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1、学年高二英语上册课时作业25课时作业(九)Unit 14Careers.用所给词的适当形式填空1Those children are advised not_(quarrel) over little things.答案:to quarrel2Our teacher told us to write a_(summarize) of the text as homework.答案:summary3Under the teachers_(guide),we have made much progress.答案:guidance4Such_(casually) dress would not be

2、 correct for a formal occasion.答案:casual5Before you start to write your papers,you must decide your _(topical) first.答案:topic6You can obtain the product from all good_(chemistry)答案:chemists7I read in the news paper that they needed a_(reception)答案:receptionist8When her husband died, she received 50,

3、000 in_(insure)答案:insurance9Ive worked with children before,so I know what_(expect) in my new job.答案:to expect.单词拼写1Tourism is a major source of_(收入) for the area.答案:income2Winning the match was just_(回报) for the effort the team had made.答案:reward3The kind old man only_(要价) me half price forthe repa

4、irs.答案:charged4The couple are always_(吵架) about whose turn it is to cook the dinner.答案:quarrelling5In his report,the secretary made a _(总结) of what had been done.答案:summary6There was somebody present calm enough to give first_(援助)Otherwise,the boy might easily have bled to death.答案:aid7All activitie

5、s took place under the_(指导) of an experienced tutor.答案:guidance8The accident was caused by human_(错误)答案:errors9The newspapers discuss the_(话题) of the day.答案:topics10The_(数据) was collected from 50 countries.答案:data.完成句子1How much will you _(收费) one night in your hotel?答案:charge for2_(在老师的帮助下),he impro

6、ved English writing greatly.答案:With the aid of the teachers3I still_(难于适应) the new environment.答案:have difficulty in adapting4My boss asked me to _(负责) the office for a few days while she was away.答案:take charge of5To enjoy the scenery,Sara would spend long hours on the train_(而不是) travel by air.答案:

7、rather than6The old couple have been married for fifty years and never once _ (争吵) each other.答案:have they quarrelled with7I _(确信) I can make great progress in it soon.答案:made sure8I _(偶然遇到) the famous movie star Wang Baoqiang yesterday.答案:ran across.完形填空In France,there once lived a famous man named

8、 the Marquis de Lafayette.When he was a little boy,his mother called him Gilbert.Gilberts father and grandfather had both been_1_men in his village.He was proud of them,and he_2_that he might grow up to be like them.Gilberts home was near a _3_.One day word came that a cruel_4_had been seen in the w

9、oods.Men said it had killed many of the villagers sheep.Gilbert was only seven,but all his_5_were about the cruel animal.“Shall we take a_6_?” asked his mother.“Oh,yes!” said Gilbert.“We may see that wolf in the forest.But dont be_7_.”His mother smiled,_8_she felt quite sure that there was no_9_.The

10、y did not go far into the woods.The mother sat down under a tree and began to_10_.Seeing Mom interested in her book,Gilbert decided to_11_the animal.He walked quietly into a wilder place.He looked_12_around,but saw only a rabbit.Then,_13_,he heard footsteps.He stood still and_14_.When the animal was

11、 very_15_to him,he jumped out of his hiding place and held it round its neck.It did not try to bite.But it threw Gilbert upon the_16_.Gilbert was soon on his feet again.He was not_17_at all.He looked at the animal:It was not a wolf but a calf (牛犊) The boy felt very_18_.He hurried back to his mother,

12、tears in his eyes.He told her what had happened.His mother said,“You were very_19_.You are my hero because you_20_what you thought was a great danger and you were not afraid.”语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章讲述勇敢的Gilbert小时候寻找狼的趣事。1A.famous BwiseCbrave Dgenerous答案:C2A.wished BguessedCrealized Dbelieved解析:由下文七岁的Gilbert独自

13、到森林深处寻找狼可知,他的爷爷和父亲很勇敢,他为此骄傲,希望长大像他们一样勇敢。答案:A3A.mountain BforestCfarm Driver解析:由下文的“森林里有凶残的动物吃了村民的羊”可知,Gilbert他们家住在森林附近。答案:B4A.tiger Blion Cbear Dwolf解析:由下文的We may see that wolf in the forest可知,有消息说森林里有狼。答案:D5A.thoughts BquestionsCplans Dcomplaints解析:由下文Gilbert决定独自找狼可知,他虽然只有七岁,却总是想着狼的事。thoughts想法,念头。

