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1、广州版英语六年级下册知识点六年级下册英语知识点Unit 1 Slow and steady wins the racesteady stedi稳健的win wn赢,赢得(过去式是won)carry kri携带;扛such st如此in such a hurry如此匆忙silly sli愚蠢的hare he(r)野兔mean mi:n意思是(过去式是meant)tortoise t:ts龟proud prad骄傲的careless kels不小心的patient pent耐心的remember rmemb(r)记住sad sd悲伤的harder h:d更努力地Unit1 课文与翻译-Janet:

2、 Jiamin, are you OK?-Jiamin: I tried to carry all the books. I didnt want to go back to the classroom again.-Xiaoling: Why are you in such in a hurry? You are like that silly hare.-Jiamin: Hare? What do you mean?-Xiaoling: You know the old story about the tortoise and the hare.-Janet: Yes. One day a

3、 tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was too proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race.-Jiamin: Ahh. I understand now. If I want to do something well, I should be careful and patient.-Janet: Thats right. Remember, Slow and steady

4、wins the race.珍妮特:家民,你还好吗?家民:我想把所有的书都搬上。我不想再回到教室了。小玲:你怎么这么着急?你就像那个傻兔子。简妮:兔子?你是什么意思?小玲:你知道老乌龟和兔子的故事。珍妮特:是的。一天,一只乌龟和一只兔子赛跑。兔子确信他会赢,所以他休息了。他太骄傲,太粗心了。缓慢但小心的乌龟赢得了比赛。简妮:啊。现在我明白了。如果我想做得好,我应该细心和耐心。珍妮特:没错。记住,缓慢而稳定的赢得比赛。 1. try v.试图try to do sth试图做某事try doing sth尝试做某事(成功与否不重要)e.g. He tried to help his mother

5、cook the meal.他试图帮着妈妈做饭。2. carry v.搬运,类似的动词:take、bring、carry.这三个词都和“拿、取”有关,但要注意三者之间的区别:bring意为“带来,拿来”,指把某物或某人从另一个地方带到说话的地方来,也可以说是“由远及近”.例如:Bring me your dictionary tomorrow.明天把你的词典给我拿来.take(带走)意为把某物或某人从说话的地方带到另一个地方去,也可以说是“由近及远”,常和介词to构成搭配例如:Can you help me take the books to the classroom?你能帮我把这些书带到教

6、室去吗?carry意思是“提、扛、搬、携带”,意思较多,但没有方向性.例如:(1)Will you please carry the box for me? 你替我扛那个箱子好吗?(2) Li Dong is carrying water. 李东在提水3. want v想要want to do sth想要做某事= would like to do sth两者都含有“想要做某事”但有一定的区别:want有人称和数的变化,而would则没有人称和数的变化。e.g:She wants to go swimming.她想去游泳。She would like to go swimming.4. like

7、喜欢/像作动词讲:喜欢作介词讲:像like doing sthWe like reading some story likeWhats the weather like today?5. mean v.意思是e.g:What do you mean?你的意思是什么?知识点2课文重点句型讲解1. I tried to carry all the books.我试图把所有的书搬上。try to do sth试图做某事。2. Why are you in such a hurry?你这么着急干吗?in a hurry是“匆忙“”着急“的意思,如:3. The hare was su

8、re he would win so he took a rest.兔子确定他会赢所以他就休息了。be sure确定take a rest=have a rest休息4. He was too proud and careless.他太骄傲太大意了。too proud太骄傲proud adj骄傲的;骄傲的be proud of因而骄傲拓展:tooto太以至于不能一般过去时学习1.定义:一般过去时表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态,经常会跟一些表示过去的时间状语。2.时间状语:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, at that time, the da

9、y before yesterday, just now,in 1982等。另外还有由after, before, when引导的时间状语从句。如:I wrote a letter last night.我昨晚写出了一封信。3.动词过去时的构成规则:1)一般情况下,直接加ed。例如:visit-visited.2)以不发音的结尾,加d。例如:live-lived.3)以辅音字母+结尾,把y改为i,加ed,例如:study-studied.4)重读闭音节结尾的词,双写出末尾字母加ed,例如:stop-stopped.5)不规则变化。例如:go-went.4一般过去时态结构与句型:分两种情况:(1

