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Animals in danger教案.docx

1、Animals in danger教案Animals in danger教案澶栫爺鑻辫 鍏 勾绾笂Module 9 Animals in danger 鍏鍧楁暀妗?I. Teaching goals 妯潡鏁欏 鐩 爣 鎶鑳界洰鏍?鍚?Match pictures with descriptions about animals 璇?Ask and answer questions about protecting animals 璇?Read articles about animals 鍐?Write about animals in danger璇 鐩 爣鍔熻兘鍙紡Talk about an

2、imals in danger A: Did you like the zoo? B: Yes, I was so excited to see the pandas 鈥?at last! It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. A: But it鈥檚 sad to think about all those animals in danger. It makes me sad. B: The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger.

3、We need to protect them better. A: And it just isn鈥檛 right to kill whales or elephants for their meat. B: Absolutely, but it鈥檚 hard to stop the killing. Talk about how to protect animals WWF works to protect all animals in danger, so the panda has become the symbol of all animals in danger. There is

4、 still a long way to go to save the panda.璇嶆眹 1锛?1. 閲嶇偣璇嶆眹 2锛?danger, protect, orange, cousin, brown, mad, kill, hard, away, dirty, awful, peace, 3锛?example, nature, research, mainly, reason, situation, symbol, cause, feed, provide, 4锛?clean 5锛?2. 璁 璇嶆眹 6锛?reserve, surprising, absolutely, rare, surp

5、rised, southwest, turtle, design, jewellery, 7锛?difficulty, pollute 8锛?3. 鐭 9锛?find out, natural reserve, live on, less and less, for example璇 硶 Infinitive structures 1. And many animals have no place to live in. 2. We need to help the animals live in peace. 3. But many people decide not to think ab

6、out it. 4. But it鈥檚 sad to think about all those animals in danger. 閲嶇偣鍙瓙 1. It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. 2. But it鈥檚 sad to think about all those animals in danger. 3. And many animals have no place to live in. 4. We need to help the animals live in peace. The WWF wor

7、ks to protect all animals in danger.II. Teaching material analyzing 鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽 鏈 鍧椾互鈥淎nimals in danger鈥濅负璇濋 锛屼互瀛範鍔瘝涓嶅畾寮忕殑鐢硶涓轰富绾匡紝浠嬬粛浜嗗綋鍓嶆繏涓寸伃缁?闇瑕佷汉绫讳繚鎶殑鍔墿鐨勬儏鍐?骞堕噸鐐逛粙缁嶄簡澶唺鐚 殑淇濇姢鎯呭喌銆傚湪姝熀纭涓婏紝瀛敓鍙 互鏍规嵁鑷 繁鐨勫缓璁 埗瀹氭洿鍚堢悊鐨勫姩鐗繚鎶帾鏂斤紱妯潡鍚屾椂閫氳繃璇瘽棰樿繕澶嶄範浜嗕竴鑸 幇鍦椂銆佺幇鍦繘琛屾椂銆佷竴鑸 繃鍘绘椂銆佷竴鑸 皢鏉椂鐨勭敤娉曘?Unit 1 閫氳繃鍚 佽 銆佽 璁 粌锛屽垵姝 涔犲姩

8、璇嶄笉瀹氬紡銆傚叾涓 椿鍔?瑕佹眰灏嗘墍缁欏姩鐗瘝姹囦笌瀵瑰叾鐗瑰緛鐨勬弿杩扮浉鍖归厤銆傛椿鍔?瑕佹眰鏍规嵁褰曢煶鍒柇鎵璋堣 鐨勫姩鐗強婵掍复鐏 粷鐨勫姩鐗傛椿鍔?鈥?鍚 鍖呭惈璋堣 鍔墿鐨勫 璇濆苟瀹屾垚鍥炵瓟闂 銆佸绌哄強閫犲彞绛変换鍔傛椿鍔?瀛範鑻辫 涓 彞瀛愮殑鎰忕兢锛涙椿鍔?鏍规嵁鎻愮杩涜 闂 瓟缁冧範銆傛椿鍔?瑕佹眰瀛敓璁 娲诲姩1鍥剧墖涓 殑鍔墿锛岃嚜宸卞垽鏂 摢绉嶅姩鐗渶闇淇濇姢銆?Unit 2 閫氳繃璇汇佸啓璁 粌锛屽 浼氫娇鐢姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡浠嬬粛闇瑕佷繚鎶殑鍔墿鍙婂叾淇濇姢鐨勬儏鍐点傚叾涓 椿鍔?鈥?瑕佹眰瀛敓棣栧厛鑷 繁璋堣 澶唺鐚 殑鎯呭喌锛岀劧鍚庨槄璇绘枃绔犲苟鎵惧嚭

