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高三英语寒假能量包专题练习1 主语从句含答案.docx

1、高三英语寒假能量包专题练习1 主语从句含答案专题1 主语从句【要点归纳】1. 主语从句在复合句中充当主语,大多数主语从句都可以用it作形式主语而把主语从句置于句尾。2. that引导主语从句时可用it作形式主语,that不可省;what引导的主语从句表示“的东西”时,一般不用it作形式主语;whatever,whoever,whichever一般也不用it作形式主语。主语从句的引导词引导词作用引导词作用that无词义,在从句中不充当成分,但不能省略how多么,怎样,作方式状语或程度状语who谁,作主语、宾语when何时,作时间状语whom谁,作宾语where在哪儿,作地点状语what什么,可作

2、主语、宾语、表语、定语why为什么,作原因状语which哪一个,哪些,作主语、宾语、定语whether是否主语从句的特殊用法(1)主语从句与定语从句的转换All that is needed has been bought.所有需要的都买了。(2)几个特殊句型之间的转换It is known to all that China has joined the WTO.As is known to all, China has joined the WTO.What is known to all is that China has joined the WTO.众所周知,中国已加入WTO。从句作

3、主语时,句子谓语动词的单复数问题。(1)从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。That they are not going to the cinema is a big surprise to us.他们不去看电影,这使我们感到很惊讶。(2)what引导的从向作主语,谓语动词一般用单数;若从句谓语或从句后的表语是复数形式,则谓语动词常用复数。What she said is wrong.她所说的是错误的。【对点训练】1. _ I like about him is that he is really witty and bubbly.(用适当的词填空)2. Surprisingly, _ beg

4、an as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement. (用适当的词填空)3. _ many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and rivers.(用适当的单词填空)4. He is shy and quiet. However, _ he said at the meeti

5、ng surprised everybody present. (用适当的词填空)5. _ we will go camping or not depends on the weather. (用适当的词填空)6. It is recognised _ the environmental pollution has become more and more serious.(用适当的单词填空)7. _ developing countries need to do is to stop poverty by fighting the causes of it. (用适当的词填空)8. _ I

6、do remember is the overwhelming feeling of happiness that washed over me.(用适当的词填空)9. Exactly _ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but many people believe it was probably around 1565. (用适当的词填空)10. It remains a question _ we can get so much money in such a short time.(所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】1

7、. What 2. what 3. What 4. what 5. Whether 6. that 7. What 8. What 9. when 10. how【解析】1. 考查主语从句。句意:我喜欢他的一点是他真的很机智和活泼。分析句子结构可知,空处需用连接词引导主语从句,空后主语从句缺少宾语,表示喜欢的内容,所以空处需用连接代词what引导主语从句,句首单词首字母需大写。故填What。2. 考查主语从句。句意:令人惊讶的是,一开始并不是什么重要的公共事务渐渐变成了一种社会活动。此处为主语从句引导词,从句中缺少主语,指事情应用what引导。故填what。3. 考查主语从句。句意:许多科学家

8、相信,水的持续存在使地球能够将有害气体和酸溶解到海洋和河流中。分析句子结构可知,空处需用连接词引导主语从句,从句动词believe缺少宾语,表示具体的内容,所以空处需用连接代词what引导主语从句,句首单词首字母需大写。故填What。4. 考查主语从句。句意:他很害羞安静,然而,他在会议上所说的话让在场的每个人都震惊了。本句是主语从句,主句的谓语动词是surprised,从句缺少主语,根据句意,what表示“什么”符合句意,故填what。5. 考查连词。句意:我们是否要去露营取决于天气如何。本句是主语从句,谓语动词是depends,从句部分缺少“是否”的意思,根据后文的or not,可知填连词

9、whether,故填Whether。6. 考查主语从句。句意:人们认识到环境污染已变得越来越严重。分析句子结构可知,这是一个主语从句结构,it是形式主语,真正的主语是从句“the environmental pollution has become more and more serious.”且该从句句意完整,也不缺少主语和宾语,因此,该从句应该用that引导。故填that。7. 考查主语从句。句意:发展中国家需要做的是通过消除贫困的根源来消除贫困。此处为主语从句,从句中缺少宾语,结合句意“发展中国家需要做的”可知应用what引导,句首单词首字母要大写。故填What。8. 考查主语从句。句意

10、:我所记得的是那种压倒一切的幸福的感觉。分析句子结构可知此处为主语从句,从句中缺少宾语,表示“所记得的”应用what引导。句首单词首字母要大写。故填What。9. 考查主语从句。句意:土豆被引进欧洲的确切时间不确定,但是许多人认为可能是1565年左右。“Exactly _ the potato was introduced into Europe”是主语从句;根据句意,此处应用when引导主语从句,在从句中作时间状语。故填when。10. 考查连接词。句意:我们怎么能在这么短的时间内弄到这么多钱还是个问题。此处为主语从句,it作形式主语,主语从句中缺少方式状语,表示“怎么,如何”故应用how。

11、故填how。【加餐特训】单词默背1. The government has made laws to _ (禁止) tobacco advertisements on TV. (根据汉语意思填空)2. When you _ (打喷嚏), air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control. (根据汉语意思填空)3. He seems to be stuck with the_ (标签) of “troublemaker”.(根据汉语意思填

12、空)4. She decided to _ (伸出) out her hand and help the old man up from his chair. (根据汉语意思填空)5. Textbook writing can be an intellectually _ (有益的) activity. (根据汉语意思填空)6. The _ (茶壶) came with a stand to catch the drips of water. (根据汉语意思填空)7. He peeled the paper top off a little white tub and poured the _

