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1、成人高考英语真题2019年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试英 语木试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分 150分。考试时间150分钟。第I卷(选择题,共125分)I PhOnetiCS (5 POiITtS)DireCtiOnS:In each Of the following groups Of words, there are four UnderIined IetterS Or Ietter COmbinatiOnS marked A, B, C and D. COmPare the Underlined Parts and ide ntify the One th

2、at is different from the OtherS in PrOnUnCiatiOn. Mark your answer by blackening the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet.1.A.IandB.IambC.fatherD.Iadder2.A.ChalIengeB.CheaPC.ChoOSeD.CharaCter3.A.SWea tB.PIeaSeC.bea tD.meat4.A.rescueB.IeagUeC.PUrSUeD.argue5.A.actionB.SeCtiOnC.SOIUtionD. questionI

3、. Vocabulary and StrUCtUre ( 15 POints)DireCtions:There are 15 incomplete SentenCeS In thisSeCtiOn. FOr each SentenCe there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B,C and D ChOOSe One answer that best COmPIeteS the SentenCe and blacken the COrreSPOnding Ietter on the AnSWer Shee t.6. There no One to help me at

4、this moment, I need tohandle the WOrk all by myselfA.Be B. being C. to be D been7 Mary took a part-time job IaSt summer, but her ParentsWere UnhaPPy aboUt She didA.TheSe B. WhiCh C. that D. What8.I did not do WelI On the Writing exam, for the topie toWrite On WaS UnfanIiIiar me.A.TO B. for C. With D

5、. about9.I Can hardly distinguish the two girls, SinCe they IOOkquite A.Like B. UnIike C. alike D. IikeIy10.You, d better SPeak IOUdIy at the meeting everyoneCan hear youA. except thatB.SUCh thatC. in thatD.SO thatIL Peter WOUldStay at home watChing TV than goShOPPing With his momA.Rather B. quite C

6、. better D StilI12. By the time you :TetUlm in two years, your home town WilI_a new look.A.have taken On B. take OnC. have been taken On D be taken On 13 PIeaSe make SUre that your name is entered in the_SPaCe When you fill OUt this form.A.VaCant B. bare C. blank D. empty14.Reading aloud every day C

7、an be One Of the most WaySto ImPrOVe your SPOken EngIiShA.evident B. effective C. favorite D favorable15.If Peter had told his teacher about his difficuIty inmath homework, She him before the examA.helps B. WilI helpC. WOUld have helped D. WOUld help16.all the difficulties, the researcher COntinUed

8、herresearch17.The OrganiZerS Of the COnferenCe have arranged hotelrooms for those StUdents from OUt Of townA. to COme B. COme C. COIning D. to have COme18.The job applicant WaS WOrried about the interview he WaS WelI PrePared.A. if B. because C. When D. though19.It WaS SUggeSted that this hardworkin

9、g girl anexample for Other StUdentSA. be Set B. WilI be Set C. COUld be Set D. had been Set20.SinCe COmPUterS Were introduced, they to be USefUItools for PeOPIe Weak in mathA. had PrOVed B have PrOVedC.WilI PrOVe D. are PrOVingIIL CIOZe (30 POintS)theD ChOOSe the One answer by blackeningthere are fo

10、ur ChOiCeS marked A, B,C that is most SUitabIe and mark your the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet.We USe PaSSWOrdS e-mail, gaming sites, SOCiaInetWOrking SiteS , and Other ShOPPing sites. 22 ,the PaSSWOrdS most PeOPIe USe are not Very 23 andCan easily be “ broken by OtherS In fact, the most

11、COmOnIy USed PaSSWOrdS are SO SimPIe that it requires Very 24 effort to figure them OUt CarI you guess 25 the most COmmOnIy USed PaSSWOrdS are? They are: NameS Of baseball teams, bith dates Of a farmi1y 26 , the yearOf a SPeCiaI SPOrtS event, the random numbers Iike 156468, 27 the name Of a friend,

12、pet, favorite TV star, Or band There are PrOgrarmS 28 t o break into people S Online accounts. TheSe PrOgramS are 29 Of trying every WOrdin the EngIiSh dictionary and the dictionaries 30 many foreign languages, in their effort to break into an account. 31 Can even SearChWOrdS backward SOme WilI try

13、32 WOrdS OrWOrdS that are followed by numbers, _33_SChOOI222 TheSe PrOgramS Can test InilIiOnS Of PaSSWOrdS in a few minutes. So, you are advised to be CarefUI about 34 PaSSWOrdSSO that they WilI be hard to break YOU are also advised not to make them 35_hard to remember Meanwhile, you need to Change

14、them onee in a WhiIe21.A.toB. WithC. by D.for22.A.HOWeVerB. TherefOreC. MOreOVer D.BeSideS23.A.naturalB. SafeC. Strange D.CIear24.A.minorB. SmalIC. IttIe D.tiny25.A.whatB. WhOC. Where D.WhiCh26.A.figureB. memberC. CreatUre CIOSe asB. as good asC. as dear as WelI as28.A.formed

15、B. ShaPedC. COmPOSed D.designed29.A.typicalB. CaPabIeC. SUre D.t rue30.A.fromB. WithC. Of D.for31.A.TheyB. ItC. That D.ThOSe32.A.addedB. gatheredC. COmbined D.COlIeCted33.A.SUCh asB. except forC. as for Of34.A.IOCatingB. SearChingC. ChOOSing D.tracking35.A.ratherB. tooC. fat D.enoughIV.Reading

