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仁爱版英语教学案例设计七下Unit 5 Topic 2.docx

1、仁爱版英语教学案例设计七下Unit 5 Topic 2Topic 2 He is playing soccer on the playground.Section ASection A needs 12 periods. Section A需用12课时。The main activities are 1, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是1, 2a和3。. Aims and demands目标要求1.(1) Learn the names of school buildings:playground, lab, computer room, dining hall, gym, classro

2、om building, swimming pool, dormitory (2) Learn other new words:sleep, clean, make, card, soon, dance, physics2. Learn the present continuous tense.What is Maria doing now?She is reading in the library.What are you doing?Im making cards. Teaching aids 教具录音机/单词卡片/教学挂图. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方

3、案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)复习校园生活, 呈现活动1。1. (让学生描述自己的校园生活, 用上in ones free time, often, twice a week, go swimming, read books, play soccer, 为学习校园场所名称作铺垫, 也为学习现在进行时提供必要的动词词组。)T: Today I want to make a survey. S1, do you like our school life?S1: Yes, I like our school life very much.T: What do you u

4、sually do in your free time?S1: I usually play soccer.T: Thank you. S2, what do you usually do in your free time?S2: I often read books.T: What about you, S3?S3: I often go swimming.2. (利用1中的挂图, 询问学生通常在哪里做上述活动, 呈现校园场所名称。)T: I know you all have an interesting school life. S1 usually plays soccer. S2

5、often reads books. S3 often goes swimming Please answer my questions now. Where do we play soccer? If you cant answer in English, you can speak Chinese.Ss: 操场。T: Where do we read books?Ss: 图书馆。T: Where do we swim?Ss: 游泳池。(让学生根据预习, 说出校园内场所的名称。)T: Can you name the school buildings?S4: Library, dining

6、hall S5: Gym, lab 3. (让学生跟读1的录音, 并把词与图片正确搭配。)T: Please listen to 1 and repeat it. Then match the places with the right pictures.4. (核对答案, 并讲授其中的生词和短语。)(板书)playground, library, swimming pool, lab, gym, classroom building, dormitory, dining hallStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)呈现2a, 完成2b。1. (猜猜看。老师做

7、出读书的动作, 并且问What am I doing?帮助学生回答:You are reading a book.以此为例, 让学生轮流做动作, 其他学生猜猜她/他在干什么?)Example:T: What am I doing? (老师做出读书动作。)Ss: You are reading a book.S1: What am I doing? (学生做出踢球动作。)S2: You are playing soccer.S2: S3: 2.(老师呈现2a中的挂图, 听录音回答下面问题。) T: Now look at 2a. Listen to the tape and find out t

8、he answers to these questions. Is that clear? Ss: Yes. T: Ok, Lets begin. (板书)(1) Where is Maria? (2) What is she doing?(3) Where is Kangkang (4) What is he doing?(5) Where is Wang Wei? (6) What is he doing?3. (核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers. Who can answer the first question?S4: Maria is in the li

9、brary.T: Good. Next one?S5: Kangkang is on the playground.T: OK. What about the last one?S6: Wang Wei is in the dormitory.4. (让学生再听2a, 完成2b表格。)T: Lets listen to 2a again. And fill out the form in 2b. Begin!5. (核对答案。)T: Who wants to share your answers with us?S7: MariaS8: KangkangS9: Wang WeiStep 3 C

10、onsolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)巩固2a。1. (放2a的录音, 让学生跟读, 注意语音语调。)T: Please listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(播放录音。)2. (让学生分角色朗读对话。)T: Read the dialog with your partner. I will ask several groups to act it out. Begin!3. (找几组学生表演对话。)T: Who wants to act your

11、 dialog out?G1: T: Very good! Anyone else?G2: Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)完成3, 并利用方案一或二, 练习4。1. (方案一:利用简笔画, 让学生说出图画中的人在干什么。)T: Use the stick figures and ask “What is he/she doing?” in pairs.Example:S1: What is he/she doing?S2: He/She is reading a book.(方案二:在课上播放一段无声电影, 让学生一边看一边说影片中的人正在做什么。)T: Boy