13、 (奶油) into his coffee. (根据汉语意思填空)8. We require grammar and spelling to be _ (准确的). (根据汉语意思填空)9. Its known to us that smoking do much damage to the_ (肺部). (根据汉语意思填空)10. We saw a mother _ (豹子) sleeping under the trees with her cubs. (根据汉语意思填空)阅读理解Watching what you eat can be easier said than done, but

14、 a recent study shows it might not just be about whats on your plate it could be about how quickly it disappears.Japanese researchers followed 1,083 adults for five years, splitting them into three categories based on how quickly they ate: slow, normal, and fast. They also answered a questionnaire a

15、t the beginning of the study, sharing their diet, physical activity, and medical history. In the beginning, none of the volunteers had metabolic syndrome (新陈代谢综合征)-meaning at least three risk factors which can lead to health problems like heart conditions and diabetes.When the participants reported

16、back five years later, 84 had been diagnosed (诊断) with metabolic syndrome and their eating speed was a major predictor, according to the results in the journal Circulation. The fast eaters were 89 percent more likely to have metabolic syndrome than slow and normal eaters. Just 2.3 percent of slow ea

17、ters received the diagnosis, compared to 11.6 percent of fast eaters. But thats not all. Fast eaters also saw more weight gain, larger waistlines, and higher blood sugar levels than slow eaters.The researchers say gobbling makes it easier not to take notice of fullness before your body has a chance

18、to signal you to stop. “So when people eat fast they are more likely to overeat,” said Takayuki Yamaji, MD, study author and cardiologist at Hiroshima University in Japan in a statement.Previous research backs up the weight benefits of slow eating, too. One study of New Zealand women found fast eate

19、rs have higher body-mass indexes (指数), and a Chinese study found that both healthy and fat men ate less when told to chew 40 times instead of 15 times before swallowing. Initial research even suggests chewing your food longer could bum more calories-up to about 1,000 extra every month.11. What are t

20、he participants divided by?A. Medical history. B. Health condition.C. Physical activity. D. Eating speed.12. Which may be the result of the study?A. Fast eaters are 4 times more likely to have metabolic syndrome.B. Normal and slow eaters dont have metabolic illness.C. 89% of fast eaters have higher

21、blood pressure.D. Slow caters are healthier than fast eaters.13. What does the underlined word “gobbling” in Paragraph 4 best mean?A. Tasting slowly. B. Digesting quickly.C. Eating greedily. D. Cooking carefully.14. What does the last paragraph tell us?A. The importance of eating speed. B. The advan

22、tage of eating slowly.C. The result of a Chinese study. D. Fast eating and overeating.用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Did you grow up in one culture, your parents came from another, and you are now living in a 15 (total) different country? If so, then you are a third-culture kid.The term

23、 “third-culture kid” 16 (use) in the 1960s for the first time by Dr. Ruth. She first came across this phenomenon while 17 (research) North American children living in India. In general, third-culture kids benefit 18 their intercultural experience and they often reach excellent academic results.Yet m

24、any 19 (difficulty) may arise from this phenomenon. Third-culture kids may not be able to adapt 20 (they) completely to their new surroundings. Also, they often find it hard 21 (develop) new friendship. Additionally, for a third-culture kid, it is often 22 (easy) to move to a new country than to ret

25、urn to his homeland. For example, after living in Australia for many years, Louis finally returned to the country 23 she was born. She didnt know anything about current TV shows 24 fashion trends. And she didnt share the same values as other teens of her age.七选五There are lots of things to pay attent

26、ion to when the new school year starts. Although it is exciting for students, this yearly transition can also be a big source of stress. 25 Here are some ways to make your back-to-school experience as smooth as possible.Get organized. 26 You can set up a system that you can use right from the beginn

27、ing of the term. Some students find that a colorful binder (活页夹) helps them keep all their assignments in order. Others might benefit from keeping a weekly plan in a notebook.Make a schedule. Outline a daily plan for school projects, social events and activities. Make sure you record your assignment

28、s in the same place every week. Next, we suggest separating assignments into smaller, manageable steps, and then ordering those steps according to the project due date. 27 Finally, these steps will help you learn the time management skills. 28 One of the most important things you can do to ensure a

29、great school year is to understand how you learn best. Some children absorb information by listening; other students do best when information is conveyed visually, through charts or illustrations.Remember to take breaks. 29 As time goes by, they also seem to get fuller. Dont forget to build breaks i

30、nto your routine. Even a two-minute walk around the house or quick snack can work wonders for a busy brain. We all need to take moments to reset our minds.A. Identify your learning style.B. Focus on the most effective time.C. You can join a famous organization.D. Make sure your study is free of the

31、mess.E. The beginning of the year can feel good for everyone.F. Luckily, you can deal with it well through some efforts.G. You can use the plan to manage daily homework and study time.参考答案单词默背【答案】1. prohibit 2. sneeze 3. label 4. stretch 5. rewarding6. teapot 7. cream 8. accurate 9. lung 10. leopard【解析】1. 考查动词。句意:政府已经制定法律禁止电视上的烟草广告。结合句意和汉语提示可知,动词prohibit符合题意,空前的to是不定式符号,此处应使用动词原形。故填prohibit。2. 考查动词。句意:当你打喷嚏时,空气和常常是小滴的液体突然从你的鼻子和嘴巴里流出来,这种方式是你无法控制的。根据句意,所填词是句子的谓语,应是动词;句子叙述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时;根据所给汉语意思,应是动词sneeze。故填sneeze。3. 考查名词。句意:他好像被

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