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1、外交人员专用词汇辨析外交人员专用词汇辨析 diplomatic personnel 指一国派驻他国办理外交事务的人员,包括1)使馆馆长“head of diplomatic mission”:其通常分为大使“ambassador”,其是派遣国向驻在国派遣的最高级的代表,其为大使馆馆长;其次是公使“envoy”,其是第二级外交代表,其为公使馆馆长;然后是代办“charge daffaires”,其是最低级的外交代表,为代办处的馆长,如其缺位或因故不能履行职务,则由临时代办“charge daffaires ad interim”主持使馆工作,除级别和礼仪事项之外,各使馆馆长不应有任何差别。2)其

2、他外交代表,除使馆馆长外,使馆中有外交级位的人员还有:参赞“counselor”,在未设公使或公使衔参赞“counselor with the rank of minister或minister counselor”的使馆中,其位置仅次于馆长;秘书“secretary”,其位于参赞之后,可分为一等秘书“first secretary”、二等秘书“second secretary”和三等秘书“third secretary”共3个等级;武官“military attache”,指军事部门派遣的外交代表,有的国家按军种可分为陆军武官“military attache”、海军武官“naval att

3、ache”和空军武官“air attache”;随员“attache”,位于秘书之后为最低级外交官,其可分为外交随员和办理专门事项的专员,如文化“cultural attache”、商务“commercial attache”、新闻专员“news attache”等。此外,有时为执行特殊外交使命,一国还可专门派遣特使“special envoy”,一旦使命完成即返回派遣国。中国法律体制(英汉对照) 中国法制体系以中华人民共和国宪法为基础,由成文法律、法规、条例及地方立法、特别行政区法律及中国政府签订的国际条约形成的法律等组成。法院判例不具先例约束力,但具有司法参照及指导作用。中华人民共和国宪法



6、方立法机构及各行政机关。The PRC legal system is based on the PRC Constitution and is made up of written laws, regulations, directives and local laws, laws of Special Administrative Regions and laws resulting from international treaties entered into by the PRC government. Court case verdicts do not constitute bi

7、nding precedents. However, they are used for the purposes of judicial reference and guidance.The National Peoples Congress of the PRC (NPC) and the Standing Committee of the NPC are empowered by the PRC Constitution to exercise the legislative power of the State. The NPC has the power to amend the P

8、RC Constitution and enact and amend basic laws governing State agencies and civil and criminal matters. The Standing Committee of the NPC is empowered to enact and amend all laws except for the laws that are required to be enacted and amended by the NPC.The State Council is the highest organ of the

9、State administration and has the power to enact administrative rules and regulations. The ministries and commissions under the State Council are also vested with the power to issue orders, directives and regulations within the jurisdiction of their respective departments. All administrative rules, r

10、egulations, directives and orders promulgated by the State Council and its ministries and commissions must be consistent with the PRC Constitution and the national laws enacted by the NPC. In the event that a conflict arises, the Standing Committee of the NPC has the power to annul administrative ru

11、les, regulations, directives and orders.At the regional level, the provincial and municipal congresses and their respective standing committees may enact local rules and regulations and the peoples governments may promulgate administrative rules and directives applicable to their own administrative

12、areas. These local laws and regulations must be consistent with the PRC Constitution, the national laws and the administrative rules and regulations promulgated by the State Council. The State Council, provincial and municipal governments may also enact or issue rules, regulations or directives in n

13、ew areas of the law for experimental purposes. After gaining sufficient experience with experimental measures, the State Council may submit legislative proposals to be considered by the NPC or the Standing Committee of the NPC for enactment at the national level.The PRC Constitution vests the power

14、to interpret laws in the Standing Committee of the NPC. According to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the NPC Regarding the Strengthening of Interpretation of Laws passed on June 10, 1981, the Supreme Peoples Court, in addition to its power to give general interpretation on the application

15、of laws in judicial proceedings, also has the power to interpret specific cases. The State Council and its ministries and commissions are also vested with the power to interpret rules and regulations that they have promulgated. At the regional level, the power to interpret regional laws is vested in

16、 the regional legislative and administrative bodies which promulgate such laws.中英文:International tax matters International tax matters become more complex depending on the number of countries and tax systems you are involved with. Before starting any business or personal endeavor that will result in

17、 your having to pay taxes, it is a good idea to educate yourself on the various tax codes and obligations that may be involved. Check with the revenue offices of each country for information on their tax regulations. Like the American tax system, those of other countries are constantly changing, oft

18、en producing a confusing and complex tax situation for individuals and businesses. Whether you are considering involvement in a foreign business or are having questions about current tax difficulties, it may be helpful to consult a tax specialist or attorney familiar with international tax matters.

