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1、五年级英语下册教案15单元课 题Unit 1 We are going to read stories课 型新授、听说、情景对话课 时1教材分析本课是新湘少版小学英语五年级下册第一单元的第一课时, 本课时为新授课,学习内容为课文Part A&B。本节课主要要求学生掌握Part B 的单词和短语,活泼好动活泼好动能够初步掌握用be going to结构询问将要做的活动或想法及回答。学情分析本班学生学习英语积极性高,活泼好动,喜欢表演,喜欢受到同学和老师的关注,希望受到表扬。教学目标1、Part B 的单词、短语listen to,talk about,write about,read,put o

2、n a play和Part A的对话。2、能初步掌握用be going to结构询问将要做的活动或想法,并回答。教学重点能够听,说,读,写得 单词和短语。教学难点运用be going to结构询问。拟用学法1、认知策略:通过课件、单词卡、游戏等帮助学生掌握单词和句型。2交际策略:创设各种场所情境,让学生实际运用所学单词、短语及句型。媒体资源或教具单词卡片、教学课件教学过程设计教师指导学生活动学习效果与检测【讲授】Step 3Presentation 1教师创设话题,引出be going to结构的句子与Part B的单词和短语listen to,talk about,write about ,

3、read ,put on a play用PPT依次展示并引导学生回答。这样能让学生在具体、形象的情景中,积极主动地学习新单词和短语,更容易接受和掌握新句型。如:(1)T:Are we going to listen to music?Ss:Yes,we are./ No,we arent.(2)T:Are we going to talk about new teacher?Ss:Yes,we are./ No,we arent.照上面的方法依次教授剩下的单词和短语。2、Practice.Play games:Game1:师生玩大小声的游戏,练读。(让学生集中注意力准确地掌握单词的发音。)Ga

4、me2:用在盒子里抽单词的方式检查学生掌握单词的况。(提高学生对单词掌握的熟练程度。)Game3:Play the chain game.(在新句型中操练新单词,起到提高学生的应用能力。)如:S1:Are we going to read stories?S2:Yes,we are. Are we going to put on a play?S3:No,we arent.Are we going to listen to music?3、The Dialogue(1)Listen to the tape of Part A.(2)listen and find who you can hea

5、r.(3)Listen and repeat.(4)Listen and read.设计意图:先让学生听录音,再让学生在对话的图片中找到听到了什么,既训练了学生的听力又让学生积极思考问题。(5)、Play gamesAct the dialogue .让学生分角色表演对话,既充分发挥了学生们活泼好动,爱表现的特点,又让他们在具体的语言情景中更熟练,自然地掌握并运用所学的单词和句型。Step 4、Exercises (课内练习)考考你反应力,请填空.1、Were going to _ _ _ _ some interesting stories.2、Are we going to read th

6、e stories?_, _ _. Were going to read them.3、Are we going to _ _ them?4、Were going to put on a _ _.通过练习进一步巩固单词、短语和句型。Step 5、Homework (家作)1、Ss listen to the tape and read after it.2、Copy the new words and sentence three times and try to tell your parents about your weekend plan.3、考你会说话,请连词成句1、you Are

7、read going a story to ?2、going write you to about a book Are ?3、we talk about going Are music ?家庭作业可以帮助学生更好的听,说,读,写,更牢固的掌握本节课所学的知识。Step 6、Blackboard design (板书设计)listen to music?talk about them?Are we going to write about it?read them?put on a play?活动1【导入】Step1WarmingupandRevision 1、Greetings 师生互相问好

8、。2、Sing a songThe Happy Song提高学生学习情绪。活动2【导入】Step2Leadin 本节课时春节后第一节课,复习The Spring Festival相关单词、短语及句型及相关句型,引出用be going to 谈新学期的打算。T:We had a wonderful Spring Festival.What did you do during the spring festival?Students:We got red packets.Ss:We lighted firecrackersT:Now,this is your new term.What are y

9、ou going to do?学生学习兴趣高,能进行简短的英语对话。板 书设 计listen to music?talk about them?Are we going to write about it?read them?put on a play?教学后记课 题Unit 2 We are going to do some research课 型新授、听说课 时1教材分析本节课主要要求学生掌握Part B 的单词和短语学情分析学生基础较好,词汇掌握较多。教学目标1、Ss should be able to listen, read and say the new words and phr

