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1、金融英语口语训练告别与送行金融英语口语训练:告别与送行At a Farewell Dinner在告别晚宴上Professional Terms专业术语smart a.聪明perfect a.完美pity v. & n怜悯cooperation n.合作everlasting a.永恒的thumb n & vt拇指forefinger n.食指Good morning, Mr.White, Im glad youve come.晚上好,怀特先生,我很高兴你来了。Good evening, Mr.Yang, Its very kind of you to invite me to dinner t

2、onight.晚上好,杨先生。今晚你请我共进晚餐,真太客气了。Sit down , please, The dinner will be ready in a few minutes.请坐。晚餐过几分钟就好。Thanks谢谢You look really smart tonight in these clothes, It fits you perfectly.今天晚上你穿着这个身衣服,真帅气,非常合身。Thank you.谢谢Its a pity that youre leaving us to tomorrow.真遗憾,你明天就要离开我们了。Im sorry to leave you to

3、o.要离开你们我也感到非常遗憾。Hope youll vist Guangzhou AGAIN,希望你再次到广州来。Sure .一定。Now the dinner is ready .Mr.White. Please come to the table.Take a seat here ,please.晚餐已经准备好了,怀特先生,请入席吧。请这边坐。Thanks, How delicious the food is!谢谢。这菜真香Mr.White here is to our friendly cooperation.怀特先生,为我们的友好合作干杯!To your health and to

4、your everlasting friendship.为你的健康以及我们的永恒友谊干杯。Here is a knife for you.这是你的刀和叉子。No, thanks.Id like to try to use chopsticks, today, so that when I go back I can show my wife how ot use them.不,谢谢。今天我想用筷子,这样我回去时就能够告诉我的妻子该怎样用。Good , Here are two chopsticks for you.好的。给你两只筷子。Thanks .Show me how to use the

5、m ,OK?谢谢,教我怎么用,行吗?Yes, Hold the two sticks between the thumb and the forefinger like this.行。象这样,用大拇指和食指夹住这两只筷子。Let me have a try.让我来试试。Right .You are right.Dont talk only. Help yourself to whatever you like.对了,你拿对了。不要光说话,随便吃吧。Thanks,I very much appreciate verything youve done for me.谢谢。我非常感谢你为我所做的一切

6、。I wish I could repay you somehow.但愿我能以某种方式回报你。Dont mention it. I wish you a pleasant journey.不用谢。我希望你旅途愉快。And dont forget to keep in touch.别忘了保持联系。Sure ,May we meet again some day.当然不会。但愿我们后会有期。So do I .但愿如此。DialogueAt the Hotel在旅馆Professional Terms专业术语marvelous a,令人惊异的remind vt.提醒kindness n.仁慈cons

7、iderate a.顾虑周到的Its very nice of you to come and see me off, Mr. Yang.杨先生,你特意来给我送行,真是太客气了。Not at all, We are sorry to see you go.别客气。你要走了,我们都感到很遗憾。I hate leaving you too.我也不愿意离开你们。Here is something Id like you to keep as a souvenir.我送给你一样东西以作纪念。Thank you. Ill open it ,Oh, it is a Chinese painting , I

8、ts really marvelous, the horses are so nice.谢谢。我来打开。噢,是一幅中国画,真是棒。这些马真可爱。Im glad you like it.我很高兴你喜欢它。Did you draw it yourself?这是你自己画的吗?Yes, I drew it last night I hope it can remind you of me and of our friendship.是的,我昨天晚上画的。我希望它能使你想起我以及我们的友谊。I dont know how to thank you for your kindness.我真不知道该如何来感

9、谢你的善意。Im so glad to have it to remember my time here.我很高兴有这幅画帮我想起我在这儿度过的时光。Mr. Yang, Ive got something for you, too. Please accept this little present as a souvenir from me.杨先生,我也给你准备了一点东西,希望你接受这个小礼物以作纪念。Oh, its a book ,How nice it is ! Thank you very much.噢,是一本书,真漂亮!非常谢谢你。Whenever I read it, I am s

