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呼吸系统小考Respiratory system test.docx

1、呼吸系统小考Respiratory system test 呼吸系统小考(Respiratory system test) 呼吸系统小考(Respiratory system test) 1. typical symptoms of bronchiectasis and pulmonary abscess are (D) A. bloody sputum, B. large mucoid sputum, C. yellow purulent sputum D. after the retention of sputum stratified phenomenon, E. large amoun

2、t of pus, foul sputum 2., the most frequent and malignant lung cancer is (B) A. squamous cell carcinoma, B., small cell undifferentiated carcinoma, C. adenocarcinoma, D. large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, E. lung metastasis carcinoma 3. of the diagnostic value of pneumococcal pneumonia is (E) A.

3、 green sputum sputum C. B. milky white red brown gelatinous sputum D. brownish yellow sputum, E. rusty sputum 4. (E) is not a typical sign of chronic obstructive emphysema. A. two decreased lung breathing movement, B. two lung auscultation, decreased alveolar breath sounds C. D. E. percussion hyperr

4、esonance barrelchest and inspiratory prolongation with asthma tone 5., the main basis for the diagnosis of tuberculosis is (C) A. chest X-ray, B. tuberculin test, C. sputum, TB examination, D. clinical manifestation, E. pleural effusion 6. respiratory failure of the first symptoms are: A A. B. C. cy

5、anosis dyspnea symptom D. E. symptoms of digestive system cardiovascular system symptoms 7. or less (E) showed the clinical features of pulmonary abscess. A. cough and expectoration, B. low fever, cough, C. fever, cough and cough, a large number of rusty sputum, D. cough, hemoptysis, E. fever, cough

6、 and cough, a lot of pus, foul sputum 8. typical symptoms of bronchiectasis and pulmonary abscess are (D) A. bloody sputum, B. large mucoid sputum, C. yellow purulent sputum D. after the retention of sputum stratified phenomenon, E. large amount of pus, foul sputum 9., large amounts of sputum refer

7、to (A) A. 24 hours sputum volume is greater than 100ml B. 24 hours, sputum volume is greater than 150ml C., 12 hours sputum amount is greater than 100ml D. 12 hours sputum volume is greater than 150ml E., 24 hours sputum amount is greater than 200ml 10. postural drainage is the reasonable position o

8、f E in bronchiectasis patients A. any position can be B., take the patient feel comfortable position The affected side of the C. is located low and the drainage bronchus opens upwards The affected side of D. is located horizontally, with drainage of bronchial opening horizontal The E. side is situat

9、ed high and the drainage bronchus opens downward 11. the primary nursing measure for hemoptysis is (D) A. oxygen inhalation, B. hemostasis, C. psychological care, mental comfort D. keep airway unobstructed and E. take lateral decubitus 12. the size, distribution and density of miliary lesions were f

10、ound in X-ray chest films. The type of pulmonary tuberculosis in this patient was (B) A. primary B., hematogenous disseminated C., infiltrative D., chronic fibrous cavity type E., V type 13. the treatment of respiratory failure mainly lies in D A. treatment of primary disease, B., elimination of inc

11、entives, C. support therapy D. corrects hypoxia and C02 retention, and E. corrects acid-base imbalance 14., massive hemoptysis refers to (C) A. the amount of hemoptysis is more than 100ml B., the amount of hemoptysis is more than 200ml C., and the amount of hemoptysis is more than 300ml D. 24 hours

12、hemoptysis more than 600ml E. 24 hours, more than 1000ml hemoptysis 15., it is easy to diagnose pneumothorax, but the important basis is that (A) A. chest X-ray examination, B. sputum culture examination, C. chest pressure determination D. presented with dyspnea, and E. examination revealed a shift

13、of the trachea to the contralateral side 16. when performing abdominal breathing and lip retraction, the practice is incorrect (B) A. breathe in through the nose. When B. inhale, the abdominal muscles contract C. and breathe out through the mouth D. shrinks lips when exhaling, Slow expiratory E. exp

14、iratory and inspiratory time ratio is 2:1 17. male, 38 years old, half month before extraction, morning fever chills, cough, sputum volume gradually increased, was purulent odor, left chest showed a large shadow, a cavity, the most likely diagnosis is A left lower pneumonia B left lower lung abscess

15、 C left lower pulmonary tuberculosis D lung cancer E left lower pulmonary bronchiectasis The correct answer: B 18. patients, aged 30, often cough up a large amount of purulent sputum with small amounts of blood during the morning and evening periods, and the sputum is divided into three layers, poss

16、ibly D A. chronic bronchitis, B., lung cancer, C., tuberculosis, D., bronchiectasis, E. emphysema 19. respiratory failure should be particularly careful C A. B. respiratory stimulant expectorant antiasthmatic agent C. sedative hypnotic agent D. and agent E. tonic water diuresis 20. bronchiectasis ch