10、ases: read- read books; find- find information; collect- collect pictures; study and think; write- write a report.2、Go on using “be going to ” make sentences: Were going to .3、Practice and learn Part C.教学重点Listen, read and say the new words and phrases.教学难点How to read and remember these words: resea

11、rch, information.拟用学法情景对话、听说、讲授、演示媒体资源或教具单词卡片、教学课件教学过程设计教师指导学生活动学习效果与检测【讲授】Step2Presentationanddrill 1.Say: Boys and girls, we are going to learn Unit 2. Please open your books at Page 5.Can you read the title of Unit 2? Ask them to read the title: We re going to do some Ss: We dont know the word “r

12、esearch”.T: It doesnt matter. Im going to teach it.Write the word “research” on the Bb and drill it. Then write the phrase “do some research” on the Bb. Explain and teach it.2. Ask them to read the title three times together.3. Say: Were going to do some research. But what are we going to do?Help to

13、 answer:First, we should read books. From the books we can find information.Write the new words or put the cards on the Bb and teach drill. The word: finefindin-for-ma-tion information Explain “find information” in Chinese.4. Show some pictures and ask: What are these? Ss: These are pictures. Write

14、“collect” on the left with Pictures. Have them try to read collect pictures.5. CAI show a picture of ? Ask: What is she doing? Ss: She is 思考。Yes, she is thinking. Write think on the Bb and read it. Help with: thing- think; thank- thinkAsk: What are we doing? Ss: Having English class. T: Right, study

15、 English.Write “study” on the Bb. Then show “study and think”. Ask them to make a sentence.6.At last, show a report to learn it. Teach and drill “write a report”.7. Help Ss to ask the teacher: -What are we going to do today?- Were going to do some booksfind informationcollect pictures=

16、study and thinkwrite a reportHave Ss to read and understand them. Help them drill in different ways.活动1【导入】Step1Warmingup 1. Greetings.2. Show word cards to revise new words. Have a dictation of Unit 1.3. Ask all the Ss to read Part A of Unit 1. Try to recite together.4. Who can say more sentences w

17、ith “be going to ”e.g: I am going to read a story.She is going to listen to music.We are going to have English class.You are going to put on a play.1.Have Ss read the new phrases in groups. Then read the sentences in pairs.2. Look at Part C. Lets practice.Ask Ss to read the sentences by themselves.

18、Then practice in pairs.Match the five phases: do some research; read books; find information; collect pictures; write a report.3. Call some group to act before the class. Ask and answer学生会说所学单词和简单的英语。板 书设 计do some research; collect pictures;read books; write a report.find information; 教学后记课 题Unit 3

19、Lets make a kite课 型新授、听说、情景对话课 时1教材分析祈使句的使用学情分析本班学生学习英语积极性高,活泼好动,喜欢表演,喜欢受到同学和老师的关注,希望受到表扬。 教学目标语言目标:1.能听懂会说会读新单词:cut,draw,paint,glue,tie2.能用“How to do”FirstThenAnd thenNextLastly”来描述事情。应用目标:1.能够运用“How to do”进行询问2.能正确使用序数词简单描述事情的经过3.能听懂、会说Part A部分的对话。教学重点能听懂、会说、会读新短语cut,draw,paint,glue,tie。能用“How to

20、do”FirstThenAnd thenNextLastly”来描述事情。教学难点FirstThenAnd thenNextLastly”的用法“how to do”句型的理解。拟用学法情景对话、听说、讲授、演示媒体资源或教具单词卡片、教学课件教学过程设计教师指导学生活动学习效果与检测活动1【导入】教学导入 教师出示一张放风筝的图片或是用课件展示一段放风筝的场景。说“Boys and girls,Spring is coming,we all like flying kites.Right? Do you know how to make a kite? Today ,Miss Li will

21、 teach you.”活动2【讲授】讲授新课 1.Check the word preparation.(1)Ask Ss to listen to the tape or teacher and repeat the words together. Then read one by one. Others correct the pronunciation mistakes.(2)Discuss the problems.(3) Competition: 游戏:听音,补全单词(教师念出一个单词的部分读音,请学生迅速说出全部读音)2. Learn the new sentences.(1)

22、Present the new drills:“How to ”“FirstThenAnd thenNextLastly”造句。情景创设(Situation suppose):用新学的句型,简单描述”My Day”(教师可以先向学生做一个示范)Task 1: Listening(Part A)1.New words.(1)听第一遍录音,在课文中画出有关的动词短语。Make a kite,show us,need paper and bamboo, cut the bamboo, cut the paper板书到黑板上,教师带读。(2) 听第二遍录音,画出重点句型。2.New sentences

