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1、名师精编河南省安阳市高二英语上学期期末考试试题有答案河南省安阳市高二英语上学期期末考试试题第卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AIn Sweden,near a forest there is a lae in which the water is very clear. Everything here is quiet and still. On the far side of the water is some farmland and

2、further away, across the field, is an old church built on a hill. It has just stopped raining. The broo flowing into the lae is full and there is still some half melted snow from last winter on the ground.The reason the water is so clear, and everything is so quiet and still, is that most of the pla

3、nt and animal life in and around the lae is dead. There are no birds because all the fish and insects, which the birds need for food, have disappeared. Many trees in the forest are losing their leaves and bar, and are sic and dying. Others were blown down by the high winds of last winter. A farmer i

4、s woring in a field planting something, but unless he plants a stronger ind of seed this year, the crop will be between 25 to 40 per cent lower than a few years ago. The stones of the old church tower are turning to powder and unless the tower is repaired soon, it will fall down.All the death and de

5、struction in this place is caused by the smoe coming out of factories and poisonous gases from cars and trucs. And yet this silent lae is hundreds of ilometers away from the nearest factory and highway.1. What time of the year do you thin it is?A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter2. Why are there

6、 no animals or birds in or around the lae?A. The weather is terribly cold. B. The lae is quiet.C. The area is polluted. D. They have all been illed.3. What can we now from the second paragraph?A. The soil becomes less and less because the wind is strong.B. The water in the lae is not polluted becaus

7、e it is clear.C. The trees are dying because the soil is dry.D. Few plants can grow because of the pollution.4. What do you thin is the best title of the passage?A. A Beautiful Place of Interest. B. A Polluted Place in Sweden.C. A Quiet Place in Sweden. D. A Faraway Mountain Area.BHelene An always t

8、old her five daughters that there was strength in unity (团结)when they were young. To show this, she held up one chopstic, representing one person. Then she easily broe it into two pieces. Net, she tied several chopstics together, representing a family. She showed the girls it was hard to brea the ti

9、ed chopstics. This lesson about family unity stayed with the daughters as they grew up.Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in California. However, when Helene and her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in 1975, they didnt have much money. They moved their family to San Fra

10、ncisco. There they joined Dannys mother, Diana, who owned a small Italian sandwich shop. Soon afterwards, Helene and Diana changed the sandwich shop into a small Vietnamese restaurant. The five daughters helped in the restaurant when they were young. However, Helene did not want her daughters to alw

11、ays wor in the family business because she thought it was too hard.Eventually the girls all graduated from college and went away to wor for themselves, but one by one, the daughters returned to wor in the family business. They opened new restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Even though fami

12、ly members sometimes disagreed with each other, they wored together to mae the business successful. Daughter Elisabeth eplains, Our mother taught us that to succeed we must have unity, and to have unity we must have peace. Without the strength of the family, there is no business.Their epanding busin

13、ess became a large corporation in 1996, with three generations of Ans woring together. Now the Ans corporation maes more than $20 million each year. Although they began with a small restaurant, they had big dreams, and they wored together. Now they are a big success.5. Helene tied several chopstics

14、together to show _.A. the difficulty of growing up B. the strength of family unity C. the advantage of chopstics D. the best way of giving a lesson6. We can I earn from Paragraph 2 that the An family _.A. started a business in 1975 B. bought a restaurant in San FranciscoC. left Vietnam without much

15、money D. opened a sandwich shop in Los Angeles7. What can we infer about the An daughters?A. They did not finish their college education.B. They could not bear to wor in the family business.C. They were troubled by disagreement among family members.D. They were influenced by what Helene taught them.

