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本文(版一轮复习英语外研版单元检测三十八HighlightsofMySeniorYeardoc.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、版一轮复习英语外研版单元检测三十八HighlightsofMySeniorYeardoc单元检测(三十八) Highlights of My Senior Yeari .阅读理解My mother is a talented dressmake匚 When I was a child, I would lose myself in her pattern books I liked the pictures of children,s clothes they gave me ideas for making dresses for my dolls. I liked cutting a ho

2、le in a piece of cloth for the dolls head and tying a belt around its waist. Perhaps that was why my mother sent me to the French sewing classFrench sewing was taught by Mademoiselle Lambert on Friday afternoons She also taught us the French language So we called the stitches (缝去)by their French nam

3、es I dicin t have any trouble with that. I was a star in French class.French sewing, however, was another matter. Sewing is a skill that requires the quality I always need: patience. Eveiy Friday I suffered. I had to go to Mademoiselle Lambert and had her correct my mistakes. I watched sadly as, wit

4、h a slight frown (皱肩),she carefully repaired my ugly sewing work. This was Mademoiselle Lambert in a different situation. I missed her energetic Great! ” after I successfully translated a passage in French. All I got now was a tired OK as she handed back my work.Gradually, I realized that some other

5、 girls who suffered from reading in French could make perfect French knots (法式花结),with which I never had the patience Many times Mademoiselle Lambert smiled at their works and praised, Great! ” In French sewing class, they were the stars And so I understood how they felt in French class when the_wor

6、d wouldn,t come.Now, r m satisfied that 1 could sew well enough to complete easy patterns, though 1 could never sew like my mothe匚语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者小时候学了一门法语缝纫课程。虽然她在缝纫 课上表现得很差,但是她的法语学得很好。相反,有的学生法语学得不好,但缝纫课却学得 很好,这让作者明白一个道理:每个人都有自己独特的天賦。1 The author was sent to the French sewing class because she se

7、emed to be good atA. reading booksC. drawing pictur解析:选B推理判断题。第一段中讲到作者的母亲是一位很有天赋的裁缝。作者小时 候喜欢给她的玩偶做衣服,这展鎔出的是她的缝纫天赋,所以她才被母亲送去上法语缝纫课。2. In the French sewing class, the author suffered because .A. she could only create ugly sewing worksB Mademoiselle Lambert was extremely strictC. she always made mistak

8、es when reading in FrenchD. she was impatient at remembering the names of stitches解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,在上缝纫课的时候,作者的缝纫活 儿做得总是很差,每次都得去找老师修理她丑陋的作品,这让作者很痛苦。3. The underlined part “the word in the passage refers to “ A. the French name of a stitchB. the name of a girlC. GreatD. OK解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段可知,

9、作者的法语学得好,经常获得老师的 夸赞“Great。但是,她的缝纫课学得一团糟,每次老师帮她修理完作品后,老师都只勉强 说声“0K。同样,有的学生缝纫活儿做得好,但是法语学得不好,所以她们在法语课上都 很期待得到老师的好评“Great。4. What lesson did the author learn from the French sewing class?A. It was a waste of time for impatient people to sewB Talent and patience are the two great qualitiesC Praise makes

10、good students better.D Everyone has different talents解析:选D 推理判断题。作者通过上缝纫课和法语课的经历懂得一个道理:每个人都 有自己独特的天赋。BMany studies have shown that students learn in different ways and that good results can be achieved if they are taught by a teachi ng method that suits them best Similarly, students performance vari

11、es in what types of test they are given. Therefore, it may seem reasonable to give students the chance to choose how they wish to be tested However, this would mean teachers would be forced to prepare many different methods of assessment for the exact same material. Teachers are already very busy, c

12、reating tests, grading, coming up with interesting lesson plans, teaching classes, not to mention holding parent teacher conferences, and creating new tests would only add to their burden.Another Simin teachers would have to face is how to grade fairly and objectively if students were tested on the

13、same material in a variety of ways For instance, how do you compare a student who wrote an essay on one small topic of a book to another who answered every multiple choice question correctly over the entire book? Maybe the student who wrote the essay only read a small part of it in depth enough so t

14、hat they could write the essay. But perhaps the student taking the multiple choice test only had a base understanding of the book and couldnt write a critical essay about something in ilThis is not to say, however, that students should be graded in the same manner every time. This would be equally u

15、nfair as again, different students test better when assessed by different methods. Therefore, teachers need to be sure to give essay tests, multiple choice tests, as well as other multi-media (多媒体)projects to assess their students Just not over the same material. This gives students the opport unity

16、 to show off their abilities and make up for tasks that they,re not good at. For instanee, a student that is a bad test taker could make up for their grade with a well-performed project. Another option is to provide students with extra credit opportunities. As such, students could be allowed to choo

17、se the method in which they wish to complete their extra credit. If a student is a strong essay writer, they could write an extra essay to make up for their poor test grade. This would allow students to compensate for poor grades in areas in which they arerf t as accomplished语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。不同的学生所擅长的考

18、试方式不尽相同,那么是否应该 让学生自己选择考试方式呢?作者对此问题展开讨论。5. We know from Paragraph 1 that if students could choose how they are tested, teacherswould A have more workB lose their authorityC. change their lesson plansD prepare more testing materials解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“However, this would mean teachers . the exact sam

