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1、大一考试必看全新编大学英语1课文内容大一考试必看(全)新编大学英语1课文内容The Gift of Life 1.The bombs landed in the small village. Nobody knows what these bombs were supposed to hit during the terrible Vietnam War, but they landed in a small orphanage run by a missionary group. 2The missionaries and one or two children were killed, a

2、nd several children were wounded, including one young girl, about 8 years old, who suffered wounds to her legs. 3A couple of hours later, medical help arrived. The medical help was a young American Navy doctor and an equally young Navy nurse. They quickly found one young girl to be very badly injure

3、d, and it was clear that without immediate action, she would die from loss of blood and shock. 4They saw that she had to have blood, but their limited supplies did not include plasma, so a matching blood type was required. A quick blood typing showed that neither American had the correct blood type.

4、 Several of the uninjured orphans did. 5 The doctor spoke a little Vietnamese, and the nurse spoke a little high-school French. The children spoke no English but some French. Using what little common language they could find, together with a lot of sign language, they tried to explain to these frigh

5、tened children that unless they could give some blood to their little friend she would certainly die. Then they asked if anyone would be willing to give blood to help. 6 Their request was met with wide-eyed silence. Their little patients life hung in the balance. Yet they could only get the blood if

6、 one of these frightened children would agree to give it. After several long moments, a little hand slowly went up, dropped back down, and a moment later went up again. 7 Oh, thank you, the nurse said in French. What is your name? 8 Heng, came the reply. 9 Heng was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cle

7、aned with alcohol, and the needle inserted into his arm. Through all of this Heng lay stiff and silent. 10 After a moment, he let out a long sob, quickly covering his face with his free hand. 11 Is it hurting, Heng? the doctor asked. 12 Heng shook his head silently, but after a few moments another s

8、ob escaped, and again he tried to cover up his crying. Again the doctor asked him if the needle in his arm was hurting, and again Heng shook his head. 13 But now his occasional sob turned to a steady, silent crying, his eyes held tightly shut, his fist in his mouth trying to stop his sobs. 14 The me

9、dical team now was very worried because the needle should not have been hurting their tiny patient. Something was obviously very wrong. At this point, a Vietnamese nurse arrived to help, and seeing the little ones tears, spoke rapidly in Vietnamese, listened to his reply, and quickly answered him ag

10、ain. Moving over to pat his head as she talked, her voice was gentle and kind. 15 After a moment, the little boy stopped crying, opened his eyes, and looked questioningly at the Vietnamese nurse. When she nodded, a look of great relief spread over his face. 16 Looking up, the Vietnamese nurse said q

11、uietly to the Americans, He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He thought you had asked him to give all his blood so the little girl could live. 17 But why would he be willing to do that? asked the Navy nurse. 18 The Vietnamese nurse repeated the question to the little boy, who answered sim

12、ply, Shes my friend. 19 Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend. (595 words) Love Thy Neighbor by Andy Rooney 1 It seems to me that neighbors are going out of style in America. The friend next door from whom you borrowed four eggs or a ladder has moved, and the peop

13、le in there now are strangers. 2 Some of the old ideas about neighbors are probably silly, and it may be just as wellthat our relations with our neighbors are changing. The religious teaching to Love Thy Neighbor was probably a poor translation of what must have originally been Respect Thy Neighbor.

14、Love doesnt exist just because we want it to. 3 Fewer than half the people in the United States live in the same house they lived in five years ago, so theres no reason to love the people who live next door to you just because they happened to buy a house next door to yours. The only thing neighbors

15、 have in common to begin with is being close, and unless something more develops, thatisnt reason enoughto be best friends. It sometimes happens, but the chancesare very small that your neighbors will be your choice as friends. Or that you will be theirs, either. 4 The best relationship with neighbo

16、rs is one of friendly distance. You say hello, you sometimes talk if you see them in the yard, you discuss problems and you help each other when help is needed. The bushes or the fence between you is not a cold shoulder, but a clear boundary. We all like clearly defined boundaries for ourselves. 5 I