16、8. What is the secret of Ans big success?A. Family unity B. Hard woring C. Intelligence D. Having a large familyCWeve all been blamed wrongly sometimes in our lives. How do we deal with it? Not with anger, hurt and tears, but in a collected wayIf you are wrongly blamed, let others now of the true st

17、ate of things at once. Do it calmly and clearlyif you lose your temper, people will stop listening or become defensive.If you dont find a sympathetic ear, find a person who will hear you outa teacher, a parent, a friend, or a brother or sister who believes in you.If youve been in trouble before, it

18、may be easy for people to doubt you. So win your respect bac in their eyes by behaving with honesty.If what you are blamed for is something unimportant, sometimes its better to smile it off.If youve been blamed for something serious, its important to put your side of the story forward quicly and tru

19、thfully.Just rememberRespect your friends secret if you dont want to be wrongly blamed for maing them nown.Dont blame others without first getting proof of their wrong doing.Putting the blame on someone else for what you have done wrong is weaness. Admit your mistae quicly.If someone else is wrongly

20、 blamed, stand up for that person.Dont pass the responsibility to others9. The author of the passage mainly gives us some .A. tips on how to apologie B. ideas on how to get along with othersC. information on how to argue with others D. advice on what to do when being blamed wrongly10. The underlined

21、 phrase a sympathetic ear refers to a person who . A. thins others are poor B. would lie to listen to the truthC. lies listening to sad stories D. is impatient when listening11. What should you do if you are wrongly blamed for something important? A. Eplain yourself to others at onceB. Dont care muc

22、h about it.C. Stop believing in others.D. Fight bac with anger.12. In order not to be wrongly blamed, you ought .A. not to blame others foreverB. not to give your secret awayC. to tae the responsibility of your wrongdoingD. to find an ecuse for your wrongdoingDIn many countries there are different s

23、pecial customs when a childs baby teeth fall out. Many of these customs tell stories about animals taing the teeth.For eample, oreans have the custom of throwing the fallen tooth onto the roof of a house so that a magpie (喜鹊) can tae the tooth away and bring a new tooth for the child. This custom is

24、 also followed by some other Asian countries, such as Japan and Vietnam.Other countries, though, have tooth customs about other animals. In Meico and Spain, for eample, it is thought that a mouse taes a fallen tooth away and leaves some money. But in Mongolia, it is dogs that tae childrens teeth awa

25、y. Dogs are highly respected in Mongolian culture. It is believed that the new tooth will grow strong if the baby tooth is fed to a dog, so parents in Mongolia will put their childrens fallen teeth in a piece of meat and feed it to a dog. In France and the USA, a child will put a fallen tooth under

26、his or her pillow before going to bed. It is thought that in the early morning, when the child is still sleeping, the Tooth Fairy will tae the tooth away and leave something else under the pillow. What she will leave is hard to now. It is said that in France the Tooth Fairy may leave some candies; h

27、owever, in the United States, she may leave money.13. oreans throw a tooth onto the roof of a house in order to _. A. get money B. get a new tooth C. get candies D. feed magpies14. From the last paragraph, we can now that in France and the USA _. A. a child will put his or her fallen tooth beside th

28、e pillow B. the Tooth Fairy taes the fallen teeth away at midnight C. the Tooth Fairy will leave some candies to the children after taing the fallen teeth away D. no one nows for sure what the Tooth Fairy will leave to the children after taing the fallen teeth away15. The passage is mainly about _.

29、A. stories about some animals B. stories about human teeth C. customs about fallen teeth in different countries D. customs about fallen teeth in western countries第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Reading is a tas that we all do either for enjoyment or education, but som

30、etimes the boo we have to read may lac the attraction. Here are some tips on avoiding getting bored while reading.Try to step into the world of literature(文学) you are reading. _16_ If the wind is blowing, imagine how the leaves move with each movement of air.Mae your reading area unlie your sleeping

31、 area. If you sleep with the radio on, then shut it off. _17_ Mae the area you read in an area that feels almost uncomfortable to sleep in. This will eep you from becoming sleepy._18_ If you are reading for a boo report , then tae breas from time to time to put what you are reading into some ind of

32、contet(语境) that you can put into the report.Tae a brea once in a while. _19_ Youd better offer yourself short breas while reading in case you are too tired, which may mae you give up.Find a friend. _20_ Try to read the same boo. Even if you read different boos, you can tell him or her how good the boo is. Also, a friend can encourage you to read.A. Get a note boo and mae notes.B. Put

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