with his kindness and his mentality, fighting for his freedom.This kind of analysis provided an insight for readers to keep a positive attitude towards life. As time goes on,some people began to concern the Judaism problem.The Anti-Semitism in Charles Dickens Oliver Twister was written by the Qia

30、o Guoqiang who was a professor of English at the School of Foreign Languages,Central China Normal University,specializing in American literature and intellectuals.As for the social criminal mentioned in the novel,he thought that the truth was not really exposed. On the contrary,Standing the racism s

31、tandpoint,he insisted that Jew was born with the character of evil and Jew was not a part of the mankinds civilization society. Fagin was a typical Jew in Oliver Twister.To some extent,he was the classical represent of Jew and he was the protagonist who was been researched.From the point of racism,it is believed that the studies on Oliver Twister began a new journey. The research of coincidences is another meas of study. The Brief Analysis

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