17、est is visible features D A. pulmonary B. increases the transparency of thick wall cavities C. clouds like shadow shadow shadow spherical E. D. curly hair 21. lung bronchiectasis can be heard E A. B. rhonchus tube type breathing C. D. crepitus wheezing E. lesion fixed rales Hot type 22. pneumococcal

18、 pneumonia patients are usually A A. B. C. D. intermittent fever remittent fever enecia undulant fever E. irregular heat 23., the most common cause of pulmonary heart disease is (D) A. lateral curvature of the spine, B., pulmonary vascular disease, C., chronic diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the lu

19、ng D. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, E., bronchial asthma 24. when the bronchi in the basal lobe of the lower right lung expand, there is a large amount of purulent sputum, and the position of postural drainage should be taken place (D) A head B C low prone students sitting supine head foot

20、high D low E foot high prone supine head high low 25. pneumothorax routine extraction gas puncture site is: A A. clavicle line, second intercostal B., axillary line, seventh intercostal, C. axillary line, fourth - 5 intercostal, D. axillary line, seventh intercostal E., shoulder seventh - 9 intercos

21、tal 26. in order to alleviate chest pain caused by pleurisy, the patient should take (D) A. supine position, B. semi recumbent position, C. prone position, D. lateral decubitus position, E. lateral decubitus position 27. male patients, aged 50, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in the long history of

22、 paroxysmal cough suddenly appeared after the right chest pain, dyspnea, progressive, most likely C. D. E. asthma pneumothorax pleural effusion C A. acute myocardial infarction B. chronic bronchitis acute attack 28. irritating cough or metallic cough should be considered first: C A. upper respirator

23、y tract infection, B. lung disease, early C., bronchogenic carcinoma, D. bronchiectasis, E., left ventricular dysfunction 29. the main symptoms of chronic bronchitis are (A) A chronic cough, expectoration and wheezing, B chronic cough, expectoration, afternoon low fever, C, chronic cough, chest pain

24、, D, chronic cough, repeated hemoptysis E irritating cough and bloody sputum 30. of the most sensitive to chemotherapy are lung cancer (B), A squamous cell carcinoma, B, small cell undifferentiated carcinoma, C large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, D lung cancer, E alveolar carcinoma 31. for patien

25、ts with pulmonary heart disease, it is incorrect (E) A. was given low concentration (25% -30%) oxygen inhalation, B. intermittent and slow diuresis C. digitalis is a fast and small choice principle D. maintains airway patency and E. patients use sedatives when they become agitated 32. for patients w

26、ith bronchiectasis, postural drainage time should be chosen at D A. B. a.m. C. noon, D. PM, E. before meals 33. shock pneumonia, patients should take what position E? A. B. semi supine supine decubitus Trendelenburg position D. C. E. to the supine position or slightly higher head, foot high special

27、position 34. pneumococcal pneumonia has the most characteristic characteristics: B A. dyspnea, B. cough, rusty sputum, and enhanced C. speech fibrillation D. cough, chest pain, E., fever, chills Thirty-five She was 21 years old, suffering from erythroderma, skin itching, chills, fever, cough, hemopt

28、ysis, sputum and shortness of breath for nearly a week. Check the body: two lung scattered in moist rale, left skin has broken scab. Chest X-ray showed double lung scattered in small shadow, the total number of WBC was 32 * 109 / L, and the size of neutrophil was 0.90. The most probable diagnosis is

29、 A hematogenous pulmonary abscess B hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis C tenuifolia pneumonia D metastatic carcinoma of lung E pulmonary sarcoidosis The correct answer: A 36. for the cough and expectoration patients, the mistake of nursing is D A. keep the indoor air fresh and suitable

30、 for temperature and humidity Pay attention to oral care B. vomica C. is not easy to cough up phlegm thick, encourage more water, the implementation of aerosol inhalation D. phlegm can after postural drainage E. and unable to cough up phlegm, turning back to help 37. the most common type of secondar

31、y pulmonary tuberculosis is C A. primary pulmonary tuberculosis, B. hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, C. infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, D., chronic fibro cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis, E. tuberculous pleurisy 38. the simplest and effective method of sterilization for pulmonar

32、y tuberculosis patients is D A. bury B., boil C., sun D. paper, burn E.1 per thousand peracetic acid soak 39. obstructive emphysema is characterized by dyspnea (C) A. B. with cyanosis associated with asthma C. expiratory dyspnea D. exertional dyspnea and orthopnea E. 40. the main diagnostic criteria

33、 of chronic bronchitis are: A A. history and clinical manifestation, B. lung function test, C. sputum bacteriological examination D. X-ray examination E. long history of smoking 41., a tuberculosis patient, suddenly appear jet big hemoptysis, and then suddenly interrupted, expression terror, sweating profusely, at this time the primary nursing measures is D A. immediately took the supine posit

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