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24 动词.docx

1、24 动词动词1.动词的分类类别意义例句实义动词含有实在的意义,表示动作或状态,在句子中能独立作谓语。She has some bananas.They often eat a lot of potatoes.Im reading an English book now.连系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语。His father is a teacher.Twins usually look the same.The teacher became very angry.助动词本身没有词义,不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,用来表示否定、疑问、时态、语

2、态或其它语法形式,助动词自身有人称、单复数和时态的变化。He doesnt speak English.We are playing basketball.Do you have a brother?情态动词本身有一定的意义,不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示 说话人的语气和情态。情态动词没有人 称和单复数的变化,有些情态动词有过去式。You can keep the books for two weeks.May I smoke here?We must go now.重要注解: (1) 关于实义动词: 英语的实义动词又可分为及物动词和不及物动词两大类: 后面必须跟宾语意义

3、才完整的叫及物动词;本身意义完整,后面不需跟宾语的叫不及物动词。 有些动词通常只作不及物动词。如:go,come,happen,lie,listen,rise,arrive,hall等。 有些动词通常用作及物动词。如:say, raise, lay, find, buy等。 大多数动词可以兼作及物动词和不及物动词。如:study, sing等。 有些动词常和介词、副词或其它词类一起构成固定词组,形成短语动词。如: listen,reply,wait,look. (2) 关于连系动词: 连系动词用来连接主语和表语,连系动词后面常为形容词。 常见的连系动词有:be, become, look, f

4、eel, sound, smell, taste, seem, turn, grow, get, go等。 有些连系动词来源于实义动词,意思也跟着变化:look(看看起来)、feel(感觉、摸 感到)、smell(闻、嗅闻起来)、taste(尝尝起来)、turn(翻转、转动变得)、grow(生长变得)、get(得到、到达变得)、go(去变得),所不同的是,作为实义动词时,后面不能跟形容词。注:become、get、go、be、grow、turn的用法区别:become表示“变成”,比较正式,通常不用将来时表示动作已经完成。get也表示动作已经完成,但是更加口语化,通常表示温度、时间、岁数等变化

5、。go表示“变得”,常见于某些短语中,后面常有形容词bad、blind、hungry等。be表示“是、成为、当”,多用于将来时、祈使句或不定式中。grow表示“变得”,常指逐渐的变化,表示身高、岁数的增长。turn表示“变得”,指变为与原先不同的情况,通常指颜色等变化。如:I was caught in the rain and I became ill.He has got rich.He will be a scientist in the future.My little brother has grown much taller in the past year.The sandwic

6、h has gone bad.Her face turned red after her mother criticized her.(3) 关于助动词: 常见的助动词有:用于进行时和被动语态的be (am, is, are ,was, were, been, being ) 用于完成时的have(has,had,having) 用于将来时的shall (should) 、will (would)用于一般时的do(does,did) . 助动词必须同主语的人称和数一致,也就是说因主语人称、数的不同而采用不同的形式,其中有些助动词也可作情态动词。如:shall, will, should, wo

7、uld. (4) 关于情态动词: 常见的情态动词有:can (could) ,may (might), must ,shall (should), will (would), dare (dared) , need等,另外,have to、had better也当作情态动词使用。情态动词后面必须加动词的原形。 can表示体力、脑力方面的能力或客观的可能性。口语中, 在询问或说明一件事可不可以做时,常用“can”代替“may”。情态动词“can”的过去式是“could”,否定式是“cannot”通常缩写成“cant”,“could”的否定式是“could not”,通常缩写成“couldnt”。

8、如:Can I help you?He can swim.That cant be Mr Li. may表示允许、请求或可能性,用may提问时,肯定回答一般用Certainly或Yes,you may.;否定回答一般用cant或mustnt. 如:May I ask you a question?Certainly. You may go now. It may be in your pocket. must表示“必须”、“一定”的意思。表示“必须”时否定形式是mustnt;表示“一定”时,否定形式是“cant” 如:We must be very careful when we cross

9、the road.It must be Jack.I havent seen Kate today. She cant be here.注: 用must(必须)进行提问时,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt;用must(一定)进行提问时,肯定回答仍用must,但是否定回答用cant. 如:Must we clean the room before we leave? Yes,you must.或No,you neednt.Must she be in the romm? Yes,she must.或No,she cant. “have to”表示“不得不”、“必须”。Well have

