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选修 6 Unit 3 Healthy Life.docx

1、选修 6 Unit 3 Healthy LifeUnit Three A Healthy Life国家课程标准国家课程标准语言技能目标1. 关注健康问题,认识到抽烟、吸毒的危害性,了解HIV/AIDS及预防知识。2. 学习有关健康和HIV/AIDS的词汇。3. 学会表达禁止、警告和允许的日常交际用语。4. 进一步巩固it作为形式主语、宾语和表示时间、距离、天气和环境等的作用。5. 学习写劝告信。语言知识目标1. 功能禁止、警告和允许(prohibition, warning and permission)Dont Do Dont forget to Its not a good idea to

2、 I wonder if I could smoke here.You should (not) You dont have to Mind you head/step!Would/Do you mind if I ?It would be a good idea to Its OK/ all right to Is it OK if I ?2. 语法 it的用法 (The use of “it”) (1) It is amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon. It

3、is not easy to stop smoking. It is no good crying over spilt milk. It is a beautiful day. It is 10 kilometers to the castle.3. 词汇及短语必会: abuse stress ban due to automatic mental effect strengthen decide on feel like (doing) desperate disappointed ashamed in spite of take risks ( a risk) get into at r

4、isk awkward了解:cigarette alcohol alcoholic adolescent adolescence tough addicted addicted to accustom accustomed to withdrawal automatically mentally quit lung pregnant abnormal breathless unfit packet chemist comprehension etc appendix illegal pill survival sex needle male female prejudice judgement

5、 abortion cigar embarrassed认识:fitness sexual obesity nicotine bad-tempered resolve relaxation gum chewing gum weaken robbery slippery HIV AIDS SARS immune fluid inject injection spill condom homosexual disco 学习策略目标1. 认知策略:总结语言材料中有关it的用法,并结合语境加以应用。2. 自主合作探究策略:在各个学习活动中进行结伴或分组讨论,结对或组内交流、总结,共同研究发现问题、解决问

6、题,及时总结学习收获本单元的学习的主要的语言知识:重点动词、动词短语、其它常见表达方式和新出现的句子结构。3. 交际策略:以学生同伴、小组活动培养学生交际策略,学会表达建议和帮助。4. 资源策略:学习有效使用课外资源,如网络或图书馆查找有关健康的知识以及预防艾滋病的意义。情感态度目标远离有损健康的活动,并养成良好的生活习惯。树立对待HIV/AIDS病人的正确态度。教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学内容建议教学活动建议教学活动建议教学活动建议单元整体教学分析本单元的中心话题是“健康生活”。听说读

7、写等活动主要围绕如何摒弃恶习、怎样成为健康人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟、吸毒、艾滋病、学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们远离有损身体健康的活动,并养成良好的生活习惯。 Warming up部分主要围绕健康问题(health issues) 和真正健康的人(a truly healthy person)展开讨论。随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人们越来越关注健康问题,通过热身讨论,让学生懂得:一个真正健康的人不仅要体格健壮,而且要心智健全。“热身”部分提供了以下有关健康的话题:Cigarette smoking (抽烟)、Drinking

8、alcohol (饮酒)、Drug abuse(吸毒)、Diet(饮食)、Physical fitness(健美)、Sexual health(性健康)、Stress(压力)、Obesity(肥胖)。 Pre-reading这部分提供了四个讨论题,主要让学生明白“抽烟有害于健康”这一道理。中国是一个抽烟大国,我们周围有许多人抽烟。有的人知道抽烟有害,但明知故犯,或由于生活习惯与压力,或由于周围环境与应酬的需要等,他们还为抽烟找出许多借口。练习实际讨论:1. 为什么有些人要抽烟?2. 抽烟有哪些危害? Reading 这部分是爷爷写给孙子的一封信,信中82岁的爷爷提到:他之所以能长寿和充满活力,

