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1、4826. Swarm n. 蜂群;一大群vi. 涌往;挤满;云集;gasolinen. |美|汽油2078. gasp | | n. 喘息,气喘 v. 喘息;气吁吁地说 3552. petrol n. 汽油 3553. petroleum n. 石油 2082. gay a. 快乐的,愉快的,色彩鲜艳的 n. 同性恋 gaze vi.注视to gaze at ones girlfriendgeneralizevt.1.总结出,归纳出,概括出; 2.普及,推广(两个意思恰恰相反)2084. gear n. 齿轮,传动装置 v. (to)调整,使适合2085. gender n. (生理上的)性

2、;(名词、代词等的)性to generalize a conclusion from a collection of instances从一系列事例中总结出一个结论virtual adj.1虚拟的2实际的; virtual games/violence虚拟游戏/暴力; the virtual head of the country实际首脑generousadj.慷慨的,大方的 frugal/ thrifty/ economical 节俭的genetic adj.基因的 genius n.天才talent gift 天赋;genuine adj.(sth)真正的,(人)真诚的; genuine

3、leather 真皮;artificial leather 人造革; a genuine man/person 真诚的人gigantic adj.巨大的,庞大的 ;2106. giant | | n. 巨人 a. 巨大的 adj.巨大的2180. grin n./vi. 露齿而笑,咧嘴一笑 4406. sigh n. 叹息,叹息声v. 叹息,叹气 glamourn.魔力,魅力 vt.迷惑glitter n. 光辉,灿烂 v. 闪闪发光;闪耀 glancen.一瞥; vi.瞥了一眼; cast a glance at sb; glance at sb; glance around338. in

4、general (=in most cases, usually)通常 339. catch (or get) a glimpse of 瞥见(强调结果) take a glance(or look) at看一 眼(强调动作)glarevi.怒目而视;glare at; peer at 凝视; peep at 偷窥; stare at 瞪着眼睛看 gape at 流着口水看 ape 猿猴gloomyadj.(sth)阴郁的;(sb)郁闷的; gloom n.(sth)(天气)阴郁;(sb)郁闷,惆怅gloomy skies 阴郁的天空; gloomy future 黯淡的前途/前途; gloo

5、my mood 抑郁的/惆怅的心情; loom n.织布机; groom n.新郎gloriousadj.辉煌的,光荣的; a glorious victory; glory n.荣誉,辉煌2126. glow v. 发热,发光,发红 n. 白热win glory for为争光/赢得荣誉gossipn.闲话,流言蜚语; sip 呷(小口喝); to spread gossip; an old gossip老长舌妇341. in good time(=early)早早地(做完.到达等) 342. for good (=for ever) 永远地, 长期地grab v.抢夺;smash and g

6、rab; selfishly/eagerly/roughly grabgraceful adj.优雅的gentle/graceful manners; grace n.优雅;graceless adj. 不优雅的; disgraceful adj. 可耻的,耻辱的grant vt.授予,给予= confer; give/grant/award/accord sb sth; confer sth on sb.2156. grand a. 盛大的,豪华的;重大的,主要的 2171. great a. 伟大的;重要的;大量的;很好的;美好的4047. render v. 使得,致使;提出,提供,呈报

7、 4050. rent v. 租,租赁n. 租金4811. surrender vi. 投降,屈服vt. 放弃,交出n. 投降,认输grateful adj.感激的 ungrateful adj.忘恩负义的2172. greedy a. 贪吃的,贪婪的,渴望的2175. greet v. 致敬,敬意,迎接;扑(鼻),入(耳),触(目)2176. greeting n. 问候,致敬gratitude n.感激 ;ingratitude n.忘恩负义;to be grateful to sb for sth343. takefor granted (=assume to be true) 把认为理

8、所当然的. 344. be grateful to sb. for sth 因感谢某人 345. on the ground(s) fo (=because of) 由于graven.坟墓=tomb; adj.严重的,重大的very serious; grave situation; grave newsaggravate vt.加剧,加重; aggravate ones illness;346. fall to the ground (计划.希望等)失败,落空 347. on ones guard(against) 谨防, 警惕 (be) on guard 站岗 348. guard aga

9、inst (=defend, keep safe)警惕,防止 guardagainst 警卫防止 349. guess at 猜, 估计 350. by guess 靠猜greedyadj.贪婪的,渴望的;glutton n.贪吃 lust n.贪色 avarice n.贪财 sloth n.贪睡grievev.伤心,悲伤 grief n. 伤心,悲伤; relieve relief 舒适,缓解351. be guilty of 犯有罪或过失grim adj.严峻的,严酷的,险恶的 ; rim = brim (碗,杯子的)边,沿4988. thunder n. 雷(声);轰隆声v. 打雷;大声