12、s and girls, lets see a silent movie.Example: T: What is A doing?Ss: He/She is S3: What is B doing? S4: He/She is S5: S6: 2. (让学生听3录音并跟读。)T: Please listen to 3 and follow it.(根据对话内容提问, 让学生回答, 呈现现在进行时的一般疑问句形式。)T: Is Jane doing her homework?Ss: No, she isnt.T: Is Jane watching TV?Ss: Yes, she is.T: Is

13、 Michael playing basketball?Ss: No, he isnt.T: Whats he doing?Ss: Hes making cards.3. (让学生根据4的图画进行两人对话。)T: Please look at the pictures in 4. Ask and answer in pairs.S7: Where is she?S8: She is in the gym.S7: Is she singing?S8: No, she isnt.S7: Whats she doing?S8: Shes dancing.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究

14、活动(时间:10分钟)通过表演和猜测, 培养学生实际运用能力。1. (自编Chant, 巩固现在进行时, 让学生同时表演动作。)T: Ill chant. Please perform the action when I chant.Whatre you doing now?I am swimming now.(学生做游泳动作。)Whatre you doing now?I am running now.(学生做跑步动作。)2. (请一名学生到台上做动作, 其他学生用现在进行时态进行问答。)T:, please come here.(出示一个dance的动作卡片给他/她看。)Please pe

15、rform the action.(学生表演跳舞动作。)T: What is he/she doing?Ss: Hes/Shes dancing.3. (家庭作业。)(做调查:打电话询问同学正在做什么。要求同学们回家后给其他同学打电话, 看看他们都在做什么并做记录。)T: Id like you to call three of your classmates this evening. Please ask what he/she is doing? And write down their answers.Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section

16、 B需用1课时。The main activities are 1a, 2a and 2b. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和2b。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:borrow, a few, of course, use, shelf, keep, return, on time, pleasure, post, bye-bye, talk, lost and found, look for, purse, money, else, picture, a pair of2. Go on learning the

17、present continuous tense.Im looking for my purse.Sally is cleaning the room.3. Talk about how to borrow things.Excuse me, may I borrow a few Renai Project English workbooks?How long can I keep them?You must return them on time.4. Talk about Lost and Found.5. Farewells Bye-bye!. Teaching aids 教具录音机/课

18、件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)复习学校场所, 呈现1a。1. (方案一:猜谜。说一些描述性的语言, 让学生猜是学校的哪个场所。)T: A place where we can go swimming. What is it? Who knows?S1: Is it the swimming pool?T: Yes, you are right. Next, a place where we can do some sports. What is it? Who knows?S2: (方案二:用师生

19、问答的方式, 复习上节课的主要内容。)T: Boys and girls, can you name our school buildings?S3: Classroom building, swimming pool.T: Good! Anyone else?S4: Gym, lab.T: OK. Else?S5: Dormitory, library.T: Good job! You are great!2. (手拿一本仁爱版的英语教辅书, 引入1a。)T: Boys and girls, suppose I was in a library now, I wanted to borrow

20、 a book. What should I say? Do you want to know?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Please look at the screen./OK, please open your books and look at the pictures in 1a.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)呈现活动1a, 练习1b。1. (利用课件或图片呈现1a。)T: Look at the screen/the pictures. Where are they?Ss: They are in the library.T: What

21、are they doing?Ss: Theyre borrowing books.2. (让学生看并听1a的第1部分, 注意对话中的生词和句型。)T: Look and listen to 1a. Think about how to borrow a book from the library. Pay attention to the following new words and expressions.(板书)borrow some workbooks find the books on the shelfHow long? keep the booksreturn the book

