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1、牛津英语UnitAcharityshow教学导案及练习教学导案Unit 4 A charity show 本单元主要介绍义演募捐活动 (Organizing a charity show)生词数为42个,其中四会词为28个。本单元目标 To help students know about charity organizations and activities. To introduce specific activities students can do to help a charity To invite students to consider ways of helping ot

2、hers To invite students to express their feelings and attitudes to charity events 基本任务Task 1: Designing a posterTask 2: Writing a speech about your own charity show and presenting it Period 1 welcome to the unitObjectives 1. To introduce the names of the different charities in China.2. To become fam

3、iliar with different ways of making suggestions.3. To introduce specific activities students can do to help a charity.四会单词 Charity host wish cat organize protect 词组 practise a lot a good host poor areas organize a charity show 句型 I wish I could be the host. You must practise a lot if you . . .Why do

4、nt we organize a charity show? 三会单词Advertise donate词组 the host of a charity sow during the day donate money 句型 Lets sell books. Ask sb. to do sth. 二会单词 Leaflet microphone词组 give out leaflets hold a microphone Teaching procedures1 Remind Ss of the fashion show they learned about in Book7A,Unit6.Encou

5、rage them to talk information about any charity events they have known. 建议补充一些常见慈善机构及其作用 Ask Sscan you remember some charities that can help these people? Project Hope (helps schools and students)Project Green Hope (helps protect rivers and lakes in China) Save Chinas Tigers (protects tigers and oth

6、er big cats in China) Spring Bud Project (helps poor young girls return to school)ORBIS (helps the blind people in poor countries using a plane) UNICEF (helps children all over the world by providing clean water, food and education2 .Introduce new words .using pictures or real items. Then ask what d

7、id you do to raise money ? which charity were you supporting? Then do Part A and B. 3. Listen to Eddie and Hobos conversation. Design some questions ask Ss to recite it in class. Period 2-3 Reading 两课时的阅读教学,第一课时主要落在学生阅读能力的培养上,引导学生掌握一定的阅读技巧, 了解文章的基本概况;第二课时重点是根据文章内容尽可能多的设计不同形式的任务,从多方面研读课文细节。Objectives

8、: To read an e-mail about a charity showTo infer meaning from keywords and context四会:单词 raise organizer introduce duty event success fan business organization guest 词组 help with be able to in the beginning make a lot of noiseraise money for because of many other duties people in need句型 I wanted to r

9、aise money for Project Green Hope. 1. I am sorry that2. It was my job to introduce each star.3. I hope to see you soon.4. Many people donated money to Project Green Hope.5. No time to be nervous any more.6. I couldnt sleep at all that night.7. Will it be a success?三会 单词 goods 词组 seem to local busine

10、ss start working on the show do everything right句型. The organizers chose me to be the host. I kept asking myself.It was hard work.I would never be able to remember all the words. Everything seemed to happen so fast.We have a lot of support from local businesses.Teaching procedures1 Review the names

11、of the different charities we have learnt.2 Get Ss to look at the screen and introduce new words 3 Listen to the tape of reading with your books closed, and answer the questions about the Reading: What is the letter about?Why didnt Ricky write to Kitty earlier?What did he feel when the organizers ch

12、ose him to be the host?Why was Ricky very nervous?When did they start working on the show?Why couldnt Ricky sleep at all that night?When did the doors open?Was the charity show a success?Then do Part B and C.4 Language points3 Get Ss to find keywords and phrases: 1). I am sorry that2). raise money f

13、or the Project Green Hope3.) choose sb. to do sth.4). start working on the show5). It was my job to do sth.6). It was hard work.7). in the beginning8).will be able to do sth.9.) do everything right10). keep doing sth.11). make a lot of noise12.) No time to be nervous any more.13). Everything seemed

14、to happen so fast.14.) donate money to Project Green Hope15). We have a lot of support from 16).I hope to see you soon5 Read the Reading passage and have a try to retell the story .6 Do some exercises Translation:1.很抱歉,我没有早点给你写信。2.去年他们给希望工程捐钱的。3.组织者选我作慈善会的主持。4. 我去年就开始给慈善会工作了。5.教你们英语是我的工作。6.开始时,我还以为他

15、是一个女孩子呢。7. 我一直在问我自己它会不会成功8.由于吵闹声我只得大声说话。9。一切都好象发生得如此快。10。情况好象蛮好的。11。进到里面去好象是无望的。13。很多人给希望工程捐钱了。14。我们得到了很多工商企业的支持。15。我希望我们能多搞这样的活动为慈善事业捐款。16。我们希望彼此很快能再见Period 4 vocabulary本单元的有关剧院内容的单词教学要学生事先自己预习(设计好预习作业)查阅相关资料,充实上课内容。可通过学生活动、探究、小组比赛的方式进行。Objectives: To identify and use words expressions related to t

