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本文(经典美剧《老友记》第九季第八集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、经典美剧老友记第九季第八集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语Hey, hon? Would you help me get the plates down?Hey, heres an idea. Why dont we use our wedding china today?Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion.How about this: You could treat me like Im an equal.or talk down to me like Im a child.No, I just think we should s

2、ave our china for something really special.Like if the queen of England comes over.Honey, she keeps canceling on us. Take the hint.What if something breaks? Theyre expensive.What is the point of having them if we never use them?Okay. But if something breaks and then the queen comes over.- I will exp

3、lain it to her. - Like Id let you talk to the queen.Wow, the parade is really good this year.Man, those horses can crap.Next up is a marching band from Muskogee, Oklahoma.Muskogee? Thats like four hours from Tulsa!Yall look great!Thats right, I said yall!Heres the float with the stars of the popular

4、 daytime soap.Days of Our Lives.Oh, my God!Arent you one of the stars of the popular daytime soap Days of our Lives?I forgot! Im supposed to be there!I cant believe I forgot! I usually write stuff like this down on my arm!Stupid long sleeves!- What are you gonna do? - Ill come up with a good reason.

5、why I wasnt there.The producers are gonna be mad. They sat us down and said:Everyone has to be there,6 a.m. sharp. That means you, Tribbiani.Like I was some kind of idiot.Well, you proved them wrong.The One With Rachels Other Sister34This is your first Thanksgiving.What are you thankful for?Mommys b

6、oobies?A lot of people are thankful for those.Hello? Rachel?Who is it?Its your favorite sister.- Jill? - Amy!Hide my rings.Amy! Happy Thanksgiving.Do you have a hair straightener?Hi.- Hi. - Hi.Hair straightener.- I havent seen you in, like, a year. - I know. I know. Ive just been crazed.Well, me too

7、. I had a baby.I decorated Dads office.Yeah? Well, unless you pushed a desk out of your vagina, not the same thing.About that hair straightener, honey, I really need one.Im gonna have dinner at my boyfriends house.Oh, my God.Is this Emmett?Its Emma.Its a girl?- Hey, Amy. - Amy, you remember Ross?Not

8、 really.But you are much cuter than that geeky guy she used to date.That was me.No, he was this creepy guy from high school who had this huge crush on her.since, like, the ninth grade.Still me.No, Im not talking about you.It was your fat friends brother with that bad Afro.Okay, Amy, Im gonna save yo

9、u some time, okay? All me!Careful. Careful.Careful!Ill tell you what. For the rest of our lives.Ill be careful until told otherwise.- This isnt the china we picked out. - I know.After you left the store, I chose different ones.- Why? - Your taste is a little feminine for me.Suddenly flowers are femi

10、nine?Hey, everybody! Happy Thanksgiving!- Happy Thanksgiving. Phoebe! - Whats going on, Joe?Listen, I need a good lie.Okay.How about the whole man walking on the moon thing, you know?You can see the strings, people!No, no, no. I need a good lie to explain why I wasnt at a work thing today.- Honey, y

11、ou stink at lying. - I do not.Really? Let me ask you something. Yesterday at the coffeehouse.I went to the bathroom. When I came back, my muffin was gone. Who took it?Somebody opened the door to the coffeehouse.and a raccoon ran in and went straight for your muffin. I said:Hey, dont eat that! Thats

12、Phoebes! And he said.He said, Joey, you stink at lying. What am I gonna do?Dont worry. Well come up with a lie. Ill help you.- Great. Thatd be great. Thank you. - Sure. What was the work thing?- Pick up Grandma at the airport. - Oh, man!Shes precious.Do you ever worry that shes gonna get your real n

13、ose?Amy.Yes, I do. I really do.Hello?Yeah, hang on, one sec. Can I take this upstairs?Sure. We dont live there, but.Seriously? Its just these rooms?- I thought you were a doctor. - Yeah. No, Ross has a Ph.D.God, she is unbelievable.I know. I mean, a Ph.D. is just as good as an MD.Sure, Ross, yeah!If

14、 I have a heart attack at a restaurant, I want you there with your fossil brush.- Stupid Thanksgiving. - What?- What? What happened? - My boyfriend canceled on me.I mean, I finally find a real relationship.Someone that I can spend this day with, and then his wife comes back into town!I swear, its al

15、most not even worth dating married guys.Dont say that.God, I was so looking forward to this.It was gonna be such a beautiful Thanksgiving.We were gonna have sushi.Amy, dont cry.- Ross, can I talk to you in private? - Sure, you wanna go upstairs, or.?Look, I was thinking, if its okay with Monica.I wo

