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1、新目标英语八年级下unit5教学设计新目标英语八年级下教师用导案课题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?课时Section A (1a_1c) Period 1主备人李强复备人备注教学目标1 掌握单词:rainstorm, alarm, go off, begin, heavily, suddenlly2 句 型:What were you doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? I was reading in the library.教学重点1.一般过去进行时的概念,结构及

2、运用。2 句 型:What were you doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? I was reading in the library.教学难点 一般过去时与过去进行时的用法比较。课前预习1 跟磁带预读单词rainstorm, alarm, go off, begin, heavily, suddenlly2读读译译:on the street 在街上 in the library在图书馆wait for 等候 at the time of 在.时侯 walk home步行回家 知识链接引入请学生看主题图先从用现在进行时看图说话的方式

3、导入过去进行时。学法指导以旧带新导入新课,展开讲解实际操练法,小组活动问答练习法。 教学内容与环节任务一:自主学习 1以小组形式检查预习作业。2听磁带学习单词,学生跟磁带齐声朗读多次,学生之间互读互查。3看主题图用现在进行时看图说话导入新课,完成1a核对答案。任务二:合作探究 共同学习1过去进行时的概念,结构。概念:表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。结构:肯定式:主语 + was/were +v. ing+ 其他。否定式:主语 wasnt/werent+v.-ing+ 其他一般疑问句:Was/Were +主语 +v.-ing+ 其他? 回答:Yes, 主语 +was/were; No

4、, 主语 +wasnt/werent常用的时间状语: at that time, this time yesterday, at the time that moment, at ten oclock last night, When + 一般过去式的状语从语等。2 播放录音三遍, 完成1b并核对答案。3 利用主题图进行口语对话练习。任务三:共同探究,突破难点1 一般过去时与过去进行的用法比较:一般过去时表示过去发生的动作,多侧重与动作已完成。过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一时段内发生的动作,强调动作正在进行。2一般过去时与过去进行的时间状语法比较:一般过去时的时间状语:a mo

5、ment ago yesterday, last night, an hour ago, just now, during the night等课堂小结学习了一般过去进行时的概念,结构。操练了句型。共同探究了一般过去时与过去进行时的用法比较和一般过去时与过去进行的时间状语法比较。达标测评基础演练 一:译一译1 暴风雨来时你在做什么?What_wereyou_doing_when the rainstorm_came_?那时,我正在等公交车。I_was_ _waiting_for the bus at that time.昨天下午四点我们没有上体育课。_werent_ _having_a PE

6、class at four yesterday afternoon.当老师来的时候,你们正在听音乐吗? 没有._Were_ you _listening_to the music when the teacher came? _No_, _we_werent_.能力提升:二:用所给词的适当形式填空:1 What were _you_doing_(do) yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? I _was_ _reading_(read)at the library after school.2 What _was_the boy_doing_(do)

7、at that moment yesterday? He_is waiting_(wait) for the bus.3 What_was_Alice_doing_(do) at three oclock yesterday afternoon? She_was_ _shopping_(shop).Were you at home at 8 oclock last night?Yes, I_was_ _taking_(take) a shower at that time.I first saw Lucy two days ago. She _was_working_(work) in a f

8、actory at that time.板书设计Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Words:rainstorm, alarm, go off, begin, heavily, suddenllySentence:What were you doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? I was reading in the library.作业1 熟记单词。2 听课本二十分钟。3 模仿1c 写五组问答句。教学反思新目标英语八年级下教师用导案课题Unit 5 What were

9、you doing when the rainstorm came?课时Section A (2a_2d) Period 2主备人李强复备人备注教学目标1掌握单词:pick up, strange, storm, wind, light, report, area, wood, 2 听辩动词词组,听辨过去进行时,谈论过去的事情。教学重点听辩动词词组,听辨过去进行时,谈论过去的事情。教学难点区别when和while课前预习1预读单词: pick up, strange, storm, wind, light, report, area, wood,2翻译词组: look for_寻找_ go o