10、)含有be动词的情况肯定句:主语+was/were+其它否定句:主语+was not(wasnt)/were not(werent)+其它一般疑问句:was/were+主语+其它+?特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句+?(2)含有实义动词的情况肯定句:主语+动词的过去形式+其它否定句:主语+did not(didnt)+动词原形+其它一般疑问句:did+主语+动词原形+其它+?特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句+?Unit 2 Waiting for another hareanother n(r)另一个crash kr碰撞into ntu到,到.上ground grand地面die da死pick

11、up 捡起easy i:zi容易的himself hmself他自己from then on从那时候起stop stp停止all day long整天appear p(r)出现go for it努力吧;加油happen(to)发生(于)Unit2 课文与翻译One day, a farmer was working in the field. Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree. If fell to the ground and died. The farmer was happy. He picked up the h

12、are and took it back home. He cooked it and had a delicious meal.“Working in the field every day is hard work. But picking up a hare is so easy,” he said to himself. From then on, the farmer stopped working. All day long, he sat in the field and waited for a hare to appear. All his vegetables died.

13、All his animals ran away. But another hare never came, so the farmer had nothing to eat.Dont be like the farmer. Dont wait for another hare. Go for it!有一天,一个农民在田里干活。突然,一只兔子跑得很快,撞到一棵树上。它掉到地上死了。农夫很高兴。他捡起野兔,把它带回了家。他煮了它,吃了一顿美味的饭。“每天在地里干活都很辛苦。”但是捡到一只野兔是很容易的,”他对自己说。从那时起,农民停止了工作。他整天坐在地里等着野兔出现。他所有的蔬菜死亡。他所有的

14、动物都跑了。但另一只野兔却没有来,所以农夫没有什么可吃的。不要像农夫那样。不要等另一只兔子。要动手去做!【知识考点一】V-ing做主语,谓语动词用单数动名词作主语,在动词的基础上加ing,使该动词具有名词的各种特征,可作名词灵活使用。Readingisanart.读书是一种艺术。Climbingmountainsisreallyfun.爬山真是有趣。_ _ believing.(眼见为实)(Seeing is)【知识考点二】pick up1. pick up:捡起,拾起 pick up sth = pick sth up捡起某物 pick up the hare = pick the hare

15、 up若为代词,只能位于pick与up之间把它捡起来pick it up2. pick up:用(车)来接,到某处去接某人,也可以是中途顺便把人或物带走。Your books are on the ground , please_.(把他们捡起来)(pick them up)【知识考点三】hard work与work hardwork hard努力工作(动词短语)hard work繁重的工作(名词短语)例句:If you work hard you will succeed.如果你努力工作,你就会成功。Working in the field every day is hard work.学习

16、用功_繁重的学习_(study hard, hard study)【知识考点四】辨析another, other, others1. other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如:Do you have any other question(s)?你还有其他问题吗?Ask some other people.问问别人吧!Put it in your other hand.把它放在你另一只手里。2. others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如:Give me some others, please.请给

17、我别的东西吧!3. another=an+other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如:I dont like this one. Please show me another.我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。【知识考点五】stop doing sth1、stop doing停止正在做的某事。例:I must stop smoking.我必须戒烟了。2、stop to do停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。这个“do”代表的就是即将做的事情。例:They stop to play football.

18、She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side of the path.(C)A. to have rested B. Resting C. to rest D. rest【知识考点六】from then onfrom then on从那时起from now on从现在起【知识考点七】反身代词myself我自己yourself你自己himself他自己herself她自己itself它自己ourselves我们自己yourselves你们自己themselves他/她/它们自己【知识考点八】注意以下

19、词组中to的用法have nothing to eat没东西吃have nothing to say没话说have nothing to do没事可做【知识考点九】One day, a farmer was working in the field.使用的是过去进行时态。过去进行时用来讲述过去某个时间正在发生的事情。将现在进行时中的be动词am, is, are变为was, were就构成过去进行时了。They_(watch) TV when you called.(was watching)Unit3 What animal is it?difficult dfklt困难的frog frg青

