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福建省厦门市第五中学七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do y.docx

1、福建省厦门市第五中学七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do y学习小组长评价和签字完成订正签字Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(Period 1)【学习目标】 1. 了解各种动物的英文名称以及它们生长的地方和习性 2. 运用英语简单地谈论对动物的喜好和原因 3. 了解世界各地的典型的动物,表达对动物的喜爱之情,形成爱护动物的意识【学习重点】 1. 动物的名称:tiger, elephant, koala, panda, lion, giraffe 2. 描述动物的形容词:scary, cute, ,fun, smart, interesting, lazy, b

2、oring, beautiful 3. 描述动物:A: Why do you like koalas? B: Because they are very cute. A: Where are koalas from? B: Theyre from Australia.【学习难点】1.程度副词(really, kind of, very)2. 名词复数表示种类,对应代词they和them【自主预习】 一、用英文写出下列动物的名称并用一个形容词表达你对它的看法。 cat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ smart _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、看地图写出对应的国家或区域 澳大利亚 南非 美国 泰国 _

3、 _ _ _ _ 三、回答问题 1. Whats your favorite animal (动物)? _.2. What animals do you want to see in a zoo(动物园)? I want to see_.【课堂学习】一、交流、分享预习部分各自的观点二、完成书本1a,1b任务,再听1b录音,完成下列对话Conversation1Conversation2Conversation3A: Lets see the _first . B: Why?A: Because theyre _.A: Lets see the _. B: Why do you want to

4、see _?A: Because theyre _ A: Lets see the _. B: Why?A: Because theyre _三、听音完成2a和2b书本上的任务,并完成下列句子Julie likes_ because theyre kind of _. They are from_.Julie doesnt like_ because theyre _. Most of them are from_.John likes _ because theyre_. They are from_.四、听2d ,完成下表PetsanimalnameAbility(能力)descripti

5、on words(描述词)Peters petJennys mothers pet五、小组活动, 假设你和组员要去动物园,你们要确定先去看哪种动物,可以模仿下列句型,注意用程度副词修饰形容词。 A: Lets see pandas first. _ B: Why do you like them? _ A: Because theyre kind of interesting. _ B: Where are they from? _ A: Theyre from China. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _厦门五中2013 2014学年 下 学期2013级 英语 学科教学案学习小组长评价和

6、签字完成订正签字班级: 座号: 姓名: 课题:Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(Period 2)【学习目标】 1. 熟练说、写出六种动物的英文名称以及它们生长的地方和习性 2. 熟练运用英语编写对动物的喜好和原因的简单对话 3. 了解世界各地的典型的动物,表达对动物的喜爱之情,形成爱护动物的意识【学习重点】 1. why引导的特殊疑问句及简短回答。 A: Why do you like pandas B: Because theyre kind of interesting. A: Why does John like koalas? B: Because the

7、yre very cute. A: Why dont you like tigers? B: Because theyre really scary.【学习难点】1.程度副词(really, kind of, very)2. 对动物的描述【自主预习】翻译句子1. 你为什么喜欢熊猫? 因为它们是有趣的。 _ _2. 约翰为什么喜欢考拉? 因为它们很可爱。 _ _3. 为什么你不喜欢老虎? 因为它们真得很吓人。_ _4. 狮子来自哪里? 他们来自南非。_ _5. 熊猫来自哪里? 他们来自中国。_ _【课堂学习】1. 程度副词very, really语气强,kind of程度较轻,相当于a litt

8、le, really意思是“真正地”,如图示:very/really kind of a little 根据你喜欢的程度,填上相应的副词Pandas are _ interesting. Koalas are _ cute. Tigers are _scary.What kind of animal(哪种动物) do you like very much? Why_.What kind of animals do you like a little? Why? _.2. Why dont you like ? 为什么不喜欢.? Why doesnt he like? 为什么他不喜欢.? 你们为

9、什么不喜欢考拉?_ 你妈妈为什么不喜欢猫?_3. Where is/are+ 名词from? 结构询问来自何地 Where are pandas from? _. _? Most of lions are from South Africa.【课堂巩固】对划线部分提问1. Koalas are from Australia. _2. I like pandas because theyre cute. _3. Linda likes giraffes because theyre fun. _4. Eric doesnt like cats because theyre lazy. _5. I

10、 dont like lions because theyre very scary. _【拓展延伸】一、选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,完成短文。 from, well, show, live, friendly, kind of, old, this, smartLook, is Andrew. He is a dolphin. He is the sea. He is only one year . He can swim very . He likes to play with a ball. I think he is a good player. People like to se

