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1、高考英语北师大版一轮复习Unit2夯实训练含答案2017高考英语北师大版一轮复习Unit 2夯实训练含答案高考题型提能练(二)Unit 2阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify (识别)those of _1_(great)and less importance.Then, handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a r

2、eal sense of _2_ (achieve)Leaving the less important things until tomorrow _3_ (be) often acceptable.Most of us are more focused _4_our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.So, get an early start and try to be as productive _5_ possible before lunch.This will give you the confidence you

3、 need to get you through the afternoon and go home feeling accomplished.Recent _6_(study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks_7_(regular)Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for_8_while, exercising, or dong something you enjoy.If you find something you

4、 love doing outside of the office, youll be less likely _9_ (bring) your work home.It could be anythinggardening, cooking, music, sportsbut whatever it is,_10_ (make) sure its a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍的是当我们在工作中感到压力巨大时,应该如何合理释放这些压力。内容涉及处理最重

5、要的事情;上午多做工作;工作期间定期休息等。1greater考查形容词的比较级。根据后面的and less可知,此处也要用比较级形式。2achievement考查名词的用法。介词of后要用名词作宾语。固定表达a sense of achievement成就感。3is考查主谓一致和时态。本句的主语为动名词短语leaving the less.,动名词作主语谓语要用单数第三人称形式,且这里说的是一个客观事实,故要用is。4on考查介词的用法。很多人早晨的注意力要比晚些时候的注意力更集中。固定短语be focused on专心于,集中于。5as考查固定表达。正是因为人们早晨的注意力更为集中,所以我们

6、要早起,要和午饭之前一样高效率。固定表达 possible尽可能6studies考查名词的复数。根据后面的谓语动词show可知,主语应该是复数形式。7regularly考查副词的用法。如果我们定期休息的话。此处修饰动词短语take short breaks,故要用副词形式。8a考查不定冠词的用法。让你的身体和思想休息一会。固定表达for a while一会儿。9to bring考查不定式的用法。固定表达be likely to do.很可能做某事。10make考查祈使句中的动词。根据句子结构可知,此处为祈使句,故谓语要用动词原形。.阅读理解AThe owner of a missin

7、g cat is asking for help. “My baby has been missing for over a month now, and I want him back so badly,” said Mrs. Brown, a 56yearold woman. Mrs. Brown lives by herself in a park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7yearold cat, didnt come home for dinner more than a month ago. The next morning he

8、 didnt appear for breakfast, either. After Clyde missed an extraspecial lunch, she called the police. When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of his left ear, and was seven years old and completely white

9、.“Is Clyde your child or your pet?” the officer asked. “Well, hes my cat.” Mrs. Brown replied. “Lady, you should report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS!” said the annoyed policeman. “You can ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers.” Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better

10、 than an 811 piece of paper on a telephone pole. There was an empty billboard at the end of her street just off the highway, with a phone number on it. She called that number, and they told her they could put up a picture of Clyde on the billboard for all to see. They told her it would cost only ¥3

11、000 a month. So she took most of the money out of her savings account and rented the billboard for a month. The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared.Because she has almost no money in savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for just o

12、ne more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。一个老太太的宠物猫丢失一个多月了,她就此请求大家给予帮助。1The underlined word “flyers” in the second paragraph probably means _.Aposters Bpilots Cbillboards Dnewspapers答案:A词义猜测题。警察建议Mrs. Brown “put up flyers”,再根据文章第二段倒数第二句“Mrs. Brown figured t

13、hat a billboard would work a lot better than an 811 piece of paper on a telephone pole.”可推知,flyer指的是“an 811 piece of paper on a telephone pole”,故答案A海报,符合文义。2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AThe police officer thought that Clyde was Mrs. Browns child.BMrs. Brown put

14、 up an 811 piece of paper on a telephone pole.CClyde had kept Mrs. Brown company for seven years in total.DSomeone rented the billboard for Mrs. Brown for one month.答案:A细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句“Lady, you should report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS! said the annoyed policeman”可知,答案A符合文义。should此处表示惊讶。3It

15、can be inferred from the passage that _.Athe billboard off the highway costs $ 3 000 a monthBthe neighbors helped Mrs. Brown to put up flyersCMrs. Brown doesnt give up the hope of finding ClydeDClyde only had half of his left ear but had all his teeth答案:C推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句“The owner of a missing cat i

16、s asking for help.”和对文章最后两段的整体理解可以推断出,Mrs. Brown并没有放弃寻找宠物猫,故答案C符合文义。4What is probably the best title for the passage?AA Nearby Billboard BClyde and Mrs. BrownCA Missing Cat DPersons or Cats答案:C标题概括题。根据文章第一段第一句“The owner of a missing cat is asking for help.”的开篇点题和对全文的整体理解可知,本文主要讲的是一个老太太寻找一只丢失的猫的相关信息,

17、故答案C符合文义。B(2016陕西省九校联考)More than 4 in 10 cancers 600,000 in the UK alone could be prevented if people led healthier lives, say experts. The population of the UK is about 63,000,000.Latest figures from Cancer Research UK show smoking is the biggest avoidable risk factor, followed by unhealthy diets.