10、ure I will always miss you.我读它时,一定会想起你的。Im glad to hear that.我很高兴听你这么说。Here is your plane ticket.这是你的机票。The plane will take off at 10:30 tomorrow morning.飞机于明天上午10:30起飞。And I will drive a car to pick you up at 8:00 .Please get everything ready before that.我八点钟开车来接你,请到时把东西都收拾好。You are so considerate

11、and helpful.你考虑得真周到,而且帮了很多忙。Is there anything else I can do for you?还有别的事需要我做吗?No, thanks, Ive given you too much trouble.没有了,谢谢。已经给你添了够多的麻烦了。No trouble at all, Now Im leaving ,so you can have a good rest, See you tomorrow.没什么。我要告辞了,好好休息一下。明天见。See you tomorrow.明天见Dialogue 3 Have a Pleasant Trip一路顺风P

12、rofessional Terms专业术语overweight n.过重excess a.过度的departure n.离开lounge n.闲逛imagine vt.想象Its very kind of you to come all the way to see me off, Mr. Zhu?朱先生,你远道来送行,真是太客气了。Not at all, Have you checked in?没有什么。你办理了登机手续吗?No, not yet.还没有。Now ,lets go through the customs, This way please.我们现在去办理海关手续吧。请这边走。M

13、ay I have your ticket?我能够看看你的机票吗?Yes,能够Fill in the Customs Declaration Form and send your baggage to be checked, please.请填写这张海关登记表,并把行李送去检查。OK.好。Put your baggage on the scales, please .How many bags do you have?请把你的行李放到磅秤上,你有几个包?Two, bags.两个,This one is overweight ,Im afraid therell be an excess bag

14、gage charge.这个超重了,恐怕你得付超重行李费。How much is it then?要付多少?Fifty yuan.五十元。Here you are.给你。Here is your receipt, And here are your ticket and your boarding pass.这是你的发票,这是你的行李票及登机卡。Lets go to the departure lounge to have a rest.我们到候机厅去休息一下吧。Good.那好。Have you got something to read on the flight?你准备了什么在飞行途中阅读

15、吗?Yes, I have got some magazines to read.是的。我准备了一些杂志。Im really sorry to see you go. Weve got on well with each other. Im going to miss you.你要走了,我真感到遗憾。我们相处得很好。我会想你的。Me, too, You can imagine how sorry I am to leave you all.我也是这样。你难以想象我离开你们有多伤心。Listen! Its announcing the departure of your flight.听!广播里

16、正在通知你所乘坐的航班要起飞了。Right ! Ive to go now, Hope to see you again.是的,我得走了。希望再次见到你。Take care .Write to me wherenever you have time.保重身体。有时间给我写信。Sure, Thanks, Good-bye.一定,谢谢。再见。Good-bye, Have a pleasant trip.再见,一路顺风Note笔记have you checked in?你办理了登机手续了吗?Im afraid therell be an excess baggage charge.恐怕你得付超重行李

17、费Boarding pass登机卡The departure lounge候机厅Have a pleasant trip一路顺风Tips On Reception of Foreigners外事接待注意事项Good morning.早上好Good afternoon.下午好Good evening晚上好Hi.嗨Hello你好Fine, thank you and you?很好,谢谢,你呢?Mr.Smith this is Mr. Green.史密斯先生,这位是格林女士。Im glad to see you ( Happy to meet you.)很高兴见到你。Ive heard a lot

18、about you from Mr. Baker.贝克先生经常在我面前提起您。How do you do?你好。My name is Zhang.我姓张。Good-bye ( Bye-bye, bye)再见So long.再见See you later再见See you tomorrow.明天见Ill be seeing you.很快我们就能再见面了Have a nice day.祝你今天快乐Good morning.(day, night)早安Please remeber me to your family.代我问候你的家人。Thanks (Thank you, Thanks a lot)谢

19、谢Thank you very much.非常感谢Its very kind of you.你太好了。Not at all.没关系Youre welcome .你太客气了Its my please.我的荣幸Dont mention it别在意Im sorry.(SorrI beg your pardon.( Pardon mPlease forgive mExcuse mOh, thats all righDont worry about iOh, never minNot at alIts nothing.(Its quite all rightMay I interrupt yoOh, but INow ,just listen to mThat quite all right, buIm sorry ,Im afraiNo, I dont mean tha

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