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1、酒店英语教案四川文化传媒职业学院教师教案 (2014 2015 学年第 一学期)课程名称 酒店英语 授课班级 13酒店管理 教 研 室 英语教研室 主讲教师 周静慧 职 称 助教 四川文化传媒职业学院教务处制教案书写要求1、教案书写(设计)必须以教务处统一格式进行。教案可含有必要的图、表、版书设计等。2、书写方式:以下两种方式任选一种。(1)手写:任课教师在各系(部)领取纸质教案纸书写或在学院网站上自行下载书写(2)电子文稿:电子模板发在学院网站上,由任课教师下载填写。字体一律使用“五号”字,用A4纸打印。3、教案封面和扉页一学期只需填写一次,首页和内页和主要按授课课时填写,可以一个教学内容(

2、单元)或一次课(1-2学时)填写一份,重复班授课可不另书写教案;内页视内容可添页;课程结束后,装订成册。 4、针对不同的专业及不同层次的学生,教案要有所区别。5承担实验、实习、课程设计、毕业设计等实践教学任务的教师,都应根据实际教学情况和教学内容,参考所提供的教案格式编写教案.6、每年的秋季学期和下一年的春季学期为一学年,秋季为第一学期,春季为第二学期。7、提倡写出有自己风格、特点的教案。四川文化传媒职业学院教案 (扉页)课程名称酒店英语授课专业13级酒店管理年级2013级课程类型必修课公共课( );专业基础课( );专业课( )选修课限选课( );任选课( )授课方式讲授( );实践课( )

3、;其它( )考核方式考试( );考查( )课程教学总学时数68学 分 数4学时分配理论课 48 学时; 实践课 20 学时; 教材名称实用酒店英语作 者陈江生出版社及出版时间2006年指定参考书无作 者出版社及出版时间教研室审核意见负责人: 年 月 日系(部)审查意见负责人: 年 月 日教务处检查意见负责人(或经办人): 年 月 日注:表中( )选项请打“”四川文化传媒职业学院教案第 11 周,第 1-2 次课 (首页)授课章节Unit 10授课方式讲授( ) 实践( ) 其他:授课日期2014年11 月27 日教学目标知识目标How to receive table reservations

4、How to decline table reservations技能目标The Ss can use English to receive table reservations素质目标To know how to service comfortable教学重点To introduce the information of table reservations教学难点Let students understand and can use these skills in table reservations教学资源教学参考资料Internet information教学手段Lecture and

5、 discussing 教学组织教学过程提要1. the skills of table reservations2. dialogue3. tips4. role-play 作业布置Review table reservation, recite useful words and expressions课后辅导Explain the students questions课后记四川文化传媒职业学院教案 (内页)教学过程时间分配及旁注教学过程 Unit 10 Table reservation Useful Drills :before studying the dialogues , the

6、teacher should let students discuss the table reservation ,what should they ask in a table reservation .and let the students know what they should do when someone wants to reserve a table, and let them know the importance of the information. The students should control the useful expressions.1. inqu

7、iring the information . how many people are there in your party?When should we expect you,sir?At what time would you like your table?May I have your name ,please?May I have your contact number,please?2. introducing the restaurantwe are open around the clock.We are open 24 hours3. confirmation and al

8、terationId like to confirm my reservation for tomorrow night,please.Your room is confirmedWell change the reservation for you4. can not satisfy the reservationIm sorry ,our restaurant is fully booked at that time.Im sorry , the table by the windows are all occupied.Dialogue Divide the students into

9、5 groups to discuss the dialogues. They are required to choose two leaders to role-play the dialogues and find out the useful sentences, then ask someone to translate the important sentences in order to improve their translation ability. After learning the dialogues , the students should practice th

10、ese dialogues over and over until they can blurt them out naturally.Tips:1. 电话英语小常识:this is Jane or its Jane speaking. Whos that ? 不能用 who are you? 2. 电话英语咨询 询问:您找哪位?用may I help you? 而不能用who do you want?3. 时间的英文表达法 3:00 3:30 3:15 3:05 3:55Role-playFor this part, the students will be divided in 5 gro

11、ups, and let the students make up a dialogue which based on the table reservation, and role-play it to the class. In order to provide the students oral English ability.课堂板书Unit 10Table Reservation主板书Aims of studyingHow to receive table reservationsHow to decline table reservationsTeaching process:1.

12、 the skills of table reservations2.dialogue3.tips4.role-play副板书:Id like to reserve a table for_?At the peak hourLook forward to doing sth.Name of the restaurant location of the restaurant 四川文化传媒职业学院教案第 12 周,第 1-2 次课 (首页)授课章节Unit 11 Greeting the guests授课方式讲授( ) 实践( ) 其他:授课日期14年12月 4-5日教学目标知识目标1. How

13、to seat guests2. How to seat walk-in guests技能目标Ss can receipt the guests in english素质目标Ss know how to do when a guests come in restaurant 教学重点How to react when a guest walk-in教学难点How to introduce to guests教学资源教学参考资料Internet information教学手段Giving a lecture, discussing教学组织教学过程提要1.introduce the backgro

