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好汉两个半第一季Two and a Half Men中英剧本Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、你弟弟 Your brother.没什么大事 No big deal只是想和你联系一下 just wanted to touch base.我老婆把我赶出来了 My wife threw me out我有点不想活下去了 and Im kinda losing the will to live.当你有时间的时候 So,when you get a chance我非常想. Id really love to我也不知道了 I dont know嘿 艾伦 很难过听到那件事 Oh hey,Alan,Im sorry to hear about that.所以你打算去哪 旅馆还是. So,where yo

2、u gonna go,to a hotel or什么 好的 Huh? Well,yea我想你可以呆在我这里 I guess you could stay here.好的 等你到了我们再见 Okay,Ill see you when you get here.我们最好快点 We better hurry.她要留下来过夜吗 Oh,is she staying over?因为我可能把车停在她后面了 Because I may have parked behind her.12 年了 Twelve years她居然这么把我赶出来了 and she just throws me out.那结婚誓言还有什

3、么用呢 I mean,what was the point of our wedding vows?直到死亡将我们分开 You know,till death do us part.谁死了 我没死 她没死 Who died? Not me. Not her.你怎么进来的 How did you get in my house?查理 把钥匙就藏在假石头下面 Okay,Charlie,the key in the fake rock只有还有其他石头的时候才管用 only works if its among other rocks.而不是放在你门口的垫子上 Not sitting on your

4、welcome mat.我说一句 Excuse me如果你把假石头. but if you put the fake rock和其他石头混在一起 in with a bunch of other rocks你醉的时候怎么找 its impossible to find when youre drunk.我是个好丈夫 You know,Im a good husband.我很忠诚 Im faithful.她呢 她什么 Is she? Is she what?忠诚吗 Faithful?别开玩笑了 Dont be ridiculous.朱蒂丝对做爱都不感兴趣 Judith doesnt even l

5、ike sex.她总是说 I mean,all she kept saying她觉得喘不上气来了 was she felt suffocated,you know?一直说 She kept going on and on我喘不上气了 我喘不上气来了 Im suffocating,Im suffocating.那么说什么意思 What does that mean,you know?有女人那么跟你说过吗 Has a woman ever said that to you?当然 Well,yea但不是对做爱没兴趣的女人 but not a woman who doesnt like sex.还有杰

6、克 And Jake这会毁了杰克的 this could just destroy Jake.杰克? Jake?我儿子 My son.噢 对 Oh,yea现在的青少年都很老成了 Teenagers are pretty sophisticated these days.他才 10 岁 Hes 10.查理 我先走了 Charlie,Im going to go.不会吧 Oh no.你们两个需要好好谈谈 You two need to talk.我明天打给你 Ill call you tomorrow.听到你和你妻子的事很难过 Im sorry to hear about you and your

7、 wife.你走了他们两个又不能和好 Oh come on,you leaving isnt going to bring them back togetheragain.听着 Look等到事情解决就好了 this is just until things settle out,okay?最多几天 她就会讲理了 A couple of days,max. She will come to her senses.对 女人都这德性 Yea,thats what women do.你可以住在客房里 Look,you can have the guest room.我去拿床单 Ill grab som

8、e sheets.没关系 我把我自己的带来了 Thats okay,I brought my own.你把你家的床单带来了? You brought your own sheets?我喜欢我的床单 I like my sheets.那好了 晚安 Okay then,good night.不 不 等会 等会 No,no,wait,wait.查理 我们两个从没好好说过话 Charlie,I mean,we hardly ever talk to each other.艾伦 你想谈点什么 What do you want to talk about Alan?我不知道 I dont know.我被圣

9、佛南多谷按摩协会 Uh,I was named Chiropractor of the Year提名为年度按摩师 by the San Fernando Valley Chiropractic Association.那好吧 晚安 Okay then,good night.别 查理 No. Charlie你呢 what about you?你最近怎样 Whats going on with you?艾伦 我没什么好说的 Well,Alan,theres not much to say.我做很少的事拿很多的钱 I make a lot of money for doing very little

