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1、六年级上册6到10模块知识总结Module 61. 重点单词world世界 often经常 difficult困难的 knife餐刀,刀子fork餐叉,叉 chopsticks 筷子(复数) Japanese日本的2. difficult困难的 同义词 hard 反义词easyknife餐刀,刀子 复数形式 knives teach 教 第三人称单数 teaches 名词 教师 teacherbe from来自 come from 来自I am from London in the UK. = I come from London in the UK.a book about China 一本

2、关于中国的书 a book about the US一本关于美国的书a book about the world 一本关于世界的书 an email 一封电子邮件Damings friend 大明的朋友 in the park 在公园里want to be想成为 live in New York住在纽约in the UK在英国 want to visit China 想要访问中国,next year明年 a Chinese dragon kite一只中国龙风筝write to sb. 给某人写信 write to me 给我写信 write to you 给你写信will 将要 后加动词原形

3、表示一般将来时play with sb. 和某人一起玩 go swimming去游泳have got a cold感冒 a knife and fork一副刀叉 some food 一些食物a Chinese kite 一个中国风筝 a Japanese kite 一个日本风筝a stamp from China 一张中国邮票 a stamp from Canada 一张加拿大邮票at home 在家 ride horses骑马 ride a horse 骑马 live in Australia 住在澳大利亚 live in the north 住在北部in the afternoon在下午

4、in the morning 在上午 in the evening 在晚上 study Chinese history学习中国历史 in England 在英国 would like想要 would like to do sth. 想要做某事Id like to have a pen friend in China.3. Have you got a book about China? 你有一本关于中国的书吗?I am Damings friend and I want to be your friend too.我是大明的朋友,而且我也想成为你们的朋友。I live in New York,

5、 but I am not American.我住在纽约,但我不是美国人。Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it in the park.大明有一只中国龙风筝,我们经常在公园里放风筝。Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks?你有一副刀叉还是筷子?Id like to have a pen friend in China because Im studying Chinese history.我想在中国找个笔友,因为我正在学习中国历史。4. 重点语法(1)and, but,

6、so, or可以作连词用,连接两个简单句。and 意思是“和,并且”,表示并列关系。but 意思是“但是”,表示转折关系。so意思是“所以,因此”,表示因果关系。or 意思是“或者,还是”,表示选择关系。如:Sam has got a dog, and he often plays with it.Shes got an email in French, but she cant read it.So the snake gets frightened.(2)选择疑问句选择疑问句是指提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择的句式。前一部分是个一般疑问句或特殊疑问句,后面加上or提供给对方另一个条

7、件,让对方根据实际情况进行选择回答。or意为“还是”。对于选择疑问句,不能用yes或no回答,可以有选择地回答。如:Have you got a football or a basketball?I have got a football.(3)名词所有格用来表示名词之间的所有关系,一般是在名词后面加上“s”,表示“某人的”。如:大明的朋友 Damings friend 玲玲的钢笔 Linglings pen5. 作文:假如你是Tony,给Laura写一封信,介绍目前的学习及生活情况。Dear Laura,How are you? I live in Jiaozuo. Its a beauti

8、ful city. Its famous for Yuntai Mountain.I have got a new bike. I go to school by bike. I have classes from Monday to Friday. My favorite subject is English.I can speak some English. I like reading and playing basketball. Please write to me and we can be pen friends.Best,TonyModule 7一、 New Words bel

9、ieve 相信 snake 蛇 together 一起,共同 get 变得,变成lucky 幸运的 bamboo 竹子 its 它的 flute 笛子 body 身体 come out of 从.中出来 frightened 恐惧的,害怕的二、 hour 小时 同音词 our 我们的 an hour 一个小时 its 它的 its 完全形式 it is 它是 its got 完全形式 it has got 它有its body 它的身体 a photo of my family 一张我家的照片hear 听见 同音词 here 这里 child 孩子 复数形式 children know 知道

10、同音词 no 不,没有 sun 太阳 同音词 son 儿子lucky 幸运的 名词 luck 运气,幸运 Youre welcome. 不用谢。an interesting DVD 一张有趣的DVD光盘 a present 一个礼物sheep 绵羊 复数形式 sheep 单复数相同 in winter 在冬天Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. 熊猫一天吃十二个小时。Pandas love bamboo. 熊猫喜爱竹子。Do snakes like music? 蛇喜爱音乐吗?They think the flute is dangerous. 他们认为笛子很危

