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新目标英语八年级下册Unit 4 He said I was hard working.docx

1、新目标英语八年级下册Unit 4 He said I was hard workingUnit 4 He said I was hard working Section A 1a-1c 序号:1 主备课人:杨其林 审核:杨小梅导学目标知识点:1. 重点词汇和短语:soap opera 肥皂剧 be mad at 生的气 have a surprise party 举办一个惊喜聚会 ever 曾经2. 重点句子:What did Marcia say ? She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night .导学过程

2、:Step 1 . 课前导学:1. Ask some of your classmates and write down their answers . - Whats the weather like today ?- _.- What do you like to do in your free time ?- _.- What are you going to do after school ?- _.- What can you do ?- _.2. What did they say ? Can you tell me ? 你能告诉我你的同学是怎样回答上面的问题吗? _ said t

3、he weather _ . _ said he / she _ . _ said he / she _ going to _ . _ said he / she _ .Step 2 . 课堂导学:【导学指导】知识梳理一、句型1. What are some soap operas you know? 你所知道的有哪些肥皂剧? you know是定语从句,修饰前面的名词soap operas 2. What are some things that happen on soap operas? 肥皂剧里发生了些什么事? That happen on soap operas 是定语从句,修饰前面

4、的名字something. 3. Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore. 拉娜说她不再生玛西娅的气了。 be mad at (with) sb. 对某人恼火 be mad at (about) sth. (doing sth.) 对某事恼火 e.g. Mother got mad at (with) me for watching TV for hours. not anymore 不再 e.g. She didnt cry anymore. 她不再哭了。 4. bring some books to her house. 给她带来一些书 brin

5、g sth. to 从(远处)带来,拿来(到近处) 而其反义词为:take to “从(近处)拿(走)到(远处) e.g. Could you bring some water to me? Please take the chair to Jims room. 1In my free time , I like watching TV . My favorite TV shows are soap operas . Do you like watching them ? Why or why not ? What things happen on soap operas ?2Show the

6、 topic picture . Act the story out . Talk about the soap opera . What did Marcia say ? _ . What did Lana say ? _.教师引导、学生自我小结: 引述别人的话时,一般采用的两种方式:一是引用别人的原话,两边用引号标出,称为直接引语;二是用自己的语言转述别人的话,称为间接引话,间接引语一般构成宾语从句。Step 3 . 课堂练习:根据句意填单词。完成下列句子1.What are some you know.你知道的肥皂剧有哪些?2.She said she was for lana on F

7、riday night.她说她要在星期五晚上为拉娜举办一个惊喜聚会。3. I Marcia.我对马西娅很恼火。4. Lana thinks she to my house .拉娜想到我家来学习5. Lana said she mad at Marica .拉娜说她不再生马西娅的气了。6. Lana said she would and to Maricas house.拉娜说她会带一些饮料和小吃去马西娅的家。7She said , “I am doing my homework .”(同义句改写) She said _ _ doing _ homework .8He said that Mar

8、y _ (be) clever .9They said they _ (go) to the beach every Sunday .10She said she _ (be not) having a birthday party .11Do you often have an e_ weekend ?Unit 4 He said I was hard workingSection A 2a-2c 序号:2 主备课人:杨其林 审核:杨小梅导学目标知识点:1重点词汇:not anymore 不再 true 真实的 bring some books to her house 带些书到她家 fal

9、se 错误的 after all 终究、毕竟 happen 发生2重点句子:What happened on “Young Lives” last night ? Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her . Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore .Step 1 . 课前导学:直接引语与间接引语1.含义:直接引述别人的话,叫直接引语,一般前后加引号。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语,一般不用引号。2.直接引语是陈述句,变间接引语应注意: 用that引导

10、,可省略;人称,时态的变化。3.直接引语变间接引语:【总结1】直接引语如果是陈述句,变间接引语时,用 that 引导(口语中常省略)。She said to me,“I like it very much.”她对我说:“我非常喜欢它。” She told me that she liked it very much. 她对我说她非常喜欢它。【总结2】直接引语变间接引语时 人称 会发生相应变化。通常第一、二人称变为第三人称,或者第二人称变为第一人称;限定词也作相应的变化。He said to me,“I broke your CD player.”He said to me that he ha

11、d broken my CD player.【总结3】直接引语变间接引语时时态会发生相应变化。通常受转述动词said,asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变 为过去进行时等。【总结4】一般疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时, 由whether或if 引导。如: “Can you tell me the way to the hospital?” The old man asked. The old man asked whether I could tell him the way to the hospital. 那个老人问我是

12、否能告诉他去医院的路。(2)特殊疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,仍由原来的疑问词引导。如:“Which room do you live in?”He asked.He asked me which room I lived in. 他问我住哪个房间。5.难句突破Lana said she would go to Marcias house on Friday night. would + 动词原形译为“将,要”,相当于was/were going to + 动词原形。Step 2 . 课堂导学:1Listen to the tape and finish 2a an 2b .2Listen

13、again and complete the conversations . Boy : Did you see “Young Lives” Last night ? Girl : No , what h_ ? Boy : Well , Ben t_ Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her . Girl : Really ? What d_ Lana say ? Boy : Well , Lana was very e_ . Lana told Ben that she _ mad at Marcia _ , an