16、uld like to invite Amy to Thanksgiving.I think thats a great idea. Itll be like the Pilgrims bringing the Indians syphilis.Look, I know shes a little tough to take.But she has nowhere else to go, and shes my sister. Shes Emmas aunt.- And I would like them to bond. - I dont want them bonding too much

17、.I dont want her telling Emma she needs a nose job.Ross, she may need one. Were just gonna have to make our peace with that!Amy.Amy?Amy!Im out in the hall.Your baby had some sort of explosion of stink.The bondings going great.- Hi! - Hey.Hey, you guys. This is my sister, Amy.This is Chandler, Joey,

18、Phoebe, and you know Mon.Oh, my God.Youre on Days of Our Lives!Yeah.Wow! They must put a lot of makeup on you.Happy Thanksgiving.- Hey. - Hi.So welcome. Is this the first time youre seeing Emma?Yeah, I think so. Its nice to meet you, Emma.- Phoebe. - Thats a funny noise.- Phoebe? I still need some h

19、elp here. - Right. Okay.So its not just the lie you tell, but its the way you tell it. For example.if you look at the ground when you talk, people know youre lying.I dont know why this is so hard for me. Lying is basically just acting.- and I am a terrific actor. - You are a terrific actor.I could t

20、alk to the producers for you. Im a great liar.Take Monicas dress. I said I loved it.- I hate it. - Hey!Im also a great moron.- Hey. Wheres the baby? - We just put her down for a nap.Listen, I was just thinking. You know what would be incredible?If you guys died!Thank you, Amy.No, no, then I would ge

21、t the baby.It would be just like a movie. At first I wouldnt know what to do with her.And then I would rise to the occasion. Then Id get a makeover and get married.Thats a great movie!Now, listen, not that you guys could stop me or anything.because you know, youd be dead.But I was thinking about cha

22、nging her name.Im just not really a big fan of Emily.Emma.Emma? Ross wants you.Phoebe!Why does she keep making that noise?Honey, I dont know how to tell you this.but if something were to happen to Ross or myself.- you wouldnt get the baby. - Well, who would?Well, we havent officially asked them yet.

23、but we would want Monica and Chandler.- Who? - Youre in their apartment.I cant believe youd want us to raise Emma.Oh, my God, Im so moved.I dont believe this. Hold on a second. You guys die.and I dont get your baby?Amy, see, were a lot closer to Monica and Chandler.We see them every day. And truthfu

24、lly, you dont seem connected to the baby.Connected? To what? Shes a lump.You know, guys, Ive gotta say this means so much to me.I mean, that you would trust me with your child.I mean, we all know that Monica and I have been.trying to have a baby of our own.You know, Ive had my doubts about my skills

25、 as a father, but.That you two.- That you two. - This guy?Seriously?Okay, its time for dinner.Everyone, were using our fancy china.and its very expensive, so please be careful.Okay, just to be clear, comedy with the plates will not be well-received.Hey!How come my plates less fancy than everyone els

26、es?Do you not trust me with a fancy plate?No, honey. Thats a special plate.See, its a game. Whoever gets that plate wins.I cant believe I won!You know, this is such a slap in the face. I mean, Im your sister.and you would give your baby to these strangers over me.Monica is Ross sister.No, Ross siste

27、r was really fat.That was me.No, she was this dorky girl in school who followed Rachel around like a puppy.Amy, youve got to stop doing that!Okay, listen, I know youre having a bit of a family crisis.but you dont have to take it out on the plates.I mean, in fact, I think that everyone.should cut the

28、ir food like this:Now, see? This way, you protect the plates.and lets face it, you have fun.Okay, how about this? If you guys die.and the crazy plate lady dies.- then do I get the baby? - No, if crazy plate lady.If Monica dies, then I would get Emma. Right?- Well, actually. - Actually what?Its just.

29、 Its just that in that case.then Emma would go to my parents.- What? - Hurts, doesnt it?Who has to die for me to get her?So if Monicas not around, Im not good enough to raise Emma?No, that is not what were saying.Yeah, hes lying. He looked down.Well, whats wrong with me? Am I incompetent?Because I m

30、anaged to survive whatever it is that killed the three of you!Youre taking this the wrong way. We think you are going to be a wonderful parent.Its just. Youre more the, you know, fun parent.Yeah, and we wanna make sure Emma also has someone like Monica.whos more of a disciplinarian.Someone who can b

31、e firm and strict.Thats not how you see me, is it?No, youre all about the fun.I may not know a lot about babies, but do you really think Im not capable?No. You both are equally capable.Its just youre strongest when youre together.Okay. So if we both had Emma, and I died.shed have to give her up.Sure. Monica would have to give her up.I lie bet

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