11、险。So the snake gets frightened. 所以蛇变得很害怕。Sheep like grass. 绵羊喜欢草。Bears like to sleep in winter. 熊喜欢冬眠。三、 一般现在时 表示经常性,习惯性的动作或存在的状态。构成:(1)主语+am /is / are+ I am happy. 否定句在am /is / are后加not. I am not happy.一般疑问句把am /is / are提前到句首。 Are you happy? (2) 肯定句:主语+动词原形+ I like noodles. 否定句:主语+dont +动词原形+ I don

12、t like noodles. 一般疑问句:Do +主语+动词原形+ .? Do you like noodles? 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I dont.(3) 肯定句:主语(三单)+动词第三人称单数形式+ He likes noodles. 否定句:主语+doesnt +动词原形+ He doesnt like noodles. 一般疑问句:Does +主语+动词原形+ .? Does he like noodles? 肯定回答:Yes, he does. 否定回答:No, he doesnt.动词第三人称单数的构成规则1. 大多数动词在词尾加“s”stopsto

13、ps makemakes readreads playplays say seisays sez2. 以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后在加“es” flyflies carrycarries studystudies worryworries 3. 以“s, x, sh, ch, o”结尾,在词尾加“es”teachteaches watchwatches go goes dodoes四、CompositionMy Favourite Animal(1) I have got a pet dog. Its my favourite animal. Its name is

14、Doudou. Its three years old. It is white. It has got two big eyes. It can run fast. It likes playing with children. Its cute. I love it very much.(2) I like pandas best. They live in China. They are black and white. They love bamboo. They eat for twelve hours a day. They are fat. I think pandas are

15、very cute. They are lucky. I love them very much. 五、特殊疑问词who 谁 what 什么 when 什么时候 what time 几点where 哪里 why 为什么 how 怎样 how much 多少how many 多少 how old 多大 whose 谁的what colour 什么颜色 how long 多长1. 对人物提问用 whoWho gave it to you? Simons family gave it to me.Who can help me? I can help you.2. 对事物或做某事提问用 whatWh

16、at do you want? I want a hot dog.What are you doing? I am reading a book.What are you going to study? Im going to study English.Whats your hobby? Collecting stamps is my hobby.3. 对时间提问用 whenWhen are you going to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve.When was he born? He was born in 1809.4. 对点钟提

17、问用 what timeWhat time is it? Its twelve.What time do you get up? I get up at six oclock.5. 对地点提问用 whereWhere is Shanghai? Its in the east of China.Where are you? I am on the train.Wheres your mum? Shes at the supermarket.6. 对原因提问用 whyWhy are you wearing a raincoat? Because its going to rain.7. 对身体状况

18、或方式提问用 howHow are you? Im fine.How are you going to go to school? Im going to go to school by bus.8. 对价钱或不可数名词的数量提问用 how muchHow much is it? Its thirteen yuan.How much milk do you want? I want two bottles of milk.9. 对可数名词的数量提问用 how manyHow many books are there on the desk?There are three books on th

19、e desk.10. 对年龄提问用 how oldHow old are you? Im twelve.11. 对“某人的”提问用 whoseWhose cap is this? Its Amys cap.Whose pen is that? Its his pen.12. 对颜色提问用 what colourWhat colour is it? Its black.13. 对星期提问用 what dayWhat day is it today? Its Monday.14. 对长度提问用how long-How long is it? -Its more than twenty thousa

20、nd kilometers long.六、如何做句型转换(一)变否定句1. 先看句中是否有be动词。如果有,在be动词am, is, are或者was, were后加not.There are some books on the desk.There arent any books on the desk.2. 再看是否有can, could, will, should. 如果有,在他们后加not. I can speak English. I cant speak English.3. 然后看是否有have got, has got, 如果有,在have, has后加not. Ive got

21、 some stamps from China.I havent got any stamps from China.4. 如果以上都没有,看谓语动词如果是动词原形,借助于dont. I believe it. I dont believe it.5. 谓语动词如果是第三人称单数,借助于doesnt, 谓语动词三单形式变成动词原形。He likes noodles. He doesnt like noodles.6. 谓语动词如果是动词过去式,借助于didnt, 谓语动词过去式形式变成动词原形。He made a video. He didnt make a video.(二)变一般疑问句1.

