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1、英语翻译 Unit 11.一个来源于所谓捐赠动物的细胞在实验室被培养成一个胚胎。(embryo) A cell taken from a so-called donor animal is grown into an embryo in the laboratory.2. 政府并不是一颗魔弹,但它使得公民和游说团有更大的能力来挑剔政府并且凸显浪费和欺诈。(highlight)Government is no magic bullet, but it gives citizens and lobby groups more power to scrutinize government and h

2、ighlight waste and dishonesty.3. 世界最大的经济体似乎并不是处在第二次衰退的边缘上。(on the verge of ) The worlds biggest economy does not seem to be on the verge of a second recession.4. 使用我们提供的工作评估工具来辨识你的个人优先事物及评估任何工作中的优点和缺点。(the pros and cons)Use our Job Assessor tool to identify your personal priorities and rate the pros

3、 and cons of any job.5. 皮肤科医生警告人们要小心日光曝晒,因为会有患皮肤癌的危险。(risk of) Skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.6. 保健中心只能做自己份内的,不可能摆脱其他导致公民不健康的因素。(do away with) But the health service on its own cannot do away with all the factors that lead to poor health.7

4、. 他们采取高强度的专家监督,以支持公司战略。( in support of ) They bring intense expert oversight to bear in support of business strategy.8. 由于你们是哈弗大学的毕业生,这就意味着你们对失败不甚熟悉。(acquainted with)The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure.Unit 2英译汉: The report also s

5、uggests the building of a green tax system and increasing fiscal expenditure on the development of the low-carbon economy. 该报告还提出了构建绿色税收体系,增加关于低碳经济发展的财政支出。 Some specific measures involve incorporating the costs of environmental damage and resource depletion in energy pricing through adjusting taxes

6、and fees during early resource exploration, 一些具体的措施包括在资源开发的早期阶段,在能源定价方面,通过调整税、费,来合并环境破坏和资源消耗的成本, implementing polluter pays principles - pollution fees replaced by resource taxes collected as a percentage of the market price, 实施“污染者自付”原则-按照市场价格的百分比收集资源税来代替污染费, as well as reducing export tax rebates

7、for energy-intensive products. 以及减少能源密集型产品出口退税。汉译英: 1周四早些时候,中国宣布总理温家宝将参加下个月在哥本哈根举行的全球气候变化峰会。(summit) China announced earlier Thursday that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the global climate change summit in Copenhagen next month. 2. 今年国际卫生日的主题之一是呼吁通过地方性、国际性的稳定气候变化的措施来达到改善健康的目的。(call for) One

8、theme of World Health Day this year is to call for local and international measures of stabilizing climate change to seek to improve health. 3. 因此,学生应该努力分辨讲课的要点和讲师提出的意见并以概要的方式写出来。(endeavor) Thus, students should endeavor to identify only the main points and ideas being presented and to write them do

9、wn in outline form. 4. 尤其重要的是,银行业将会更加警惕融资风险即债务到期时是否具备偿债能力。(awareness) Above all, banks will have a deeper awareness of funding risktheir ability to roll over debts as they come due. 5. 虚拟现实技术已作好改变科学、教育和娱乐面貌的准备。(transform) Virtual reality technology is poised to transform science, education, and ente

10、rtainment. 6. 这一时刻尚未到来。在质量、技术和服务方面,大多数中国汽车制造商仍落后西方同行多年。(in terms of) This time has not yet come. Most Chinese car-makers are years behind their western counterparts in terms of quality, technology and service. 7.不正当地利用信用随处可见,这就抬升了成本,创造了过度的生产量。(drive up) Wrongly applied credit can slosh around, drive

11、 up costs and create excess production. 8.这些经历使他们不仅重回事业的正途,而且也预示着在对待政治改革的问题上,他们可能比前任更灵活、也更大胆。(on track) These experiences not only enable them to put their careers back on track, but also suggest that they are likely to be more flexible and bolder than their predecessors about political reform. Unit

12、 3英译汉: The main opposition Socialist Party was divided, with key leaders saying it would be foolhardy to abandon a nuclear energy program that has stood since the 1970s but several Socialist figures demanding a reconsideration of nuclear safety measures. 主要的反对党社会党分裂了,其主要领导人说,放弃自二十世纪七十年代就已经存在的核能项目是莽撞

13、的。但是,几个社会党的主要人物要求重新考虑核能安全的措施。 Europe Ecology-Greens Party activists, long opposed to nuclear power, called for a referendum on whether France should get out of the nuclear business and accused the government of playing down the risks. 长期反对核能的欧洲绿色生态党要求就法国是否应该摆脱核商业进行公投,并指责政府对于风险的轻猫淡写。 “We have to end

14、the myths,” said Cecile Duflot, a prominent Green leader. “Zero-risk nuclear power production does not exist.” “我们必须结束神话,”绿党杰出的领导人赛斯尔杜弗洛说:“零风险的核能生产根本就不存在。” In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus which will mark the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster this April the crisis in Japan has served as a rem

15、inder of the dangers of nuclear power, but national leaders say they dont see any alternative. 今年四月,俄罗斯、乌克兰和白俄罗斯将进行切尔诺贝利灾难二十五周年纪念。日本的危机将提醒人们核能的危险,但是国家领导人说他们也别无选择。汉译英: 1.目前,我所遇到的你的所有的朋友都很好。 (so far ) All of your friends, that I have met so far, are really nice. 2. 他说有一个坏消息要告诉我,我准备好接受打击。(brace for) He

16、 said there is a bad news for me, and I am bracing for the blow 3.作为总部设在阿姆斯特丹的物流业巨头,天地物流公司中的50名员工是在48小时内待命,时刻准备参与世界各地的救灾抢险任务。(on standby ) As the logistics giant, with headquarters in Amsterdam, Sky and Earth Logistics Corporation has 50 people on standby to intervene anywhere in the world at 48 hou