16、COmPrehenSiOn(60 POintS)DireCtiOnS: There are five reading PaSSageS in thisPart EaCh PaSSageis fllowed byfour questions.FOreach questionthere are fourSUggeSted answers marked A,B,Cand D. ChOOSe OnebeStanswer and blacken theCOrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet.PaSSage OneSOUnd SIeeP OCCUrS When O

17、ne S intermal CIOCk is regulated Cireadian rhythms (生理节奏)Can become COmPrOmiSed quite easily. Many PeOPIe With SIeeP troubles tend to Vary bedtimes TO avoid thi SCOmmOn problem, SIeeP SUffererS ShOUd go to bed and Wake UP at the Same time every day. TO help improve CrCadian rhythms , SUffererS ShOUl

18、d enjoy 15 IninUteS Of SUn exposure the first thing in the mormingA bed time :ToUtine Can help PreVe nt insmnia (失眠) One hour before betime, One ShOUd IOWer the IightS and relax Reading a book Or IiStening to CaIln music Can help PrePare the body for a night S SeeP Taking a warm, CandIeIit bath Or d

19、rinking a CUP Of WarnI IniIk Can also help you PrePare for deep SIeeP at nightStreSS CaiI have a bad efeet On the body and the abiIity to SeeP A daily exercise routine Can help IOWer the body, S StreSS natural1y. One Can also manage StreS by Writing diaris. Writing diaries Can help PeOPIe express th

20、eir anxieties, PIan for the futUre and improve SIeeP Othet WayS to IOWer StreSS include deep breathing exercises and PrOgreSSiVe muscle relaxation.The Iight Sending OUt from computers, CelIPhones, tablets and televisions CarI CaUSe SIeeP PrObIemS Therefore, these items ShOUld be turned Off at IeaSt

21、an hour before bedtime AdditinalIy , IOWering the backlight On these elect:TOniC devices earlier in the evening Can help you fall asleep faster and Stay asleep IOnger OnCe bedtime arrives.A PerfeCt bedroom invites SWeet SIeeP MOSt PeOPIe SIeeP better in a cool, dark, and quiet room. LOWer the temper

22、ature in the room to 16 20 degrees for a PeaCefUInights SIeePA dark room Carl be accomplished by installing Iight blocking CUrtainS Or Wearing a SIeeP mask NOiSe Can be reduced With either earplugs Or a White noise machine Finally, a COinfOrtabIe mattress (床 垫)and PilIOWS are essential to a good nig

23、ht S SIeeP36.What is the PaSSge mainly about?A.HOW to get a SOUnd SIeeP.B.HOW to IOWer body StreSSC.HOW to regulate intemal CIOCkSD.HOW to manage anxieties37.ACCording to ParagraPh 2, WhiCh Of the following may Iead to insomnia?A.Reading a book for relaxation before bedtime.B.LOWering IightS One hou

24、r before bedtimeC.Drinking SOme Warnl milk before bed time.D.LiStening to rock music before bedtime.38.What Can be done to reduce Stress?A.DOing exercise every dayB.Making PIanS for the futureC.Writing about your SIeeP PatternsD.Learning to hold your breath39.What is the PerfeCt COnditiOn for sleep?

25、A.A quiet room With flashing Iights.B.A bright room With White CUrtainSC.A COOI room With COmfOrtabIe PilIOWSD.A dark room With elect:TOniC devicesPaSSage TWOTOnl WaS aged four but he WaS talking Iike a two-year- old baby He WaS Saying SUCh things as “ kick ball and Want Car n , and USing IOtS Of on

26、eword SentenCeS He ShOUld have been Saying SOme really IOng Sentences and telling StOries With them. He WaSn, t. SOmething had gone trribly WrOngQUite a few Children have What is CalIed a “ IangUage delay,z. FOr SOme reason they don, t Iearn to SPeak as quickly as t hey ShOUld Their friends ShOOt ah

27、ead and they , re Ieft behind AS a resuIt, they get Very IOneIy. NObOdy wants to talk to you if you ca, t talk back.Carl anything be done to help these children? Yes. They CarI go to See a SPeeCh therapist- -a PerSOn Who S SPeCialIy trained to WOrk OUt what S WrOng and WhO knows how to teach IangUag

28、e to Children. ThiS is What happened to Tom. The SPeeh therpist PIayed SOme games With him and heard how he talked She made a recording Of his speech, and Chatted to his mom and dad about his background .They d taken TOnI to See a doctor, but the doctor had, t found anything WrOng With him. He Seeme

29、d Peretly normal in every Way- except he just WaSn talkingAfer TOm and his ParentS had gone home, the therapist IiStened CarefUlIy to the recording she d made Therl She IOOked at a Chart WhiCh ShOWed how IangUage developed in ChiIdren aged two, three, and four She COUld See TOnl WaS a IOng Way behin

30、dThe next step, She deided, WaS to teach TOm how to Say SOme new Sentences Iiken kick a red ball, ” andM the CIOWn is kicking a bal 1. ” TOnI didn t get the new SentenCeS right Straight away. But therapist WaS Very patient, and after a few more ViSit he Started to make PrOgreSS40.HOW did the author

31、IntrOdUCe the topic Of this passage?A.By describing grammar errors made by kidsB.By Sharing experiences Of SPeeCh therapistsC.By USing TOnf S CaSe as an exampleD.By Stating his PerSOnaI VieWS to readers41.What Carl be infered from the PaSSage aboUt IangUage delay ?A.It CarI be PreVented by doctorsB.It is SeIdOnI found among Chil

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