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本文(歌曲欣赏 英文金曲赏析 a dear john letter歌曲欣赏英文金曲赏析亲爱的john letter.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

歌曲欣赏 英文金曲赏析 a dear john letter歌曲欣赏英文金曲赏析亲爱的john letter.docx

1、歌曲欣赏 英文金曲赏析 a dear john letter歌曲欣赏英文金曲赏析亲爱的john letter歌曲欣赏 英文金曲赏析 a dear john letter(歌曲欣赏英文金曲赏析亲爱的john letter)歌曲欣赏英文金曲赏析亲爱的John Letter用户客人:欢迎您!首页在线课堂在线课堂赖世雄英语李阳疯狂英语专业英语希望英语风采.学习引导博士英语未来教育系列疯狂英语硕士英语大学英语广播英语新概念英语许国璋英语跟我学看、听、说交互英语精品课程自主训练自主训练听力训练口语训练词汇大全语法讲座翻译技巧阅读学习写作实务实用英语实用英语电话英语商务英语生活美语银行英语英语故事办公英语新

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5、有的战役。但等我打开信,信上写:“亲爱的约翰。”请你把我的照片寄回,因为我丈夫现在要它。我告诉你我要嫁给谁,亲爱的,你不会怎么在意。真伤心我要如此告诉你。我对你的爱已经逝去,今晚我嫁给你兄弟,亲爱的约翰。语言点解析1我多么讨厌写作!=我多么不愿意写这封信!如何引导的是一感叹句。例如:我多么渴望有一支笔!我多想有一支钢笔呀!2、我对你的爱已消逝。我对你的爱已消失。对某人的爱:对某人的爱* _消失:死掉;消失;消逝例如:因为她对他的爱被拒绝,她lovediedA自从她对他的爱被拒绝,她爱心已死。3。像草坪上的草:就像草坪上的草一样。于:对草:此处指衰草枯草4我在海外作战。我在国外作战。海外:海外的

6、;在海外例如:海外中国留学生海外留学生海外华侨;在战斗中;在战场上;战斗例如:他在战斗中阵亡(行动),他阵亡了。5,他们赢得的战斗。=所有的战斗都赢了。Structurally, they is redundant.Win a battle: won a fightWar: war, including several battles (battle)The battle: campaign includes several battles (fight)6.Would, you, please, send, back, my, picture?=Please, return, my, pic

7、ture, to, meSend back: returnFor example: She, never, sent, back, his, greetings., she never asks him back.7.When, I, teell, you, who, Im, wedding, you, wontCare, Dear, anyhow.=Anyhow, you, wont, care, who, I, am, wedding, when, I, tell, youThe truth.Care: caresFor example: I, dont, care, what, he,

8、says, I dont care what he says.8.And, it, hurts, me, so, to, tell, you.=And, it, very, pains, me, to, tell, you.=To, tell, you. Pains, me.Hurt: makes someone sadFor example: It, hurts, me, to, tell, you, that, you, wife, has, left.Im sad to tell you that your wife has run, love, for, you,

9、has, gone=my, love, for, you, has, died, awaynotes and appreciationThe song is sung by Skeeter Davis (Skeeter Davis)The letter to John is a melody and not an exciting song. The whole song was repeated three times in fact, with five lines of lyrics. The heroine told John that she hated writing such a

10、 letter in order to tell him that she did not love him any more. She wanted to marry someone else and marry another John. The letter read after the heros voice, the hero is on the battlefield abroad, and when the war is over, he wins. He jumped with joy, but after the open letter, written is differe

11、nt from the usual, his girlfriend to claim back their photos, and then she told him she was going to marry his brother.For the hero, he won the war, but lost his love. He fought for his country on the battlefield abroad. And when the war was over, his girlfriend left him. His brother married his bro

12、thers girlfriend to be his wife, which was contrary to common sense. However, the differences between the eastern and western regions and the cultural background also lead to the diversity of peoples ideas, especially the love of different countries, different nations have different views and ideas.

13、 Although we will John grievance, expressed dissatisfaction or expressed hatred for another John also is the female masters practice, but we can not follow the traditional concept of Chinese foreigners privacy act or judge. But in China, if the soldiers in front of the country for the war, the gover

14、nment and society will give them high honor, as well as love, Qian, life and other aspects of meticulous care. Throughout the country, a number of songs depicting the feelings of soldiers, such as fifteen of the moon and so on, than Johns letter inspiring, inspiring. In contrast, we prefer a series of lyric songs of our military subjects. The book is chosen to provide a little more information about one aspect of love life or relationships among foreign soldiers.Copyright, excellent electronics. All, rights, reserved., Shanghai, ICP, ready for No. 05000021, contact us for feedback

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