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1、届山东省单县第五中学高三上学期第一次月考英语试题2017-2018学年英语练习试卷第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the woman do next?A. Turn down the radio. B. Close the window

2、. C. Go to bed.2. Who will probably get the stamps?A. The woman. B. The mans classmate. C. The womans sister. 3. Why cant the woman go with the man? A. Shes a little tired.B. Shes going to listen to music.C. Shes going to the library.4. When will the man arrive home?A. At 10:00. B. At 11:00. C. At 1

3、2:00.5. Where does the conversation take place?A. At home. B. In a travel agency. C. In a hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段対话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the woman ask the man to send?A

4、. A report. B. An e-mail. C. A letter.7. For whom will the man reserve the room in the Garden Hotel?A. For the woman. B. For Mr. Benson. C. For Mr. Black.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where is the hotel located?A. Out of the city. B. Near the harbor. C. In the center of the city.9. When will the speakers meet?A

5、. On Friday. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Whats the conversation about?A. Buying a flat. B. Renting a flat. C. Visiting a flat.11. How many bedrooms are there in this flat?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.12. When can the woman move in?A. Right now. B. In two weeks. C. In October.听第9段材

6、料,回答第13至16题。13. Whats the man looking for?A. A monument. B. A pub. C. A hall.14. Whats the Mond?A. A road. B. A hill. C. A monument.15. How will the man get there probably?A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot.16. What do you think of the woman?A. She is helpful. B. She is impatient. C. She is rude.听第10

7、段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Why is Lily sitting in the trolley (手推车)?A. She is too heavy for her mother to carry.B. Her mother wants to talk to Mrs. Bell.C. Her mother has bought too many things.18. Whats Lily doing when Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Young are talking?A. She hides a bottle of wine in Mrs. Youngs handbag.

8、B. She is playing with a bottle of whisky.C. She is playing with the things her mother has bought.19. What can we learn from the speech?A. Mrs. Bell steals a bottle of whisky.B. The detective finds the whisky in Mrs. Bells handbag.C. Mrs. Young asks her daughter to steal a bottle of whisky.20. What

9、does the speech tell us?A. Lily is a shy girl.B. Mrs. Bell is a forgetful person.C. People sometimes can hardly explain themselves.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn December of 1992. I was a happy husband and father of two young children. A mon

10、th later, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (急性白血病).After two years of chemo (化疗) that helped control the disease, my body was weak and lifeless. I felt as if I were a puppet who needed help to lift his arms or hold up his head.I began to run. After six months my strength had come ba

11、ck. On one of my runs, one where I felt I could run forever, I decided I was going to try to run a marathon.After telling my Dad about my plan, he told me of a program that trains people to run a marathon, while raising funds for Leukemia research at the same time. So that summer, through the Leukem

12、ia Societys Team in Training program, I started to train for the Marine Corps Marathon. During mile after mile of uncertainty, the day finally came to run the marathon.On October 27, 1996, at 8 A. M., along with 19,000 other brave souls I started on a 26.2-mile journey that I will never forget.I fir

13、st saw my wife Patty at the six-mile mar. She seemed happy that I was still looking as if I knew what I was doing, and having a good time doing it. At Mile 17, my mind was going back to those two horrible years that tried to bring my family and me down. I saw her again. The concern in her face told

14、me she knew I was starting to struggle. I felt as if we were thinking the same, nine more miles and these last few years will be behind us.That thought alone pulled me forward. Mile 22, 23, slowing but going, 24, 25, then there it was. The Iwo Jima War Memorial. I have seen nothing so grand and insp

15、iring in my life. Three hours and forty-one minutes after I started, I crossed what I think has to be the most fitting finish line in all of road racing!That night the Leukemia Society gave me a pin at a post-race party that simply says, “Leukemia26.2”.If God wills, my cancer may once again take awa

16、y my hair and my strength, maybe even my life. But it can never take away my pin, or the fact that I am a marathoner.21. The writer decided to run a marathon because .A. he wanted to raise money for Leukemia research B. he believed he was able to take the challengeC. he hoped to recover his strength

17、 through trainingD. his dad knew about the race and made the suggestion22. Which statement is RIGHT about the writer?A. He has always been dreaming of becoming a marathoner.B. The training he took that summer well prepared him for the race.C. Those running in the race were mostly Leukemia patients l

18、ike him.D. His wife was with him during the marathon to give him support.23. Why does the writer think the finish line is the most fitting?A. Because running a marathon is the most suitable sport for him.B. Because the memorial is the most powerful construction he has seen.C. Because he considers it

19、 a victory over his disease to finish the race.D. Because 26.2 miles is the most reasonable distance for road racing.24. Which of the following can best describe the writer?A. Optimistic and outspoken. B. Strong-willed and determinedC. Generous and easy-going D. Brave and warm-heartedBCoffee is a po

20、werful beverage. On a personal level, it helps keep US awake and active. On a much broader level, it has helped shape our history and continues to shape our culture. Coffee didnt take off until the 1400s when people figured out they could roast its seeds. By the 1500s, the drink had spread to coffee

21、houses, across the Arab world. Within another 150 years, it took Europe by storm.“It actually had a major impact on the rise of business,” historian Mark Pendergrast says. Coffeehouses became a spot not just to enjoy a cup but to exchange ideas. The insurer Lloyds of London was founded hundreds of y

22、ears ago in one of Londons 2,000 coffeehouses. Literature, newspapers and even the works of great composers like Bach and Beethoven were also spawned (涌现) in coffeehouses.It is often said that after the Boston Tea Party of 1773, when American colonists attacked British tea ships and threw boxes of t

23、ea into the harbor, Americans universally switched over to drinking coffee. In a letter John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, the Founding Father claims his love of tea but says he will have to learn to embrace coffee instead, because drinking tea had become a symbol of not loving the country. For

24、all the upsides coffee-has brought the modem world, it also led to its fair share of downsides, too. Europeans carried coffee with them as they colonized various parts of the world, and this frequently meant they enslaved people in order to grow it. In Brazil where slavery was legal until 1888 coffe

25、e plantations would use slash-and-bum agriculture, tearing down rain forests and planting coffee trees. Once the soil had been exhausted, growers would move on to another place.And yet, coffee, as Pendergrast says, “had a very good impact in many ways on our civilization, even though it was, for a l

26、ong time, grown by slaves.”25. Why did people enjoy going to coffeehouses?A. Because it was a fashion to drink coffee. B. Because coffeehouses provided a better flavor.C. Because they could stay awake and active there.D. Because they could exchange ideas there.26. What can we learn from the fourth p

27、aragraph?A. American colonists made great profits by trading in coffee.B. Tea was regarded as a symbol of loving ones country.C. Coffee became very popular after the incident in Boston.D. John Adams was the Founding Father of the Tea Party.21. What is mainly talked about in this passage?A. Some inte

28、resting stories about coffee culture.B. Important Roles that coffee played in history.C. How coffee became the most popular beverage.D. How coffee affected Americas independence.CGlobal warming happens when greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the earths atmosphere, which increases t

29、he temperature. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going through the windows, but it cant get back out. This is what the greenhouse effect does to th

30、e earth .The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it cant get out. As a result, the temperature rises.Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on Without it, the earth would be freezing, or it woul

31、d be burning hot. It would be freezing at night because we would not get the suns heat and light. During the day, especially during the summer, it would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter (过滤) it, so people, plants, and animals would be exposed to all the light and heat.Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on it, if there gets to be too many gases, the each can get unusually warmer, and many plants, animals, and people will die. Plants would die because they would not be able to take the heat. This would cause

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