14、und information2.useful drills3. dialogues4. Showing the way for the guests作业布置Recite the useful sentences Make a dialogue with their partners 课后辅导Answer the studentsquestions课后记四川文化传媒职业学院教案 (内页)教学过程时间分配及旁注教学过程First: background information For this part , the teacher invites some students to introdu

15、ce the greetings to the students at the front of classroom . And they can role-play to act these scenes. Then, when they finish, the teacher makes a conclusion about the greetings.Second: useful drillsThe teacher introduces how to seat guests, and discusses with students what should we do when guest

16、s come in. Greeting Guests. Useful sentences welcome to *food center. may I help you / have you made a reservation/heres reception. What can I do for you? introduce to guests. The special noun. Beijing roast duck / Sichuan flavor / Cantonese / southern China flavorinquiry to guests . how many people

17、 are there? How many people of you? What would you like to have? Would you prefer a table in the main hall or in a private room? seating guests. Useful sentences. this way please/ will this table OK?/we are expecting youThird : dialogues For this part , the students will role-play these dialogues. T

18、he teacher and the students find out the useful sentences which we can use in a restaurant ,and remember the sentences in the class. The teacher will pick some important words or sentences up to explain . Dinner / breakfast / lunch / supperA private room / in the hallHalf an hour 半小时 one and half an

19、 hour 1.5小时Showing the way for the guests Teach the students how to say the directions .learn how to direct the ways the teacher draw a picture on the blackboard ,write some shops,and draw some roads, then let the students show the way for others.课堂板书Unit 11Greeting the guests主板书Aims of studyingHow

20、to seat guestsHow to seat walk-in guestsHow to deal with the fully-bookedTeaching process:1.introduce the background information2.useful drills3.dialogues副板书:Dinner / breakfast / lunch / supperA private room / in the hallHalf an hour 半小时 one and half an hour 1.5小时 Go straight /go along till you see

21、四川文化传媒职业学院教案第 13 周,第 1-2 次课 (首页)授课章节Unit 12 taking orders授课方式讲授( ) 实践( ) 其他:授课日期14年12月1日教学目标知识目标How to recommend dishes How to take orders技能目标The students can use English to recommend dishes 素质目标To know how to react when the guest takes orders教学重点Table manners教学难点How to recommend dishes in English 教

22、学资源教学参考资料Internet information教学手段Giving a lecture, discussing教学组织教学过程提要1. direction2. background information3. to introduce western entrees , drinks ,bread and wine 作业布置Recite the words and expressions 课后辅导Answer the Ssquestions and correct the Sspronunciation课后记四川文化传媒职业学院教案 (内页)教学过程时间分配及旁注教学过程1. in

23、vite several students to role-play showing the way for the guest.The teacher will draw a picture , and ask the students to show the way Key words: turn left , turn right , on your left, on your right, opposite to, next to , in front of , go along, go down, go straight.2. how to order dishes.点菜就餐的典型次


25、饼”一样,都是典型的英国传统菜肴。最后一道是甜食或冷或热,但都是甜的。西方饮食习惯是先吃咸的,后吃甜的。西餐菜单名目繁多,有时不易读懂。遇到这种情况,可以请服务员解释一下。3. taking orders background information for this part , the students are given 7 minutes to read the background ,and the students are invited to introduce the information to other students .1. here is the menu. 先递给

26、女士,长者或宾主2. please take your time 留一定时间给客人选择,然后再询问可否点菜:are you ready to order now?3. Todays specialty, house specialty抓住点菜时机推荐菜品。 4. How would you like your?体贴顾客的需要,询问喜好和禁忌。5. I am afraid it will take some time to prepare.需花费较长时间准备的菜品,下单前一定要和顾客说明。6. how about?如果没有顾客点的菜,要及时推荐其他菜肴。7. 点好菜后把菜单上的内容清晰的向客人重

27、复确认一遍。4. useful drills5. 面包:toast 烤面包/土司 hamburger 汉堡包 sandwich 三明治biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 meat-pie 肉馅饼 French fries 炸薯条主菜 Entrees 牛排: (rare) 半熟的(牛排) roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 适中偏生的(牛排). (well done) 熟透的(牛排)甜点 Dessert cake 蛋糕: cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 str

28、awberry ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果馅饼Drinks 酒水black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶开胃酒white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine/port 红葡萄酒/红酒champagne 香槟酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒rose liquor 玫瑰酒whisky 威士忌 课堂板书主板书 Unit 4 Culture Text A social vis

29、its in AmericaTarget : How to recommend dishes How to take orders Teaching process : 1.direction2.background introduce western entrees , drinks ,bread and win副板书toast 烤面包/土司 hamburger 汉堡包 sandwich 三明治biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 meat-pie 肉馅饼 French fries 炸薯条主菜 Entrees 牛排: (rare) 半熟的(

30、牛排) roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 适中偏生的(牛排). (well done) 熟透的(牛排)甜点 Dessert cake 蛋糕: cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 strawberry ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果馅饼 四川文化传媒职业学院教案第 14 周,第 1-2 次课 (首页)授课章节Unit 12 taking orders授课方式讲授( ) 实践( ) 其他:授课日期14年12月1日教学目标知识目标How to recommend dishes 技能目标To know how to take a la carte for the

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