14、d that she _ go to Marcias house on Friday night after all . Girl : Oh , Then what ? Boy : Marcia c_ everyone and told t_ she _ going to have the party . Girl : Oh , no ! Boy : Yeah , then Lana called Marcia and told her that she c_ bring some drinks and snacks to her house on Friday night . Girl :

15、What did Marcia s_ ? Boy : She told Lana she would b_ glad .Step 3 . 课堂练习:选出正确的词1My brother said he (is / was) doing his homework .2John said he (can / could) speak Japanese .3Mike said he (goes / went) to Shanghai last Saturday .4Wendys math teacher said he (was / is) a good student .5Gina told him

16、 that she (will / would) visit China the next year .Step 4 . 课后练习:将下列句子变成间接引语。1Jim said to me “I will visit the Summer Palace next week .” Jim _ me that _ _ visit the Summer Palace _ next week .2Linda said to me , “I go to Beihai Park every Sunday .” Linda _ me _ _ to Beihai Park every Sunday .3Glor

17、ia said to me : “I can do it better !” Gloria _ me she _ do it better .4His mother said to him “Dont be late for school” . His mother told him _ _ _ late for school .5Annie asked me “What shall I do ?” Annie asked me _ _ _ do ?6“sit down , Please” The teacher said to me . The teacher _ me _ _ down .

18、7“Are you hard working ?”I asked him . I asked him _ _ _ hard working .教师引导、学生自我小结:Unit 4 He said I was hard working Section A 3a-4 序号:3 主备课人:杨其林 审核:杨小梅导学目标知识点:1重点词汇 an exciting week _ first of all _ pass this message to C_ be supposed to + V . _ pass on the message _ 2重点句子You want to know why C did

19、nt return it and where it is .C is at your house doing a homework project .A calls you with a message for C .3.知识剖析: 1.first of all =at first 首先First of all, I must do my homework. =_ _, I must do my homework.2. pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. Sth. 把某物传给某人Pass this message to Tom=Pass _ _ _.3. be supposed

20、 to do sth. 被期望或被要求. .(1) I am supposed _hard.(study)(2)You were supposed_ to the teachers office.(go)Step 1 . 课前导学:一、熟读下列词组1.首先 first of all 2.传递 pass on 3.被期望或被要求. . be supposed to4.在.方面做得更好do better in 5.身体健康be in good health 6.成绩单report card 7.the disappointing result 令人失望的结果 8.this semester 本学期

21、二、阅读短文 1.读报纸上的故事,找出并理解重点词句。 2.大声朗读3a并完成3a 。 3.小组合作,读完3a,想象年轻人的生活的下一个片段,完成报纸上的文章。 三、小组合作完成4,巩固间接引语。Step 2 . 课堂导学:1Check the answers by asking a student to read his / her answers .2教师引导、学生自我小结: 间接引语形式步骤:(1)不要逗号、冒号、引号等。(2)要考虑人称的变化,根据意义进行相应的变化。(3)时态的变化通常受转述动词said,told等的影响而使用过去化的时态。(4)时间状语、地点状语和指示代词根据意义进

22、行相应的变化。3设想“年轻人”的下一幕并演一演,然后写成文章,完成3b。4三人一组分角色演一演活动4中的故事。A:Hello , is that B speaking ?B:Yes , this is B . Whos that ?A:This is A . Is C at your home ?B:Yes . Whats the matter ?A:Can you pass a message to C ? C borrowed my jacket and didnt return it . I want to know why , and where is my jacket now .B

23、:OK .C:Who called ?B:It was A . A asked why you didnt return his jacket .C:Well , A told me we would meet at the bus stop this morning , and I would return the jacket to him . But A didnt come to the bus stop .B:Oh , I see ! I will tell A about that (call A) A, C said he waited for you at the bus st

24、op this morning , but you didnt come , so C didnt return your jacket .A:I see . Thank you .Step 3 . 课堂练习( )1Bill , can you _ the glasses to me . Id like to read the newspaper . A、make B、let C、pass D、leave( )2This was an _ game for us ! China won finally . A、exciting B、excited C、surprising D、surprise

25、d( )3His sister told me _ he went to the mountains yesterday . A、who B、that C、when D、where( )4In China students _ greet the teachers when classes begin . A、are supposed to B、are suppose to C、suppose to ( )5- When were you born ? - I was born _ the morning of May 7th , 1995 A、in B、on C、at D、to根据汉语提示填

26、单词。1Your brother wants you to _ _ _ (传递信息)to youre your sister .2You want to know _ _ _ . (它在哪里)3_ _ (转述) the message , and give the answer to me .4I am at my friends house _ _ (做工作)a homework project .5You _ _ _ (应该,理应) return it .课后反思:Unit 4 He said I was hard working Section B 1a-2c 序号4 主备课人:杨其林

27、审核:杨小梅导学目标知识点:1重点词汇 report card _ do well in _ be good at _ be hard working _2重点句子I am good at speaking . _Im better at reading than listening in English . _.I can do better in math . _.He said I was hard working . _.Step 1 . 课前导学:读重点词汇和重点句子,翻译成汉语。知识剖析:1. In English, Im better at reading than listening. 在英语方面,我的阅读比听力更好。 be better at doing (than doing)是be good at 的比较级,意思为“更擅长” e.g. Are the

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