10、 to leave now for it is very late at night. have to的疑问形式是:助动词+have to,否定形式是:助动词+not+have to或者用neednt.如:Do you have to stay until 8 oclock?You dont have to do so.(=You neednt do so.) shall在问句中,可表示征求对方意见,与第一人称连用;在陈述句的第二、三人称的主语后或表示“命令”、“警告”、“允许”等。如:Shall we go to the zoo this weekend?He shall bring his

11、 own book next time. should可表示“劝告”、“建议”、“惊奇”等意思。We should speak to old people politely. will表示“意愿”、“决心”等意思,一般与第二人称连用。如:Will you please close the door for me?I will teach you a lesson.would表示过去的“意愿”、“决心”等。He would sit near the fire every time he returned home.would也可以表示现在的情况,表达说话人向对方提出的要求,语气比“will”婉转

12、、客气。在日常会话中,“我想要”通常用“I would like to”或“I should(Id) like to”来表示。如:Would you like to have a rest at the moment?would还可以表示过去经常发生的事情。如:Every year parents would tell their children about the boy. need表示需要,用于疑问句或否定句。“need”作实义动词时,在肯定、否定、疑问句中都可以用.如:He neednt do it in such a hurry.He needs some help.He doesn

13、t need to bring his football then. dare是“敢”的意思,用法几乎与“need”完全相同,即在疑问句和否定句中,可以作情态动词,后面用不带“to”的动词不定式。在肯定句中和实义动词一样,后面的动词不定式要带“to”。How dare you say I am a fool?He didnt dare to touch the red button. d better (do)(“最好”)一般也当作情态动词使用,否定式是:d better not (do). 如:Youd better sit here and say nothing.Youd better

14、not speak because he is sleeping.2、动词词形变化一览表: (1)规则动词变化表:(2)不规则动词变化表:( 原形 过去式 过去分词)3、动词用法辨析: (1)“Why not+动词原形+?”(干嘛不?)是简略句,完全形式是:Why dont you +动 词原形+? 如:Why not go and have a look?Why not try it once again?(2) seem(好象)的用法:sb./sth. + seem + (to be+)形容词+;sb./sth. + seem + like +;sb/sth + seem + to (do

15、);It seems that + 从句。 如:He seemed (to be) very happy when he was called by the headmaster. It seems that nobody else could do such a foolish thing except Jim. (3) be afraid(害怕)的用法:be afraid of sth; be afraid of (doing); be afraid to (do); be afraid that+从句。如:She is a little afraid of snakes.Dont be

16、so afraid to stay at home alone at night.Im afraid that somebody will take his place because of his serious mistakes.(4) be sorry(抱歉)的用法:be sorry for (sth); be sorry for (doing sth); be sorry to (do); be sorry that+从句。如:I am very sorry for keeping you waiting so long.I am sorry to trouble you.I am s

17、orry (that) he isnt here at the moment.(5) be sure (确信)的用法: be sure of (sth); be sure to(do); be sure that+从句。如:She told me many times that she was sure to come.Are you sure of your answer? Maybe its wrong.I am sure that Dad will help me with the job.(6) make 与do的用法:一般情况下表示进行活动或者做工作用do,表示创造建构某事物用mak

18、e. 如:I dont know what to do.Im not going to do any work.My father and I once made a boat.此外还要记住一些固定说法:do good / harm / ones best / a favour make a decision / an effort / a mistake / a noise / a phone call / money / war / the bed / sure,. (7)put on、wear、haveon、be in、try on、dress的用法:put on强调“穿、戴”这个动作过

19、程,wear则表示“穿着、戴着”这一状态,have+衣物+on主要表示状态,be in(+颜色/衣物)也是表示一个状况,dress(+人)表示“给人穿衣”。如:Please put on your new shoes.The twins are wearing the same clothes.Today she has an overcoat on.Do you know the woman who is in black?Dad is dressing Tom now.注: dress与wear或put on的区别:wear或put on常用衣物作宾语,而dress常用人作宾语。表示给自己

20、穿衣时常用“get dressed”或“dress oneself”表达。be dressed in与wear基本同义。dress up意为“穿上盛装、乔装打扮”。如:Could you dress the baby for me?He is eight but cant dress himself.She was dressed in a red coat.Do I have to dress up to go to Jims party?(8)like、love与enjoy的用法:三个词都含有“喜欢”的意思,但是,like和enjoy后面跟动名词,love 后面一般跟动词不定式。like后

21、面有时跟动词不定式,表示一种习惯或嗜好(往往与具体的时间或地点有关)。enjoy后面还可以加名词、反身代词,表示“享受乐趣;玩得开心”。如:Do you like shopping?He likes to have a swim when he gets home every afternoon.They love to sing foreign songs.Did you enjoy yourself at the party?He enjoys living in China.(9)study、learn的用法: study主要表示“学习、研究”,指过程;而learn主要表示“学 会”,指