17、rs notice, ready for participating in relief and rescue mission. 4. 人们买进大量罐头食品以防饥荒的一年。(in anticipation of) People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of a famine year. 5.地震还引发海啸,它直接破坏海岸地区的人和物。(devastate) Earthquakes can also cause tsunamis, which directly devastate coastal regions. 6.这可

18、以同轿车安全带相类比是一项预防,但它并不能取代安全驾驶。(precaution) It can be compared to a car seatbelta precaution, but no substitute for safe driving. 7.对于一个寻求迅速将资源重新配置到高价值产业的经济体而言,韩国的劳动力市场缺乏弹性。(redeploy) The labour market in South Korea is too inflexible for an economy seeking rapidly to redeploy resources to higher-value

19、 industries. 8.同时,巴格达其他军事组织用他们自己的炸弹方式来破坏美国对他们控制地方的清扫。(disrupt) Meanwhile, other armed groups in Baghdad use whatever bombs are at their disposal to disrupt American sweeps.Unit 4英译汉: Several explanations are hanging around. 流传着几种说法。 All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese sol

20、ely means year, was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year. 然而,大家一致同意,“Nian”这个词, 在现代汉语中仅仅意味着“年”,最初是妖兽的名字,这个妖兽在新的一年开始的前一晚上捕食人类。 One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people w

21、ith one bite. 传说有一个叫“年”的怪兽,它有一张能一次吞下很多人的大嘴。 People were very scared. 人们很害怕。 One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. 有一天,一个老人来营救他们,试图制服年。 To Nian he said, I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are b

22、y no means of your worthy opponents? 他对年说:“我听到说你很能干,” but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents?“ 但是,你能否吞食地球上的其它野兽,而不吃并非你劲敌的人类?“ So, it did swallow many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harassed people and their domes

23、tic animals from time to time. 结果,“年”不但吞食地球上的其它野兽,还时不时骚扰人类和他们的家畜。汉译英: 1) 不过,如何在展现魅力与奉迎讨好之间达到平衡呢?(ingratiation) But how to strike the balance between charm and ingratiation ? 2) 加利福尼亚大学和加州大学都计划强迫教职员工休假,扩大班级规模,减少课程。(on leave) Both the University of California and California State University are planni

24、ng to send professors and staff on leave , cram more students into classrooms and offer fewer courses . 3) 但是这如果意味着他们的孩子被扔在电视机前,由一个便宜的保姆看管,那么,这些孩子也许还不如与母亲一起呆在家里。(worse off) But if it means their children are dumped in front of the telly at a cheap childminder , the kids may worse off than if they we

25、re at home with mum . 4) 一言蔽之,它做了一个城市巴士应该做的一切使人们可以到处逛而不需拥有一辆私车成为可能。(get around) It does , in short , precisely what a city bus is supposed to do make it feasible for people to get around without a car . 5) 动物在自己的后代一旦能够生活自理时,便不再给予关怀,但是人类,由于幼年时期太长,很难做到这一点。(indifferent to) Animals are indifferent to th

26、eir young as soon as their young can look after themselves , but human beings , owing to the length of infancy , find this difficult 6) 直到雷达技术应用于天文学以前,人类对金星的了解还极为肤浅。(superficial) Until radar technique was used in astronomy , Man s knowledge of Venus was still very superficial . 7) 研究教育行为、营销行为和法律行为区别

27、的另一种途径同行为者及其目标原先存在的自身利益是否一致有关。(in relation to) Another way to consider differences among education , marketing , and law is in relation to the accordance of pre -existing self -interests held by the actor and his target. 8) 常务委员会审议法律案时,根据需要,可以召开联组会议或者全体会议,对法律草案中的主要问题进行讨论。(in the course of) In the co

28、urse of deliberation , if necessary the Standing Committee may convene a joint group session or a plenary session to discuss the major issues of the draft law .Unit 5英译汉: Terrorism poses a grave threat to individuals lives and national security around the world. 恐怖主义对世界各地人们的生命和国家安全构成严重威胁。 INTERPOL h

29、as therefore made available various resources to support member countries in their efforts to protect their citizens from terrorism, 因此,国际刑警组织利用各种可以获得的资源支持它的成员国努力保护其公民不受到恐怖主义的威胁。 including bio-terrorism; firearms and explosives; attacks against civil aviation; maritime piracy; and weapons of mass de

30、struction. 包括:生化恐怖主义、枪支和炸药、对民用航空的袭击、海盗行为和大规模杀伤武器。 INTERPOL collects, stores, analyses and exchanges information about suspected individuals and groups and their activities. 国际刑警组织收集,储存,分析和交流有关涉嫌的个人、团体以及他们活动的信息。 The organization also co-ordinates the circulation of alerts and warnings on terrorists,

31、dangerous criminals and weapons threats to police in member countries. 该组织还协助给成员国的警察不断发送有关恐怖分子、危险罪犯和武器威胁的提醒和警告。 In order to help member countries report terrorist activity, INTERPOL has issued practical guidelines on the type of information required. 为了帮助成员国汇报恐怖活动,国际刑警组织签发了所需信息类型的实用指南。 Member countr

32、ies are also encouraged to report on other crimes which may be linked to terrorism, such as suspicious financial transactions, weapons trafficking, money laundering, falsified travel and identity documents. 成员国也被鼓励报道与恐怖主义相关的其它犯罪,比如:可疑的金融交易、军火走私、洗钱、伪造的旅行和身份证件。 The growing possibility of terrorists launching attacks with

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