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1、英文标点符号用法总结(英文)标点符号用法英文中常用的标点符号:period 句号,comma 逗号:colon 冒号;semicolon 分号!exclamation 惊叹号?question mark 问号hyphen 连字符apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号dash 破折号single quotation marks 单引号“”double quotation marks 双引号( )parentheses 圆括号square brackets 方括号French quotes 法文引号;书名号.ellipsis 省略号tandem colon 双点号ditto 同上parallel

2、 双线号virgule 斜线号ampersand = andswung dash 代字号section;division 分节号arrow 箭号;参见号plus 加号;正号minus 减号;负号plus or minus 正负号is multiplied by 乘号is divided by 除号is equal to 等于号is not equal to 不等于号is equivalent to 全等于号is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号is approximately equal to 约等于号is less than 小于号is m

3、ore than 大于号is not less than 不小于号is not more than 不大于号is less than or equal to 小于或等于号is more than or equal to 大于或等于号per cent 百分之per mill 千分之infinity 无限大号varies as 与成比例(square) root 平方根since;because 因为hence 所以equalsas (proportion) 等于,成比例angle 角semicircle 半圆circle 圆circumference 圆周pi 圆周率triangle 三角形pe

4、rpendicular to 垂直于union of 并,合集intersection of 交,通集the integral of 的积分(sigma) summation of 总和degree 度minute 分second 秒number 号Celsius system 摄氏度at 单价以下是具体使用方法(一)逗号的用法1. 在并列连词(and, but, for, nor, or, yet )前使用,用来连接句中的各分句。In fact you do, but you may not remember me. (p17 全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)英语第一册(下)Senior E

5、nglish for China Students Book 1B 以下标有页码未特别注明出处的皆出自本书)2. 用逗号来分隔一系列单词、词组和从句。In summer, people like to go sailing, swimming, horse-riding and rock-climbing in the mountains. (p42)Red, pink, yellow and white roses filled the huge vases. (牛津现代高级英汉双解词典第6版 附录4 标点使用法)In the summer of 1984, many trees died.

6、3. 逗号用来分隔与句子其他部分密切相连的简短插入语或旁白。(较长的,更为突兀的或复杂的插入成分的则用破折号或圆括号。)Chemical fertilization,for example, helps to produce better crops, but is harmful to the environment. (p45-46)4. 在并列形容词,即分别修饰同一个名词的形容词之间使用逗号,但也有的形容词之间不加逗号的。For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active, successful overcom

7、ing of adversity.5. 用逗号来分隔非限定性修饰语,即该修饰语对于句子的意义并非必不可少。非限定性修饰语与限定性修饰语的区别在于,它即使被省略,也不会改变句子的主要意思。(1) 同位语Ma De, former Party secretary of Suihua, in Northeast Chinas Heilongjiang Province, was charged with taking bribes worth 6.03 million yuan during his 10 years in various government positions. (China D

8、aily July29, 2005)At the World Park, one of the largest theme parks in China, visitors can look at buildings, castles and statues from more than thirty countries. (P66)注意:限定性同位语不用逗号隔开。US President George W. Bush said on Wednesday that he looked forward to meeting President Hu Jintao later this year.

9、 (China Daily July29, 2005)(2) 从句A brief comparison with the most famous chivalric drama, which was written fifteen years earlier, clarifies the uniqueness of Thons play.与那部最著名的,完成于十五年前的骑士剧的简短比较,表明了索恩这部剧作的独特性。When they discovered it about 1,000 years ago, they called it Aotearoa, which means “Land o

10、f the long white cloud”. (P38)(3) 副词短语和从句Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. (P59)He was born in Yidu, Shandong Province. (P48)By the way, did you hear about Sues car?Oh, so thats where it was.6. 逗号可以用在一个很长的引导性短语或从句后,逗号还可以用来分隔表示选择或对比关系的短语。You can feel what it is

11、like to live in space, walk on the ocean floor or ski with polar bears at the North Pole. (P69)And remember, it is better to eat a potato than to be one. (P75)7. 在以“月、日、年”为次序排列的日期间使用逗号。如果这种次序的日期出现在句子中间,则在“年”后也加上逗号。Martin Luther King, Jr., was born on January 15, 1929, and died on April 4, 1968.但在以“日

12、、月、年”为次序排列的日期间,不使用逗号。Martin Luther King, Jr., was born on 15 January 1929, and died on 4 April 1968.在“月”和“年”之间,或“季节”和“年”之间,不使用逗号。The events of July 1789 are as familiar to the French as those of July 1776 are to Americans.发生在1789年7月的那些事件对于法国人来说,就像美国人对于发生在1776年7月的那些时间一样熟悉。8. 在表示地名时Pandas come from Ch

