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本文(高考英语一轮复习词汇语篇模式主题语境三人与自然Topic44生物教学案含作业.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语一轮复习词汇语篇模式主题语境三人与自然Topic44生物教学案含作业高考英语一轮复习词汇语篇模式主题语境:Topic 44生物1.植物 (Plants)wheat, bamboo, biological, botanical, corn, maple, pine, bush, weed, truck, root, seed, branch, leaf, cell, fibre, organ, absorb, come out, grow, harvest, give out, take in, plant, _ spiiz642.动物 (Animals)insect, animal,

2、beast, creature, pest, fierce, _ re(r)28, domestic, worm, ant, sparrow, seagull, rooster, goose, turkey, squirrel, cattle,bee, butterfly, bird, eagle, frog, dinosaur, lion,shark, wing, tail, fly, _ tk70, food, feed on, raise, give birth to, bite, produce, hatch, chase3.生物保护 (Biological Conservation)

3、_ prtekt84, law, reserve, wildlife, remote, act, be native to, be home to, in the wild, behavioral, endangered, in danger of, die out, _ reskju31, evolution, convert, change . into, _ IkstIkt3, degree, breed, _ dIfit22, survive, prohibit4.生物技术 (Biological Technology)bacterium, virus, breakthrough, m

4、ake a breakthrough, clone, controversial, biochemistry, gene, carrier5.意义影响 (Influence)_ trit68, food chain, cure, disease, illness, play an important part in, function, status, _ menn80, _ dpt35, adapt tospecies; rare; attack; protect; rescue; extinct; defeat; treat; mention; adapt rareIts extremel

5、y rare for it to be this hot in April.(2019天津高考)They are keen to see rare birds at the destination.(1)用rare的适当形式填空Tom _ goes to other places except for the office.The land is home to a great diversity of _ plants and animals.答案:rarelyrare(2)单句写作玛丽有一张珍贵的邮票。Mary has _.我很少听到这样离奇的故事。Rarely _ such a stra

6、nge story.难得发现这样一群有趣的人。_ such an interesting group of people.答案:a rare stamphave I heardIt is rare to find(1)adj. 稀少的;稀罕的 not done, seen, happening, etc. very often(2)adj. 稀罕的;珍贵的 existing only in small numbers and therefore valuable or interestinga rare plant/sight 罕有的植物/景象 a rare book/coin/stamp 珍

7、奇的书/硬币/邮票It is rare (for sb./sth.) to_do sth. (某人/物)做某事是罕见的rarely adv. 罕有;很少;不常rarely位于句首时,句子要部分倒装,有类似用法的否定副词还有never, little, seldom, hardly等。attack(2017全国卷)When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesnt sit quietly.(2019全国卷)When a student attacks a professor on the social media, the language used ac

8、tually says more about the student.(1)介词填空The police are making a major attack _ drug dealers.The village came _ attack last night.答案:onunder(2)单句写作The city is easy to _(被袭击) the storm from the Pacific Ocean.The newspapers _ (抨击) the president because of the new law.答案:be attacked bymade an attack o

9、n(1)n. 袭击;攻击 an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill sb.(2)v. 袭击;攻击 to use violence to try to hurt or kill sb.make an attack on 对发动攻击be/come under attack 遭受攻击protect(2019全国卷)To make sure you get enough Vitamin Dbut still protect your skinput on sunscreen right as you head outside.The regulat

10、ions are made to protect womens and childrens rights and interests.(1)单句语法填空Troops have been sent to protect aid workers _ attack.They huddled together to protect themselves _ the wind.They traveled _ the protection of a number of soldiers.答案:againstfromunder(2)选词填空:defend/guard/protectThey _ the bu

11、ilding against strangers.His head was _ by a helmet.We should _ our homeland when she is attacked.答案:guardedprotecteddefend(3)单句写作她用手遮住太阳以保护她的眼睛。She _ the sun with her hand.那些被子不能使你御寒。Those quilts dont give you much _ the cold.他们穿着雨衣以防淋雨。They wore raincoats as a _.答案:protected her eyes fromprotectio

12、n againstprotection against/from the rain(1)v. 保护;防护 to make sure that sb./sth. is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc.(2)v. (制定法律)保护 to introduce laws that make it illegal to kill, harm or damage a particular animal, area of land, building, etc.protect . against/from . 保护免受protection n. 保护;防卫protecti

13、on against/from 保护免受under the protection ofunder sb.s protection 在的保护下protect/defend/guardprotect指采取一定措施,使用某些器具以保护人或物免遭损害,使用广泛defend着重指用武力抵御攻击和侵犯;另表示“为辩护”guard强调通过看守警戒,以确保安全rescue(2019江苏高考)Her responsibility, her privilege, would be to rescue it.A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a gener

14、ous donation.(1)介词填空Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people _ the roof of the burning building.He got a purchase on a branch until we came _ his rescue.答案:fromto(2)单句写作派出了救生艇去营救沉船上的船员。The lifeboat was sent out to _.我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。_ and pulled him out of the river.答案:rescue the sailor from the sinking