17、f neighbors have changed, neighborhoods have not. They still have the same parts. If you live in a real neighborhood you can be sure most of the following people will be found there: ,One family with more children than they can take care of. ,A dogthat gets into garbage cans. ,One big, beautiful hom

18、e with a family so rich that they really arent part of the neighborhood. ,A bad child who steals or sets fire to things, although no one has ever been able to prove it. ,People who leave their Christmas lights up until March. ,Someone who doesnt cut their grass more than twice a summer. ,Someone who

19、 cuts their grass twice a week and one of the times always seems to be Sunday morning at 7:30. ,A family that never seems to turn off any lights in the house. ,A teenager who plays the radio too loud in the summer with the windows open. ,Someone who leaves their barking dog out until 11:30 most nigh

20、ts. ,One mystery couple. They come and go but hardly anyone ever sees them and no one knows what they do. ,A couple that has loud parties all the time with guests that take an hour to leave once they get outside and start shouting good-bye to each other. ,Someone who doesnt pull the shades. 6 It is

21、easier to have a longing about a past neighborhood than about a past community, but a community is probably a better unit. A neighborhood is just a group of people who live close together, but a community is a group of people who put aside their own concerns to get some important things done for a l

22、arger group. (529 words) We All Need Friends by Melinda Marshall 1 Having good old friends is a good thing, but making new ones can be even better. No matter what age we are, all of us appreciate the support and help which friends give us. The help may be for only a small thing, or it may be for som

23、ething that could save our life. The size of the help or support is not really the most important thing, but the fact of having friends is very important. 2 Ive just made a new friend, Joan. Shes not just another person I can talk with or wave to as we pass one another on the street, but a good frie

24、nd. She is someone who will go out with me for lunch, or drop by my home for a cup of tea. She is someone who will listen and make me feel understood the next time I may feel sad or worried for no apparent reason. 3 This is no small matter for me. I barely have enough time or energy to keep up with

25、my old friends, let alonemake new ones. But, as I grow older - and I am now 35 years old - it is important to me to have a safety net of friends. Holes keep opening up in the net as old friends move away. Ive got to spend the energy now to include new friends. 4 Making friends is a lot like dating a

26、fter a terrible breakup. You hesitate and drag your feet because you cant believe you have to start over again. But when you do, its not half as hard as you thought it would be, and its twice as rewarding as you might have hoped. 5 For example, I almost didnt meet Joan who is now one of my best frie

27、nds. We were at the city swimming pool, waiting for our 5-year-old sons to finish their swimming lessons. Joan was reading a book that I had read for my book club, and I wanted to say something, but didnt. It was almost as if Id lost the ability to say hello. 6 In the locker room we were together ag

28、ain as our sons got dressed and ready to go home. I said, mostly to her back, What do you think of Amy Tans writing? She turned around, and like a teenager, I blushed. Oh, she said, Im really enjoying The Bonesetters Daughter. I read Joy Luck Club, and shes been my favoritewriter since then. 7 We ta

29、lked after the next two lessons, compared our reading lists, and chased our sons out of the dressing room again. By the fifth swimming lesson, we arranged to spend a day together shopping in the city. Thats pretty wild, dont you think for a person of my age? 8 I didnt always choose my friends. For y

30、ears, I let fate choose them for me. A new job, a new city, an expensive apartment made me be friends with people Id never have said hello to otherwise. But, as I grew older I grew impatient with some of my friends, and I decided that accidental relationships dont always survive changes in life. Tho

31、se types of friends dont often help you during lifes difficult times when you really need help. 9 We can be ourselves with our friends, and that is a wonderful thing; too precious a gift to deny other friends. It really doesnt take that much time, or that much effort to share the gift of making frie

32、nds. (573 words) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Special Delivery 1 Arriving at the airport, I discovered that my brothers flight had been delayed for an hour. Usually when I wait around the airport to meet a flight, I pass the time by watching planes land and take off, but that evening I had a bad headache. I thought the noise of jet engines might make it worse, so I decided to walk around inside the airport for

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