23、听第三遍课文录音,学生小声跟读。然后学生进行Group work 展示Conversation Invite applications (Role-play the conversation Part A)Sample dialogue:S1:We are show you how to make a kite.S2: .First活动1【练习】课堂练习 听音,排序。(对课本B部分的单词进行检测。)英汉互译1、Make a kite 2、cut the bamboo3、draw a picture4、漂亮的风筝 5、需要纸和竹子活动2【作业】课后作业 1、听读本单元2、各小组制作一个风筝,并写

24、好一个“report”能听懂所学英语语句,学习兴趣浓。能正确书写英语语句。板 书设 计Make a kite,show us,need paper and bamboo, cut the bamboo, cut the paper教学后记课 题Assessment I课 型新授、听说、情景对话课 时1教材分析复习本单元的内容学情分析本班学生学习英语积极性高,活泼好动,喜欢表演,喜欢受到同学和老师的关注,希望受到表扬。教学目标(一)语言目标1、词汇:能够听、说、读、写第1-3单元所学单词。2、句型:能够在已经熟悉的情境中理解并说出第1-3单元所学句型。(二)应用目标能够在模拟或熟悉的交际场景中初

25、步运用be going to 结构来谈论自己的计划或打算;能用英语简单说明步骤。教学重点What are you going to do?的运用和回答教学难点What are you going to do? 的运用和回答拟用学法情景对话、听说、讲授、演示媒体资源或教具动植物图片、单词卡片。教学过程设计教师指导学生活动学习效果与检测Step 1 热身(Warm-up)1、Greetings2、歌谣演练:What are you going to do?Step 2 复习主题活动I(A plan for the weekend)1、自由问答: 教师引导学生谈论周末计划的活动。2、A部分练习:Li

26、sten and tick学生听录音,完成A部分听力练习,教师通过问和答的形式讲评和核对答案。录音材料:A. Listen and tick1)Are we going to make a card in class?Yes, we are.2) Are we going to talk about an interesting story?No, we arent. Were going to sing a new song.3)What are we going to do in PE class?Were going to play basketball.4)What are you g

27、oing to act in the play,David?Igoing to act as a dog.Step 3复习主题活动 II (The plan of Paper and his fiends)1、课堂练习(B部分的Listen and number;D部分的Look and write)学生听录音,完成B部分听力练习,教师通过问和答的形式讲评和核对答案。录音材料:B. Listen and numberThe children are going to do some research.What are they going to do?First,Peter and Jane

28、are going to read a textbook.Then, Peter is going to collect pictures. Mingming and Fangfang are going to study and think. Next, Peter is going to talk about the research.At last, Kathy is going to write a report.(2)、学生根据教材第15页D部分的图片,完成D部分的练习,教师通过问和答的形式讲评和核对答案。Step 4复习主题活动 III (Make a pumpkin lamp)学

29、生完成C部分看图阅读并给句子排序的练习,教师通过问和答的形式讲评和核对答案。 Step 5 自主评价(Self-assessment)1、E部分:我能做!如果你能完成画2、F部分:我爱做!如果你喜欢做就画Step 6 作业(Homework)朗读Unit 1- 3 的内容。歌谣演练:What are you going to do?课堂练习(B部分的Listen and number;D部分的Look and write)学生听录音,完成B部分听力练习,教师通过问和答的形式讲评和核对答案。学生完成C部分看图阅读并给句子排序的练习,教师通过问和答的形式讲评和核对答案。Step 6 作业(Home

30、work)朗读Unit 1- 3 的内容。能正确朗读和书写英语。能用简短英语交流。板 书设 计What are you going to do?教学后记课 题Unit 4 Dont talk here课 型新授、听说、情景对话课 时1教材分析简单的祈使句的使用学情分析上一单元学习了一些简单的祈使句,知道了让某人去做事时该如何表达。在图书馆里看书需要一个安静的气氛,有许多事情是不能做的。教学目标语言目标: 1.能听懂会说会读新短语:Dont talk in the library , Dont eat in class, Dont throw waste paper on the floor, Dont draw on the wall, Dont play football on the road, Dont pick flowers in the park.2.能正确使用表示否定的祈使句;3、能正确使用表示频率的频度副词;应用目标:1.能正确运用祈使句的否定形式;2.学会使用频度副词表示事情发生的频度;3.能听懂、会说Part A教

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