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1、中餐英语场景对话中餐效劳英语(情景对话)A. Accepting reservations 承受订餐1. W: Good morning. Jade River Restaurant. May I help you早上好,玉常春暖餐厅,能为您效劳吗.G:Id like to make a reservation for this evening.我想预定今天的晚餐。W:For what time, sir先生,什么时间.G:6:30 6:30 W: And for how many people请问有几位.G:4. 4个人。W:All right. A table for four. May

2、I have your name, please好的,一桌子4位客人。能告诉我您的吗.G:Wilson. Peter Wilson. Wilson. Peter Wilson. W: Could you spell it for me , please.能告诉我怎么拼写吗.G:W-I-L-S-O-N. W-I-L-S-O-N. W: May I repeat _ a table for four for 6:30 this evening for Mr. peter Wilson请让我重复一遍:peter Wilson 先生预定今晚6点30分一桌子4位客人,对吗.G: Thats right.

3、正确。W: Would you like me to book you a table by the window您要预定靠窗边的座位吗.G: Well, wed prefer a private room. Is there a minimum charge我们想要一间独立房间,有最低消费吗.W: Yes, our minimum charge is RMB 2000 yuan.有的,最低消费是人民币2000元。G:OK. Thats fine.好的,可以。W: By the way, Id like to remind you that we keep reservations for o

4、nly 15 minutes after the reserves time.对了,顺便提醒您,如果到了预定时间您还没到达,您的座位最多 只能再保存15分钟。G:All right.好的。W: Were looking forward to seeing you. Thank you for calling, Mr.Wilson.我们恭候您的光临。您的,Wilson先生。2.W: Good evening. Provincial Restaurant. May I help you晚上好,风味餐厅,请问有什么能帮您.G: I have a reservation for 2 at six th

5、is evening. But my friend cant arrive until 6:30 p.m. Could you keep the reservation for us我预定了今晚6点2位用餐,但我的朋友要到6点半才能到达, 请问你能为我们保存座位吗.W: Im afraid Im not sure, sir. You see, the restaurant is fully booked and we have a few guests waiting. May I know whos calling,please恐怕我无法保证,先生。您知道,我们餐厅的作座位已经订满了, 而且

6、我们现在还有几位客人在等候座位。请问您贵姓.G:Smith. Jack Smith. Smith. Jack Smith. W: We cannot guarantee your reservations, Mr. Smith, but well do our best.我们不能保证一定行,Smith先生,但我们会尽力的。G: How about 7 p.m. then那晚上7点可以吗.W:We look forward to seeing you at seven then. Thank you for calling,Mr. Smith.好吧,您的,Smith先生。7点钟见。3.W:Goo

7、d morning. Jade River Restaurant. What can I do for you早上好,玉堂春暖餐厅,能为您效劳吗.G: Id like a table for 4 this evening.我想预定一桌子今晚4个人用餐。W: Just a moment, please. Let me check the reservation list. Sorry, sir. Im afraid were fully booked for tonight. Would you like to make a reservation at another time you lik

8、e restaurant We still have several tables free this noon. How about a table for four at this time请稍后,让我查看一下预定记录。很抱歉先生,恐怕我们今晚已经全部订满了。能改定其它时间吗.我们餐厅今天中午还有几桌子没有预定,在中午给您留一四人桌,行吗.G: It sounds good. Well take it.这个主意不错,就这样定吧。W:Very good, sir. A table for four at noon. May I have your name, please好的,先生。今天中午

9、,一桌子,四位用餐。能告诉我您的吗.G:Its Brown. Thank you.我叫Brown。您。W: Thank you for calling, Mr. Brown. We look forward to welcoming you.您的,Brown先生。我们期待着您的光临。4. W: Good morning, Jade River Restaurant. Can I help you早上好,玉堂春暖餐厅,有什么可以帮您的吗.G:Hello. Id like to book a table for six this evening. Can you arrange it for me

10、您好,我想预定今晚一桌子6个人用餐,你可以给我安排吗.W: Wait a moment, please. Let me see if there is a table available, Im sorry, madam. All the tables in our restaurant have already been booked. May I suggest another restaurant in our hotel请稍候,让我看看还有没有空位。对不起,夫人。我们餐厅 所有的餐位都已被预定了。能向您介绍我们宾馆的其他餐厅吗.G: Well, where do you suggest

