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1、高考英语句子结构剖析高考英语句子结构剖析1、So sometimes kids laugh at me when I get out of breath after running just a short way or I have to stop half way up the stairs and rest before I can get up to the top.【句式翻译】因此,有时当我小跑了很短的一段路就喘不过气时,或者爬楼梯才爬到一半就得停下、爬不到顶就得休息时,孩子们就会笑话我。【句式分析】本句中when以前的句子为主句,when后的句子为时间状语从句。在从句中又含有一个并

2、列句I get 和I have toand rest。【词语点拨】out of breath 上气不接下气,喘不过气 (=breathless)When Alice caught up with the other girls, she was out of breath. 当艾丽斯赶上其他女孩时,她已喘不过气。【语法点拨】before作“然后才”讲时,常和can连用,引导时间状语从句。如:You must have a rest before you can gather all your energy to sit for the test.你必须休息然后才能积攒力量参加考试。2、A Sw

3、edish Kennel Club official explains what this law means: if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car, as the owner, you have to pay for any damage done to the car, even if your dog has been killed in the accident.【句式翻译】一个瑞典Kennel俱乐部的官员解释了这项法律的含义:如果你的狗跑到公路上被汽车撞了,作为主人,即使你的狗被撞死了,你也要为

4、被撞坏的汽车做出赔偿。【句式分析】该句前半部分explain接what引导的宾语从句,冒号后面的部分对此进行具体解释,可视为means的宾语从句。其中,在主句you have to前后各有一个由if引导的条件状语从句和由even if引导的让步状语从句。as the owner是插入语。【词语点拨】1). pay for v.偿还;付款You get what you pay for.一分钱一分货。Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱?2). damage n.损

5、害;损失;毁坏 vt.损害;毁坏The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。Be careful not to damage the priceless vase. 当心别把那个贵重的花瓶打碎了。【语法点拨】让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,一般翻译为“尽管”或“即使”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说”的感觉。引导词主要有:though,although,while,as,even if,even though,whether.or.,no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever,regardless of+名词/名词短语/名词

6、从句等。although,though不可与but连用,但可与yet连用。如:Although/Though he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong.他虽然年纪大了,身体还很健壮。Hard as/ though he works, he makes little progress.尽管他学习很努力,但几乎没取得什么进步。Well make a trip even if the weather is bad.即使天气不好,我们也要作一次旅行。No matter what (=Whatever) happened, he would not mind.无论

7、发生了什么事情,他都不会介意的。3、I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I grabbed my boots and raced after him.【句式翻译】我以前就听说过,乔治不喜欢等人,所以尽管我还没穿上捕鲸该穿的衣服,就一把抓起靴子跟在他后面跑起来。【句式分析】这句话的主干是so连接的并列句,第一个分句中含有that引导的heard的宾语从句。而第二个分句是一个主从复合句,even though引

8、导的句子为让步状语从句。【词语点拨】1) grab v.抓住;攫取 n.抓取物;抓He made a savage grab for the knife.他恶狠狠地去抓刀子。2) race n.赛跑;竞争 n.人种;种族;血统 v.赛跑;竞赛Eight horses will race for the cup.将有八匹马参赛争夺奖杯。Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。【语法点拨】句中like 后用了keep sb dong 的被动式做宾语,即为动名词的被动式。动名词的被动式表示动名词的逻辑

9、主语是动作的承受者。动名词的被动式分为一般式( being done) 和完成式(having been done )两种。如:He is used to being asked questions in class.(被提问) 他对提问已经习惯了。He came to our party without being asked.他没收到邀请就来参加宴会了。4、He wanted to know what I thought, which confused me because I thought that the author of the article knew far more tha

10、n I did.【句式翻译】他想知道我想的是什么,这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为这篇文章的作者知道的比我多得多。【句式分析】该复合句的主句是逗号以前的部分,其中含有一个what引导的宾语从句。逗号后是which引导的定语从句,而定语从句中又含有一个由because引导的原因状语从句,且该句because I thought也是一个合复句,thought后面接that引导的宾语从句,其中far more than I did为knew的比较状语从句。【词语点拨】confuse vt.使困惑;使混乱;混淆They asked so many questions that they confused me.

