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1、高考英语大二轮总复习专题三完形填空练习专题三 完形填空(C).掌握文章的篇章结构.掌握文章的主旨大意请用约50个词概括本文。 .变式训练语法填空Since 1. (finish) my studies at Harvard and Oxford,Ive watched one friend after another land highranking,highpaying Wall Street jobs.As executives with banks,consulting firms,established law firms,2. major corporations,many are

2、now 3. (good) on their way to impressive careers.By societys standards,they seem to have 4. made.On the surface,these people seem to be very 5. (luck) in life.As they left student life behind,many had a last drink at their cheap but 6. (friend) local bar,shook hands 7. longtime roommates,and moved o

3、ut of small apartments into high buildings.They made reservations at restaurants 8. the cost of a bottle of wine equaled a college years monthly rent.They 9. (replace) their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.The thing is,10. number of them have admitted that despite their success,they

4、arent happy.突破文章的长难句1They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine equaled a college years monthly rent.翻译: 难句分析:该句是一个含有定语从句的复合句。定语从句的先行词为 ,关系副词where在定语从句中作 。2Some complain of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eighthour workweeks devoted to tasks they hate.翻译: 难句分析:该句是

5、由and连接的并列句。在第二个分句中,they hate是一个省略了关系代词which或that的定语从句,修饰 ;过去分词短语devoted to作 ,修饰 ;在逻辑上,workweeks与devote之间存在着 关系。3They recognize theres something missing in their lives,but its hard to step off the track.翻译: 难句分析:谓语recognize后是一个省略了引导词that的 从句。形容词missing修饰不定代词要 ;it为 主语,代替后面的 作主语。提醒:完成作业强化练(十六)(十七)二轮专题强

6、化练强化练(十六)强化练(十六)完形填空说明文和议论文(1)(建议用时:50分钟)1(2015江西南昌一模)Reading and learning new words is about finding their meaning and use within a passage.The meaning of unknown words which you 1 in your reading sometimes can be known by their 2 ,that is,their contexts.The context of the sentence can tell us the

7、part of speech(词性) of the 3 word.Using the context of the paragraph to define unknown words can also be 4 .Readers often have trouble because they understand the sentence word by word but 5 meaning of a word,when they should identify the way it has been used in the passage.One consideration in using

8、 the context is to determine the unknown words part of speech.The words around the unknown word can give you 6 .Once you know if the word is a noun or an adjective,it is often enough for you to 7 reading without having to stop to look up the meaning of the word.After coming across the word a few mor

9、e times,you will know its meaning more 8 than if you had just looked it up.Comparison clues indicate that two or more things are 9 .A comparison is possible because the known and unknown words have 10 .Words likewise show you that comparisons can be made. 11 clues tell you that an example of an unkn

10、own word follows.Example clues are usually 12 by the following words and phrases:such as,such,other,for example,and like.To find meanings from textbased clues,you should look for clues in the sentence.A second kind of clue does not 13 on specific words to indicate meaning.This kind of context clue i

11、s called frameworkbased clue.Your knowledge of the meanings of surrounding words 14 you discover the meaning of a word or sentence.Common 15 and your knowledge of the parts of speech also help in defining unknown words.For example:The angry driver shouted vehemently during his fight with the other d

12、river.What does vehemently 16 ?You know what 17 means,and you know how people 18 when they argue.From this,you can 19 out that vehemently has something to do with strong 20 or intense feeling.1A.take down Blook upCcome across Dpick out2A.sentences BwordsCtopics Dsurroundings3A.unknown BabnormalCfami

13、liar Dnegative4A.unique BnaturalChelpful Dcommon5A.incorrect BinconvenientCdifferent Dsatisfactory6A.cases BreasonsCeffects Dclues7A.translate BinterviewCcontinue Dexamine8A.strangely BuncertainlyCpotentially Dfirmly9A.alike BmeaningfulCproper BsimilaritiesCpossibilities Dperson

14、alities11A.Popularity BConsiderationCExample DComparison12A.affected BadjustedCchanged Dintroduced13A.focus BspendCcarry Drely14A.prevents BhelpsCtells Ddisplays15A.point BtasteCawareness Dsense16A.mean BuseCcontain Dcomplete17A.angry BgratefulChappy Danxious18A.take BsayCact Dthink19A.come Bfigure

15、Cfeel Dset20A.demand BambitionCattitude Demotion2(2015河南开封市高三二模)It is hard to decide which food to buy in an American grocery store these days.The information on many products makes 21 claims.The label “organic(有机的)” 22 that the United States Department of Agriculture recognizes the product is grown