16、he theater. 四会, 单词audience, curtain, exit, stage, voice, perform (performer) actor hang 词组 perform in a show watch a show the way out of a room三会 make your voice louder in front of 建议 本课时内容较少,可补充评册练习。或与第一课时合并。 Period 56 grammar语法课应注重让学生理解时态和语态特点,引导学生根据句子的意思去判断而不是一味的死记硬背。建议精讲以练为主在练中找问题。Objectives: lT

17、o understand the purpose of using connectives of reason 2To use “because” to give a reason for something 3To use “because of ” to give a reason for something 4To show results with “so” 5To use “hope” and “wish” correctly四会单词 ground, decision, poster, flood in the future 词组 to be a success, make a lo

18、t of noise, lots of practice, become interested in, raise money for Project Hope make some decisions hold a show句型 They all become very interested in charity shows . They dont have enough money to buy books. We plan to hold the show indoors because it might rain. The fans made a lot of noise because

19、 of the pop stars.三会:单词 indoor(adj) indoors(adv) notepaper attention pay attention 词组 be broken in the future doesnt seem possible Teaching procedures1. Explain that when we ask for reasons, we use “why”. When we give reasons, we can use “because”. 2. Tell students to turn to the reading passage on

20、page 60. Ask them to underline the sentences that contain the word “because”, ask “why did Ricky help with the charity show?”(Because he wanted to raise money for Project Green Hope.), and other questions.3. Ask students to read out one example from the grammar table at the top of P64.4. Questions a

21、bout the charity show. Grammar B Sum up: Because +clause(reason)1. Tell them that we can also use “because of” to give a reason for something. When we use “because of”, it is followed by a noun , a pronoun or a noun phrase.2. Tell them to read the words above the speech bubbles in Part B1. Tell them

22、 that the first part says what happened, and the second part is the reason. Ask them to write sentences using “because of”.3. Ask students to read out their answers to Nos2-4 and put them into Chinese.4. Explain the context of Part B2. They are looking at pictures of a flood. Tell them that Amy is a

23、nswering Shirleys questions about it. Ensure all the students know the meaning of “flood”.5. Answer the questions using “because” or “because of”.6. Select two students to play the roles of Shirley and Amy, ask and answer in pairs. Sum up: because of + a noun, a pronoun or a noun phrase(reason)Gramm

24、ar C1. Tell the students that we can use “so” to introduce a result. Read out the two examples and explain the first part is a fact, and the second part is a result of the fact.2. Give the information in the example sentences using “because”.3. Ask the students to rearrange the words in Part C1 to m

25、ake sentences. Remind them that the first part of the sentence should be a fact and the second part should be a result. Make sure they understand the two parts and the relations between them.4. Once students have finished, ask them to read out the sentences and put them into Chinese.5. Ask students

26、to read through Kittys letter in Part C2 for overall meaning first. Then ask them to fill in the blanks using “because”, “because of” or “so”. They can work in pairs.Grammar D1 Tell Ss that we use hope and wish to talk about things or situations that we want to happen.1)To hope is to want something

27、to happen and think that it is possible. We usually use hope to talk about the present or the future. 2)To wish is to want what is not happening or what did not happen. We usually use wish to talk about the past or the present.1. Explain the context of the exercise. The students are having a meeting

28、 to talk about their charity show. However, everyone is talking or thinking about different things.2. Ask Ss to complete the exercise using the correct forms of hope and wish.3. Ask volunteers to read out their answers. Tell Ss to check their own work. Because + sentence because of +phrase/noun/pron

29、ounSo + resultBecause/ because of reasonWe cant use “because” and “so” at the same time.hope& wishhope + that/ to do 表示很希望发生或可能性较大wish + that 表示发生的可能性较小或与现实情况相反 wish 还可用于表达祝愿 备课后记: Grammar A B 内容较简单, 容易掌握. 对学生来说, 一定要先把句子看懂, 弄清楚两句子间的关系, 再确定用哪个连词.Grammar C D 按照书本内容讲解, 较容易理解, 书中相关练习较少, 需增加练习. 尤其要注意wish

30、的用法.Period 78 integrated skills本课时可通过补充练习进行拓展与延伸,增加课堂容量,增添学生动口、动手的机会。Objectives: 1. To recognize key expressions involved in organizing an event;2. To understand specific tasks;3. To recognize keywords when asking people to do work;4. To write a note explaining arrangements for an event.四会单词 phone,

31、matter词组 hold a meeting do a very important job lots of free time a good idea design the poster organize a play set up the stage sing a song choose the host of the show ask friends and families to come句型 we decided to call the show Sunshine For All. talk about doing something讨论做某事They are talking about setting up the stage.They are talking about how to set up the a very important job/do an important job/do very important workthe tickets will cost ¥20 each.三会句型 I will try to do st

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