10、ff_发出响声_ wake up_醒来_take a hot shower_洗热水澡_ begin to do sth_开始做事_ pick up拾起,接电话_知识链接引入口述复习过去进行时的概念,结构导入新课。通过听说运用过去进行时。学法指导对比总结法,区分一般过去时态和过去进行时态when 和 while的区别教学内容与环节任务一:自主学习1检查预习作业,互查预读的单词。2 跟磁带朗读单词。3 小组对话练习1c.任务二: 听力训练1播放2a两遍,学生试着概括理解的听力内容。2 再听2a一遍完成2a的任务核对答案。3第四次播放录音完成2b的任务,核对答案。任务三:合作学习1 根据2a听力分角

11、色进行2c对话。2 提出问题What was Linda doing at seven?At eight? At nine? 快速阅读2d对话,找到问题答案。自行组织对话3 播放2d对话录音,学生分角色模仿朗读并表演对话。任务四:共同探究When和while 的区别:when既可以表示某一时刻又可以表示某一时段时间When引导的时间状语从句的动词既可以是延续性动词,又可以是非延续动词,when引导的时间状语从句的时态的时态如果是一般过去时,主句通常用过去进行时。While表是某一段时间里的情况,故其引导的从句中的动词必须是延续性课堂小结本节课主要进行了听力训练,通过听辨动词词组理解文章意思。辨

12、析了When和while 的区别。达标测评基础演练单项选择1 My sister C her book in the classroom when her teacher came in. A read B reads C was reading D is reading2 B ? He was reading English when we came in. A What did Tom do B What was Tom doing C What is Tom doing D What does Tom do3 My alarm clock didnt D this morning. I

13、was late for school. A work out B go on C break down D go off4 D I was studying in the library, Mike called me. A Before B What C How D While5 Lisa, I called you just now. Where were you? Sorry, I C a shower A take B am taking C was taking D am in 6 He stood up to see what B outside.A happen B was h

14、appening C was happened D were happening 能力提升:用when,while填空:1When the thief was in the museum, I called the police.2 The boy was walking down the street when the plane landed.3 While the foreigner was visiting the village, the boy was calling the TV Station.4 I was cleaning my room when the fire bro

15、ke out.5 While_Linda was shouting(大喊) his name, some people looked at her.6 When Lucy finally saw Dave, he was playing with a dog.7 Jack was cooking when I saw him.8 While we were having dinner, the telephone rang.9 We were reading books while they were watch TV yesterday.10 While the girl was shopp

16、ing, the policeman got out板书设计Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A (2a_2d) Period 2Words:pick up, strange, storm, wind, light, report, area, wood, 区别:when和while作业1 背会2d2 听2a二十分钟。3 写35句子用过去进行时。教学反思新目标英语八年级下教师用导案课题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came ?课时Section A

17、( 3a_3c) Period 3主备人李强复备人备注教学目标 掌握单词:window. flash light, match, beat, against, asleep, fall asleep,die down, rise fallen, apart,教学重点掌握课文短语:fall asleep, die down, make the sky dark, feel like, make sure, have fun, in a mess, break sth. apart ,try to do sth , clean up,教学难点重点语法:1 make 的用法,2 It is + ad

18、i + to do. 3 although的用法 4 feel like的用法。5try to do sth的用法课前预习1 听磁带预读单词2 听磁带预读课文了解大意。知识链接引入本节课已阅读形式练习过去进行时,更进一步的在文中运用过去进行时。学法指导粗读浏览法,初步学习快速阅读标题和首句的方法,掌握内容概要,提高阅读速度。教学内容与环节任务一:自主学习1以小组形式检查预习作业。2跟磁带模仿语音语调多次朗读单词。任务二:合作学习1 听课文录音根据标题和插图预测文章内容。2 学生快读读课文画出下列短:fall asleep, die down, make the sky dark, feel l

19、ike, make sure,have fun, in a mess, break sth. apart ,try to do sth , clean up,3 以小组形式再次阅读课文回答问题What was the weather like before the heavy rain started?What was the neightborbord like after the storm?What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?4 以小组形式讨论3c鼓励学生口语表达。任务三: 突破难点,交流展示1 make 的用法:make +