9、鍚勬 涓婚 鍙? 鏈鍚庣粌涔犺繍鐢笉瀹氬紡閫犲彞銆傛椿鍔?鈥?瑕佹眰瀛敓鏍规嵁鏂囩珷鍥炵瓟闂 鍜屽绌恒傛椿鍔?瑕佹眰瀛敓鏍规嵁涓娈典粙缁嶅鐔婄尗鐩 墠鐢熸椿鐘跺喌鐨勭煭鏂囧強闂 鎻愮,鍐欎竴绡囧叧浜庡彟涓绉嶆繏涓寸伃缁濆姩鐗殑鎯呭喌銆?Unit 3 瀵光滃姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡鈥濈殑鍔熻兘椤圭洰杩涜 缁煎悎璁 粌锛屽苟鍦 鍩虹 涓婂 鍐欏叧浜庢繏涓寸伃缁濈殑鍔墿鐨勬儏鍐点傚叾涓 椿鍔?銆? 瑕佹眰瀛啓涓嶅畾寮忕殑鍙瓙骞舵牴鎹 儏鍐垫 纭 娇鐢笉瀹氬紡銆傛椿鍔? 瑕佹眰鏍规嵁娲诲姩2 杩涜 瀵硅瘽缁冧範銆傛椿鍔?-7鍒敤濉 銆侀犲彞銆佹父鎴忕瓑褰紡杩涗竴姝粌涔犲姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡鐨勭敤娉曘傛椿鍔?瑕佹眰瀛敓

10、鍚 綍闊冲苟鍥炵瓟闂 銆傛椿鍔?瑕佹眰鐢墍缁欒瘝姹囧畬鎴愮煭鏂囷紝浠繘涓姝珐鍥鸿 鏈 唴瀹广侫round the world缁欏 鐢熶粙缁嶄簡鍑犵 婵掍复鐏 粷鐨勫姩鐗紝鍚屾椂涔熸彁渚涗簡鍐欎綔鑼冩枃銆侻odule task瑕佹眰瀛敓鍐欎竴绡囧叧浜庢繏鍗卞姩鐗殑鐭 枃骞跺仛鍑轰簡鍐欎綔鏂规硶鍙婃 楠?III锛嶤lass types and periods 璇惧瀷璁捐 涓庤 鏃跺垎閰?Period 1 Listening and speaking Period 2 Grammar Period 3 Reading and writing Period 4 Integrating skills P

11、eriod 5 Vocabulary and taskIV. Teaching plans for each period鍒嗚 鏃舵暀妗?Period 1 Listening and speaking Language goals 璇 鐩 爣 1. Key vocabulary 閲嶇偣璇嶆眹 danger, protect, orange, cousin, brown, reserve, mad, surprising, kill, absolutely, hard, away, dirty, awful, peace, find out, rare, example, nature, nat

12、ure reserve, surprised, at last, on earth 2. Key structures 閲嶇偣鍙紡 I was so excited to see the pandas at last. It was (not) interesting / sad/ right/ hard to do sth. need/ decide(not) to do sth. The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. Ability goals 鑳藉姏鐩 爣 Enable students to t

13、alk about animals in danger. Teaching methods 鏁欏 鏂规硶 Listening and speaking. Teaching aids 鏁欏叿鍑嗗 Tape recorder. Teaching procedures and ways 鏁欏 杩囩涓庢柟寮?Step I Warming-up (1: P72) Talk about animals. T: Animals are our friends. We should learn to live together with animals. Many families now have pets

14、 at home. That is, human beings are living with animals. They are pet animals. What pet animals do you know? S: Cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. T: Do any family keep tiger, lion, elephant, etc as pet animals? S: No. T: Do you know why? S: Because they are dangerous. S: Because they are too difficult to ke

15、ep. 鈥?T: Good. Just think about this: Where do these animals live? What do they eat? What鈥檚 their situation like? Do you know? Encourage students to speak out what they have in mind. S: We can only see them in the zoo. S: People kill them to make money. S: We must protect them. 鈥?T: Quite true. From

16、 now on, we are going to talk about animals in danger. (emphasize the phrase 鈥渋n danger鈥?. Now please look at activity 1 on page 72. Ask students to complete the quiz with the words in the box, check the answers and then read each word twice loudly.Step II Listening and reading (2鈥?: P72鈥?3) Listeni

17、ng First ask students to read the questions in activity 2 and get them to take notes while listening. Then listen and check the answers. Then ask them to listen to the conversation between Lingling and Sally carefully with their books closed. And then answer the questions in activity 4. Reading Ask