19、e material/和creating new tests would only add to their burden5可知,如果让学生自己选 择考试方式,那么意味着老师要对同样的考试内容设计不同的考试方式,工作量必然加大。6. What does the underlined word strain in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Possibility. B. Difficulty.C. Approach D. Hesitation.解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的how to grade fairly and objectively if students wer

20、e tested on the same material in a variety of ways可知,如果让学生自己选择考试方式的 话,如何公正客观地评价是老师面临的另一个“困难” O7. The author writes the last paragraph in order to A draw a conclusion B offer suggestionsC. predict the future D. prove his point解析:选B 写作意图题。根据最后一段中的“Teachers need to be sure to give essay tests ”和“Anothe

21、r option is to provide students with extra credit opportunities/, 本段主要 对“让学生自己选择考试方式”如何操作提出了两点建议。8. Where is the text most probably taken from?C. A news report. D. An education magazine.解析:选D 文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文主要围绕“让学生自己选择考试方式” 展开讨论,属于教育的范畴。故选D。II .完形填空One of my fondest memories as a child is going by

22、the river and sitting leisurely on the _!_ There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, 2 the water rush downstream and listen to the birdsong and the sound of leaves I would also watch the bamboos 、 under the pressure of wind and watch them return 4 to their original position after the wind had 56 I th

23、ink about the bamboos ability to return to its 7 position, the word resilience comes to my mind When used _8_ a person, this word means the ability to readily 9 shock, depression or any other situations that a persons emotions to the limit.Have you ever felt like you are about to 1 ? Have you ever f

24、elt like you are at yourbreaking point? Thankfully, you have 12 the experience and live to talk about it. During the experience you probably felt a mix of _13_ that threatened your health You felt emotionally drained, mentally 14 and you most likely endured unpleasant physical symptoms.Life is a 5 o

25、f good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time you are 16 those bad times or unhappy moments _17_ take you close to your breaking point, bend, but don,t break Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.A measure of hope will take you the unpleasant tortu

26、re. With hope for a bettertomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant torture may be easier to 9 if the end result is worth having. When the going gets tough and you are at your breaking 20 , show resilience. Like the bamboos, bend, but don t break.语篇解

27、读:我最美好的记忆就是沿着河边散步,然后悠闲地坐在岸边聆听鸟鸣和风吹竹 叶的声音,层层竹林在风的吹动下弯腰但又完好无损地回到原来的位置,由此我悟出一个道 理:人应该像竹子一样能屈能伸,优雅而对生活中的挑战。1. A.chair B. beachC bank D. boat解析:选C 根据空格前的“going by the river可知,此处表示悠闲地坐在岸边,所以选 Co2. A.taste B. watchC. dive D- hit解析:选B 根据后文“I would also watch the bamboos可知,此处为原词复现,所以选3. BoB. breakA.bendC. gr

28、ow D. change解析:选A 根据文章最后一句t4Like the bamboos, bend, but don* t break/X人生就要像竹 子一样弯曲但不折断)可知,此处表示竹子在风的作用下弯曲。此处为原词复现,所以选A。4. A.proudly B. gracefullyC. painfully D. peacefully解析:选B 根据语境可知,此处表示竹子在风平息后又优雅地回到了原来的位置,所 以选 Bo proudly 骄傲地” ;gracefully 优雅地;painfully 令人痛苦地:peacefully 安 静地”。5. A.died out B. died o

29、fC. died down D. died off解析:选C 此处表示风平息后竹子恢复到原来的位置,所以选C。die out 灭绝”; die of “死于” ;die down “逐渐平息” ;dieoff相继死去”。6. A.When B. WhileC. Since D. If解析:选A 当我想起竹子有能力回到它原来位置的时候,“resilience这个单词便出现 在了我的脑海中。think是非延续性动词,所以此处应用when引字时间状语从句,意为 “当时候”,故选A。7. A.traditional B. personalC. occasional D. original解析:选D 根

30、据前X4tto their original position可知,此处为原词复现,表示回到原来 的位置,所以选Do traditional “传统的” ;personal “个人的” ;occasional u偶然的”; original 原来的。8. reference to B. in the hope ofC. in private D. in brief解析:选 A 根据后文this word means the ability to readily 9 shock, depression or any other situations that _10 a person

31、* s emotions to the limil可知,此处作 者由物及人,说 明了当用来指人的时候,这个单词意味着什么。所以选A o in reference to 关于:in the hope of “抱着的希望” ;in private 私下地” ;in brief “简言之”。9. A.recover from B. escape fromC. run into D. bring out解析:选A 根据语境可知,此处表示人从震惊、沮丧或其他情形中恢复,所以选A。 recover from 从 中恢复;escape from 从 逃脱” ;nin into 撞上” ;bring out“

32、使显现” O10. A.expand B. stretchC widen D. spread解析:选B 根据语境可知,此处表示从震惊、沮丧或者让一个人的情感消耗殆尽的其 他情形中恢复,所以选B。expand 扩大,扩展” ;stretch (大量地)使用,消耗,伸展”; widen 加宽” ;spread 传播,展开。11. A.ignore B. splitC burst out D break down解析:选D 根据语境可知,此处表示你曾经感觉到你即将垮掉了吗,所以选D。后文 中的“breaking point也是提示。ignore u忽视,对 不予理会:split 分开,分裂” ;burst out “突然激动地喊叫,突然开始(做某事)” ;breakdown “垮掉”。12. A.reflected B. survivedC.

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