13、ina, Asia.9. 用以将一导言的或转变语气的词或短语(如therefore, however, by the way, for instance)与句中其余部分隔开。Yes, it certainly had an eventful day.In fact, I dont even know her name.10. 书写对话时用于某某说等词语前后。 “Come back soon,” she said.11. 用于短小的引语前。Disraeli said, “Little things affect little minds.”(二)对话及引语标点符号用法1. 对话(1) 说话人在前

14、,说话内容在后。一般而言,say后用逗号,引号内第一个单词第一个字母大写,引文内句子意思完整,则标点符号(句号、叹号、问号、省略号、破折号等)放在引号内。My friend said, “Youre getting compulsive about this stuff.”(2) 说话人在后,说话内容全部前置。一般而言,如果是陈述句,引号内用逗号,引号外第一个单词第一个字母小写;如果是疑问句或感叹句,引号内用问号或感叹号,引号外第一单词第一个字母小写。“Its a deal,” he said, laughing.“No,” he said.“You coming back?” the pol

15、iceman asked.(3) 说话人在中间,说话内容分列于说话人前后。一般而言,说话人(he)引号内用逗号,引号外第一个单词的第一个字母小写;如果he said(有时也用said he或其他形式)后用句号,则后边引号第一个单词第一个字母用大写;如果he said后用逗号,则后边引号第一个单词的第一个字母也小写。“I bet,” he said. “Can I try it?”“You can go any place you want,” Beto said, “but I think youll find what you need.” (p73 Field Work, Bruce Ja

16、ckson, University of Illinois Press)“They agreed to continue consultations,” said Qin Gang, spokesman for the Chinese delegation. “The meetings alone are progress.” (China Daily July29, 2005)2. 引语(1) 英语中,如果所引用的句子不是特别长,且不需特别强调,可以直接用引号表示引语部分。“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” wrote

17、 Charles Dickens about the eighteenth century.查尔斯狄更斯对于十八世纪这样写道,“这是最好的时代,同时也是最糟的时代。”Their raincoats have been left behind, for the radio reports “Fair tonight and tomorrow with gentle westerly winds.”(2) 也有只引用一个词或词组的。And while “a picture may be worth a thousand words,” this is true only if the pictur

18、e is taken in a particular way and is then properly analyzed. Yet for multitudes, the photographic record is true because “the camera cannot lie.”For Charles Dickens, the eighteenth century was both “the best of times” and “the worst of times.”句中的 “the worst of times.” 引号内的句号常放在引号外。(审读室建议咱们报社统一采用此种形

19、式。)When they discovered it about 1,000 years ago, they called it Aotearoa, which means “Land of the long white cloud”. (P38)(3) 引语可以放在句首、句中或句末。或为了文体风格的需要,用自己的话将引语拆开。“He was obeyed,” writes Joseph Conrad of the company manager in Heart of Darkness, “yet he inspired neither love nor fear, nor even res

20、pect.” “他的话大家都服从,”约瑟夫康拉德在黑暗的中心里这样描绘一位公司经理,“但他并未因此激发别人的爱和恨,也没赢得尊敬。”(4) 其他(高二外研新标准版第11期B4交际英语)You can ask “Where was I?”You can say “Once upon a time or long, long ago, etc.” For example, Can I say “Long ago a son and his father were walking on the mountains”?补充:引语中,引号和其它符号配合使用时,美国的通用方法是:a.句号和逗号放在引号之内

21、;b.冒号和分号放在引号之外;c.破折号、问号和感叹号,如只是与引语有关,放在引号之内;如与整个句子有关,则放在引语之外。(三)中英文夹杂情况下的标点用法(除整篇文章是中英文夹杂的情况,其他情况主要按中文的表达方式处理)1. 词语释义的表达方式(1) 一般而言,英文词或词组后直接跟中文释义,各词义间用分号隔开(各词义如相近或相同也可以用逗号,词义相差较远或不同时用分号),释义完毕用句号,再接“如”(或又如、比如等),“如”后用冒号。make up构成;形成;组成。(又)如:Manufacturing and mining make up most of the countrys industr

22、y.制造业和采矿业构成了这个国家产业的大部分。 (P142)(2) 对英文词或词组进行解说式释义时,释义部分加引号,各词义间用分号隔开(各词义如相近或相同也可以用逗号,词义相差较远或不同时用分号),释义后的标点符号放在引号外。act the role也作take the role,意为“扮演某个角色;起某种作用”。又如:She is fit to take tragic roles. 她适合扮演悲剧性人物。(P145)make sb do sth意思是“使某人做某事”。在“let/make/have + 宾语 + 不定式”结构中的不定式必须去掉to。又如:Please have Mary co