22、结果。表示“学”时可以互换。如:How many subjects do you study?Have you learned it yet?How long have you studied/learned English?learn还可以表示“听说”,如:He learned the musician himself was in town.(10)think、want、would like的用法:三个词都含有“想”的意思,但think指“思考、考虑”,want指“想要、愿望、企图”,would like指“想要”,think后面一般跟介词短语或从句,want和would like后面跟名

23、词或动词不定式。如:Do you think that China will become a developed country in 40 years? I am thinking of the money I once lent to Li Min.What do you really want to say?Which of these cakes would you like (to have)?(11)look for、searchfor、find、find out的用法:前面两个词语表示动作过程,后面两个表示结果,look for指“寻找”不见的或丢失的东西,但还没有找到;sea

24、rchfor指“为找而搜寻”;find指“找到”了东西;find out主要指“查明一个事实真相”。如:What are you looking for in the cupboard?Have you found the lost key to your car?The soldiers were searching the room for the spy when they heard a loud noise.Lets try to find out who broke the window.注: find的几个结构:find sb. sth“为某人找到”,find sth./sb.

25、+ adj./n.“发觉某人 是”find it +adj. + to do(或+宾语从句)“发现(做)如何”。如: His mother found her daughter a very clever girl. You can easily find it not good for your health to eat cold food.(12)listen to、hear的用法:两个词与听觉有关,listen to指“听”这一过程,hear指“听到” 这一结果。如:Are you listening to me,Jim? Yes,I have heard your words.(13

26、)look、see、watch、read的用法:四个词均与眼睛有关,look指放眼去“看”(不管是 否看得到),指“看”的过程;see指“看见”这一结果,有时see还引申为“明白”,表示“看”时后面加“电影”等词;watch指专注的看,含有“注视、监视”之义,后面常跟“电视、比赛”等词;read限制为看书面材料,译为“看、阅读”,后面跟“书、报纸、杂志”等词。如:What are you looking at?Please look at the blackboard. Let me go to see the film, mum, will you?He wont feel well unt

27、il he finishes watching the football match. Reading gives us knowledge.(14)hear、hear of、hear from、learn的用法: hear“听说”,后面可以跟名词、代词、 从句表示听见的内容,hear of“听说”,后面跟人,指对某人有耳闻但没有见过面;hear from“收到的来信”,后面加人;learn“听说、得知”,后面跟从句,含义与hear相似。如:I hear Mr Green is coming to see us tonight.Have you ever heard of the man wh

28、o once went to the Himalaya Mountains? How often do you hear from your father? He learned the musician himself was in town.(15)speak、talk、say、tell的用法:四个词与“说”有关。speak“讲话、发言、演说”, 是不及物动词,涉及人时要加介词to,speak作及物动词时后面跟语言名称;talk“谈话、闲谈”,是不及物动词,涉及人时用介词with、to等,涉及事情时后面跟介词about等;say 是及物动词,后面跟名词、代词、从句等,表示说的内容;tell

29、是及物动词,后面首先要跟人,然后再跟从句或者介词短语等。如:Do you speak English? Who spoke at the meeting? Our teacher is talking to Lin Taos parent. Can you say it in English? Please tell me something about the strange flying object.(16)be able to(do)、can的用法:can是情态动词,有许多含义,表示“可能、可以、会”等 意思,只有现在式can和过去式could两种形式;be able to表示能力上“

30、会”,有多种时态形式,to后面跟动词原形,有时可以与can/could互换。如:Can you speak English?He couldnt(wasnt able to) swim when he was 12. (17)there be、have的用法:两个词都可以译为“有”,但是,have表示的是“拥有”,主语 必须是人或者物;there be表示“存在”的概念,主语在there be之后。如:How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have only one brother. How many chairs and desks are

31、 there in their classroom? There is none. 注: there be sb./sth doing与there be sb./sth to do 有所不同:用doing表示一个正 在发生的事情,而用to do 则表示一个滞后或迟于there be的动作。如:Look! There is a dog lying on the stairway. Take your time. There is nothing for you to do tonight. (18)borrow、lend、keep的用法:表示“借”的三个词,borrow“借进”、lend“出借”都 是一次性动作,不可以和表示一段的时间状语连用;keep“保存”用来表示借一段时间。如: I have lost the book I borrowed from my teacher. Wh

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