20、 sth制作. make + sth +adj 使.怎样 make sb do sth 使某人做某事2 It is + adi + to do. 做某事怎样eg: It is easy to learn Enlis3 although虽然.但是,引导让步状语从句。4 feel like 感觉像.feel like + ing 想要做某事5 try to do sth 努力做某事,试图做某事 try doing sth 尝试做某事课堂小结本节课通过阅读,了解短文大意,掌握了短语,交流了重难点。达标测评基础演练:根据句意完成句子:1 Until the strong wind_died_down_

21、(减弱) they didnt go out2 I _fell asleep_(睡着)when the wind was dying down.3 After school, we should _try to play sports_(设法参加运动)4 The rain began to _beat heavily against_(重重的敲打)the windows.5 Tom is too lazy. His room is_ in a mess_(一团糟)。能力提升:Wu Jun lives in Yuyao, Zhejiang. Last year a strong_storm hi

22、t his hometown. Wu Jun could hear strong wind_outside his home. Black coulds were making the sky very dark. With no light_outsideit felt like midnight. The news on TV reported_that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.They were having dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against_the windows. Afte

23、r dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard_to have fun with a serious storm happening outside Wu Jun could not sleep_at first. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying_down at around 3:00 a.m. When he woke up, the sun was rising_. He went outside with his family and found the ne

24、ighborhood in a mess. Fallen trees, broken_ windows and rubbish were everywhere They joined the neighbors to help clean the neighborhood together. 板书设计Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? Section A ( 3a_3c) Period 3掌握单词:window. flash light, match, beat, against, asleep, fall asleep,d

25、ie down, rise fallen, apart,掌握课文短语:fall asleep, die down, make the sky dark, feel like, make sure, have fun, in a mess, break sth. apart ,try to do sth , clean up,作业1 听3a二十分钟2 记忆短语 3用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. His words made the girl_feel_(feel) sad.2. Today morning Lucy felt like_eating_(eat) bread and eggs.3.

26、 His mother_put_ (put) some candles and matches on the table.4. When the rain begin to beat_heavily_ (heavy), the boy was reading in the library.5. It was difficult_to work_(walk) in the strong wind.6What_happened_(happen) while you were waiting for the bus?教学反思新目标英语八年级下教师用导案课题Unit 5 What were you d

27、oing when the rainstorm came?课时Section A (Grammar Focus_4c) Period 4主备人李强复备人备注教学目标1学习单词:icy ,kid, realize, make ones way, passage, pupil, completely2 熟练运用Grammar Focus教学重点整理过去进行运用Grammar Focus教学难点运用when和while课前预习1预读单词 :icy ,kid, realize, make ones way, passage, pupil, completely2 总结过去进行时知识链接引入复习Sect

28、ion A 的语法知识点,然后整理运用更多的练习。学法指导复习归纳过去进行时教学内容与环节任务一;自主学习1 学生互相检查预读的单词。2 以小组形式落实检查3a的短语。任务二:合作学习1 学生齐读Grammar Focus表格中的例句。2 再以小组形式问答朗读Grammar Focus表格中的例句。3 指到学生观察例句归纳过去进行时太的构成特点。任务三:交流展示:1 以小组形式按要求完成4b核对答案然后朗读。2 学生根据示范回答4c将回答中的谓语动词原型填入表格。3 两人一组示范练习对话完成4c表格。课堂小结本节课以复习为主归纳总结了过去进行时和while与when的用法。并做了口语和笔头练习

29、。达标测评基础演练:用when 或 while填空:1 Please dont talk so loud_while_people are working.2 While_you were watching, I was reading a book.3 He was sleeping late _when_ his father came.4 _While_the girl was playing the piano, I was dancing.5 _While_the alien(外星人) was visiting the museum, the boy called the TV station. 单项选择(A)1.-I went to see you yesterday evenin

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