10、 work.和不关心我感受的漂亮女人上床 I sleep with beautiful women who dont ask about myfeelings.我开捷豹 住在海滩 I drive a Jag,I live at the beach and有时候在中午 也没什么原因 sometimes in the middle of the day我就给自己调一大杯玛格丽特酒 for no reason at all,I like to make myself a big pitcher ofmargaritas在露天平台上睡个午觉 and take a nap out on the sund

11、eck.好了 晚安 查理 Okay then,good night Charlie.晚安 Good night.晚安 小猴子 Goodnight Monkey Man.天 你眼睛真红 Boy,is your eye red.你应该从这边看 You should see it from in here.杰克 你在这干吗 What are you doing here,Jake?我妈妈带我来的 My mom brought me.你能带我去海里游泳吗 Will you take me swimming in the ocean?我们能等我头不再爆炸再谈吗 Can we talk about it

12、after my head stops exploding?你为什么头会爆炸 Why is your head exploding?我昨天喝酒喝的有点太多了 Well,I drank a little too much wine last night.如果它让你难受 If it makes you feel bad那你为什么还喝 why do you drink it?杰克 没人喜欢聪明蛋 Nobody likes a wise ass,Jake.你得在失言罐里放一美元 You have to put a dollar in the swear jar.你说蛋了 You said ass.好了

13、 Tell you what这是 20 块 heres twenty.到午饭之前都够用了 That should cover me until lunch.现在我觉得你需要 Now,what I think you need to do列个单子 is to make a list.一边写上你不喜欢我们婚姻的地方 On one side,put what you dont like about our marriage另一边写上喜欢的地方 and on the other side,what you do.艾伦 有时候一想到回家要看到你 Alan,sometimes when I think a

14、bout coming home to you我在车里就开始哭 I start crying in my car.好吧 这估计要列在不喜欢那边 Okay,that would probably go on the dont side.我为什么要撒谎 Why would I lie?大海今天不开门 The ocean is closed today.天那 查理 你就不能穿条裤子吗 For Gods sake Charlie,do you think you could put somepants on?看看我 朱蒂丝 我下楼梯都很困难了 Look at me,Judy,I could barel

15、y make it down thestairs.查理 你和杰克能不能. Uh,Charlie,could you and Jake,uh好的 来吧 孩子 我们去露台上吃早餐 Yea,come on kid,well have breakfast out on thedeck.我吃过早餐了 I already had breakfast.好的 那我们就吃午餐 Okay,well have lunch.还不到午餐时间 Its not lunchtime.那是他的头在爆炸 Thats his head exploding.朱蒂丝 我可以改 Judith,I can change.得了 艾伦 Oh

16、please,Alan.你是我见到的最固执最顽固最偏执 You are the most rigid,inflexible,obsessive最吹毛求疵的男人 analretentive man Ive ever met.最固执最顽固 Rigid and inflexible.你不觉得词义有点重复吗 Dont you think thats a little redundant?我爸和我妈要分手了 My mom and dad are splitting up.是的 看起来好象是 Yea,it looks that way.你真幸运 Youre lucky.我在你这么大的时候 When I w

17、as your age我只能做梦梦到我父母分手 I could only dream about my parents splitting up.你妈是我奶奶 Your mom is my grandma.对 Yep.奶奶说你是苦果 Grandma says youre a bitter disappointment.嘿 运动健儿 Hey,sport你妈妈想跟你说再见了 your mom wants to say goodbye.听着 Uh listen他不知道发生什么事了 he doesnt know anything about whats going on我们别跟他说 so lets j

18、ust keep this to ourselves.我们之间的小秘密 她为什么要跟他说再见 Our little secret. Why is she saying goodbye tohim?噢 她要去她姐姐那渡周末 Oh,well,shes going to be spending the weekend with her sister在拉斯维加斯 in Las Vegas所以我们决定杰克和我呆在一起 So,we decided that Jake would stay with me.和你? With you?和我们 Well,with us.我饿了 Im hungry.会有什么问题吗

19、 Is this going to be a problem.可能没有 I guess not.谢谢 Thanks.嘿 我得给我的办公室打电话 Uh,hey,listen,Ive got to call my office.你介意给他做午饭吗 Would you mind making him lunch?没问题 谢谢 Sure. Thanks.你偷笑什么 What are you smiling about?你这没饭 You dont have any food.是的 但是我不是饿的那个人 Yea,but Im not the one whos hungry.矮子 该谁偷笑了? Whos s