11、好啊,你有什么建议吗.W: Do you like Sichuan food, madam请问您喜欢吃菜吗,夫人.G:Were heard lot about it. It might well be worth a try.嗯,我们常听人提起它,看来应该试一试。W: The Provincial Restaurant serves good Sichuan-style and Beijing-style dishes. Would you like to have a try我们的风味餐厅供应很地道的菜和菜。您想试一下口味 吗.G: Sounds good enough.听起来很不错。W:S

12、hall I transfer your call, madam我能把您的转给他们吗.G: Please do.好的。W: Hold the line, please. Ill get you through.请不要挂线,我这就给您转过去。B. Banquet Reservation 宴会预定1.W: Hello, Banquet Hall Restaurant at your service.您好,红宏图府餐厅,乐意为您效劳。G: Hello. This is Miss Jones from P&G Company. Wed like to have a farewell party. Ca

13、n you arrange it for us您好,我是P&G公司的Jones 小姐。我们想搞一个辞别晚会,你 可以帮帮助吗.W: Certainly, Miss Jones. When would you like your party to begin当然可以,Jones 小姐。您的晚会想在几点钟开场.G: At half past seven tomorrow evening.明天晚上7点半。W:Yes, I see. 7:30 tomorrow evening. And how many will there be in your party. 好的,我明白了,明晚7点半。请问你们有多

14、少人.G:Eighteen. 18位。W:We can arrange two tables for you.我们可以给您安排两桌子。G: Good. The banquet must be a good one because its for our manager , Mr. David Smith. Hes going back to his home country soon.好的。这个宴会一定要搞好。因为是给我们经理,David Smith先 生的。他快要回国了。W:Dont worry, Miss Jones. Well see to it that everything will

15、 be to your satisfaction. May I ask how much you would like to spend for each table请放心,Jones小姐。我们会把一切安排妥当的。能告诉我你们打 算每台消费多少呢.W:Very well, Miss Jones. Would you like to order now, or is there anything special youd like to have on your menu好的,Jones小姐。您要现在点菜吗.或者您对您的菜谱有什么特别想要的东西呢.G: Well, Id like the gue

16、sts to order for themselves. But Mr. Smith is especially fond of seafood. Can you prepare some fresh crabs, shrimps, shellfish and such things served on a model sailing-ship on each table Wed like to show we wish Mr. Smith a smooth journey to his home country.不用了,我想让客人自己点菜。但Smith 先生特别爱吃海鲜。你能准备一些装在一个

17、帆船的模型上的活虾、蟹、贝类之类的东西吗.我们想以此来祝愿Smith 先生回国的旅途一切顺利。W:Very well, Miss Jones. As for drinks, well provide 3 bottles of beer, and 12 bottles of soft drinks.明白了,Jones 小姐。饮料方面的费用会包括3瓶啤酒和12支软饮料。G: Fine.不错。W:Thank you, Miss Jones. May I repeat a banquet for eighteen with two tables at 2000 yuan each, including

18、 drinks and fruits at 7:30 tomorrow evening. Is that right您,Jones 小姐。让我重复一次。一个2台共18位客人的宴会,标准位每台2000元包括饮料和水果,时间为明天晚上7点半。对吗.G: Thats quite right.对极了。W:Miss Jones, would you please first pay a deposit of 1500 yuan Jones小姐,请您预付人民币1500元的定金,好吗.G:Sure. Ill send someone to pay the deposit at once.当然。我马上派人来送

19、定金。W:Thank you, Miss Jones. Well be expecting you in the Banquet Hall Restaurant on the 2nd floor. We hope youll enjoy your party for calling, Miss Jones.,Jones小姐。我们在2楼的宏图府餐厅恭候你们的光临。祝你们有一个愉快的晚会。您的,Jones小姐。G: OK. Thank you, goodbye.好的,你,再见。2.W:Good afternoon. Jade River Restaurant. May I help you下午好,

20、玉堂春暖餐厅,能为您效劳吗.G: Im staying in your hotel. Id like to invite some friends to dinner this Saturday evening. Could you arrange it for me, please我是你们酒店的住客。我想在这个礼拜六晚上请一些朋友吃饭。你能为我安排一下吗.W: Certainly, sir. May I know your name and room number, please没问题,先生,能告诉我您的和房号吗.G:George Smith in Room 923 George Smith

21、.我住在923房间。W: Mr. Smith, how many people are there in your party Smith先生,请问你们有多少人.G:Forty. 40人。W: Very good, sir. And how much would you like to pay for each person很好,先生。请问每位的消费标准是多少.G: About 200 yuan each.大概200元一个人。W:Thank you, Mr. Smith. Anything special youd like to have on the menu您,Smith先生。您对菜单有