20、蛙kangaroo kgru:袋鼠turn t:n轮回;轮到的机会ocean n海洋starfish st:f海星Africa frk非洲tiger tag(r)老虎Asiae亚洲be called被称为lion lan狮子panda pnd熊猫bamboo bmbu:竹子elephant elfnt象giraffe dr:f长颈鹿neck nek脖子leaf li:f树叶(复数是leaves)Unit3 课文与翻译Jiamin: Lets play a game. Can you guess this animals name? It has two strong back legs and

21、 can jump very far.Janet: Hmm. thats difficult. A frog?Jiamin: No. It usually has brown or grey hair and its from Australia.Xiaoling: Thats easy. Its a kangaroo. My turn. This animal looks like a star and it lives in the ocean. What is it?Ben: Is it a starfish?Xiaoling: Yes, it is. You try, Janet.Ja

22、net: It is a large cat. It loves eating meat.It is yellow and lives in Africa.Ben: A tiger?Janet: No. Tigers live in Asia, not Africa. It is also called the King of the Animals.Jiamin: I know. A lion!嘉明:我们来玩个游戏吧。你能猜出这只动物的名字吗?它有两条强壮的后腿,可以跳得很远。珍妮特:嗯这是困难的。一只青蛙吗?嘉明:没有。它通常有棕色或灰色的头发,来自澳大利亚。小玲:这很简单。这是一个袋鼠。

23、轮到我了。这只动物看起来像颗星,它生活在海洋里。它是什么?本:是海星吗?小玲:是的,它是。你试一试,珍妮特。珍妮特:它是一只大猫。它喜欢吃肉。它是黄色的,生活在非洲。本:一只老虎吗?珍妮特:没有。老虎生活在亚洲,而不是非洲。它也被称为“动物之王”。家明:我知道。一只狮子!【重点词组】play a game玩个游戏back leg后腿look like看起来像 king of the animals动物之王【重点考点一】It loves eating + doing = love/like to doIt loves eating meat.= It loves t

24、o eat meat.【重点考点二】Im thinking of an animal.think of思考、考虑,+ing形式表示“正在思考”Im thinking of buying a new house.我正思考着卖一个新房子。【重点考点三】肯定句变否定句/疑问句口诀肯变否,很容易,can/be后面not肯变疑,也容易,can/be提前,大写问号要注意。如果没有can和be,助家助兄弟来帮忙。三单does,其它do.注意,助家兄弟(do/does/dont/doesnt)一出现,后面动词现原形。Unit 4 We can save the animalssave sev拯救;节省only

25、 nli唯一的;仅仅earth :地球whale wel鲸鱼danger dend(r)危险in danger处于危险中disappear dsp(r)消失forever frev(r)永远forest frst森林pollute plu:t污染made med制造(make的过去式)make from用制造fur f:(r)皮毛sea si:海洋Unit4 课文与翻译Would you like to live in a world with no pandas, tigers or whales? These and many other animals are in danger. If

26、 we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever!One problem is that their homes are disappearing. People cut down the forests and pollute the oceans, so these animals have no place to live in. Also, many people buy things made from these animals, like medicines, fur coats and even foods.If

27、 you love the earth and love the animals, please do something about it. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and dont pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals.你愿意生活在一个没有熊猫、老虎和鲸鱼的世界吗?这些动物和其他许多动物都处于危险之中。如果我们现在不做什么,他们可能永远消失!有一个问题是他们的居住地正在消失。人们砍伐森林,污染海洋,所以这些动物没

28、有地方居住。而且,很多人购买由这些动物制造的东西,比如药品,皮大衣,甚至是食物。如果你爱地球,爱动物,请做点事情。永远不要买由从濒危的动物制造的东西。种树,不污染环境。如果我们一起努力,我们仍然可以拯救动物。【重点考点一】词组记得牢many other其他许多的in danger处于危险中disappear forever永远消失cut down forests砍伐森林pollute ocean污染海洋have no place to live in没有的地方生活things made from animals动物制成品do something about it为此做点生么plant trees栽种树木work together共同努力,合作save the animals挽救动物【重点考点二】肯定句中并列部分最后两个词用and连接,否定句中用or连接,如:I have a rabbit, a cat and two birds.She doesnt have any toys or pets.【重点考点三】Like意思是:“如,诸如”。例:Many people buy

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