10、说,吼叫2181. grind v. 磨(碎),碾(碎)grip vt.紧紧的抓住; grasp 抓;gropevi.摸索;grope for; rope 绳子; look for 四处找; wait for 等待(找); feel for 摸索; listen for 听着找guaranteevt.保证;assure sb of/that 向sb保证; ensure sth/that 保证sthinsure against 给投保;guarantee sbs honesty/debts(债务) 担保= warrant sbs honesty/debtsguess 猜测,推测;以为;猜想235

11、6. hostile a. 敌对的,敌方的,敌意的 2199. guilt n. 罪过,内疚 2200. guilty a. (of)有罪的,内疚的 2203. gum n. 树胶;口香糖2205. gut | n.胆量;内脏 a. 本能的 vt. 取出内脏5263. veteran n. 老手,老兵 guilty adj.有罪的,愧疚的;2207. gymnasium n. 体育馆,健身房guilt n.u罪行,愧疚(抽象); sense of guilt罪恶感,愧疚感;sin u(宗教的)罪行; original sin 原罪offend v.犯罪,冒犯,违纪,违章,违法offence c

12、违法行为,罪行,违纪,违章fence 篱笆(引申为规则,法规)habitatn.栖息地,生存环境; co-habit 同居; inhabit vi.生活= live inhabitant n.居民352. be in the habit of 习惯于 353. break off (a habit) 改掉(某种习惯) 354. break sb. of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯) 355. get (fall) into the habit of养成了的习惯haggle v.讨价还价,正论不休;haggle with sb over sth; bargain with sb ove

13、r sthhail n.冰雹,致敬vt.向致敬halt n.止步,停止;come to a halt 止步(停下来);The car come to a e to a pouse 暂停; come to fame 成名;come to a conclusion 得出结论; come to a decision 做出决定jump to a conclusion 匆忙下决定; bring sth to a halt/stop 使停下来hampervt.阻碍,阻止;prohibit/inhibit/hamper/prevent/hinder sb from doingforbid sb to doh

14、andicap n.残疾;handicapped children adj.有残疾的physically handicapped 身体有残疾的visually handicapped 视力有残疾的handle vt.处理; tackle; deal with ; cope with357. at hand 在手边, 眼前(附近) 358. by hand 用手工(做) 359. hand in glove(with) 狼狈为奸, 密切合作 360. in hand 1)在手边 2)(=under control)控制住 361. in the hands of 由掌握, 控制, 负责 362.

15、 live from hand to mouth勉强度日,现挣现吃harmonyn.和谐,一致; honey 甜蜜,亲爱的;be in harmony with sb/sth 一致;be in agreement with sb 一致harmonious society 和谐社会harnessn.马具,系在身上的绳子; be in harness 正在工作; die in harness 殉职to harness a horse 驾驭;to harness a river 治理; to harness solar energy 利用太阳能harsh adj.严酷的 severe;a harsh

16、 winter 严冬; a harsh summer 酷暑haulv.拖,拉hazardn.=risk/danger 风险;2248. hatred n. 憎恨,憎恶,怨恨 at the hazard/risk of 冒着风险at the price of=at the expense/cost of 以为代价at all hazards/risks 不惜一切代价,不顾任何风险headquarters v. 以.作总部, 设总公司于.363. at the head of 在的前头 364. head for (=move towards) 向方向前进heap n.一堆 a heap of b

17、ooks; heaps of snow/money 大量的=lots ofheap/pile/stack 堆 ; hip 臀部 hip-hop2291. heritage n. 遗产,继承物;传统 2510. inherit vt. 继承(金钱等),经遗传而得(性格、特征)2509. inherent a. 固有的,内在的,天生的365. hear of (=know about) 听人说起, 听说过 366. at heart (=in reality) 内心里, 实际上 367. in ones heart (of hearts)内心深处,事实上 368. by heart (=by me

18、mory) 熟记, 背(诵) 369. to ones hearts content 尽情地 370. with all ones heart全心全意地,真心实意heave举,提,扔;拖;呕吐 n. 举起 2273. heel n. 脚后跟,踵,鞋跟heightenvt. 提高; heighten sbs position 提升sb的职位;heighten sbs anger 加剧sb的愤怒2274. height n. 高,高度;(常pl. )高地,高处 2275. heighten v. 提高,升高4956. thigh n. 大腿;股骨5365. weight n. 重量;负荷,重担;重