22、什么特殊要求吗.G:No, Ill leave it to you.没有,交给你们好了。W: Thank you, sir. So its a dinner party for four people at about 200 yuan each this Saturday evening. Is that correct, sir您,先生。是这个礼拜六晚上的40人的宴会,餐费标准为200元一个人。正确吗,先生.G: Right.没错。W: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Ill send you two menus to choose from and we can discus

23、s the details later.您,Smith先生。我会送2份菜单供您选择,我们晚些时候再讨论有关的细节,好吗.G: Thats fine.好的W: Were looking forward to being at your service, Mr. Smith. Goodbye, and have a nice day.期待着为您效劳,Smith先生。再见,祝您愉快。 Later Mr. Smith is discussing the two menus with the head waiter on the phone.(稍后,Smith先生通过与班长讨论这2两份菜单)G: Tha

24、nk you for the two menus you sent me. Both are very good, but I think the second one is better.你向我提供了两份菜单,它们都不错,但我认为菜单二会更好一点。HW: Very well, Mr. Smith. The second menu.好的,Smith先生,是菜单二。G: But Id like to have a chicken dish and a seafood dish instead of the duck and sea cucumber on the menu. Could you

25、please arrange it for me但是,我想把菜单中的鸭子和海参改成鸡和海鲜,你可以安排吗HW: Certainly, Mr. Smith. Lets see. How about braised prawns with tomato sauce and crispy skin fried chicken, sir They are very delicious.当然可以,Smith先生。您看,来个茄汁大虾和脆皮鸡,好吗.它们的味道都很不错。G: As you say then.就这么办吧。W: As for drinks, well also prepare some fres

26、h fruit juice, Tsing Tao beer, champagne, and Mao Tai, will that be OK还有饮料方面,我们会准备鲜果汁,啤酒,香槟和茅台,怎么样.G: Fine. And what about fruits很好。还有,水果有什么品种.HW: Well serve some bananas, mangoes, and grapes.我们提供香蕉,芒果,和葡萄。G:Wonderful.太好了。HW: What time would you like to have the dinner party, Mr. Smith Smith先生,请问您想几

27、点钟开场用餐.G:About 7:30.大约7点半。HW: Would you please first pay a deposit of RMB 3000 yuan, sir先生,麻烦您先交定金人民币3000元。G: Sure. Ill come to pay the deposit right now.没问题。我马上来交押金。HW: Thank you, Mr. Smith. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anything. We look forward to seeing your party in

28、our Jade River Restaurant on the 3rd floor on Saturday evening. Goodbye, Mr. Smith.好的,Smith先生。如果您还有什么问题,请随时给我。我们周六晚上在3楼玉堂春暖餐厅恭候您和您的朋友光临。再见,Smith先生。C. Receiving Guests 迎客1.W: Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Jade River Restaurant. Have you made a reservation晚上好,先生。欢迎光临玉堂春暖餐厅。请问您有订餐吗.G:Yes. I have ma

29、de a reservation for four.是的,我订了4个人用餐。W: May I have your name, please请问您贵姓.G: Wilson. Wilson. W: May I have your first name请问您的名字.G: Peter. Im Peter Wilson. Peter.我叫Peter Wilson. W: Ah yes. Mr. Peter Wilson, a table for four. This way, please. Here is your table. Is it all right哦,对,Peter Wilson先生,预订

30、了一4人桌。这边请。这是您的餐桌,可以吗.G: Its fine. Thank you.没问题,。W: Heres the menu, sir. Ill be right back to take your order.给您菜谱,先生。我马上就回来为您点菜的。2.W: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant. Have you made a reservation with us晚上好,先生。欢迎光临,请问有订餐吗.G: No, I havent booked in advance.没有,我没提前预订。W: Table for one, sir

31、请问是一位用餐吗.先生。G: For two, please. My friend is coming in a few minutes.没问题,先生。这边请。这桌子可以吗.G: Well, can we take that one by the window我可以要靠窗边的那桌子吗.W: Sorry, sir. The one by the window has already been reserved. You see, theres a sign on it. But the table next to it is free. How do you like that one对不起,先生。那靠窗边的桌子已经被预订了。您看,那上面有个指示牌。但旁边的另一是空的,您喜欢吗.G: All right. It doesnt matter. That one will do.好的,没问题,那一也可以。W: Please tak

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