14、答案:A6A.bath Bpicture Cwalk Dbreak解析:由They did not go far into the woods可知,妈妈问Gilbert去不去“散步(walk)”。答案:C7.Atired Bafraid Ccruel Dsurprised解析:由Gilbert的表现可知,他安慰妈妈不要“害怕(afraid)”。答案 Bonce Cbut Dfor答案:D9A.danger BwonderCuse Dpoint解析:妈妈微笑是因为她确信不会有危险,故用for,表示原因。答案:A10A.sing Bread Csleep Ddraw解析:由下句中的i

15、nterested in her book可知,妈妈坐在树下“读书(read)”。答案:B11A.give up Bworry aboutClook for Dask about解析:由下文中的looked.around可知,Gilbert决定去“寻找(look for)”狼。答案:C12A.angrily Bhurriedly Cproudly Dcarefully解析:他的目标是找狼,所以应该是很“认真地(carefully)”四处搜寻。答案:D13A.finally Bsuddenly Cgradually Dstrangely解析:找了半天只看到一只兔子,“突然(suddenly)”传

16、来了脚步声符合语境。答案:B14A.listened Bcried Cwaited Dwatched答案:C15A.close Bfamiliar Cblind Dharmful解析:由下文When the animal.he jumped out of his hiding place可知,Gilbert“等(waited)”到动物离他很“近(close)”了才出手攻击。答案:A16A.stone Bwall Ctree Dground答案:D17A.defeated BbotheredCfrightened Dhurt解析:由下段的Gilbert was soon on his feet

17、again可知,这只动物把Gilbert摔倒在“地(ground)”上,但他一点儿都没有“受伤(hurt)”。答案:D18A.annoyed Bashamed Cnervous Dexcited解析:看到自己抓的不是狼,而是小牛犊,Gilbert很“羞愧(ashamed)”。答案 BcuriousCcourageous Dlucky答案:C20A.faced Bavoided Cchose Daccepted解析:由You are my hero可知,妈妈认为Gilbert是“勇敢的(courageous)”,因为他“面对了(faced)”自己认为是危险的事情。答案:A.

18、阅读理解The media provides us with the observations and experiences from which we build up our personal understanding of the world and how it works.Much of our view of reality is based on media messages.The media,to a great extent,gives us our sense of reality.Freedom of the media carries with it certai

19、n responsibilities of honesty,fairness,accuracy and accountability.The power of the media to create and destroy human values comes with great responsibility.The media is powerful in the political system,having great influence on politics and on forming social change.The power is to decide who will c

20、ommunicate what to whom.Television can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of his or her image.Professional journalists do have a code of ethics (道德标准)Journalists make a judgment about whats safe and appropriate to report,which often involves difficult choices.German soc

21、iologist Max Weber distinguishes between “ethics of conviction” and “ethics of responsibility”According to the latter (ethics of responsibility),journalists must take into account the foreseeable consequences of their reporting,and the impact it will have on society.The former,on the other hand,asks

22、 journalists to tell the truth,regardless of the consequences.According to Weber,both ideas of ethics should be considered.Without doubt,information is power,and the big owners of the mass media are very powerful people.Television and radio stations,newspapers,magazines,and websites are,largely,owne

23、d and controlled by profitmaking businesses.It is not strange that their ideas will get promoted at times.It is my view that such power and responsibility should never be left in the hands of a few.I believe it is our responsibility as concerned citizens to make sure we are not merely passive viewer

24、s,readers or listeners.Together we can have a huge influence on the media by making our views known.语篇解读媒体对公众的价值观、对整个社会有着很大的影响,因此应肩负起相应的责任。1Whats the first paragraph mainly about?AResponsibilities of the media.BInfluence of the media.CHistory of the media.DProblems of the media.解析:主旨大意题。第一段主要介绍的是媒体是

25、如何影响公众的。答案:B2We can learn from the third paragraph that_.Athe media is more interested in politics than other fieldsBforming social change is the main duty of the mediaCthe great power of the media is controlled by political figuresDthe media can affect politics by forming political figuresimages解析:

26、推理判断题。从第三段的最后一句Television can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of his or her image.可知D项正确。答案:D3Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AThe mass media should be owned by the government.BThe media industry has developed into a new age in rece

27、nt years.CIn most cases,journalists are more powerful than the owners of the media.DThe media tends to promote the ideas of their owners sometimes.解析:细节理解题。从第五段的最后一句It is not strange that their ideas will get promoted at times.可知D项正确。答案:D4In the writers opinion,citizens should_.Atrust the mass media

28、Bbecome an influence on the mediaCknow how the media worksDtry to report news themselves解析:推理判断题。从最后一段的it is our responsibility as concerned citizens to make sure we are not merely passive viewers,readers or listeners.Together we can have a huge influence on the media by making our views known.可知B项正确。答案:B

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