9、主要得益于他健康的生活方式。爷爷年轻的时候也抽过烟,甚至上过瘾,因此他知道上瘾容易戒烟难,并以亲身体会向孙子说明上瘾的原因、抽烟的危害和戒烟的方法,告诫孙子把烟戒掉。上瘾的原因有三个:1. 尼古丁的药物作用;2. 习惯的驱动力量;3. 精神上的依赖性。抽烟的危害有:1. 伤害心脏和肺;2. 不孕和影响婴儿健康;3. 影响身边部抽烟人的健康;4. 味道难闻;5. 手指发黄;6. 跑步速度慢;7. 不喜欢运动。戒烟的方法:1. 制定计划;2. 下定决心;3. 破除旧习;4. 学习自我放松;5. 必要时请求帮助;6. 坚持不懈。 Comprehending这部分提供了三项练习。练习1是 表格填空,主

10、要检查学生对课文内容的理解。练习2为讨论题,主要让学生对“爷爷”和“爷爷”的信作一评价,讨论“爷爷”是个什么样的人。讨论“爷爷”的信的内容对戒烟的人是否有效,可以激活学生在读前部分学过的内容,以便对抽烟这一话题作深入讨论。练习3要求学生写一个劝告他人戒烟的提纲,不要超过五个句子。 Learning about Language词汇部分设置了三项练习。练习1是词语替换练习,练习2是短文填空,帮助理解和运用课文中所学的生词。练习3为词汇游戏。语法部分先通过到课文中找含有it的句子,让学生认识it的用法;然后,简单介绍it的用法:形式主语或宾语和表示“时间”、“距离”、“天气”等;最后通过改写句子操

11、练it的用法。第三项活动是对话角色扮演活动,要求在不同的语境中运用 “it”。 Using Language这部分综合运用听说读写的能力。“读和讨论”部分是一个介绍艾滋病毒和艾滋病的海报。听力材料是蒂娜和萨拉的一段对话,话题还是围绕与健康有关的活动。“写”的部分要求学生给想拒绝吸烟却遇到困难的李晓雷写封信,帮助他想想办法。教学内容整合建议:1 练习册中的Listening和Listening Task都是谈关于学生面对压力的问题,建议放在一起进行。在进行完第一个Listening后进行讨论,然后进行Listening Task.2 建议Writing的话题换成练习册中Speaking Task

12、的话题,写关于关注健康问题并给出合理的建议。Warming up and Reading词汇知识基础要求(可以通过教师讲授与学生自主探究相结合的方式落实重点词汇)1. alcohol n.(1) U drinks such as beer or wine that can make you drunk 含酒精饮料;酒eg. I dont drink alcohol anymore. alcohol abuse (=when someone drinks too much) 酗酒(2) U C the chemical substance in alcoholic drinks that can

13、 make you drunk, which is also used in other types of products 酒精eg. low alcohol drinks Wine usually contains about 10% alcohol.alcoholic adj. relating to alcohol or containing alcohol 酒精的;含酒精的opposite nonalcoholic eg. alcoholic drinksn. someone who regularly drinks too much alcohol and has difficul

14、ty stopping 酒鬼alcoholism n. the medical condition of being an alcoholic 酒精中毒2. abusen. (1) pl, Ucruel or violent treatment of someone 虐待eg. several cases of child abuse physical/sexual/child abuse She suffered years of physical abuse.(2) C U the use of something in a way that is wrong or harmful 滥用,

15、妄用 synonym misuseeg. government officials abuse of power 滥用职权alcohol/drug abuse (=the practice of drinking too much or taking illegal drugs)酗酒/嗜毒弹性要求:(3) U rude or offensive things that someone says when they are angry 辱骂shout/hurl/scream abuse at somebody 破口大骂,大声辱骂eg. The other driver started hurli

16、ng abuse at me. v. (1) to treat someone in a cruel and violent way, often sexually 虐待;性虐待sexually/physically abused eg. She was sexually abused as a child.(2) to deliberately use something for your own advantage or to use so much of sth that it harms your health 滥用,妄用eg. Williams abused his position

17、 as Mayor to give jobs to his friends.abuse alcohol/drugs 弹性要求:(3) to say rude or offensive things to someone 辱骂 synonym insulteg. Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.3. stressn. (1) C U pressure or worry caused by the problems in sbs life 精神压力,心理负担,紧张 see also straineg. Yo