19、要性,分量;砝码,5364. weigh v. 称重量,称;重达;考虑,权衡 heritagen.遗产 ; heir 继承人; inheirt vt.继承 ; cultural/ national heritage2307. hijack v. 劫持,劫机,拦路抢劫 2629. jacket n. 短上衣,茄克衫 2308. hike n. 徒步旅行;增加vi. 徒步旅行 vt. 提高hesitate v.犹豫不决 ;hover a.盘旋,翱翔 b.徘徊,犹豫hijackvt.劫持,抢劫; Jack 被打劫的对象; peeping Tom 偷窥狂 kidnap 绑架 ; kid 孩子; nap

20、 小睡,打盹hinder v.阻止,妨碍 hind adj.后面的 hintn.c暗示; drop a hint to sb= give sb a hint给sb一个暗示;take a hint 理解了/领会了暗示;clue 线索 a clue to 的线索not have a clue 毫无头绪,一无所知hold拿着;保有;托住;举行;继续 n. 握住;船舱 2323. hitherto | ad. 到目前为止,迄今5429. withhold vt. 使停止;拒给;保留;抑制vi. 忍住2362. household n. 家庭,家人 a. 家庭(务)的,家常的4977. threshol

21、d n. 门槛;入门,开端 hobby n.c业余爱好;horizonn.地平线,眼界; on the horizon在地平线上.broaden ones horizon 开阔眼界2331. holy a. 神圣的,圣洁的 372. be (go) on holiday 在(去)度假 go on holiday = go for a holiday 373. be (feel) at home (=to be comfortable; not feel worried) 感觉合适,无拘束 ,熟悉 374. be honest in诚实 375. in ones honour (or in ho

22、nour of)祝贺,纪念 376. on ones honour 以某人的名誉担保hospitalityn.殷勤,好客; hospital n.医院;2350. hose n. 水龙带,软管 v. 用软管(淋浇,冲洗)2359. hound n. 猎狗;卑鄙的人 vt. 用猎狗追,追逐2385. hunt v./n. 打猎,猎取;(for)搜索;寻找 hostn.1主人; 2.主持人 vt.主办,主持; guest 客人; master 主人; servant 仆人;1113. cottage n. 村舍,小屋,别墅 2391. hut | | n. 小屋,棚屋 to act as host

23、 担任东道主; the host nation 主办国to be host to sb 款待/招待sbhostagen.人质; to take sb hostage 抓住sb做人质; to hold sb hostage扣留sb做人质377. hope for 希望(某事发生),希望有 378. to ones horror 令某人感到恐惧的是 379. in a hurry (=hastily) 匆忙地hostile adj.敌对的,有敌意的,反对的 ;be hostile to/towards sbhover v.1盘旋,翱翔 2.徘徊,犹豫不决humble adj.卑贱的; noble

24、高贵的;a humble occupation 卑贱的职业; a humble meal 粗劣的食物;in my humble opinion 拙见2370. huddle n./v. 拥挤;聚集 v. (因寒冷、害怕而)缩成一团2371. hug v./n. 热烈拥抱,紧抱2376.humble a. 谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的 v. 降低,贬低2379. humiliate v. 使羞辱,使丢脸 2377. humid a. 湿的,湿气重的 2378. humidity n. 湿气,湿度humid adj.潮湿的 wet/moisthumiliate vt.使遭受屈辱; a rather

25、humiliating experience 一段相当屈辱的经历;feel humiliated 感到屈辱的2386. hurl vt. 猛投,力掷;大声叫骂2387. hurricane n. 飓风 2395. hysterical a. 情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里的hypermarketn.大型超市 hyperinflation n.恶性通货膨胀 hypothesis n.假设; thesis 论文; hypo-虚假的; to raise a hypothesishypocritical adj.虚伪的; hypocrisy n.虚伪;hypocrite n.伪君子ideal n.理想 adj.理想的; to attain/ achieve/ accomplish ones ideal3938. realistic a. 现实(主义)的 3939. reality n. 现实,实际;真实 3940. realize v. 认识到,体会到;实现identifyv.辨认出,识别出; identify oneself with sb 认同,支持identification n.辨认,识别;身份证-ID; -tion 表面是名词,实际动词内核380. be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同 381. be identified w

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