22、s on time3. (让学生根据课件放映或图片呈现和录音了解对话中借书的步骤, 猜测板书中词组的含义。教师给予提示。) (创设情境对短语、句型进行操练。可采用师生、生生对话, 让学生全面参与。)4. (假设一种情境:学生没有借到想要的书, 那该怎么办?)(方案一:利用课件呈现1a第2部分内容。)T: Boys and girls, if you cant borrow the book you want, what should you do?Ss: I dont know.T: OK. Lets go on watching and pay attention to the follow

23、ing new words and expressions.(播放课件。)(方案二:老师给学生做示范, 帮助学生回答, 呈现1a第2部分内容。)T: Boys and girls, if you cant borrow the book you want, what should the librarian say?Ss: He/She should say “Sorry, we dont have any.”(帮助学生回答。)T: What should you say?Ss: Thank you all the same.(帮助学生回答。)(板书)Sorry, we dont have a

24、ny.Thank you all the same.5. (让学生从1a中找到与1b中句子相对应的答语,并写下来。)T: Now, please find out the responses to the sentences in 1b from 1a, and write them down.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)巩固1a, 根据1b中的句型编对话。1. (给学生几分钟时间, 朗读1a, 然后找几组学生进行表演。)T: I will give you several minutes to read 1a in pairs, then I wi

25、ll ask some groups to act it out. Understand?Ss: Yes.T: Now, begin!(学生准备。)2. (找几组学生进行表演。)T: OK. Are you ready?Ss: Yes, I am.T: Which group wants to act?G1: We want.T: Very good! But you can speak slowly next time, OK? Next group?G2: 3. (依据1b中的句型, 让学生自编对话, 教师可给予必要的指导。)T: Work in pairs to practice bor

26、rowing things from each other. You can use the expressions in 1b. Begin!4. (找几组学生表演他们编的对话。)T: OK. Stop here! Who wants to share your dialog with us?G3: We want.T: Excellent! You can speak more loudly. Next group!G4: T: Well done. Now lets move on. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)利用情景设置呈现2a, 练习2b和3。1.

27、 (设置一名女学生在路上寻找东西的情景画面, 呈现2a。)T: Look at the picture. Guess what she is doing.Ss: She is looking for something.T: You are right. She lost her purse. Do you know how much money is in her purse?Ss: No, I dont.(板书)purse Im looking for my Whats in it?else What else?2. (播放2a的录音, 让学生跟读。)T: List

28、en to 2a and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. (给学生两分钟时间, 两人一组读对话, 然后找学生朗读。)T: Now, Ill give you two minutes to read the dialog with your partner. Then Ill ask some of you to read. OK. Begin!4. (1)(完成2b, 让学生读书上两则启事, 学习如何写寻物/招领启事。并提醒学生注意寻物/招领启事的格式和内容要素。)(板书)Lost: The thi

29、ng(丢失的物品) Name(失主) Phone number(联系方式)Found: The thing(被发现的物品)Where(物品现存地)Phone number(联系方式)T: Read the notices on the bulletin board. Learn how to write them. Please pay attention to the form of the message.(2)(让学生写一份自己的寻物/招领启事。)T: Suppose you found or lost something. Write your own bulletin board m

30、essage.5. (完成3, 让学生听录音, 选择正确的答案。)T: Listen to the dialogs in 3, and choose the right answers.(播放录音。)6. (核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers. The first question, who wants to answer?S1: Sally isT: Good. No.2? S2, please.S2: Sorry, I dont know.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过小组活动探究借书过程并练习写作。1. (两人一组活动,仿照1a根据1b中的句型编对话。) Example: S1: Excuse me, may I borrow a pen? S2: Here you are. S1: Great! How long can I keep it? S2: 2. (鼓励更多的学生复述2a的内容。)T: S3, do you want to try to retell the story of 2a?S3: T: Anyone else? Raise your hand. Wow, so many!3. (家庭作业。)(1)(写一则寻物/招领启事, 不少于两个句子。)(2

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