11、e his . He is very and . His home is in the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). But now he in the aquarium(水族馆). I think he is homesick(想家的). 二、左列是动物特征的自我描述,猜猜它们是什么动物。答案多种,可以查字典。Features特征Guess who I amI have four legs.(腿)I have a tail.(尾巴)I have a long neck.(颈)I eat grass.(草)I only like meat.I can run, but I cant

12、 swim.Im a bird, but I cant fly.厦门五中2013 2014学年 下 学期2013级 英语 学科教学案学习小组长评价和签字完成订正班级: 座号: 姓名: 课题:Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(Period 3)【学习目标】1. 进一步学习描述动物的形容词,并描述喜欢的动物。2. 阅读关于保护大象的语篇,初步感知快速阅读和归纳语篇中心大意的阅读技巧3. 感知保护动物的重要性【学习重点】1. 巩固why、what引导的特殊疑问句及其答语A: What animals do you like? B: I like elephants.A:

13、Why? B: Because theyre cute. What animals do you like?A: I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.2. 掌握形容词 friendly, smart, shy3. 掌握保护大象语篇的必备词汇:flag, forget, place, water, danger, tree, kill, over, get lost, be in great danger, cut down, be made of【学习难点】1. 词汇的记忆 2. 思维导图的建立 【自主预习】一、完成书本P281a,将描述

14、性形容词与动物匹配,词汇可以被多次使用。二、列出你认为friendly 的动物_.列出你认为shy 的动物_.三、完成对话。A: What animals do you like? B: I like _.A: Why? B: Because theyre _. What animals do your parents like?A: My mother likes_because theyre_.My father likes_because theyre_.四、看图完成句子 1.This is the _ This is the _ Its the _ of Thailand. of an

15、 elephant. _UN. We need to Dont _ _ Its a _ . drink much _. the _ Its of China Dont _ Its _ Elephants are _ wild animals. _ ivory great _. 五、查字典,写出下列词的词性及中文含义:importance n. 重要性 fact_ _ figure_ _ ability_ _ 【课堂学习】一、完成P281a,1b,1c,掌握描述动物的形容词。二、模仿1d, 与你的伙伴谈论你知道的动物。三、写下你认为濒危的动物Eg. I think pandas are in g

16、reat danger._四、阅读2b,完成2c思维导图,完成下列句子 Elephants are _ animals. People say that “an elephant never _” They can walk for a long time and never _ _. They can also _ places with food and water. This helps them to _. Elephants are in great danger. We want to _ the elephants. We cant _too many trees. We mus

17、t not buy things _ of ivory.五、阅读书本P-78课文注释,完成下列词句1. 大象从来不会忘记。 An elephant _ _.2. 大象能长时间行走而且从不迷路。Elephants can _ _ _ _ _ and never _ _3. 我的钥匙丢了。My keys _ _4. 走丢的小孩a_ _ 被人遗失的手表a_ _5. 大象面临巨大的危险。Elephants are _ _ _.6. 医生说他现在脱离了危险。Doctors say he is now_ _7. 我们必须拯救树木,拒买象牙制品。We must _ trees and not buy thi

18、ngs _ _ ivory.厦门五中2013 2014学年 下 学期2013级 英语 学科教学案学习小组长评价和签字完成订正签字班级: 座号: 姓名: 课题:Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(Period 4)【学习目标】1. 以书面形式介绍自己最喜欢的一种动物,掌握搜集有关动物的信息和资料的学习策略2. 梳理本单元学过的词汇、句式,发展分类记忆词汇的学习策略3. 树立保护动物的意识【学习重点】1. 写一段介绍所喜欢动物的短文 2. 探索有效的学习策略【学习难点】自主梳理、运用本单元目标语【自主复习】一、用所给的词和图编写句子, 每图一句 shy Africa, f

19、rom be, danger Koalas are shy _ _ it, ivory, made walk, long time must, not, cut_ _ _ lost, get must ,save place, with, remember _ _ _二、完成P30Self Check 1的表格,并用这些词造五个句子_三、完成P30Self Check 2, 编写自己的对话(合上书)_【课堂学习】一、完成P303a二、完成P303b, 以下几个问题可能对你有所启发:1.What animal do you like? 2.Why do you like it? 3.Where is it from? 4.How old is it? 5.Where does it live now? 6. What is it like? 7. What can it do? _【课堂检测】( )1. This is _ animal.

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