11、他们问了许许多多问题,把我弄糊涂了。【语法点拨】修饰比较级的副词有:1) 只用于修饰比较级的:much,still,even等。2) 既可以修饰比较级又可以修饰原级的:a little,a bit,rather,a lot, a great deal, far, by far, rather, any,even等。by far通常放在比较级后面。如:The weather tomorrow will be much worse than it is today.明天的天气会比今天的更糟糕。5、However, in all cases, patients should receive the

12、best possible treatment for as long as there is hope of recovery before such a decision is considered.【句式翻译】然而,在所有情况下,在考虑做这样一个决定之前,病人都应该受到尽可能好的治疗,只要有康复的希望就要坚持下去。【句式分析】这句话的主干是for连接的并列句,第一分句是patients should receive,第二分句是for后面接的句子,其含有一个as long as引导的条件状语从句,条件状语从句中又含有一个before引导的时间状语从句。【词语点拨】1). in all ca

13、ses就一切情况而论In all cases the same fundamental principles apply.但在任何情况下基本原理是相同的2). recovery n.恢复;痊愈;复原;重获We are surprised by the rapidity of her recovery.她恢复得很快,我们有些惊讶。【语法点拨】as long as是“只要”的意思,相当于so long as,引导条件状语从句。另外,as long as还用来引导比较状语从句,是“和一样长”的意思,在否定句中可改为so long as,通常把计较的结果放在该词组之前。如:So/ As long as

14、 there is life, there is hope. 只要有生命,就有希望。This line is four times as long as that one. 这条线是那条线的四倍长。He didnt stay there for as long as I had expected.他在那里停留的时间并不像我之前估计的那么久。6、Originally, they didnt have a sense of land ownership, although Aboriginal children were taught from an early age that they bel

15、onged to the land and must respect tribal boundaries.【句式翻译】最初他们并没有土地所有权这一概念,虽然土著人的孩子很小就被教育说他们属于大地并且要尊重部落边界。【句式分析】本句中逗号以前的句子为主句,逗号后是although引导的让步状语从句。从句又是一个主从复合句。that引导宾语从句,有两个谓语。【词语点拨】1) originally adv.原本;起初;独创地He originally need not buy such big house.他本来不必买这样一所大房子。2) belong vi.应归入;属于( to)China bel

16、ongs to the third world.中国属于第三世界。【语法点拨】although较为正式,引导让步状语从句多放在句首,而though放句中或句首都可。它们可以和yet或still连用,但不能和but或however连用。如:Although my uncle is old, yet he looks very strong and healthy.我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。7、At the same time, the authors of the book World Hunger: Twelve Myths argue that there actually i

17、s more than enough food in the world and that the hunger crisis is not caused by production, but by problems in food distribution and politics.【句式翻译】与此同时,世界饥荒:十二个神话一书的作者们认为世界上的粮食事实上是足够的,粮食危机不是产量问题而是食物分配和政治问题。【句式分析】本句包含两个并列的宾语从句,that there actually is more than enough food in the world与that the hunge

18、r crisis is not caused是两个并列的宾语从句,作argue 的宾语。【词语点拨】1) at the same time 同时Most pepole dont find it difficult to eat and read the newspaper at the same time.对于多数人来说,吃东西的时候看报纸并不难。2) argue v.主张,认为;争论,争辩She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertise

19、ments.她一直主张让野生动物在大自然中生活,不应将它们用于娱乐和广告。Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾为看哪个电视节目和家人争论过吗?3) notbut 不是而是Shakespeare was not a musician but a writer.莎士比亚不是音乐家而是作家。8、Another World Bank report concluded that GM crops have little to offer to the challenges of worldwide

20、poverty and hunger, because better ways out are available, among which “green farming” is supposed to be the first choice.【句式翻译】另一份世界银行的报告断定面对世界贫困和饥饿,转基因作物用处不大,因为有了更好的方法,其中绿色种植被认为是首选。【句式分析】本句包含一个宾语从句和一个定语从句,that GM crops have little to offer是宾语从句,作concluded的宾语;among which “green farming” is是定语从句,修饰先

21、行词better ways out。【词语点拨】1) conclude vt.推断出,断定;v.结束,终止Aristotle concluded that heavy objects always fell faster than light ones.亚里士多德推断出重物总比轻物下落快。The meeting concluded after three hours.会议于三小时后结束。2) offer vt.(主动)提出,提供;n.提供,提议I have offered to paint the house in exchange for a weeks accommodation.我已主动

