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七年级英语Can you play the guitar教案2新课标 人教版.docx

1、七年级英语Can you play the guitar教案2新课标 人教版Can you play the guitar?(2)(The 3rd period Section B 1a-2c)Teaching aims: (教学目标)1. 询问别人在乐器方面所具备的才能。2. 谈论某人在音乐方面所具备和不具备的才能。Language points:(语言点)A. 要求熟练运用以下句式:(1) -Can you ? -Yes, I can./No, I cant.(2) Can sb. do sth.? Yes, he/she can, but he/she cant./No, he/she

2、cant, but he/she can.B. 要求掌握以下词汇:drums piano trumpet violin Difficult points: (难点)弹奏某种乐器,要在乐器前面加上”the”.Teaching steps:(教学步骤):1. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1) Daily greetings to the students: (日常问候):T: Hello/Hi, everyone. How are you today? Ss: Im great/fine/so-so/very well. And you?T: Im grea

3、t. And I have something good to tell you. We have many different clubs in our school for you to join. The art club, the music club, the English club, the basketball club(老师可根据学校实际情况罗列俱乐部名称。)2) Revision (复习)T: What club do you want to join?S: I want to join (学生根据自己的喜好回答后,老师可根据自己对这个学生的了解建议他参加某个俱乐部。)T:

4、 Can you? /Can you do sth. well?/*(学生姓名), I think you can also join the club because.(建议四、五个学生作答后,让学生进行两人小组问答。)(然后老师可先问一个学生他的同伴的情况。)T: What club does want to join? Can he/she ? Can he/she do it well?(然后老师告诉全体同学这个学生的情况。)* wants to join the club, he can/he can but he cant do it well(接下来老师可以叫其他同学用这种方式汇

5、报同伴的情况。)S: * wants to join the club, he can./he can but he cant do it well.Presentation: (呈现新知识)T: Now, lets see how many of you want to join each of the club. How many of you want to join the art club? Please hands up.(依次提问,问二三个后问到the music club。)How many of you want to join the music club?(如果举手的人比

6、较多,老师可对举手的人进行随机提问)Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the guitar? Can you play the drums? Can you the piano? Can you play the trumpet? Can you play the violin?(对于出现的新的关于乐器的词汇,老师可一边说一边作手势,比如play the drums,可以作出敲鼓的动作; play the piano, 作出弹钢琴的手势,手指在键盘上弹奏的样子;play the trumpet, 作出吹号的动作; play the violin

7、,作出拉小提琴的手势;也可以一边说一边呈现图片或幻灯)(如果举手的人较少,老师可以这样说:)T:Im sorry most of you dont want to join the music club. Maybe you cant sing, dance or play the guitar, but you can learn a lot in the music club, and its very nice. What can you do in the music club? OK, you can play the guitar. You can play the piano,

8、play the drums, play the trumpet or play the violin. (建议事先录制好这些乐器的声音或一小段音乐,让学生听并猜这是什么乐器的声音,这样能使学生的各种感官结合起来记忆。如果没能录制,可以做手势让学生猜这是什么乐器。)2. Match the words with the pictures. (Work on 1a on P.62.) (完成P62 1a) T: Now lets do 1a on P62, match the words with the pictures. See who can do it correctly and qui

9、ckly.3. Pairwork. (Work on 1b on P.62.) (完成P62 1b)T: OK, you know the names of the these instruments, I want to know if you can play the instruments.T: Can you play the piano? S: Yes, I can./No, I cant. Can you play the drums? S: (师生问答几组之后,根据学生的实际情况跟读几遍,可以从集体再到个人,最后强调:Dont forget the before the intr

10、uments.)Pairwork: Students ask and answer questions about the instruments.(老师叫三四对学生作答)(如果学生能力较强或者大多数学生对都不会弹奏这些乐器,可以根据学生实际给出其他常见的乐器名)4. Listen and finish 2a-2b on P 62. 1) 2a: Get the students to read the list of words to the class.Use the picture in 1a to remind students what the words mean, if nece

11、ssary. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time studetns circle each word they hear mentioned in the conversaiotn on the recording. Check the answers.-AnswersCircled items: sing, dance, drums, piano Tapescript Teacher: I want some students

12、for the school concert. What can you do, Bill? Can you sing?Bill: No, I cant. but I can play the guitar.Teacher: You can play the guitar! Good. OK, what can you do, Jennifer?Jennifer: I can sing and I can play the drums.Teacher: You can! Great, Jennifer. Can you play the piano?Jennifer: No, I cant.