18、students to read after the tape first. Work in pairs and read the conversation repeatedly and then ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Ask students to find out the infinitive structures in the conversation and read them together. Sample sentences: I was so excited to see the pandas 鈥?at last

19、! It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. But it鈥檚 sad to think about all those animals in danger. The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. We need to protect them better. Absolutely, but its鈥?hard to stop the killing. And many animals have no place to liv

20、e in. Also, often their water isn鈥檛 good to drink because we鈥檝e made it dirty. We need to help the animals live in peace. Let鈥檚 find out what we can do to save them 鈥?Then ask students to finish activity 5 on P73.Step IV Speaking (7: P73) Pronunciation T: In English, a sentence can be divided into s

21、everal parts or groups. When we read these sentences, we can often pause between these groups. Now listen to and repeat the sentences in activity 6. Speaking Ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in activity 7. T: Whales are large animals in the sea. Some whales can weigh 160 t

22、on. They are really frightening. But are you surprised to find out that whales are in danger? Why do some animals have no place to live in? 鈥?Now work in pairs and discuss the questions in activity 7. Sample conversation: S: I learned about whales when I was very young. They are very large animals.

23、I thought human beings are afraid of such animals. S: But now whales are in danger too. It鈥檚 surprising! S: Whales are hunted for meat and skin. They have no place to live in. S: I think it鈥檚 because human beings destroyed or polluted their living places. S: I agree. I think it鈥檚 cruel for human bei

24、ngs to kill animals for their meat. S: I don鈥檛 think so. If we don鈥檛 eat animals, what to eat? S: We can eat vegetables and fruits. Most people do so now. S: I can鈥檛 agree. I think some animals are for eating. S: Till now, many animals have become endangered or extinct. Most people want to help anim

25、als in danger. And I would like to find out more about animals in danger. S: Me, too. Let鈥檚 try to do something to protect these animals. Then ask them to work with a partner and talk about the animals in Activity 1 and then report the discussion results. Sample version: The elephant is the most imp

26、ortant animal to protect. There are many elephants work for people, but many people kill the elephants for their teeth. There aren鈥檛 many elephants left in the world. 鈥?Step V Homework Ask students to 1. read the conversation in activity 3 repeatedly. 2. finish activities 1-4 on page 112 in Workbook

27、. Period 2 Grammar Language goals 璇 鐩 爣 1. Key vocabulary 閲嶇偣璇嶆眹 interesting, sad, surprising, surprised, need, hard, place, good, decide, right, to do, hear 2. Key structures 閲嶇偣鍙紡 It鈥檚 (not) + adj. + to do sth. I was surprised to do sth. decide to do sth. need to do sth. a good place to buy things

28、 The surprising thing was to hear that bad news. Ability goals 鑳藉姏鐩 爣 Enable students to use infinitive correctly. Teaching methods 鏁欏 鏂规硶 Explanation and practising. Teaching aids 鏁欏叿鍑嗗 Handout. Teaching procedures and ways 鏁欏 杩囩涓庢柟寮?Step I Lead-in Grammar T: Good morning, boys and girls! Today we鈥

29、檙e going to learn a new grammar. Now I鈥檒l write down 5 sentences on the blackboard, and please write them down on your notebook, too. Then tell me the similarity between them. S: OK. Show the following. 1. It鈥檚 interesting to watch a movie. 2. It鈥檚 not hard to learn English. 3. I am surprised to see

30、 you here. 4. We need to finish our homework every day. 5. HongKong is a good place to buy things. 6. The surprising thing was to hear that bad news.Step II Explanation First encourage students to tell the similarity between the sentences. Show the following. 1. to + v. 2. It鈥檚 + adj. + to do 3. nee

31、d to do sth. 4. be to do sth. T: We can see that the above sentences all include 鈥渢o + v鈥? In fact they are in the same family, and they are called 鈥渋nfinitive鈥? (Write 鈥渋nfinitive鈥?down and ask students to use a red pen to emphasize the infinitives). Now look at the first sentence. Can you give me

32、more examples? S: It鈥檚 good to eat vegetables. S: It鈥檚 sad to hear the accident. S: It鈥檚 nice to see you here. It鈥檚 easy to learn math. It鈥檚 right to tell the truth. T: Excellent! Now I want to change these sentences. Look carefully, please. Show the following. 1. To watch a movie is interesting. 2. To eat vegetables is good. 3. To hear the accident is sad. T: Maybe you have found something different. What鈥檚 the function of 鈥渢o do鈥? S: As the subject of the whole sentence. T: Great! That鈥檚 it. We can use the infinitive to work as the subject of the whole sentenc

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