22、提出用粉刷房子换取一周的食宿。Working in a team offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others.团队工作给我提供了一个学习如何与他人相处的机会。Have you got any job offers?你收到工作邀请了吗?3)available adj.可获得的,可利用的;有空的Just use this room for the time being, and well offer you a larger one as soon as it becomes available.暂时用这个房间,大些的房间一空出

23、来我们就会提供给你们。There are plenty of jobs available in the western part of the country.在这个国家的西部有大量可得的工作。This is the only day everyone is available, so we shouldnt put off the meeting.今天是唯一所有人都在的一天,因此我们不应该推迟会议。4) be supposed to be/ to do sth 应该,理应I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to mak

24、e decisions of my own.我到了人生中应该自己拿主意的时候了。9、 Howards idea was that a group of people should set up a company, borrowing money to establish a garden city in the depressed countryside, far enough from existing cities to make sure that the land was bought at the bottom price.【句式翻译】霍华德的想法是一群人应建立一个公司,借钱在萧条

25、的农村建立一个花园城市,这个城市要远离现有的城市以确保以最低的价格购买土地。【句式分析】本句包含一个表语从句和一个宾语从句,that a group of people should set upat the bottom price 是表语从句,在该句中that the land was bought at the bottom price作make sure 的宾语。【词语点拨】set up 开办,设立In 1995, the organization set up an office in Beijing.1995年这个组织在北京设立了办事处10、So far, there have b

26、een no scientific studies to prove this, but the patients themselves report that they feel better after joining an activity with humorous potential, even if its just watching a comedy show together with some friends or with other patients.【句式翻译】迄今为止,尚没有科学的研究来证明这一点,但是病人本人报道在参加了一项幽默潜能的活动后感觉较好,即使是仅仅与朋友

27、或其他病人一起看一部喜剧演出。【句式分析】本句包含一个宾语从句,that they feel better after作report的宾语。【词语点拨】potential n.潜能,可能性 adj.可能的,潜在的I think the boy has potential in painting, but he needs training.我认为这男孩有绘画潜质,但需要训练。The book is likely to be a potential best seller.这本书可能会成为一部畅销书。【语法点拨】本句中that they feel better after作report 的宾语;

28、连词that引导宾语从句没有词义,不作成分,通常可以省略,但是句中若有两个并列的that 从句作宾语,即使省略了第一个that,也不可省略第二个that。11、Your current requirement that all archaeologically unearthed human remains should be reburied, whether after a standard period of two years or further special extension, is contrary to basic principles of archaeological

29、and scientific research and of museum practice.【句式翻译】你目前要求所有从地下挖的考古的人类遗址都应重新埋葬,不管是在规定的两年或是特殊延期,这有背于考古学、科学研究及博物馆的基本原则。【句式分析】本句包含一个同位语从句, that alll archaeologically unearthed human remains should be reburied作requirement 的同位语。【词语点拨】1)requirement n.需要(品),要求(物);必要的条件Not all foreign visitors satisfy legal

30、 entry requirements.并非所有外宾均符合入境规定。2) remains n. 遗址,遗迹,废墟;剩余物 remain vi.作系动词保持,仍然是Human remains of ancient settlements will be reburied.古代定居点的人类遗骸将被重新安葬。She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog.她把中午吃剩的喂狗了。3) (be) contrary to 与相反,相对The results are contrary to my expectation.结果与我的预期恰好相反。Contrary to

31、popular belief, many cats dislike milk.与普遍的看法相反,许多猫并不喜欢牛奶。【语法点拨】本句中that alll archaeologically unearthed human remains should be reburied作requirement 的同位语; 连词that 引导同位语从句没有词义,不作成分,不能省略。12、Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露)to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problem,

32、but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke (中风)within as little as a few hours after exposure.【句式翻译】先前的研究总是把环境污染与增加心脏病的风险联系在一起, 但是两项分析表明接触仅几个小时差的空气质量会导致心脏病或中风。【句式分析】本句包含一个宾语从句,that poor air quality can lead to作show 的宾语。【词语点拨】1) linkto /with 把连接、联系起来A subway line will link the airport to the city centre.地铁将把机场和市中心连接起来。Yellow is linked with confidence, self-respect and friendlin

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