13、Victor can play the piano.Teacher: Victor, can you play the piano?Victor: Yeah, I cant sing or dance, But I can play the piano. 2) 2b: T: Now look at 2b on page 62, listen again and fill in the chart with the words in the box. Lets see what Bill, Jennifer and Victor can do, and what they cant do. Pl

14、ay the recording. Students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their charts. Check the answers. Answers cancantBillplay the guitarsingJennifersing, play the drumsplay the pianoVictorplay the pianodance, sing5. Work on 2c on P 62.Task one: Pairwork.T: Now, you look at the chart and

15、 I dont, please ask me questions about Bill, Jennifer or Victor.S: Can Bill play the guitar? (possible question) T: Yes ,he can, but he cant sing. (possible answer)T: Its your turn now, first your ask and answer in pairs with books open, then I will ask some pairs to ask and answer with the books cl

16、osed.Task two: GroupworkT: Bills teacher wants some students for the school concert. And we want to have an English party. What can you do in the party? Please discuss in groups of four, then make a list.NameWhat can you do?(如果课堂时间不够,可留作口头作业。)6. Homework:Oral work: 1) Finish Task Two left at class.W

17、ritten work: 1) Copy new words one line each: drums, piano,trumpet, violin2) Finish off Workbook P40 Exercises 5 and 6.Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?(The 4rd period Section B 3a-4)Teaching aims: (教学目标)1. 会用目标语言Can you?等仿写招聘广告。2. 成立同学们自己喜爱的各种俱乐部并制作海报。Language points:(语言点)A. 要求运用以下句式:1. What can you

18、 do? I can.2. Please call sb. at (telephone number).B. 要求识记以下词汇:musician, rock band, Chinese Kungfu, festivalDifficult points: (难点)1. 如何写海报的题目和内容。Teaching steps:(教学步骤):I. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)T: Good morning/afternoon! How are you today? How is the weather today? S: Its fine/rainy/cloudy

19、/.T: Oh, the weather today is good/not good. What can you do then?(after collecting some answers)T: And the oral work we left yesterday, what can you do in our English party?II. Presentation:(呈现新知识)T: You can do so many different things in the English party. It must be wonderful. Maybe you can be in

20、 our school music festival. Here is an ad from the school magazine. See if you can join it.Let students read the ad quickly and answer the questions.Questions: -Who do they want for school music festival? -Musicians. -Do you know the meaning of musicians?(If they dont know, give them an example, e.g

21、. Bethoven was a great musician.)1. Read and underline. (Work on 3a on P63) (完成P63 3a)T: Now turn to page 63 of your English books, read 3a and underlinethe things they want people to do for the school music festival.Check the answers with your partners.Now answer, what do they want people to do for

22、 the school music festival?_ Answers Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar?_T: Who do you call if you want to join them?S: Zhang Heng.T: Whats Zhang Hengs telephone number?S: Its 622-6033.(Then get some individual students to r

23、ead.)T: Now I want some of you to read the ad. How do you read an ad? Please show us.2. Finish the poster. (Work on 3b on p63.) (完成P63 3b)T: Can you write an ad or a poster now? Here is a poster for you to complete, maybe its easy for you. Please look at 3b on p63. Who do they want?Ss: Musicians.T:

24、Yes, also musicians.How many musicians do they want?Ss: They want two.T: Do they want musicians for school music festival?Ss: No, they dont. (Help them answer) They want two good musicians for a rock band.T: Do you know rock band? Can you name some rock bands you know?Example: U2 from the USA, Beyon

25、d/China, the Beatles/England, 零点乐队,黑豹乐队,Rolling Stone(滚石乐队)/England, etc.Point out the words in the box. Ask a student to read the eight wordsto the class.T: Now fill in the blanks with these words to finish the poster.(about 2-3minutes)T: Now lets check the answers.(get a student to read it out)The

26、n the whole class read together._ Answers (1) Can (2) play (3) guitar (4) Can (5) sing (6) Can (7) play (8) drums答案 (3)和(8)可调换。 3. Write a poster. (Work on 3c on P63.) (完成P63 3c)T: Its your turn to write your own poster now. Its about a sports day.Do you like sports?What sports do you like?What spor

27、ts can you do?What sports do you know in English?Examples: chess/volleyball/ping-pong/football/swim/tennis/basketball/Chinese Kung fu/etc.T: Can you write a poster for a sports day now?First, think of a title.Title: Welcome to Our Sports Day Players wanted for School Sports Day Target language: Are

28、you ?We want . Can you? Please callat. Please email _.(事先把这些目标语言准备好,用幻灯打出,或印在纸上发给学生,让他们把他们所设计的海报写在下面)T: I want you to write the poster first, then if you like, you can make it look nice. Then lets see whose poster is the most attractive.(give them 3-5minutes to finish the task)(Then show the class s

29、ome nice ones.)4. Group work. (Work on 4 on p63) (完成p63 4)T: OK, youve made some very nice posters. Now Ill show you a poster.What is it about? (A school show.)When does it begin? (At 6:00pm on Sunday)Where does it show? (In the music room)OK. What can you do? Come and show us!Please look at page 63

30、 Part 4, make a list in groups of four. Ask your partners: What can you do in the school show? Lets see which group can give us the best show.(After they have finished, ask some groups to give their reports.)T: Now please tell us what your troup can do in the school show. You may say like this: Sb. can T: You can do so many things, thats great. Can you set up your own club now? What clubs do you want to set up?(Ask some students randomly)art club/swimming club/English club/music club/rock&roll club/Chinese chess

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