15、shipWe came to his rescue(1)vt. 营救;援救;抢救 to save sb./sth. from a dangerous or harmful situation(2)n. 救援;营救;抢救;获救 the act of saving sb./sth. from a dangerous or difficult situation; the fact of being savedrescue sb./sth. from . 把从营救出来come to sb.s rescue (rescue sb.) 援救某人defeat(2018天津高考)I was excited

16、because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated.The instruction manual completely defeated me.(1)选词填空:defeat/beat/winHe _ the first prize for his invention.We _ their team by 10 points.Americans _ the British at Yorktown, Virginia 1781.答案:wonbeat/defeateddefeated(2)单句写

17、作If I left my job, I would be _ (认输了)The goalkeeper was blamed for _ (球队的惜败)答案:admitting defeatthe teams narrow defeat(1)vt. 击败;战胜 to win against sb. in a war, competition, sports game, etc.(2)vt. 使困惑;难住 if sth. defeats you, you cannot understand itadmit defeat 认输a big/bad/heavy defeat 大败a narrow de

18、feat 惜败defeat/beat/windefeat和beat都可跟sb., 一般可互换,defeat既可指比赛,也可指战场上战胜对手beat侧重于比赛中击败对手win后可接比赛、辩论、战斗等,表示“荣获,赢得”treatWe took the kids to the zoo as a special treat.(2015北京高考)Did you enjoy the party?Yes. We were treated well by our hosts.Treat your keyboard with care and it should last for years.(2016北京高

19、考)They are treated with calcium EDTA, a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days.(2017天津高考)The idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here.(1)根据句意写出加黑词的最佳释义She was treated on penicillin (盘尼西林) for six w

20、eeks and made a very good recovery._I decide to treat you to ice creams._Their parents continue to treat them as children._Its a treat to meet you here._答案:治疗;医治招待;款待对待乐事;乐趣(2)单句语法填空All visitors to this village are treated _ kindness.I wish you would stop treating me _ a child!Dont worry about the c

21、ostit is _ (I) treat.答案:withlike/asmy(3)语段写作Tom _ (正在一所著名的医院接受治疗) where _ (医生们对他很好). All the doctors _ (把他当作孩子看待) and even _ (请他吃一些水果). In addition, they all have good manners and they are never fed up with anyone. Tom thinks that he will recover soon.答案:is being treated in a famous hospital; the do

22、ctors treat him well; treat him as/like a child; treat him to some fruits(1)n. 乐事;乐趣;款待 something very pleasant and enjoyable, especially sth. that you give someone or do for them(2)vt. 招待;款待;请(客);买(可享受的东西) to pay for sth. that sb./you will enjoy and that you do not usually have or do(3)vt. 以态度对待;以方

23、式对待 to behave in a particular way towards sb./sth.(4)vt. 治疗;医治 to try to cure an illness or injury by using drugs, hospital care, operations etc.(5)vt. 把看作;把视为 to deal with, regard, or consider something in a particular way.七选五(2019西藏拉萨市高三第三次模拟)Going greenLizzy Greenes official website says it all:

24、“Actress, Artist & Animal Lover.” At 13, Lizzy has performed in childrens theater, and she is a trained gymnast. She is most known for her role as Dawn Harper on Nickelodeons Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn. Now Lizzy is taking on another roleas a voice for animals._1_ She grew up with dogs, and her fami

25、lys pet is a 110pound German shepherd (牧羊犬) named Jett. On the show, Lizzy shares the screen with a lovable 20pound dog named Squishy Paws. In second grade, she stationed herself outside her school to ask for donations to a local animal shelter. _2_Now Lizzy is also speaking out for farm animals. Sh

26、es recently joined The Humane Society of the United States Meatless Monday movement. She encourages young people to take a break from eating meat on Mondays. _3_ And shes encouraging the under20 crowd to take part.Lizzy knows that raising animals for meat causes pollution, uses a lot of natural reso

27、urces like water and also harms animals. _4_ Choosing meatfree meals one day a week is also a great way to feel healthy.Many K12 schools universities and hospitals nationwide have started Meatless Monday programs.“Its so easy to love animals.” Lizzy says. _5_ For some kidandanimalfriendly meatless r

28、ecipes (食谱), visit humanesociety. org/kindnews.AIts easy to eat animalfriendly foods, too.BLizzy has only just begun her bright career.CAnimals have always been a big part of Lizzys life.DAnd Lizzy says she has always wanted to help animals.ECutting meat from our diet once a week helps the environme

29、ntand animals.FKids breakfast can be as simple as trying a vegetable burger instead of a hamburger.GAfter the movement, Lizzy says she wants to save a few more lives and force humans to eat healthier.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个小女孩演员Lizzy为保护动物所做的努力。动物是人类亲密的朋友(close friends of human beings),人类是动物信赖的伙伴(trusted companions of animals)。我们每个人都可以从身边做起,关爱小动物。1C设空处为本段的总结句,根据设空处后两句可知,Li

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