22、 先看句中是否有be动词。如果有,把be动词(am, is, are)或者was, were提前到句首,句尾变问号。There are some books on the desk.Are there any books on the desk?2. 再看是否有can, could, will, should. 如果有,把他们提前到句首,句尾变问号。 I can speak English. Can you speak English?3. 然后看是否有have got, has got, 如果有,把have, has提前到句首,句尾变问号。Ive got some stamps from C

23、hina.Have you got any stamps from China?4. 如果以上都没有,看谓语动词如果是动词原形,借助于Do, 放在句首,句尾变问号。Snakes like music. Do snakes like music?5. 谓语动词如果是第三人称单数,借助于Does, 放在句首. 谓语动词三单形式变成动词原形, 句尾变问号。 She likes fish. Does she like fish?6. 谓语动词如果是动词过去式,借助于Did, 放在句首. 谓语动词过去式形式变成动词原形, 句尾变问号。She wrote a book about herself.Did

24、she write a book about herself?(三)对划线部分提问1. 对划线部分提问时,如果划线部分作主语,直接用疑问词代替划线部分。 Daming has got a Chinese kite. Who has got a Chinese kite?2. 如果划线部分不作主语,用 疑问词+一般疑问句语序的结构He was born in France.(中间步骤 Was he born in France? )Where was he born?变否定句, 疑问句时, 注意把some 变成any注意第一人称和第二人称转换Module8一、 重点单词long ago很久以前

25、Id love to我很乐意 not really不全是stop(使)停止 clean打扫,(使)清洁 camera照相机,show把给(某人)看 never从不二、 stop 过去式 stopped take 过去式 took always 反义词 neverstory 复数形式 stories a long time ago 很久以前Id love to=I would love to我很乐意 long ago很久以前want to see my photos 想看我的照片 many photos 许多照片a picture book 一本图画书 in this photo 在这张照片中a

26、 good camera 一个好的照相机 his photo 他的照片of course当然 read stories读故事 write stories写故事eat fast food吃快餐 play table tennis 打乒乓球play computer games玩电脑游戏 clean the blackboard擦黑板go to the supermarket去超市 cook dinner做晚饭clean my bedroom打扫我的卧室 do my homework做我的家庭作业take photos拍照 take photos of sb. 给某人拍照by bus乘坐公共汽车

27、make a list列一个清单send emails发送电子邮件 drink tea喝茶go to the doctor去看医生 go shopping去购物play chess下棋 visit your grandma看望你的祖母clean your room 打扫你的房间 watch films看电影play with dolls 玩玩具娃娃 go swimming 去游泳read English books 读英语书 swim in the sea 在海里游泳My grandpa took it long ago. 我爷爷在很久以前拍的。Yes, Id love to. 是的,我想。T

28、heres a picture book in this photo. 在这张照片里有一本图画书。Did he show you his photos in China?他给你看过他在中国的照片了吗?Do you like reading books now? 你现在喜欢读书吗?I sometimes clean the blackboard for my teacher. 我有时为老师擦黑板。I always ride my bike to school. 我总是骑自行车去上学。= I always go to school by bike.I often go swimming. 我经常去

29、游泳。用he作主语改写 He often goes swimming.三、 频率副词用法小结:频率副词表示频率的高低。always “总是,一直” 100%often “经常” 60% sometimes “有时” 30% never “从不” 0%频率副词在句中的位置。都可以放在be动词、助动词、情态动词后面,行为动词前面。sometimes可以放在句首、句中或句末。I often eat with a knife and fork.She sometimes goes to school by bus.I always read books at home on Sundays.I nev

30、er play with dolls.Sometimes I write stories in English.提问频率时用“how often”。How often do you go to see films?四、 作文:用频率副词描述日常生活习惯。I often go swimming. I always read books. I sometimes watch TV. I often play basketball. I sometimes go to the supermarket. I sometimes cook dinner. I often clean my bedroom

31、. I never play computer games. I always do my homework.五、 四种时态一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。经常与表示过去的时间连用。如yesterday(昨天), last week(上周), last month(上个月), last year(去年), two months ago(两个月前)等。构成:主语+动词过去式+现在进行时 表示现在正在进行的动作构成:主语+am /is / are+ 现在分词+一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。经常与表示将来的时间连用。如tomorrow (明天), next week(下周), next year(明年)等。构成:主语+will+动词原形主语+be going to+动词原形

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