20、miling now,shorty?你喝牛奶吗 You drink milk?只和麦片一起喝 Just with cereal.好的 Okay.不是这种牛奶 Not that milk.那种牛奶 That milk.有什么区别 Whats the difference?那是牛奶场 Thats Dairy Farm我们喝牛奶舍 we drink Dairy Barn.好吧 Cute.高兴了吧 Happy?我为什么要高兴 Why would I be happy?只不过是牛奶 Its just milk.真可爱 Cute.继续努力 你就会出现在牛奶盒上了(寻人启事) Keep it up,youl

21、l be on one of the cartons.好了 麦片 Okay,cereal.有魅力幸运星 可可松饼 We got Lucky Charms,Cocoa Puffs香甜脆片和枫糖脆圈圈 Frosted Flakes and Maple Loops我喜欢 I want Maple Loops燕麦玉米和小麦 it got oats and corns and wheat香甜早餐真不赖 its the sweatest breakfast treat枫糖圈圈我最爱s maple maple maplicious你知道谁写的那首歌吗 You know who wrote that song

22、?你叔叔查理写的 Your Uncle Charlie wrote that.没骗我? No lie?孩子 如果我要骗你的话 Kid,if I was going to lie我就会说我写了天堂之梯 (经典摇滚曲) Id say I wrote Stairway to Heaven而不是 not the Maple Loop song.你们两个一起很酷 You two are really good together.谢谢 Thank you.你妻子也唱歌吗 So,does your wife sing too?不 我还没结婚 No,Im not married.真可惜 Oh,what a s

23、hame.你比狗都管用 Wow,youre even better than a dog!布鲁医生 Dr.Bloom?是的 是的 Yes,yes我是艾伦 哈勃 this is Alan Harper.是的 我和我妻子想取消 Yes,my wife and I need to cancel今天中午的婚姻咨询预约 our marriage counselling appointment for this afternoon是的 出了点事 Yes,well,something came up.有点私人原因 Well,its kind of personal,I mean我知道婚姻咨询就是关于 Wel

24、l,yeah,I know the point of these things is to我得挂了 Ive got to go.你好 Um,hello?查理在家吗 Is Charlie home?不在 No我是查理的弟弟 Im Charlies brother.需要帮忙吗 Can I help you?好啊 查理的弟弟 Oh,hi Charlie我是罗斯 Im Rose.我是查理的管家 Is housekeeper.你是个管家? So,youre a housekeeper?管家 演员 手模 Oh,housekeeper/actress/hand model.我这么做是为了赶走狼 I just

25、 do this to keep the wolf from the door.你明白我的意思吗 You know what I mean?当然 当然 Sure,sure请进 come on in.噢 我能闻到他的味道 Oh,yea,I can smell him.闻谁? Smell who?你哥哥 Your brother.他有很浓的麝香味道 He has a very musky scent.我还是.让你开始工作 Well,I ll just uh let you get to work.等等 Oh,wait.算了 Oh,no,it s okay.s sweetest breakfast

26、treats maple maple ma.杰克 兄弟 休息会儿 Jake,buddy,take a break.你们怎么去了那么久? What,er,what took you so long?我们去吃冰激凌了 因为我是马子吸铁石 We stopped for ice cream because I m a babemagnet.去撒尿 Got to take a squirt.你为什么认为他是跟我学的 Why do you assume he learned that from me?因为我是跟你学的 Because I learned it from you.嘿 谢谢你收拾了 Hey,t

27、hanks for cleaning up.不是我 罗斯来过了 Oh,it wasn t me. Rose was here.罗斯? Rose?你让罗斯进我家门了? You let Rose into my house?她说她是你的女佣 She said she was your maid.糟了 Oh hell她又把橱柜门给粘起来了 she glued the damn cabinets shut again.又? Again?你有人定期给你 Youve got somebody who comes in regularly把橱柜粘上? to glue your cabinets?你也见过一些我遇到的烂人 Youve met some of the whack jobs Ive gone out with有什么大不了的 its not that big a stretch.所以是我的错? So,this is my fault?谁让她进来的 Who let her in?你是个非常困扰的人 你知道吗 You are a deeply disturbed man,you know that?让让 让让 快点 Move it,move it. Come

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