18、ur headaches are due to stress.under stress 处于压力下Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.reduce/relieve stress 减少/释放压力Yoga is excellent for relieving stress.stress-related illness 与精神压力有关的疾病(2) C U the physical force or pressure on an object 物理压力eg. Shoes with high heels put a great

19、deal of stress on knees and ankles.弹性要求:(3) U the special attention or importance given to sth. 强调,重要性 synonym emphasisput/lay stress on something 关注,重视eg. I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality. (4) C U an extra force used when pronouncing a particular word or

20、syllable or extra force used when making a particular sound in music 重音;加强音eg. stress mark 重音符号弹性要求:v. (1) emphasize a fact, an idea, etc. 强调,着重eg. He stressed the importance of a good education. I must stress that everything Ive told you is secret. (2) to give extra force to a word or syllable when

21、 saying it 重读stressful: causing a lot of anxiety and worry 压力重的,紧张的eg. It was a very stressful time for all of us.stressed: (not before noun) too anxious and tired to be able to relax 焦虑不安eg. He was feeling very stressed and tried.4. adolescent n.C a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and

22、18, who is developing into an adult 青少年a. 青春期的 adolescent girlsadolescence U the time, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, when a young person is developing into an adult 青春期5. ban v. banned, banned, banningforbid sth. officially 禁止,取缔 synonym prohibit opposite alloweg. Smoking is banned in the b

23、uilding.ban somebody from doing something 禁止某人做某事eg. Charlies been banned from driving for a year.n. ( on sth.) an official rule that says that sth. is not allowed 禁令eg. There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.6. due a.(1) due to (prep): caused by sb./sth/; because of sb./sth. 由于,因为eg. T

24、he teams success was largely due to her efforts. Most of the problems were due to human error.(2) due to do sth./due for sth. : arranged or expected 预期,预计 eg. When is the baby due? 宝宝什么时候出世? My essay is due next Friday. Rose is due to start school in January. The bands first album is due for release

25、 later this month.(3) when a sum of money is due, it must be paid immediately 到期 eg. Payment is due on October. 付款期限为10月1日。弹性要求:(4) due to sb. : owed to sb. as a debt, because it is their right or because they have done sth to deserve it 应支付,应归于 eg. Have they been paid the money that is due to them?

26、 Our thanks are due to the whole team.7. tough a.(1) having or causing problems or difficulties 艰难的,棘手的eg. a tough childhood/match 苦难的童年/艰苦的比赛 It was a tough decision to make.have a tough time (of it) (=face a lot of difficult problems) eg. The family has had a tough time of it these last few months

27、. (2) very strict or firm 强硬的tough on/witheg. My mother was very tough on my sister. Its time to get tough with drunk drivers.8. addicted to(1) unable to stop taking harmful drugs or using or doing sth. as a habit 上瘾 eg. 50 million Americans are thought to be addicted to nicotine.(2) liking somethin

28、g so much that you do not want to stop doing it or having it 入迷eg. kids addicted to surfing the Net addict n. (1) a person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs 吸毒成瘾的人(2) a person who is very interested in sth. And spends a lot their free time on it 对.入迷的人addiction n. ( to sth.) the condition o

29、f being addicted to sth. 瘾;入迷9. accustom make yourself or another person become used to a situation or place 使习惯于accustom yourself to something 习惯于eg. It took a while for me to accustom myself to all the new rules and regulations.accustomed a. 习惯了的be accustomed to (doing) something 习惯于to be fam

30、iliar with something and accept it as normaleg. We were accustomed to working together. become/grow/get accustomed to something eg. Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark.10. withdrawal n.(1) C U the act of moving or taking sth. away or back 撤走,收回eg. the withdrawal of support/troops 撤销支持/撤军

31、the withdrawal of a product from the market 从市场上收回一种产品(2) U the period of time when sb. is getting used to not taking a drug that they have become dependent on, and the unpleasant effects of doing this 戒毒过程,脱瘾过程eg. I got withdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking. 脱瘾症状弹性要求:(3) U the act of no longer taking part in sth. Or being a member of an organization 退出eg. his withdrawal from the election(4) C the act of taking an amount of money out o

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