19、These professionals may also be able to help you find ways to save money in your foreign financial affairs.翻译:国际税务问题依据你接触的国家数目以及接触的不同税务系统会变得更加复杂。在决定做生意或者是开始个人财富奋斗以前(这种奋斗当然是要向政府交税的),了解不同的税收法典和相关的义务是非常聪明的做法。(你需要)了解各国税务机关有关税务规定的信息,比方说美国的税务系统,经常制定出让个人和商业机构都感到困惑和复杂的税务条款(其他国家的税务政策也经常变化)。无论你是正在考虑开展国外生意或者对目

20、前的税务困难存在疑虑,向税务专家或者向国际税务律师咨询咨询会得到有益的帮助。这些专家可能帮助你节省国外生意的财务资金。1、endeavor vi (与to连用)努力,尽力We must always endeavour to improve our work. 我们总要努力改进自己的工作。Endeavor n 努力,尽力2、revenue n. 收入, 国家的收入, 税收 中英文:Sexual discrimination There are both state and federal laws stating that you cannot be denied employment due

21、 to your gender. Specifically, an employer cannot refuse to hire or promote you for a job for which you are qualified based upon your gender. One form of gender discrimination is sexual harassment. You have the right to work in an environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can take t

22、wo forms. One is when the employment is expressly or implicitly conditioned upon your participation in another employees demands for sexual favors. An example of this form of harassment is when your employer or supervisor states that if you dont engage in sexual acts with him or her, you will be fir

23、ed, demoted or denied a promotion. The second form of gender discrimination is when unwelcome sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with an employees job performance or creates a hostile or offensive working environment. Sexual harassment in a hostile environment need not be directed at you, but mu

24、st be done in your presence, such as telling sexual jokes or displaying sexually-suggestive materials in your place of employment. It is important that your conduct and behavior not invite or encourage sexual harassment. Any employer who commits or condones either gender discrimination or sexual har

25、assment is subject to a civil lawsuit. There are, however, administrative remedies that must be exhausted under both state and federal law before bringing an action in court. For more information on sexual discrimination, consult with an attorney.翻译:州法和联邦法阐明行为人不能因性别关系被解雇,特别是在你完全胜任工作的情况下,雇主不可因性别的原因拒绝

26、雇佣或拒绝给你升迁。性别歧视的一种表现形势是性骚扰。你有权利在没有性骚扰的自由环境中工作。性骚扰有两种形式,一种就是这种雇佣关系明示或暗示表明这份工作是以符合某人的性需求为条件,这种形式的性骚扰表现在如果你不和你的老板或上司发生性行为,那么你就会遭到解雇、降职或无法晋升。性别歧视的第二种表现形式是这种不受欢迎的性骚扰影响到雇员的工作表现或使工作环境充满了敌意。这种充满敌意氛围中的性骚扰无需直接指向你, 但一定是有你在场而做出的,比如说黄色笑话或在你的工作场所摆放有性暗示的物品。你自身的行为不对性骚扰进行邀请或鼓励这一点是至关重要的。任何对性别歧视和性骚扰采取积极行动或者对这些行为睁只眼闭只眼的

27、雇主都会导致民事诉讼。但向法庭提起诉讼前,必须用尽州和联邦法的行政救济行为。如果想了解更多有关性歧视方面的信息,可向律师咨询。1、 demote vt demoted, demoting 降级;降格2、 interfere 源自古法语entreferir互打。拉丁词ferire打vi -fered, -fering(1) 与in连用)干涉,干预I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game. 我正在和珍妮玩,可是安妮插了进来,把游戏给打乱了。(2)(常与with连用)瞎弄,乱弄;干扰I dont want to

28、 interfere with you; proceed with your work.我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。Dont interfere with him. Hes preparing for the final exams.他在为期末考试作准备,不要打扰他。3、 implicitly adv. 含蓄地, 暗中地4、hostile来自拉丁语 hostilis hostis 敌 adj(1)敌方的(2)有敌意的;不友好的Ever since I got better marks than Parker, he has been hostile to me. 自从我比派克得分高以后,他就

29、对我不友好了。5、offensive adj(1)得罪人的;气人的(2)攻击的;进攻性的6、condone vt -doned, -doning原谅;宽容;宽恕;不咎(罪过)People cannot condone the use of fierce violence. 人们不能宽恕使用凶残的暴力。 中英文:What if I owe I.R.S.? If you find that you will be unable to pay your taxes on time, you may first ask for an extension which can give you sever

30、al weeks to obtain the money owed. If the amount is too substantial to obtain in this amount of time, you might consider taking out a bank loan to pay your taxes. If neither method is an option, you may then request a payment plan from the I.R.S. Depending on your situation, payment may be divided i

31、nto smaller, separate sums spanning months or years. However, you will be responsible for any interest that is applied to your taxes as a result of such a plan. Regardless of your situation, it is important to file your tax return on time and to notify the I.R.S. as soon as possible of any difficult

32、ies you may have in paying your taxes. Failure to do so may result in criminal charges and penalties. For more information on I.R.S. payment plans and deferred payment options, contact a tax specialist or attorney, or your local I.R.S. representative.如果你发现自己将不能按时交税,你可要求几周的延长期来偿还所欠的税款。如果所欠数额太大以至于不能在宽限期内得到这笔钱,你可以考虑用银行贷款来偿还税款。如果以上方法都不是好的解决办法,你也可与税务局协商(制定一个)偿还计划,根据你自身的实际情况,需偿还的税款可以分成每笔数目很小的资金,每笔偿还金之间可以间隔几个月或者是几年。然而,这个偿还计划导致的结果就是你必须根据所欠税额支付利息。不管你个人处于何种情况,按时填写纳税申报单并在你支付税款时遇到的困难及时告知税务局是非

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