16、 under special conditions.If the food is grown 23 ,it shows the words “USDA organic” on it.This is an official label.The food is grown without chemical treatment against insects or 24 .It is grown without chemical fertilizers.Before a product is labeled “organic”,a(n) 25 visits the farm where the fo

17、od is produced to make sure the farm 26 SDA standards.Organic meat,eggs and dairy products come from 27 21A.unbelievable BfalseCdifferent Dflexible22A.predicts BprovesCproposes Ddoubts23A.on the contrary Bin any caseCin turn Din this way24A.diseases BoperationsCactivities Dservices25A.protector Brem

18、inderCinspector Dvolunteer26A.presents BopposesCprotects Dmeets27A.plants BvillagesCanimals Dfarms that are given no antibiotics(抗生素),must be fed organic food and have 28 to the outdoors.No conclusive 29 shows that organic food is more nutritious than traditionally grown food.And the USDAeven if it

19、proves organic fooddoesnt 30 declare that these products are safer or more nutritious.Organic foods meet the same 31 and safety standards as traditional foods.The difference 32 how the food is produced,processed and handled.Some people buy organic food for 33 reasons.Organic food is produced by 34 w

20、ho emphasize the use of renewable resources.The prices between most organic food and 35 food products vary.Higher prices are due to more expensive farm 36 .A lot of work must be done every day.The new USDAs national organic programme for labeling is 37 to enabling consumers to make a(n) 38 choice am

21、ong the foods they buy and have the 39 of the safeguard of being cheated.People who sell or label a product “organic” when they know it does not meet USDA standards can be 40 up to 11,000.28A.solution BaccessCentrance Ddirection29A.agreement BconceptCexpectation Devidence30A.publicly BsoonCsecretly

22、Danxiously31A.shape BfashionCquality Dsize32A.lies in Bconsists ofCknows bout Dpuzzles BsocialCcultural Denvironmental34A.sellers BfarmersCdrivers Dbuyers35A.fresh BdeliciousCtraditional Dnew36A.practices BtoolsCchemicals Dmachines37A.surprised BlaughedCaimed Bp

23、otentialCwrong Dsensible39A.dream BrightCopinion Dadventure40A.awarded BgivenCfined Dspared3(2015河北保定5月模拟)The world is filled with smart,talented and educated people.We meet them every day.A few days ago,my 41 was not running well.I pulled it into a garage and the young mechanic had it 42 in just a

24、few minutes.He knew what was wrong by 43 listening to the engine.I was 44 .But the sad truth is,great 45 is not enough.I am constantly(不断地) shocked at how little talented people 46 .A friend told me many people 47 financially and they were one skill away from great 48 .An old saying goes,“Job means

25、just over broke(破产)”And unfortunately,I would say that the saying 49 millions of people.Because schools do not think 50 intelligence is intelligence,most workers “live within their means”They work and they pay the bills.Instead,I recommend young people to seek 51 for what they will learn rather than

26、 what they will earn.When I ask my students “How many of you can cook a 52 hamburger than McDonalds?” almost all students raise their 53 .I then ask,“So if most of you 54 cook a better hamburger,how come McDonalds makes more money than you?”The answer is 55 :McDonalds is excellent at business 56 .Th

27、e reason why so many talented people are poor is that they 57 on building a better hamburger and know 58 or nothing about business systems.The world is filled with talented poor people.They focus on 59 their skills at building a better hamburger 60 the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger.

28、 BcomputerCcar BgoneCsold Dfixed43A.simply BslightlyCsilently Dseriously44A.happy BluckyCamazed Ddisappointed45A.patience BtalentCcare Dnumber46A.earn Blearn Cknow Drest47A.achieved BchoseCstruggled BwealthCeffort Dconfidence49A.applies to Bagrees withCturns t

29、o Dmeets BlearningCfinancial BwealthCfriendship Dwork52A.bigger BbetterCcheaper Dsmaller53A.hands BheadsCeyes Darms54A.will Bdare Cmust Dcan55A.obvious BsurprisingCright Dshort56A.plans BsystemsCcontrols Dtalks57A.go Bkeep Cfocus Dtry58A.little BmuchCwell Dpossibl

30、y59A.choosing BperfectingCrecognizing Dapproving60A.apart from Bexcept forCin spite of Drather than二轮专题强化练强化练(十七)强化练(十七)完形填空说明文和议论文(2)(建议用时:50分钟)1(2014河南中原名校)All the definitions(定义) and facts in a dictionary or book do not convey what friendship is really about.It cannot be understood through 1 .The only way to understand friendship is through experi

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