23、me in.请叫玛丽进来吧。(P145)had better do.表示建议,意为“最好去做某事”。又如:Youd better go to bed.你该去睡觉了。ought to相当于should,意为“应该;应当”,用来作为劝告和建议,语气友善温和,没有强制作用。又如:We ought to respect the privacy of others.我们应当尊重他人的隐私。in shape还表示“健康状况良好”,相当于in good shape,它与out of shape相对。 (高二外研新标准版第11期B1名师讲堂)bend down有时也可用“bend over (to)”来表示。

24、(高二外研新标准版第11期B1名师讲堂)建议改成:bend down有时也可用bend over (to)来表示。Excuse me在口语中经常使用,表示“请原谅”、“对不起”的意思。常用在问路、问事、表示失礼、请求许可等场合。依照汉语的习惯,有时可以译作“劳驾”、“借光”、“请问”等。(初二人教版P161)may在这里表示“可能”,“或许”。a little与形容词(如late,hungry)或副词连用,意思是“一点儿”;“稍微”。(初二人教版P169)2. 句中列举多个英文单词或词组时,可以在“如”后边加冒号,再接单词或词组,列举完毕加“等”(或等等),标点符号用中文的句号(或其他中文标点

25、)。how可以与形容词和副词结合,以询问许多方面的问题,如:how much, how many, how old, how important等等。如:How heavy is your suitcase? 你的手提箱有多沉?(P148)一般过去时表示过去某个时候发生动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday,last night,in 1990,two days ago等。也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often,always等表示频度的时间状语连用。(初二人教版,P179-180)3. 其他 (1) as has our way of life是一个倒装结构

26、,意为:and our way of life has changed too. (P132)(2) Being black and a woman made life even more difficult in America at that time.在当时的美国,作为一个黑人女性,生活要更加艰难。being black and a woman是动词的ing形式作主语,动词的-ing形式具有名词的特征,它可以在句中作主语、宾语和表语等。又如:Taking the subway at night in that city is dangerous.在那个城市里,夜里乘地铁很危险。(3) I

27、t is their clothes, make-up and the way they walk that makes people laugh.逗人们笑的是他们的衣着、装扮和走路姿势。It is (was) that (who) 是个加强语气的结构,它可以用来强调句中的主语、宾语、状语等部分,需要加强语气的部分放在It is (was) 后。又如:Jack bought two tickets for the musical last Friday. 杰克上星期五买了两张音乐剧的票。(4)有时,疑问式用Didused to?,否定式用didnt used to结构。(高三英语人教版教师用书

28、,P284)(5)Im not sure what I ought to do.我还不能肯定我该怎么办。上面最后一个例句也可以说:Im not sure what to do.当主句的主语和从句的主语相同,而从句所表达的意思是“该如何如何”时,这个从句可以用“疑问句+不定式”来代替。(高三英语人教版教师用书,P177)How did you find?(你觉得/认为怎么样?)是征求对方对某人/某事的看法或意见的用语。回答时在find后要跟复合宾语,即sb./sth+adj./-ing。本句中的答语Very disappointing是I found it very disappointing.

29、的省略。(高三英语人教版教师用书,P177-178)在“2Practice”中有一句:She will go over the answers.(她将检查这些答案。)其中的go over作“检查”、“审阅”(examine)解。(高三英语人教版教师用书,P178)(6)Yes, I sure am.是对Carl所提问的应答,意思是Of course, I am hungry.或I am certainly hungry。句中的sure是副词。(高三英语人教版教师用书,P196)最后这个例句的答语He sure is也可以说Sure, he is。但不能说He is sure。因为后句中的sur

30、e是表语形容词,作“肯定”、“有把握”解。(高三英语人教版教师用书,P196)对话中的anything to follow?是一个省略句,意思是Do you want anything to follow?或Would you like to have anything else?在对话中经常有类似的省略。(高三英语人教版教师用书,P196)4. 征求意见(1) 本文的第一句话I often go to movies with my friend, Mike.就表明了此篇文章主要是讲述两个人喜欢看电影:我喜欢看电影,而且是经常(often)看Mike也喜欢电影(2) 句子是这样的:He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. “often经常”, “on weekends在周末”, 它们更有甚者,Mikes father likes it, too!在Mike的影响下,他的父亲也喜欢上了京剧。(3) 看这组对话,猜猜Its a deal.什么意思?(4) Whats the mean

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