18、The charity advises people to live healthily, limit alcohol intake and do regular exercise.According to the figures from 2007 to 2011, more than 300,000 cases of cancer recorded were linked to smoking. A further 145,000 were linked to unhealthy diets containing too much processed food. Obesity contr

19、ibuted to 88,000 cases and alcohol to 62,200. Sun damage to the skin and physical inactivity were also contributing factors.Professor Max Parkin, a Cancer Research UK statistician, says, “Theres now little doubt that certain lifestyle choices can have a big influence on cancer risk, with research ar

20、ound the world all pointing to the same key risk factors.”“Of course everyone wants to enjoy some extra treats during the Christmas holidays so we dont want to ban beef pies and wine but its a good time to think about taking up some healthy habits.”“Leading a healthy lifestyle cant guarantee someone

21、 wont get cancer but we_can_stack_the_odds_in_our_favour by taking positive steps.”Public Health England says a healthy lifestyle can play an important role in reducing cancer risk. It says campaigns such as Smokefree, Dry January and Change4Life Sugar Swaps all aim to raise public awareness. Its im

22、portant that we not only continue to make progress in noticing cancer earlier and improving treatments, but helping people understand how they can reduce their risk of developing cancer in the first place remains important in dealing with cancer.1.Which of the following is the third biggest avoidabl

23、e cancer factor?A.Obesity.B.Alcohol intake.C. Unhealthy diets. D.Physical inactivity.2.According to Professor Max Parkin, _.A.its OK to drink wine during festivalsB.the causes of cancer are still unclear nowC.unhealthy food should be completely bannedD.a healthy lifestyle will protect us from cancer

24、3.By saying the underlined words in Paragraph 6, Professor Max Parkin means we othersB.improve our cancer earlyD.decrease our cancer risk4.Whats the main idea of the text?A.Most cancers are caused by smoking.B.Cancer is greatly linked to our lifestyle.C.There are differen

25、t factors that lead to cancer.D.Public awareness should be raised to prevent cancer.1.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,可避免的致癌因素中排名第一的是吸烟,第二是不健康的饮食,第三是肥胖,第四是喝酒。2解析:选A细节理解题。根据第五段中的“everyone wants to enjoy some extra treats during the Christmas holidays so we dont want to ban beef pies and wine”可知,Max Parkin 教授虽然极

26、力倡导健康的生活方式,但他认为节假日期间少量喝酒还是可以的。3解析:选D句意理解题。根据第四段中的“certain lifestyle choices can have a big influence on cancer risk”可知,生活方式的选择对得癌症的几率有很大的影响。因此,健康的生活方式虽然不能确保我们不得癌症,但可以“降低我们得癌症的几率”。4解析:选B主旨大意题。本文前三段通过数据等说明可避免的致癌因素的前几名都跟生活方式有关,第四、五、六段引用 Max Parkin 教授的话进一步证明了生活方式与癌症之间的关系,最后一段通过英国公共卫生局的官方发言再一次说明了健康的生活方式可

27、以降低得癌症的几率。故选B项。 CIndia has a very vast history and heritage(遗产). The country has witnessed some of the most important events in the past and every event has an effect of its own on the culture, religion, lifestyle, and economy of the country. This is one of the leading reasons why tourists prefer In

28、dia to travel and explore. Historical tours in India provide everything that a traveler expects from his/her journey. These historical tours give an opportunity to study and explore Indian history.Historical tours of India generally consisted of four phases: ancient, medieval(中世纪的), modern India and

29、 contemporary(当代的)India. Some of the historical travel packages are:Forts and PalacesThe rich cultural past of India is reflected in the countless forts(堡垒)and palaces across the country. Most of the forts were constructed as a defense device to keep the enemy away and palaces were made on the names

30、 of the kings and queens. Some of the famous forts and palaces are: Agra Fort (Agra), Fatehpur Sikri (Agra), Hawa Mahal (Jaipur), Amber Fort (Jaipur), City Palace (Jaipur), Gwalior Fort (Gwalior), Mysore Palace (Mysore), Red Fort (Delhi), etc.India Heritage ToursThe main purpose of India Heritage to

31、urs is to make Indians as well as tourists familiar with the rich Indian legacy(遗产). The heritage of the country is at least 5000 years. Some of the heritage tours are: medieval heritage, Rajput heritage, Golden Triangle, splendid Gujarat, etc.South India Historical ToursThe Southern India is known

32、for its diversity and there are many places, whic(景区) in South India include Goa, Cochin, Kerala, Munnar, Periyar, Kottayam and the list goes on and on.1The main purpose of this passage is .A. to report some important events in the history of IndiaB. to introduce some tours that can explore the history of IndiaC. to help study the culture

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